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Feb 15, 2003

Voted most likely to be tied to train tracks 2007 - 2008
Slippery Tilde

Pinwiz11 posted:

e: Oh, and there's a new Alaska video:

Alaska's videos are so loving great.


Feb 15, 2003

Voted most likely to be tied to train tracks 2007 - 2008
Slippery Tilde

sonatinas posted:

Drag Race would be just as good of a show if it was as nice as British Bake Off; however, people want their drama...

Every time they say "Good luck, and start baking" I expect to hear "Good luck, and don't gently caress it up". Really, more shows should just use that since it perfectly encapsulates reality competition.

Feb 15, 2003

Voted most likely to be tied to train tracks 2007 - 2008
Slippery Tilde
Woof, that was tough to watch. I absolutely cannot stand that argument of "That's just how I feel, am I not allowed to have feelings?!" in response to talking poo poo. It's the new "just my opinion"/"just telling it like it is". Girl, no; if you're going to be a bitch then own it. I don't wish any harm to Phi Phi but I am so loving glad she's off my screen.

That LSFYL was glorious, I never thought that I'd be so happy to have Tatianna back.

Feb 15, 2003

Voted most likely to be tied to train tracks 2007 - 2008
Slippery Tilde
Finally watched the latest episode and I cannot believe Roxxxy is still in the game. Compare her commercial to Coco's talent show act - they're pretty much the same thing, only one of them got sent home for it. Also, it cannot be overstated how bland and useless Todrick Hall is as a judge. I feel like he ran out of salient points to make around episode 1 and now his contractually obligated second of screen-time each episode is some variation of "But I love what you're wearing!"

Feb 15, 2003

Voted most likely to be tied to train tracks 2007 - 2008
Slippery Tilde
It is incomprehensible to me that Roxxxy is still in the competition. Seriously, 5/7 episodes she has been up for elimination. It doesn't make her look bad, but god does it make Alaska and Detox look bad. The editing on this episode was such that I honestly can't judge the runways too much. I think the voguing showed up for maybe 30 seconds on screen. Did Alyssa deserve to go home? I don't think so, but at least she gave a loving great exit interview. I hope she does well off of appearing in this season.

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