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Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem
Spent the last few hours programming my pirated amiibo powertags, gonna us my savings to buy a Costco dog.


Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem

slave to my cravings posted:

The Iceland Costco food court didn't have a onion roller thing though.
Dear god it is a hellscape.

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem
This thread inspired me, I'm gonna go look for dinner at Costco.

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem
Poopin' is good for livings'

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem
True ballers use the bamboo version

Bum the Sad fucked around with this message at 17:54 on Jun 5, 2017

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem
You would never get arrested if you didn’t steal. You might be told not to return though under threat of trespassing charges.

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem
Soy beans don’t have tits. It’s always been drank.

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem

meet girls at the store posted:

This seems impractical, what is a student in a dorm room gonna do with two pounds of salt?

Put it in their butt.

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem

Pennywise the Frown posted:

What's the active ingredient?


Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem
Yeah it’s way better than Benadryl.

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem
Bought a king size Sherpa throw. Now I’m rolling around naked in it rubbing my balls on it while drunk. Life is good.

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem

maniacripper posted:

Where are you guys finding Sherpas in different sizes? All I see here at Davie Costco is 60x70

There’s two brands I think. Life comfort Ultimate Sherpa Throw which is the 60x70. Then Monte & Jardin Sherpa blanket which comes in sizes. I have a king and love it. 112x92 bitches.

Bum the Sad fucked around with this message at 02:48 on Oct 29, 2017

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem

Pennywise the Frown posted:

I have the Ultimate Sherpa and it's great. It was only $15. How much are you guys paying for the other brand?

The giant king size one was $25 I think. Maybe the Queen was $20.

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem

Kiranamos posted:

Please note Costco does not advocate endangering your child's life as a requirement to partake

It’s not discouraged though.

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem

KakerMix posted:

I don't have an OJ joke, however I do want to sing praises about the vacuum sealer that Costco sells and pairing it with the breads/bagels/croissants from the bakery. Nobody can (or should) eat so much bread before it goes bad, but if you freeze it overnight then swap the frozen bread into vacuum-sealed bags and reseal as you need, wow. That's to say nothing about other bulk savings with sealing stuff away too!

You should vacuum before you freeze

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem

GORDON posted:

WHy does he make salad?

Gotta have a side hustle.

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem

FogHelmut posted:

My neighbor just cut down a bunch of trees, and I can see Costco from my house. It's pretty far, I had to estimate it with Google Earth, but I'm sure it's Costco. Perhaps they'll sell me a telescope so I can get visual confirmation.

Home with a view of the temple! Probably just doubled your property value.

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem

binge crotching posted:

Sometimes I wonder how I always spend $300+, and then I look in my cart.


beans and booze

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem
Dos Equis is not skunky, it is superior.

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem

Rutibex posted:

why does apple even need a store? they only sell like 4 different things

They’re pretty much there for customer service. So people have a place to take their hosed up products or for old people to get their questions answered.

Bum the Sad fucked around with this message at 18:34 on May 1, 2018

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem
In closing Apple Store good. I think I’d probably be on Android if I haven’t had such good experiences with the Apple Store. I’ve had many experiences over the years when I just thrust my phone at them and yell “phone bad you fix” then they just come back with a new brand phone hand it to me and tell me to go away.

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem

I Dig Gardening posted:

Go to costco
show my official CostcoTM card at the door
heh yes miss im in the club
buy my 87 pound bag of cat food for my 13 cats
12 sacks of mixed nuts gotta have that now
my 45 pack of dryer sheets, i get some looks but they don't get that its *economical*
i think of the hannibal burress quote "i'm always gonna need deoderant! This is an economical purchase!"
heh, funny guy
i brush a hand over all the books one by one
zipping by lightly touching
never purchasing
i dont read books
on to the khakis
i get four pairs
i ask the lady if theres a dressing room? no?
i put one away. just in case.
eyeing those samples im pretty hungry now after having 8 slices of pizza and a smoothie
snack time!
mm. it's good. usually i disdain salesmen but joanna you got me on this one
four boxes of rye and barley grain crackers, into the cart you go
i buy two new sets of tires to round it all off and go home to watch american idol

You’re adapting well.

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem
A proper margarita should be in the 25-30% range. Begone with your premix trash.

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem
shittt, poke bowls now in San Antonio, bought a pound a of that tasty tuna and made some sushi rice and sliced avacado. Happy wife.

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem

Taima posted:

e: I would be happy to explain any of this to you if you would like a hand. I've been hand picking tuna and salmon steaks at Costco for a decade at this point.
Please sir, give me tuna tips.

Also that recipe looks good but gently caress deep frying shallots with a pint of oil and blotting them with eight layers of paper towels.

Double edit: apparently its a thai thing, and you can find fried shallots in jars/bags, I'll check an asian store.

Bum the Sad fucked around with this message at 16:34 on Jul 21, 2018

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem

Taima posted:

Just say you didn't like it, don't bring in the food and you don't need a receipt.

Are these the offending chicken sandwiches in question?

Those are great with a little mayo and lettuce on them. They’ve been making them forever and I’m pretty sure I lived off those in my teens.

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem

Taima posted:

Yeah I really like them too! Just had one last night!

My move is to microwave the patty and use the microwave oven to toast the buns.
You mean toaster oven?

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem
For a nominal fee.

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem

Winnie the Pooh posted:

Didn't see anyone answer this but Texas Costcos near me have a separate store front for liquor. It'll be attached on a side somewhere.

Yeah it’s independently owned though. No Kirkland brand booze.

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem
Put it in your butt.

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem
How do am make stock with instantpot?!,!,,

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem

Schadenboner posted:

Why is this a meme?

It’s fun and perfectly legal

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem
It’s made with real organs

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem

LadyPictureShow posted:

Costco cafe customers in South Korea consume 20 times the amount of onions as their American counterparts each year, according to company data.
A degenerate people not worthy of the blessings of Costco. They should be purged.

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem

bob dobbs is dead posted:

Does that actually work?

Yeah when I worked at a gas station many moons ago the unleaded gas had two underground tanks. A regular and a premium, then the pump blends it for mid grade.

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem

Pennywise the Frown posted:

The Kirkland Organic Olive Oil is legit. It's all from Tuscany and has been rated really high, as well as qualifying in the US as true olive oil. Something like 50%+ of olive oil in the US isn't actually 100% olive oil at all. It's a mix of things like rapeseed oil. Some are worse.

Don't gently caress around with olive oil. Make sure you're getting the real stuff. You'll have to research each individual product.

Wrong. The Kirkland organic is from like 5 different countries. You want Kirkland 100% Italian. Ignore this idiot. Don’t buy the organ oil, unless you’re poor because the organ oil is cheaper than the 100% Italian.

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem

RZA Encryption posted:

Why is it so expensive and in a box? What makes it different from cheaper supermarket ham?

It’s like the Spanish version of prosciutto.

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem

Lol you didn’t read any of those links. None refuted what I said. Fuckin dope.

Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem

Pennywise the Frown posted:

Did you read the actual bottle? All from Tuscany.

Quit being a loving prick.

That’s not the Kirkland organic you dummy. You can’t read worth a poo poo.


Bum the Sad
Aug 25, 2002

by VideoGames
Hell Gem

Pennywise the Frown posted:

Quit being a loving prick. The gently caress is your problem?

Lol getting mad after you’ve been proved horribly wrong. Just apologize and move on.

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