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  • Locked thread
Feb 27, 2007


Nostalgia4Ass posted:

Something came in the mail for me today from an address I am not familiar with. I opened it up to find this sparkly card on top.

Inside the card was a lovely handwritten note from my Secret Santa.

Included in the package was a T-shirt big enough to hide my love handles.

and coffee that smells good enough to make me want to eat the grounds.

Thanks N4I. I will use all of this stuff.

I'm really bummed about the bottle of wine.

E: also enjoy that coffee, it's super good, I have a mug of it on my desk right meow.

Nostalgia4Infinity fucked around with this message at 15:05 on Dec 30, 2016


Slim Pickens
Jan 12, 2007

Grimey Drawer
flavored coffee :chloe:

Good college shirt though, wolverines can suck my balls

Feb 27, 2007


Slim Pickens posted:

flavored coffee :chloe:

Good college shirt though, wolverines can suck my balls

It was a theme!

I had this ready to go with it but remembered at the last second that I probably couldn't ship wine to an APO address :saddowns:

Ceiling fan
Dec 26, 2003

I really like ceilings.
Dead Man’s Band
Oh, you can ship wine to an APO address. Just don't ship it in the original bottle.

Were you really in the military? Do we have another IDR situation here?

Crab Dad
Dec 28, 2002

behold i have tempered and refined thee, but not as silver; as CRAB
Calling someone on not being able to ship wine because he didn't want to drain the bottle and put it in a plastic bag is a little paranoid.

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.
A package arrived! Better get the bomb squad to check it first:

Well, Ghost and Dakota give it the go ahead so lets open it up. First thing I grab is a card in a red envelope.


Seems innocuous enough

Awesome card lets see what else is in the box

Dog treats?! Time to taste test.

Dakota likes them.

Ghost won't hold it on her nose but still she likes them as well.

And in the rest of the box we have:

A mouse for Hector!! I attempted to get a pic with him, but Dakota and Ghost kept running up and scaring him off. I had to take the thing away from Dakota twice because he thinks it is just a new toy for him.

Finally, Holly Bloops sent me a knit dick. It's glorious. The package has stars so I'm pretending it's cowboys themed.

Thanks!!!!! Great gifts all around.

Edit: Deleted old images of bomb squad and got new ones without address uploaded.

Mr. Nice! fucked around with this message at 22:29 on Dec 30, 2016

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.
I'm enjoying the dick circus but wondering if we should give it a break for next year's SS lest we jump the shark

Also Mr. Nice!: Nice! address

Feb 27, 2007

Inadvertent doxx removed :buddy:

Dec 31, 2010

Thanks Ape Pussy!

Mr. Nice! posted:

A package arrived! Better get the bomb squad to check it first:

Well, Ghost and Dakota give it the go ahead so lets open it up. First thing I grab is a card in a red envelope.


Seems innocuous enough

Awesome card lets see what else is in the box

Dog treats?! Time to taste test.

Dakota likes them.

Ghost won't hold it on her nose but still she likes them as well.

And in the rest of the box we have:

A mouse for Hector!! I attempted to get a pic with him, but Dakota and Ghost kept running up and scaring him off. I had to take the thing away from Dakota twice because he thinks it is just a new toy for him.

Finally, Holly Bloops sent me a knit dick. It's glorious. The package has stars so I'm pretending it's cowboys themed.

Thanks!!!!! Great gifts all around.

Glad you and the zoo like the gifts!

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.

Nostalgia4Infinity posted:

Inadvertent doxx removed :buddy:

Thanks. I put new pics in there with that cropped out.

Zeris posted:

I'm enjoying the dick circus but wondering if we should give it a break for next year's SS lest we jump the shark

Also Mr. Nice!: Nice! address

Maybe. I dunno dicks are cool and good though.

Apr 1, 2009

Cacati in mano e pigliati a schiaffi!

Zeris posted:

I'm enjoying the dick circus but wondering if we should give it a break for next year's SS lest we jump the shark

Also Mr. Nice!: Nice! address

Jump the shark dick?

Also don't stifle creativity, but embrace it. Embrace the dick. H

Crab Dad
Dec 28, 2002

behold i have tempered and refined thee, but not as silver; as CRAB

Soulex posted:

Jump the shark dick?

Also don't stifle creativity, but embrace it. Embrace the dick. H

Jumping it might be fun. Sharks have two "dicks(claspers)".

Time Crisis Actor
Apr 28, 2002

by Hand Knit

Zeris posted:

I'm enjoying the dick circus but wondering if we should give it a break for next year's SS lest we jump the shark

This is a forum that produced two printings of books about dick art. How about you gently caress right on back to Pet Island or wherever the gently caress you came from

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.

Deathy McDeath posted:

This is a forum that produced two printings of books about dick art. How about you gently caress right on back to Pet Island or wherever the gently caress you came from

Ok fair point

Time Crisis Actor
Apr 28, 2002

by Hand Knit

You know what's coming


Feb 27, 2007

If you haven't gotten your gift yet, please shoot me a PM so I can get an idea of who I need to contact next week to find out why.

Dec 31, 2004

Be Gay!
Do Crime!

David Bowie Knife your poo poo is apparently being returned to sender.

I'll be back from leave on the 3rd.

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.
Awesome the postal service worked faster than I expected and gift is out for delivery!

Jun 18, 2004

Only emojis can express my pure, simple stupidity.

Mr. Nice! posted:

Awesome the postal service worked faster than I expected and gift is out for delivery!

Kinda nice living in a first world with an excellent postal service. As much as people complain I've never had an issue with all the poo poo I've bough or sent

Italy, for example. Lol

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.

Carteret posted:

In, again. I still have that loving AIDS VHS...

Did you get it?

Hotel Kpro
Feb 24, 2011

owls don't go to school

Dinosaur Gum

Deathy McDeath posted:

This is a forum that produced two printings of books about dick art. How about you gently caress right on back to Pet Island or wherever the gently caress you came from

And I somehow missed this entire thread until now. drat it all.

Nov 10, 2012

Mr. Nice! posted:

Did you get it?

I got it, now I got to frame it :D

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.

Carteret posted:

I got it, now I got to frame it :D

Was i right about you not owning a copy of that book?

Nov 10, 2012

I got a 1st edition in a previous SS, but not a 2nd edition. I have a complete set now!

Feb 15, 2005


Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.

Carteret posted:

I got a 1st edition in a previous SS, but not a 2nd edition. I have a complete set now!

I really wanted to make you that statue. Also post pictures so people can see!

Helldump Immunity
Sep 11, 2001

pretty much rollin with the dad farm these days
Forgot to post what I got :buddy:

When I first opened it up, this was the only thing I saw:


But it turned out to be something awesome. Never heard of a chaser jigger before tbqh and I love it.

Got some bitchin' BBQ sauce as well that I will be testing out this week in my crock pot.

Thank you secret santa!

Nov 10, 2012

Mr. Nice! posted:

I really wanted to make you that statue. Also post pictures so people can see!

Don't worry, I plan on it!

Dead Reckoning
Sep 13, 2011
Hey Lost Cosmonaut, did that book ever show up?

Feb 15, 2014

Dead Reckoning posted:

Hey Lost Cosmonaut, did that book ever show up?

Yeah, sorry that I forgot to post about it. Looks pretty good, thank you!

Helldump Immunity
Sep 11, 2001

pretty much rollin with the dad farm these days
Got notified from UPS that my bundle of love was delivered. Hopefully my santee got it :ohdear:

Sep 1, 2011

by Hand Knit

Helldump Immunity posted:

Got notified from UPS that my bundle of love was delivered. Hopefully my santee got it :ohdear:

Did I ever.

I wonder what's inside? I don't need any gloves, unlike the rest of you pussies I'm not afraid of opening packages from strangers.

Oh, my, well, I have needed a new cookbook. FREE RRAIL!

Uhhhh, still in the original packaging, so I'm not going to bother opening in the hopes there's something better inside.

Hello tomorrow's coffee mug!




I guess I'll do what the bottle says

Goes in my...

loving PISS HOLE. Nope. Not doing it.

How sweet :3:

Oh. Nevermind.


Thanks Helldump Immunity! This poo poo is rad and the penis will be proudly displayed on my apartment doorChristmasHoliday tree next year.

Naked Bear
Apr 15, 2007

Boners was recorded before a studio audience that was alive!
This is amazing.

Feb 27, 2007

So uh I guess I promised a prize for the best gift this year...

What should said prize be? I'm thinking custom "GIP Secret Satan 2016 Winner" avatar or gang tag but I would need someone more artistically inclined to help out.

Or something else.

Guess I better figure out how to do nominations/votes.

Woof Blitzer
Dec 29, 2012

The squirrel already won, voting is pointless

Feb 27, 2007


Ice Cream Barbara posted:

The squirrel already won, voting is pointless

I'm inclined to agree.

Roll the beautiful bean footage!

Booblord Zagats posted:

Told girlfriend to open the box because she was getting curious

It made her scream and start shouting "Did you piss off a loving serial killer?! Is this some Dexter poo poo!?" at me over the phone

Well played, Santa (She didn't find anything with a name on it)

I'm still laughing

Feb 15, 2005

My Satan is a potential Grinch

Feb 27, 2007



My Satan is a potential Grinch

They're not.

Dec 31, 2010

Thanks Ape Pussy!

oh my god I haven't laughed this hard in a while.


Dec 31, 2010

Thanks Ape Pussy!
I mean the squirrel is pretty good but the festively written OPEN THIS YOU loving HARLOT is really good too

  • Locked thread