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Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005


spite house posted:

My bet's on coming off something. Might be coupled with other real-life poo poo, and probably is, but the second she showed up in the first ep I thought she'd acquired a monkey backpack of some kind. She looked awful and twitchy and glazed-eyed in a really distinctive way, also that meltdown just reeked of loadie rationalization -- thinking you can stay clean for something you really want to do, realizing it's not possible, hitting the wall, feeling anxious and weepy and desperate and grasping at anything to get out. This isn't based on any gossip I've heard, but I've seen a LOT of this sort of thing and that meltdown was textbook.

Again, hope I'm wrong.

Her face. If be willing to bet that she hasn't gained that much weight but rather, that's coke bloat.



Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005


Stoat posted:

Ru hates Courtney after she didn't follow the WoW official line on shemail gate


Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005

I went to a show/competition Bianca hosted a couple years back, and it included a drag king that made me feel feelings that scared and confused me. Additionally, an old childhood friend of mine rocks the drag king thing pretty dang hard back out east. I think he's trans, but as Ru said the one time that came up, that doesn't loving matter, nor should it.

I'm really disappointed that the more I hear from and about Ru, the more of a d-bag he sounds like. The tone-deafness of that parting comment in the video astounds me. Like, no, Ru, having a girl dress up and perform manly doesn't detract from the irony in nearly the same way that having a dude saying "females don't belong here" does. Christ, even Dana White came down off from his misogynistic horse, eventually.

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005


criscodisco posted:

I just like to watch the fun show with the glamorous ladies and spend an hour not worrying about who hasn't been invited to the party.

That's kind of my point. I like the show and it seems best to isolate it from the auxiliary drama.

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005

The one I mentioned in the contest Bianca hosted, he did a sultry manly number as he worked his way down a staircase, like a skinny Don Draper.

I really wanted to compliment him but felt too shy. At the bar a bit later, somebody else complimented him and he looked so genuinely touched that I felt bad for being such an awkward goon about it.

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005

Yeah, but rumor has it that her ex spoiled the boot list, and we all know that they film finale wins for all three queens, so further rumor has it that she would have won, but now cannot.

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005


Nihonniboku posted:

Do we know if there will be a live finale for All-Stars 2? Season 4 was the first to do a live finale after the winners of season 2 and 3 were leaked beforehand, but All-Stars 1 had a traditional finale.

The bootlist had a top three without a specified winner. Now that the series is actually airing I don't want to go and check it for accuracy, but iirc it's been on point so far.

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005


Mouse Dresser posted:

That was a pretty fantastic episode. Lil Poundcake is the greatest return to television!

I also absolutely loved the reveal of the eliminated queens behind the mirror. I was wondering when they were going to bring them back.

Agreed on all points.


(but the way they revealed the twist to the living contestants was seriously inspired)

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005


SlaveToTheGrinds posted:

Someone tell me what the revenge twist is please. Can't watch until a week or two from now. Dying to know.

When the queens went back into the workroom phiphi chatted about who she would have eliminated (Alyssa) and why. After all that shade, the eliminated queens were revealed to have been listening behind a double sided mirror (the one they'd all written their lipstick goodbye messages on).

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005


curiousTerminal posted:

I think all stars 1 and season 4 were a bit different. Season 4 (as told by willam) was heavily skewed in Sharon's favor from the beginning via producer bullshit. But Ru wanted Chad, so he set up All Stars to have an excuse to give a crown to him.

Oh girl, stop making me salivate all over Willam's soon-to-be-free of NDA tell-all extravaganza :allears:

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005


A God drat Ghost posted:

Why isn't Alaska getting any decent confessionals? Seems like she has not had almost any screen time in the talking head segments. I don't get the sense that I know her personality as much this season, even though she's bringing it to the challenges and runway, and I think that's why.

Speculation based on melodrama:

The rumor that Alaska's bitter ex spoiled the boot list might have something to do with a less-visible edit

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005

I'm not sure how you can say that about a series that literally started this season by opening the library.

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005

Okay, the Great Drag Race Bake Off/Baking Show is now a challenge I need in my life. Thanks for making me sad that it will never happen.

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005

Ginger was just catty and mean to people. Shade is one thing but it's not supposed to be hateful.

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005

Somebody remind me: who was it that literally picked up and carried the other queen during the lsfyl?

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005

I think it's fairly obvious that production tells Ru who chose whose lipstick. I'd expect nothing less of this inherently fair and balanced competition program.

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005

Don't go chasing 90's pop groups, please stick to the tucking and the shade like you used to~

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005


garthoneeye posted:

I found Tati's behind the scenes elimination really enjoyable to watch, she seems to have exactly the right attitude.

Videos like this make me question my sexuality, and I'm not even sure what I'm questioning about it.

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005


endolithic posted:

Also WoW's #teamkatya post now has 8.3K retweets and 9.7 hearts. :lol:

12k/15k as of now, and not a single other queen has broken 1000 in either metric.

This might be the best part of that episode.

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005

:siren: BREAKING NEWS :siren:

Alaska finally got over 1000 likes!!!!

Katya has 20x that.

Katya mentioned having filmed the reunion already in that TLo interview. Do we have any idea if it's still the case that they filmed all possible crowns? This will either be hilarious, or...


Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005




Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005

I dunno guys, that whole thing made me go :3: which I'm sure was the point, but hell if it wasn't effective. Gotta love a reunion special worth watching.

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005


shadow puppet of a posted:

The upside here is that we know through Willam that Todrick is two faced as gently caress


Not that I have any trouble believing this.

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005

I have want to get that reward to go to Pig & Whistle in Hollywood with him. Conversation will never veer away from him ripping on the name of the place.


Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005

So I thought Sasha Velour seemed awfully familiar, but some of the details didn't match up. Lo and behold, Velour is a new name and I met her under something different in a very small town. We had mutual friends; I never saw her perform, but she's lovely on a personal level so I'm just going to go ahead and be an irrational fan.

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