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Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum
Has someone made some sort of effortpost of "best stuff you can get at costco"?

I'm trying to lose weight and mostly succeeding. The chicken ramen bowls and chicken teriyaki bowls are good for filling meals that are only about 400 calories. The kirkland protein bars are good. my ranking is:

1: chocolate chip cookie dough
2: cookies and cream
3: peanut butter chunk
4: chocolate brownie

But there's a massive gap between 3 and 4 i.e. the peanut butter chunk is fine and the chocolate brownie is loving grim, and you can only buy 1+4 together or 2+3 together so I always buy 2+3.

Apart from that we make smoothies with the vitamix using greek yoghurt/frozen fruit/raw spinach that we get from costco and those are about 330 calories each and have a ton of fruit in them. The egg bites are really great for feeding children, too.

edit: also, what fruit is good this time of the year? I think the nectarines are really great right now, and the apples are very not-good.

redreader fucked around with this message at 21:40 on Jul 31, 2020


Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum

Gaius Marius posted:

Nuts are a terrible idea if your losing weight

I get the big tins of peanuts and eat an ounce at a time. It's quite filling, actually! Only 85 calories so that's fine IMHO. I also have a snickers sometimes and that's not much more filling, and 250 calories. Even the protein bars are something like 220, so yeah peanuts are fine. Just don't eat an entire cup of them or something.

SirPablo posted:

Cauliflower rice

Costco sells this as an actual product? I don't have to boil the cauliflower then shred it, or shred it and then steam it or however you're supposed to prepare it? Googling it, it looks like a frozen product? I'll give it a go, thanks.

redreader fucked around with this message at 01:10 on Aug 1, 2020

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum

priznat posted:

Trying the first instacart costco order which will rock because god drat costco is always crazy busy and I hate going now.

What’s the usual tip rate people do?

Watch out because instacart seems to force the buyer/deliverer person to substitute anything for anything else regardless of how accurate or more expensive the substitution is: (we were out of cheap pork, we got you 1000 lobsters instead!) You could end up getting something unsuitable. I think there's an option in your order for 'no subtitutions' for each item but I'm not sure how to do that. I used instacart at the start of the pandemic then it stopped working, there were no more deliveries available any more (SF bay area) and all of the appointments that WERE available were about 2 weeks out. But I couldn't book them because I didn't log in and check at the correct time every day whenever it was that they opened up (I don't know when they reopen bookings)

When the instacart person is shopping they will ask you via text or the app or something 'do you want this instead?' and they're allowed or encouraged to make those decisions themselves.


bob dobbs is dead posted:

its actually p rare to save money w costco wo a bigass family

My #1 costco tip is to buy a chest freezer. This allows you to buy a ton of frozen crap in bulk that you can then eat gradually over time.

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum
It's not available in Costco, but try buying South African style biltong if you want something like jerky but better. It's not sweet, and it's made with beef. There are various sellers on Amazon, Brooklyn biltong is a good company. They also sell droewors (dried sausage) and they're both way better than jerky imo.

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum
Anyone got an avocadoes tip? I bought a bag at costco this week and put them in a brown paper bag. In my experience they're too hard or rotten apart from one random day.

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum
My wife went yesterday and got a bunch of those shoyu ramens which are amazing, also gently caress cooking when it's 90+ degrees in the house. On that note she also got those frozen greek yoghurt bar things, a fudge and a mint choc chip. They taste identical to ice cream, 100 calories, and contain some protein.

I got a 4-pack of pork roasts (uncooked) a couple of months ago and chucked them in the freezer, I defrosted some and made pulled pork in the slow cooker then chucked it in the oven to crisp, so that worked well too. The three-packs of pork ribs are also great, I unpack them and freeze them separately then defrost them and do them in the oven whenever I feel like it. Our kid loves the egg bites, and the peaches and nectarines are great this time of year.,

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum
I've got a p100 3m half respirator from the california wildfires a couple of of years ago. Since they're still happening now and because of the virus, I would like to wear that to costco. It has one of those outflow vents, I can fit a surgical mask over it which I did when I went to cvs yesterday. I ask because, a friend of mine was saying costco was making people tape over the 3m respirator outflow valves. I would be covering the valve with a surgical mask. Is that good enough? Has anyone seen anything like this at their local costco? I tried to find a picture of someone wearing a surgical mask over a p100 and I couldnt find one.

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum
I don't want to tape over the outflow valve. My friend who has been going to costco says that costco makes you tape over the outflow valve. I am asking if wearing a second mask covering the valve would be good enough, or if they will still make me tape over the valve.

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum

Propaganda Machine posted:

Can they even see it under the other mask?

yeah it's hard to hide!

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum
I just went and wore a normal mask like a normal person, as one goon suggested. I forgot to put on my normal glasses so I'm wearing my prescription sunglasses inside like a celebrity or weirdo. You can also see where I sewed a wire onto my cat hair covered mask.

Anyway, Chicken ramen, 4 different kinds of protein bars/snacks, more yasso greek yoghurt bars, a chicken, 2 loaves of bread, more chicken ramen, some frozen fruit/fage 0%/spinach for smoothies, and they had some prepared lamb legs for roasting! Lamb's the best so that should be good.

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum
I had the chipotle and it was ok I suppose. I put it on chicken and rice, and then the rest of it went off and I threw it away.

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum

astral posted:

That Kirkland Signature frozen pizza that comes in a 4pack was surprisingly good; thanks for the recommendation, Costco thread. They only had Four Cheese, so when this gets finished in a couple months I'll try the Pepperoni one next.

we always have some costco four cheese in the fridge. The only other frozen pizza I think is good is the target 'archer farms' brand, which is nice and thin.

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum
Is it possible to freeze steaks without loving them up, if you don't have a vacuum sealer? We have large and small ziploc bags.

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum
If you like the chicken sausages, the "Aidell's Chicken meatballs: teriyaki and pineapple" are at least as good, I think better.

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum
we got a showerhead-sort-of bidet (it's a hose with a sprayer that runs from the sink and hangs up next to the toilet) so we'll live without tp. We don't have to like it but we can deal.

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum
I'm free all day, what is the best time to go to costco in the range 11:30am - 3pm? I assume 11:30-1 would be bad because of the lunch rush, or is there no such thing? Is it just 'earlier is better'? I'm in the bay area if that means anything.

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum

Fartington Butts posted:

I always get there right near opening, but the one I got to in San Jose has a real lovely parking lot so that's mostly the reason way.

Senter or Coleman? I'm probably going to Senter today.

edit: ok thanks I'll use the bar chart. I looked at it for Trader Joe's a week or two ago and it said 'as busy as it gets' and there was no line and they let me right in. But maybe because TJ's is so small and the line goes around the block past other shops it confused google? Costco is just costco so it's probably more accurate.

edit 2: yeah mild variations with 12 being worse than 11 or 1 but so mild, I'll just go when I'm ready.

redreader fucked around with this message at 20:35 on Dec 3, 2020

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum
They were selling 12-packs of tp when I went today, that's a lot less then the 36-packs I always see. Also got some keto chocolate and caramel frozen lollipops. Avoid.

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum

SirPablo posted:

The frozen cauliflower rice is great too. Throw it in a pot, cook out the moisture, boom solid base for a meal.


Gaius Marius posted:

I never understood people's obsession with trying to make one food another. Cauli rice sucks, Zucchini noodles suck, Tufurkey is god awful. Make loving roasted Cauli, Zucchini bread, or Mapo Tofu. You can make 'em good but not if your trying to make them something else


ShowTime posted:

So many opinions about the cauliflower rice. It's cauliflower boys and girls. And it's frozen. Face it, you aren't eating cauliflower rice for the flavor, you are eating it because you don't want to stuff a bunch of calories down your face. It's good for that reason. It doesn't require buying a head of cauliflower, mincing it and cooking it yourself.


With a strict calorie budget you can get eat a lower % of carbs if you use cauliflower rice instead of rice, and about 130 calories fewer as part of a meal vs rice., that's about as filling. It certainly isn't as nice as rice but it's amazing for what it's actually for. I love it.

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum
Going today for my Christmas shopping trip. Is there anything there that I could get as gifts for my wife? Is there like, a gifts section?

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum
Thanks for the non-serious and serious replies. I might get her that blanket. I just don't want to do a ton of loving around and browsing while I'm there, because of covid.

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum
I like kitchen stuff. She doesn't use the kitchen much at all.

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum

luchajones posted:

So I finally tried that jamon ham with the family. Not worth it. Not at all.

Sorry, this has been stewing in my head for a while, it's time to get it out:

Costco: I hope you like Jamon too

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum
+1 'it sucks that the protein bars have changed' but I find myself liking the pure protein ones more. With the costco ones you needed to buy peanut butter chocolate chunk / cookies and cream, or chocolate/cookie dough, and the chocolate ones tasted so gross I always got the pb/cookies+cream ones. The peanut butter ones are ok but get old fast, by which I mean you get sick of them. Similarly for pure protein, they come in a pack with 3 flavours and two are genuinely good tasting but the 'chocolate deluxe' is borderline gross. At this point I just take one from the box without looking and hope it's not a chocolate deluxe. I like chocolate IRL but this is not chocolate. The pure protein are good for a meal substitute.

The 'kirkland chewy protein bars' taste so, so good, but I think they're a lot closer to a candy bar. They're a legitimate treat. I haven't checked the macros recently but they're too nice to be good for weight loss, I'm just assuming.

I got some quest bars from safeway or something and they're very bland and I'd rate them as above pure protein's chocolate deluxe and kirkland's peanut butter chocolate chunk, but that's about it. Not great tasting.

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum
I got a 4-pack of costco margharita thin crust pizzas and I've burned them twice. The edge is so thin that at the recommended temp etc they burn. Nothing else burns in my oven, which is actually known for undercooking stuff so yeah these pizzas are bad. It's not terrible, but I've had to cut the crust off both times I made them, and the middle is as hot as it should be, not overdone. I'll watch them better the next two I cook but I'll also never buy them again.

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum
About the thin crust pizzas burning: they do ok if you put them in a cookie tray instead of straight on the rack (I admit I didn't read the instructions closely enough to see if that was recommended). Pity I only figured it out by pizza 4 of 4.

About the bibigo dumplings: the six-packs are way better than the small individual ones which come in a big bag, and don't come with sauce. One 6-pack is good for a lightish meal, they come with sauce, they're great. I got a big pack of the small ones a while ago, like 3 months, and I still have half the bag. I'm the only person in the family who eats them.

Bitchin' sauce:

Pennywise the Frown posted:

I couldn't get close to finishing one before I threw it out. I also wasn't a huge fan. It was good of course, but not as great as everyone said it was.

Seconded. I thought it was okay, I suppose, whatever. My wife didn't like it either and she normally likes that kind of thing. I had a chipotle tub. I tried it on rice and chicken, and various other ways. We had the chipotle version but I think that's all costco had.

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum
I got to costco once when the parking lot was full, and one space was left and it was full of carts, which weren't even properly 'stacked' together. I got to it as someone dumped their cart there, and I got out and shouted at them (pre-covid) and they walked away smiling. I pushed them all together, put them out of the space, parked in the space, and walked the carts all back to a cart rack thing. Some people can go to hell.

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum

Nickoten posted:

Noticed this thread and figured I’d check in to say, if it hasn’t already been said, that the Ajinomoto Yakitori fried rice is a good buy. Japanese-style fried rice that microwaves for three minutes and has a lot of stuff in it. Tastes surprisingly good. Throw some lao gan ma on it.

Ajinomoto’s frozen yakisoba is not quite on the same level unfortunately.

Hah! I was thinking about posting about this since I first had some on Sunday, and was about to read the thread, check my freezer for the exact name, and post but you beat me to it.

We all got sick of the teriyaki frozen bowls a year or two ago because they were so good and we ate a bunch of them. I loved the shoyu ramen too. We discovered this stuff this weekend and it's so nice! it tastes great, one bag is a good meal for a single person (6 bags, 7 servings it says) and it's not too much that it makes you feel gross or anything. kids love it, it's got veggies, rice and meat, a+. "Yakitori chicken with Japanese-style fried rice".

Our costco has no orange chicken though.

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum
I just keep the cheese in a Ziploc bag and cut off a section of each side of it gets stinky. There's never visible mold. After you do that, change the Ziploc bag.

But you can't post that without telling us the whole story now!

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum
Don't use a spot remover in a rented property. I did so and when I moved out they charged me for a carpet replacement due to weird spots on floors. This is after I had a similar problem elsewhere, so I said to this place "I'll get it steam cleaned before I move out" and they said "no, we will, for free" and then they didn't and charged me for having done spot cleaning, lol.

In my defense, I was new in the USA and didn't know how much people love to extract every last cent from you / how hosed up consumer protection laws are here (nonexistent apart from credit card fraud stuff)

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum

canyoneer posted:

My favorite is when they charge the outgoing tenant for carpet replacement and then just don't replace the carpet for the next guy.

I am 100% sure they did this.

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum
Before the pandemic I was cooking and eating lots of those Trader Joe's marinated meats (bulgogi beef, pollo asado, lamb, steak tips). Does costco have anything similar? I just found the bulgogi last time I ordered and it was great but fairly sweet, and meat+rice is a weight-loss-while-lifting meal for me. Does anyone buy massive bits of meat and cut them up + freeze them? What do you recommend for that?


Gaius Marius posted:

Someone should tell the italians they aren't making real food

poisonpill posted:

Tell that to my uncle Linguini Del Mar who came over from Sicily so we took him to the Olive Garden

I know someone from New York who insists Pizza is from New York and only New Yorkers can judge pizza. He's "Italian" (he's actually American born and raised but calls himself Italian) and pointed at the wikipedia page for pizza to prove he's right, when I told him pizza is from Italy and not NYC.

redreader fucked around with this message at 20:54 on Feb 28, 2021

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum
Are apples any good right now? Which kind are the best at Costco?

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum
Thanks everyone. All I can get is organic everything apart from envy so I got one of those, but there were so many pink lady votes that I got some of those too. I hope they're still nice at this time of year.

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum
I only got pink ladies, my order says I only ordered Envy and that I received them, so that's weird. But the pink lady in my oatmeal is really good so thanks for that recommendation!

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum

Brain Curry posted:

Switching to a burr grinder and grinding fresh for every pot made a huge difference in the taste of my coffee

I also did this because of posts like this one, and it made literally 0 difference vs using a blade grinder. I also can't tell the difference between freshly ground and bought-ground. I still do it anyway because I have all of the stuff, but if I can only get pre-ground it's not a big deal.

Yes I can taste things.

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum

A Bakers Cousin posted:

Add that good sugary corn to all foods because it improves all.

You'd love the UK then. Random corn in lots of salads.

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum
What is the cordless vacuum cleaner that this thread loves?

Pennywise the Frown posted:

It's also suuuuuper calorie dense so be careful with it. I go a bit against the thread grain here and don't like it that much. However, once I start eating it, I feel compelled to eat more and more and I can't stop.

It's dangerous stuff. Beware.

I agree, I got the chipotle stuff too and it wasn't that great. Maybe if you're a dip person it's good, but I'm not. I don't dip chips or stuff regularly. I had it with plain grilled chicken and rice, and ... I'd rather eat something else.

Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum
+1 for the aidell's chicken teriyaki meatballs. They're really good!

Where are the other meatballs someone mentioned earlier? I want to try them out. I order from instacart which may not have all of the stuff handy. Soon I'll start going again, my 2nd vaxx is in an hour and a half.


Nov 2, 2009

I am the coolest person ever with my pirate chalice. Seriously.

Dinosaur Gum
My wife and various other people have told me that the laws that regulate formula, make it so that pretty much all the formula products are identical. Clearly this is not the case for the specialist vegan/lactose free/etc ones though.
edit: our baby loves the kirkland formula

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