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  • Locked thread
Jul 30, 2004



Jul 30, 2004

Infinitum fucked around with this message at 22:46 on Oct 29, 2016

Jul 30, 2004

I am Alley Cat, The strongest cat!

Jul 30, 2004

Jul 30, 2004

OK jokephase over

This is a very serious Asiina game and I expect you all to behave accordingly.

Jul 30, 2004

Jul 30, 2004

Every post must now be accompanied by a cat gif or you will be voted off the island.

Jul 30, 2004

BottleKnight posted:

You are aware that, if you are town, this is not good play for your alignment, correct?

You think this is a loving game?!

##vote BottleKnight

Jul 30, 2004

Lot of people not posting cat gifs alongside their posts.


Jul 30, 2004

derp posted:

h... help help me, im becoming... DISINGENUOUS


Jul 30, 2004


##vote derp

Jul 30, 2004

Says the man with cat in everyone of his posts :colbert:

Jul 30, 2004

It's D1 so I can understand jokey votes and throwing votes around willy nilly, but what I can't understand is why would you throw treats around so casually.
I think they're going to be a big part of the game and to treat them frivolously would be a mistake, especially if it started momentum on it with "Eh gently caress it" style treating.

So a question to the people that have given FL a treat..

Anomalous Amalgam posted:

Meooowww~! Busy today. I'll catch up tonight after homework. ##treat FL

this is a stickup posted:

another game day ended before I even woke up

you're all trying to turbo asap. kind of rude honestly. ##treat fl for being the meow of reason

Jul 30, 2004

What would happen if we all had 1 treat each at the end of the day, would we all get something good :nyoron:

It's a good and a bad thing though, as the person who gets the treat at the end of the day will potentially be the night kill target, and if they aren't will have to explain themselves the next day (Though there is a potentially a Doctor for this very reason)
It's an interesting mechanic to say the least.

Jul 30, 2004

BottleKnight posted:

It's not really odd if people are just being casual with their treats, though?

It is IF they are on the same scum team and wish to claim the treat prize for themselves, so casual flippant responses like "he has a cat avatar" should be raising eyebrows.

Most players may see a vote leader for the treats and just toss them that way out of apathy.

All I'm saying is the treats are the hook to this game and we should be giving them out cautiously instead of casually

Jul 30, 2004

Just treats.

Don't know how powerful they are, but Asiina says we want our teams to have them. So I'd much rather we reach a consensus on treats at the end of the day, rather than just tossing them out there.
I think it will add an extra layer of scum hunting to the game to see who favours who with their treats.

Jul 30, 2004

Anomalous Amalgam posted:

Why game the mod about treats. I think using it as a utility to scum hunt is kind of bunk, or rather will prove to be bunk.

Says the man who gave his treat out because "he had a cat avatar" :colbert:

Flying Leatherman posted:

I'm not advocating not discussing treat picks, but this level of concern two days before deadline seems forced.

Sorry for taking Asiina's Super Serious Game No Laughing Mafia super seriously and actually having an opinion :colbert:

Jul 30, 2004

Anomalous Amalgam posted:

Seriously though, using your own meta to defend yourself? And one vote by me ruffles your feathers? Hmmmm... Meoowww, how curious.

Cats don't have feathers

Scum found

(Agree with you RE:CPig)

Jul 30, 2004

##vote cpig

Jul 30, 2004

14 hours until lynch.

Imma go to bed and hopefully CPig will already be lynched when I wake up

Jul 30, 2004

Just woke up. That's why I haven't been saying anything. I'm in Australia people.
Catching up on thread.

Gonna feed my dogs, and then I'll finish up a case post I'm making.

tl;dr version is CPig+AA are scum at the very least.

Jul 30, 2004

Right then.

First and foremost, I know that when I play mafia I'm usually always strong point of contention due to my play style. I'm boisterous, opinionated, and a gigantic sarcastic arsehole. A lot of times I'll say something D1 that someone will latch onto, and my words will get spun into whatever narrative scum wants to run with.
That's fine, I know this.
That's how the game is played.

So what if I dangled a tantalising little fishy on a hook just before I went to bed?

Infinitum posted:

14 hours until lynch.

Imma go to bed and hopefully CPig will already be lynched when I wake up

Look at that.
It's such an ambiguously provocative statement, how could you NOT react to it as scum?
That's your spin doctor bread and butter right there.
"Holy poo poo Infinitum said something dumb, better jump right the gently caress on that one"

And guess what? They took the bait.

CapitalistPig posted:

##vote inf

every other vote on me at least tried to have a reason.

I did have a reason, and I stated it before. I agreed with AA's case on CPig

Anomalous Amalgam posted:

I think that operating as if we know how the treats work is a bad idea is all. I should specify that trying to infer motive from treats right now is probably a bad idea and that scum can use this added mechanic to look like they are contributing when they aren't and are instead mitigating heat that would build on them, in fact yeah... I think I see what pig is getting at with infinitum and your post reaffirms the notion I'm trying to express.

Inf used mechanic discussion to appear active then made a noncommittal me too vote.

That's the scummiest behavior ITT so far.

##vote infinitum

Then in swoops AA.
Suddenly the man who was giving out treats with no good logic behind it, and had cased CPig for being non-commital can see the scumminess in my post? Both CPig and AA know I'm an intelligent player, KNOW how much I love making cases, and they KNOW I'd never just pop down a Me-2 vote without having my reasons.

"But Inf. Wasn't AA voting for CPig?" I hear you ask?
Yes, but take a look at the posts in context. Cpig votes for me, and then AA joins in IMMEDIATELY afterwards.
As I said it was meant to be a provocative post to draw scum in.

All I'm seeing is AA bussing CPig early game for Town Cred, as CPig was at the time the likeliest lynch candidate, and then IMMEDIATELY jumping on whatever case his scumbro could make.



AA+CPig scum
AA bussed CPig early for town cred
Both took bait I left hook line and sinker.

Of the 2, CPig is a more difficult read and would prefer him gone today. (All of his posts are "This is a stupid vote" or "I agree with this" nonsense)
It will be easier to read AA later.

##vote CPig

Jul 30, 2004

King Burgundy posted:

I like your case Inf. Would vote.

Tell me what you think about Jimson?

I think it's an excellent catch on the treat.

It's D1, you hardly know anything about anyone, you've got this treat mechanic floating about, and you decide to give your treat to someone you previously voted for?
100% doesn't add up.

Would vote Jimson as well.
Like we're in a good position D1 here as we've got a couple of really good lynch candidates.

Good job.
##treat King Burgundy

Jul 30, 2004

CapitalistPig posted:

Lmao this is horrible reasoning. First of all you were the only vote on me that didn't have a reason. Just a contentless vote that is scummy. You act like you have this masterstroke case that amounts to poo poo (because you are wrong) writing lots of words doesn't make you right. You dropped a lovely me too vote on me and I called you out on it and now to act like the puppet master. And kb, I'm embarrased for you that you fell for it.

Oh look CPig is calling someone stupid and idiotic for voting for him again.

I've never seen that before.

Jul 30, 2004

Jimmy Hats posted:

Kb and inf should jerk eachother off more and maybe cum swap back and forth imo

$50 and you can watch baby

Jul 30, 2004

CapitalistPig posted:

First of all you were the only vote on me that didn't have a reason.

I did have a reason.

If you actually read my post instead of going with a kneejerk "THIS POST IS STUPID AND YOU'RE STUPID IF YOU BELIEVE IT" you'd see that I agreed with the initial casing by AA, and then put down a single vote followed by the statement to draw you in.
And you fell for it.

This post just confirms my suspicions of you all the more mate.
You didn't even bother reading the case I made against you.

Jul 30, 2004

CapitalistPig posted:

Except neither of those words were used in the post you quoted?

You know what an adjective is, right mate?


Jul 30, 2004

I'm honestly fine with either CPig of Jimbo.
My preference is on CPig mainly due to the fact how easily he took the bait.

I've got some housework to do, but I'll be about to vote either of them.

Hell we could split the difference and vote AA. I'd be fine with that as well.

Jul 30, 2004

Anomalous Amalgam posted:

So anyone but you? I've nothing to hide. I'm the good kitty.

Such a perfect Catch 22 political reporter question :allears:

"Why yes, anyone but me is perfect" "AHA so you admit that you're hiding something"
"Why sure vote for me, I've got nothing to hide." "AHA so you admit that voting for you is a good vote"

Jul 30, 2004

CapitalistPig posted:

we are hosed for time so you vote the person who only had 1 vote over inf, the vote leader?

So you're pushing for my lynch on a case I just systematically ripped apart by revealing the honeypot? :allears:

Jul 30, 2004

CapitalistPig posted:

it isn;'t the slam dunk you seem to think it is vizzini.

So you admit I have a valid point against you, but it's just not a valid 'slam dunk' point? :allears:

Jul 30, 2004

Except I completely explained it in full.

You know my playstyle, you called me out on a ME-2 vote which is something I never do, and then I explained exactly what the post you jumped on was.
It was bait and you took it hook line and sinker.

Jul 30, 2004

Jul 30, 2004

You all ignored my CPig case, which was the right lynch yesterday.

##vote CPig

Also want to hear from AA. He knows what I'm talking about.

Jul 30, 2004

Infinitum posted:

Also want to hear from AA. He knows what I'm talking about.

I'm giving you one chance to come clean.

I know what you did mate.

Jul 30, 2004

Actually gently caress it. It's a small game. My party starts in 2 hours and I don't want him to lie his arse out of this one.
I called CPig+AA out for being scum yesterday.
My case on CPig is solid, and I told you all that AA was pushing CPig for early town cred only

I am a Self Watching Bodyguard.

I am informed when someone visits me.
Last night Anomalous Amalgam visited me.
He was the ONLY person to visit me.

:siren: I protected King Burgundy last night and got a success :siren:
If my bodyguard target is killed, I die instead of them.


:siren: Anomalous Amalgam is a scum redirector :siren:
Otherwise I would have died last night instead of KB.


##vote Anomalous Amalgam

CPig+AA are scum.

Jul 30, 2004

Jul 30, 2004

Anomalous Amalgam posted:

I bubbles am a tracker like bobbles, my mason copy and watched inf visit KB and no one else.


Jul 30, 2004

I'll be out from pretty much now. So I won't be able to respond to any scum accusations that I was the one that killed KB.

You either believe me or you don't.
If you're playing with me in other games atm, you know I'm a straight shooter and I've been on absolute fire with my callouts lately.

I swear on me sexy sexy beard that AA+Cpig are scum.

If you want to lynch scum, lynch AA.
If you want to lynch me, a sexy as hell town bodyguard, that's your choice. I just won't be about to argue against it cause I'm getting drunk as a skunk this arvo

Enjoy your day lads :toot:


Jul 30, 2004

Anomalous Amalgam posted:

Inf you devious Bastard. When I die they would know the truth of your treachery. I am a humble cat whose reflection has died. Infinitum is a filthy liar, a wolf in cat's clothing. Hang him.

##vote inf.

When you die you're going to flip scum, so I think I can live with myself mate.

  • Locked thread