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Deus Ex Macklemore
Jul 2, 2004

Zelensky's Zealots
I thought it was nice of Ru to point out that none of the rest of the queens were judged for the accuracy of their historical look. Roxxy came out and the first thing my wife said was "She doesn't look like Eva". I didn't bother to check but I'm also pretty sure Annie Oakley didn't dress like that either.

Katya was doomed from the beginning.


Deus Ex Macklemore
Jul 2, 2004

Zelensky's Zealots
Phi Phi is a talented queen who needs to take a good look at how she presents herself to other people. I don't like her but I don't want to be violent against her or want her to die at all.

I just want her to go somewhere else. And of all the queens who have graced the stage, I'm not sure what qualifications she had to be an "All Star" outside of exactly what she has brought to this season which is controversy/ratings.

Deus Ex Macklemore
Jul 2, 2004

Zelensky's Zealots
There's no edit in walking past someone trying to give you a hug. Makes me wonder how much else was truly "edited" to make her look bad.

Best episode in a long time.

Deus Ex Macklemore
Jul 2, 2004

Zelensky's Zealots

Millie posted:

Godfuckingdamnit Phi Phi. I still love her but she needs a PR person, a filter, a sieve, a therapist ...something.


Deus Ex Macklemore
Jul 2, 2004

Zelensky's Zealots
I don't know if it's been covered here or not but apparently PhiPhi quit drag entirely now. For real this time.

Deus Ex Macklemore
Jul 2, 2004

Zelensky's Zealots
A simple and elegant "I don't think I got a fair edit on the show but I wish everyone there luck. Looking forward to working with my sisters in the future." and then DROP IT would have probably been a more positive spin than "I didn't get a very good edit...AND ALSO loving ETC ETC ETC" for two weeks straight. At some point the high road is definitely the right answer.

On the other hand, here we are still talking about her so

Deus Ex Macklemore
Jul 2, 2004

Zelensky's Zealots
I think Alaska is keeping Roxxy around because she knows she can beat her. That HAS to be it.

Deus Ex Macklemore
Jul 2, 2004

Zelensky's Zealots
I'd pay money to see Alyssa or Katya but not those other three. I know my money doesn't mean much but that was all very...unattractive of Alaska.

I mean, I'm not going to post death threats on their Twitter pages but I'm not a fan of them anymore.

Deus Ex Macklemore
Jul 2, 2004

Zelensky's Zealots

CHiRAL posted:

You are all traitors :argh:

Paypal me ten grand and I'll change my vote

Deus Ex Macklemore
Jul 2, 2004

Zelensky's Zealots
Please disregard this...I'm a maroon

Deus Ex Macklemore
Jul 2, 2004

Zelensky's Zealots
I'm in agreement with everyone else in regard to Bianca's Special. It was charming for a bit but yeah...her strong point is definitely more Don Rickles than, say, most other comics. I felt the same way about Hurricane Bianca. I wasn't expecting a lot and I was still disappointed in everything except Rachel Dratch, Willam and Shangela. And normally I don't like either of those queens.


Deus Ex Macklemore
Jul 2, 2004

Zelensky's Zealots
Walk into the room meatdress first

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