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Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

Aneurexorcyst posted:

Ah, it was grey in the UK...

(also, not actually the worst port...)

Heh from the corner of my eye your avatar made me think you were Beer, had me confused when you said UK

Also lofuckingl at their super open development schedule already being pushed back 1 2 3 4 weeks, barely any of the information on that changed either it was just 'not finished, eta now dec 9'


Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

Tijuana Bibliophile posted:

It's actually much, much worse

Twelve hour launch party

LOL loving Ben milking the spot light , he hasn't had any clue what's going on with SC for over a year

Show them your boxes of literal garbage Ben

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

Mr.PayDay posted:

Nice, CIG is hiring.

Let's have a look!

Funnily, the most wanted are ART (gonna need more concepts) and Engineers (oh hi, we need fellas to somehow make that hundreds of stretchgoal bullets work in real life and ingame in 2020 or so lol).

Production wanted: 0
LOL :gary:

That unironically makes sense.

That seems like an awful lot of important people to be hiring this late in the game

19 from Engineering?

16 Art types? That's all they produce is art work, and they need MORE?

I guess either so many are leaving they can't replace them fast enough,or Crobberts wont be happy until he has 500 people under his will and whim

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

TheLightPurges posted:

BTW heres actual Star Marine footage. I swear its not a vid of my Knee hair

The gun sights bug out, its a little laggy, and more importantly its literally impossible to kill the dude sniping (a one shot gun) and camping the flag you have to stand still at for ten+ seconds. People tried but could barely ding him.

I'm the FIRST BLOOD and DOUBLE KILL in a highly tactical shooter

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

LOL the loving velveteen dinner jacket

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

Why would the super special evocati have their own forums and discord etc , when they're all on the spectrum anyways ?

It's almost like none of this exists in a usable format and never will

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

poo poo those are all really creepy , like call the police they're probably on at least 1 watch list creepy

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

Beet Wagon posted:

I'm so glad they're making the Cutlass into a Tonka-toy version of its old lovely self. This will definitely stop the legions of whiners who were sold one thing but got another.

Is that a ship that's already made ? Or is it brand new ?

Cause either way it looks like total rear end

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

So in that atv video the one guy was talking about 'we just recently shot more animations' just how long has Crobberts been camped out at the mocap studio for ? Wasn't that the place that was like hundreds of dollars a second to shoot anything ?

It seems like they've been shooting mocap for literally a year or more straight

If sq42 ever comes out its going to be like a FMV game from the 90s isn't it ? Click on an npc and watch as it switches from in game to movie of the actor going through the lines

God drat I am angry at this specific video game

Blue On Blue fucked around with this message at 00:22 on Dec 9, 2016

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

XK posted:

This is what I've been predicting. There's no way you could use that much specific scene oriented mocap without locking the scene into a prescripted play of actions. The guy mocapped mopping could be background poo poo, but the mocap of multiple people moving around, talking, and interacting with each other could only feasibly be some kind of cutscene. There's also stuff like the mocap of soldiers carefully stacking up at a doorway to prepare for entry. What if the player just runs right through? Has to be a fully controlled scene.

If it's like Half Life 2, where you could hop around the room like a lunatic ignoring everyone else while they carry out their bullshit dialog, that's one thing, and immersion breaking. If you're locked in and have to watch that poo poo as a captive audience, woo boy. I suspect Roberts is going for the latter.

I still want to know if you can skip cutscenes.

The mocap prices quoted in this thread have been $100,000 per minute, that includes all post processing work required to clean everything up and all artist and technician work required to make it look good for the final project. I have no doubt that work is being skimped on, resulting in stuff like their Top Gear knock off guy still having artifacts of the painted on face lines being visible.

Even If the game locks you into a cutscene it would take someone all of 2 minutes to figure out a way around it , console tricks and what not

Remember back in the day when you could go online and download no-cd cracks and patches to disable all the start up videos for a game ?

And it will make Crobbers absolutely furious that someone would alter his magnum opus vision, I hope the cameras are rolling when the first cut scenes skipper is shown to him

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

XK posted:

You could usually skip those start up videos by just deleting the video file. Skipping in engine cutscenes is another thing entirely.

Yeah usually the patch just changed the .mov file name to something else so the game wouldn't load it

But no sense is debating this small point , as we don't have to worry about any of that for another 1-2 years at least

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

Jason Sextro posted:

CR will probably have SQ42 engineered so that trying to avoid his cutscenes will brick your computer

Did they ever fix the launcher from taking over your entire ISP'S connection ?

I'm going to assume no

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

Wuxi posted:

It will also be the only loving thing in it that actually works

Day 1 patch

'I load the game and it's a black screen'

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

Tippis posted:

But remember! Animation blending of skeletal animations is a completely revolutionary technique that hasn't been done before so we can finally get out from under the yoke of having completely stiff models rattle around the hangar in response to forces that won't affect the player.

*random npc walks past the player and straight into the wall, his arm gets stuck and he jitters off into space at 5,000mph*

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

Kosumo posted:

So, how would it been seen if you where to try to help CiG by running as many hacks/aimbots/cheats as you could while playing Star Marine (pre-alpha) so as to help them get on top of these early before they become a problem.

It would ruin the fun for others trying to play the game but is important for them to be aware of and design systems to deal with this.

So, does anyone know how the Citizens feel about this? Would it be a good or a bad thing to do?

Maybe someone with an account could phase this question better and make a poll on the RSI site or r/Starcitizen.

It's important to know, because I would not want people doing thing that don't help CiG. (Where there many hacks in the Crysis mp games? - I never played any (I've also never used any hacks but others do so CiG will need to have a plan))

Also, Uncle Derek, will you be adding flight deck dancing to LoD? I think you should, look how cool it is!

Also lol

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

XK posted:

Spend several dollars to wreck everyone, or spend several hundred to get a piece of poo poo space ship. I guarantee CIG is nowhere near being capable of having any kind of anti-cheat technology in place, and it's likely on the priority list just before custom servers. I doubt they even have the employee talent to do anything about high level cheating involving network sniffing or code injection.

You're probably very much correct, considering the amount of leaks they've had due to insecure network protocols and URLs

And plus cryengine is such a mature engine at this point there has to be 100s of different ways to hack it up , being no one ever used it as a serious competitive fps before no one will give a poo poo about keeping it secure either.

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

SelenicMartian posted:

Photoshop masters, there's a horse-driven cart somewhere missing its two straw-hat bumpkins.

Is it a mandate that everyone on stream has to have one large cup of coffee from their 20k coffee machine ?

I guess this falls in line with the eating on camera and throwing minorities at the screen

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

Beer4TheBeerGod posted:

I'm actually insulted that CIG is so unprofessional that they would block me from submitting a support request.

You know what to do

Send your story off to every news agency, media outlet, and blogger that will listen

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

Beer4TheBeerGod posted:

I likely will if they don't respond, along with all the various agencies and the LA District Attorney.

I've followed all the SC threads from the humble beginnings when it was part of the Doobie saga (rip doobie), and you deserve to get back everything you put in with no further effort or expenditure of your time

It's high time someone took the big guns to them, and Derek seems to be 99% bark with no bite, even Streetroller only had people talking enough to get refunds (and how to obtain them easily)

The more media outlets that highlight CIG's rampant disregard for their customers and the never-ending (according to CIG) flow of cash, the better the chances are government agencies will take a good hard look at things

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

Fat Shat Sings posted:

They have also been keeping a lot of money. Standard procedure for awhile would be

Backer 1 buys $250 ship and gifts it to Backer 2
Backer 2 buys a $150 ship
Backer 2 asks for refund, CIG deletes his account and gives him back the $150 he paid, the $250 that was gifted disappears into the ether
When asked CIG refuses to refund the $250 as it wasn't purchased by Backer 2

It wasn't until a bunch of people started posting here and getting refunds that people found out they were entitled to the store credit they had been given as gifts and CIG repeatedly caved on the gift thing when pressed, but who knows how much money has just been kept by CIG by people who refused to press through a half dozen emails where you have to teach their customer service reps that currency value held by a person is that person's property regardless of it's origin.

It's pretty funny in an illegal way. Kind of like how they refuse to allow gift cards to be spent on sales because they technically aren't "new money." This is totally a bad idea but they can't separate the "Melt Ships = Credit" mechanic from "Pay Money in Advance= Credit" mechanic, so they have to invalidate the use of all forms of prior credit, including the completely valid gift cards which are legally eligible for sales.

explaining any of this to backers or CIG customer service is a waste of time though. I figured some whale would have sued over not being to use his $3000 in giftcards for a Javelin or something. If any other company said "No, You know what guys? Those Giftcards you bought? They don't apply to sales. Sorry." I'm sure something would be done about it, but most companies sell actual products and not dreams.

Normal companies will have a big disclaimer about using gift cards and when / how you can use them to purchase things

CiG just sells them and makes the rules up after the fact

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

Tokamak posted:

No combos

Come on down to Roberts Shiphouse and pledge for your special ship special

I appreciated this reference

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

A Neurotic Corncob posted:

Wolf Larsen presents...

So uhh he has created literal bible thumpers for CIG now?

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

TheAgent posted:

fyi my car cost sub 50k and I consider that a luxury car

I dunno what the gently caress I'd be making to have a 500k car, prob at least 1.25m a year

There are two levels of thought here.

I've had the privilege to know some wealthy people, and learned a few things;

Being able to buy a 500k car, and being able to afford one are two different things.

It's no different than driving through a neighbourhood and seeing everyone in 100k Range Rovers parked infront of their 5mil$ house, chances are they have multiple credit cards, and a huge mortgage

LOTS of people can buy a 500k car (especially when we're talking LA)

The truly rich would buy a 500k car and add it to their collection, their wealth management company would cut a draft to the dealership.

Crobbers walks in like a big shot and leases (he seems like the type to lease) that car, knowing he could never comfortably afford to out right buy it, as the space ship sales could end at any moment

How many times a week do you hear of 'Insert Rapper' whoever having their lambo reposed because they over spent and are no flat broke, everyone spends when the cash is rolling in never thinking about what happens when it stops

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

Skellybones posted:

What makes a $500,000 car ten times better than a $50,000 one? Like where do the costs go, does the chassis use iridium alloys or something? Endangered species hides for seat covers?

In the case of a car like a Porsche, it will be tuned and outfitted like the track variant, but intended for super rich yuppies to buy to live out their racing dreams on the commute to work, stop light to stop light.

Debating the semantics of how rich people spend money is kind of silly though, considering Chris is still in the 'I have money, but I'm still a pleb' class of citizen, he drives himself to work? What a chump

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

DapperDon posted:

Within 5 years he has increased his income almost 8 fold? Most major and established companies only offer 3%. What is Brabens salary again? Around $200k? Aren't gaming salaries generally on the lower side?

The backers will never know

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

DapperDon posted:

To not shoehorn yourself into it financially, and considering everything else in your life is elevated as well you would need about $3+m and still be comfortable.

but you forgot porsche gave crobblers that car for free because they too want to see star citizen succeed

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

Beer I echo what others have said , just compile your info and forward it to every agency that will listen

CiG have done nothing to earn any good will from you or anyone else , so why play nice with them ?

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

Daztek posted:

we didn't

Actually this is a different article , it pulls apart all of Sandis little acting gigs using the company offices

The comment at the bottom was good, a shill with a link to another sketchy 'news article' on sq42

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

Madcosby posted:

Star Citizen Squadron 42 promises to be as tough and exciting as the whole game. To begin with, it is going to be a sandbox with numerous opportunities. You can create your own character, your own vehicles as well as your own weapons. Use of CryEngine means that we are going to see exceptionally beautiful scenery along with good physics. So traveling through space is supposed to be a thrilling experience. This game focuses more on battles with those aliens that want war. Nevertheless you still can develop diplomatic relations with peaceful races. The main advantage is that you have an opportunity to play it with access to the Internet and share your achievements later with the rest of the world.

It's like someone put the actual text through a translator a few times and then dumped it on the page

Very strange

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

spacetoaster posted:

Have we got a link to the show?


drat that's bad

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

hanales posted:

"My friend sandy is amazing, she raised 100 million dollars to make this video game."

be super interesting to get a look at their books, i wonder how much sandi paid them with backer money to get more screen time

would a tv show owned by a network have to show their financials?

looks like yes, just need to wait for the 2016 books to be put online

Blue On Blue fucked around with this message at 00:57 on Dec 13, 2016

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

DogonCrook posted:

In Texas if it is found that the violation is willful the state consumer protections board can open an investigation and is not required to notify the person. Potential remedies are fines of 20k per violation and the person or business can be barred from conducting business in the state. There are a hell of a lot of reasons to be scared of this law, and all you really have to do to stay clear of it is not loving lie.

This is what should be happening, citizens from each state should be filing complaints against cig for their sleezy and deceptive business practices

Hilarity would ensue for they got barred from conducting business in any state , let's see them weasel out of that with their horrible track record of deleting tickets etc

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

The simple fact that they raked in literal boat loads of cash under one version of a TOS

And then changed to a new TOS which specifically handcuffs people from getting a refund (or so CiG thinks) should be more than enough incentive to get any number of federal agencies interested

Sure companies change their TOS all the time , but it would be like Apple suddenly slipping in 'if you try to get a refund for a song , we automatically have claim on your house' into the latest iTunes update

I honestly think no one bothered giving a poo poo before because lol stupid video game nerds , but $100 million plus raises a lot of questions in the real world

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

Beer4TheBeerGod posted:

Nope. I had way too much fun on this particular ride, but it's absolutely time to get off.

But you refunded most .... right ?

You're just holding onto a $60 account to see where the lols go .... right ?

Just lie to me if it isn't the truth

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

Beer4TheBeerGod posted:

I asked for a full refund, if that's what you mean.

But , I thought you had gotten a refund ages ago , wasn't that part of the sandi email exchange ?

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

A Neurotic Corncob posted:

Wolf Larsen presents....

All hands to whaling cannons , prepare everything you've got Wolf !!!

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

Sabreseven posted:

So now he wants to take "donations"[/url] of money so he can give a small percentage to someone (apparently random and not at all himself/pseudonym or someone he knows)?

I'm not a betting person, but I'd wager that he's about to engage in fraud. :)

It's a good sign that the comments are mostly calling him out for being a piece of poo poo

Sure wolf , out of your own pocket from the funds you grifted off citizens already , it's an endless spiraling put of incestuous money making here isn't it ?

Cig pays wolf to promote their game in which he receives free ships , then he gives those ships away and acts like everyone's personal Jesus, then asks for more donations so he can gift more free ships

This guy is worse than Crobbers in that he is actively aware of what he's doing , while Cribblers has been in a cocaine coma for the past 5 years

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

drat thread is getting good again

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

I think it was the 2nd latest twitter pic she posted , hopefully someone archived it


Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

DapperDon posted:

They have been doing commercials for Time Warner broadband down in Fl. where Chris is plugging the massive data that he uses and transfers around the world. So I wonder if there is some kind of bargain that came with that deal.

Surprised Sandi didn't shoe horn her way into that somehow

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