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Grip it and rip it
Apr 28, 2020

Deus Ex Macklemore posted:

Choose your rate, choose your fate Nu Nu.

But seriously, I could not have gotten through power school as a young, alcoholic dipshit so I have some respect for all you science hippies that did.

That said, it did suck to hear repeatedly how much dumber us coners were. I did feel bad watching you guys hook up shore power while we were going on liberty. So being dumb has it's advantages.

One of my best friends on Augusta was a nuke that had the worst military bearing I've ever seen. He was a great guy. He used to write poo poo on the TP rolls in middle level head, all negative about nukes, but full of misspellings. It was hilarious.

i wish I had been smart enough to drop out of powerschool


Jan 1, 2008

Well don't you know I'm caught in a trap?

Grip it and rip it posted:

i wish I had been smart enough to drop out of powerschool

I remember pulling in because Nav Div poo poo broke, and watching them walk off the boat right after trash off, because they can't fix their own poo poo and need contractors to do it. We were stuck standing underway watch rotation because they wanted us underway the second it was fixed and wouldn't let us shut down.

May 16, 2007
Be true, Unbeliever.

Mr. Bad Guy posted:

edit: This is not an interesting post, but for some reason the forums are the only website that will load for me right now, so instead of talking to my wife I'm talking to you goons.

The other day my Chief calls me from CIC, where he's on watch. Tells me I need to get on a SIPR computer, someone's trying to get a hold of me on chat. Turns out it's a buddy of mine on the John Finn. He's mad that my broken-rear end ship is a month behind schedule and it's directly delaying his strike group's return date, lol.

We met at MEPS when both of our paperwork got misplaced, and we hit it off immediately. We were both married young, AECF, ended up in the same division in boot camp, both got FC, same barracks at TSC back when there was a terrible bottleneck at A school so we spend almost two years in Great Lakes. We were live-ashore though since we were married, and we lived in the same apartments in Gurnee. Our wives got along great, too! Then we went off to the fleet, completely different directions, me a Tomahawker, him a SSDS guy. We've kept in touch throughout the years, but we've never been stationed in the same place since then. I don't think I've actually seen him in almost ten years but he's still my bro.

Thing is, we could not be more dissimilar. I'm a pale, thin, nerdy ADHD-riddled piece of human garbage. He looks like a Mexican Johnny Bravo, but he's sharp as a tack, hard-working, responsible. My complete opposite in nearly every way.

AAAAAAANYWAYS, mother fucker's up for Master Chief this year and wants to know why I'm still an E-6, lmao. I hit him with that "Well, you see Senior Chief, what had happened was..."

It was nice to catch up with him though, his family's doing well, and he's rooting for me, the idealistic fool.

Rare to find another self admitted TLAM tech. But fun to find in the wild. Also only made it as far as E6 before bouncing out to find greener pastures what weren't so green. No point to this either except to recognize another fellow of the trade.

Grip it and rip it
Apr 28, 2020

Elviscat posted:

I remember pulling in because Nav Div poo poo broke, and watching them walk off the boat right after trash off, because they can't fix their own poo poo and need contractors to do it. We were stuck standing underway watch rotation because they wanted us underway the second it was fixed and wouldn't let us shut down.

E-Div should be entitled to chose one sailor per quarter to keelhaul, up to the EDMC.

Nick Soapdish
Apr 27, 2008

:chiefsay: Sensible Chuckle dot gif

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
one time on deployment a Chief Select was drinking with junior sailors and offering "mentoring" in their barracks, a thing they had been doing all deployment to that point, but it was getting real bad. the first class OOD tried to get him out of there and was told some not nice things, so the first class went to the Chief's Mess and told them "hey, know I'm not supposed to be here, but you need to get your boy".

yes the Chief's did hold a grudge against this first class and gently caress with him for the rest of his time in the unit

Serjeant Buzfuz
Dec 5, 2009


Deus Ex Macklemore
Jul 2, 2004

Zelensky's Zealots
Hazing season stories? Here's one that's kind of long but I think it pays off at the end.

On my first ship (LST 1197) I was a mouthy, angry, alcoholic rear end in a top hat. I didn't want to be on a skimmer, much less that piece of poo poo. When my crank time came up, I ran straight into a giant piece of poo poo First Class MS (now CS). He and I didn't like each other at all. One day he said, "SN Deus Ex, you don't work." I later told the chief that I took that as a direct order so I went to the berthing. Anyway the SUPPO was a good dude and for whatever reason he liked me so I spent most of my time cranking in the Wardroom, which was fantastic. The entire time I was in the Wardroom, MS1 kept having it out for me. He didn't do himself any favors either though. We pulled into Barnstable Mass, where the ship was named for, and one of the officers came back from a diving trip with live lobsters. I had never seen a live lobster, having grown up fairly poor in South Dakota, so I was impressed to see them. The Dept Head that got them thought it was fantastic that I had never seen one so he told me to take them down to the crews mess and have duty cook (yup, MS1) boil them up. In exchange, he was to keep one of them. Well that dipshit kept the biggest one, so the Dept Head went down, chewed his rear end and took it back. Which of course, was all my fault somehow. I got over it by eating lobster in the wardroom with a bunch of zeros teaching me how to do it. You might think that this is all beside the point, but it made MS1 so much angrier towards me.

Well, SUPPO transferred and the new one was pretty junior, so when the MS1 approached him telling him how much of a fuckup I was and that I needed to go back to Crew's Mess, he agreed. He actually told me that my rear end was going to be his, starting at 0500 the next morning.

I showed up at 0500 and started wiping down the tables. At approximately 0510 the Command Master Chief came into the mess with one of the guys who was cranking in the CPO mess. CMC grabbed me, told MS1 I was in the CPO mess from now on and that was it, spent the rest of my time there.

What had happened was that the other crank walked into the CPO mess while they were "transitioning" a selectee from another ship by hanging him from the overhead with a noose. I guess the thought process was to protect the other crank from reprisal while everything got swept under the rug. Kid really hosed up though, he should have requested the wardroom because the other crank and I had a stateroom we could hang out in between meals so that we were out of the way but still close by if anyone needed anything.

Anywell, that was back in 1991. Thanks for listening to my Sea Story, presented by AARP

Mr. Bad Guy
Jun 28, 2006
I was not tracking on the Chief's Exam this year at loving all. Like it wasn't even on my radar until it got mentioned at quarters literally the day before. Without question the least prepared I have ever gone into an advancement exam.

I scored in the 93rd percentile and made board by 16 points, with my eval score five points below the average.

loving lol.

Serjeant Buzfuz
Dec 5, 2009

No one (re)enlists in the Navy unless they have already failed a few tests in their life.

Feb 16, 2011

Reenelistment is a test :v:

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
Mr. Bad Guy,

I know you’ve had a slow slog to the chiefs mess, but I sincerely believe in you. You might top out as a chief or a senior chief but when you get there you are gonna do good things.

I just know. Best luck next time, brother.

Nick Soapdish
Apr 27, 2008

LtCol J. Krusinski posted:

Mr. Bad Guy,

I know you’ve had a slow slog to the chiefs mess, but I sincerely believe in you. You might top out as a chief or a senior chief but when you get there you are gonna do good things.

I just know. Best luck next time, brother.

He made board to go up for advancement but won't find out until like mid to late summer.

To translate, he was saying that he rocked the written portion of his advancement test even thought he felt totally unprepared but that his eval points were garbo. Going up for Chief it is just those two components to make board. For making E-4 to E-6, points for awards and education are also included

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.
For chief, they're going to look at his whole package as a sailor and see if he's ready to lead the deckplates. Since his evals are poo poo and he has an NJP for stupid poo poo, he might get passed over.

The real gold here, is he made board. Now he needs to apply for LDO and get commissioned. Become Mr. Mustang Guy.

Crab Dad
Dec 28, 2002

behold i have tempered and refined thee, but not as silver; as CRAB
Speaking of… I doubt I passed but I should start getting my package together…

Anyone want to mentor me in putting that together? I don’t really have a chief in my unit currently.

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.
Where is dustynuts when we need him?

Definitely shoot them a PM because unless we've had any chiefs here sit on boards, ol NCC (or is it NCCS by now?) is going to know best.

Nick Soapdish
Apr 27, 2008

Mr. Nice! posted:

Where is dustynuts when we need him?

Definitely shoot them a PM because unless we've had any chiefs here sit on boards, ol NCC (or is it NCCS by now?) is going to know best.

It always made me laugh when my reservist Sailors would ask me how to make Chief and I just gave the boilerplate "sustained superior performance," be a unit lpo, and volunteer for mobs.

I made it my first time up in the reserve coming off of active duty spending most of my sea duty tour at sea, which LPO at sea and arduous duty were two big ones on the precept

Crab Dad
Dec 28, 2002

behold i have tempered and refined thee, but not as silver; as CRAB

Mr. Nice! posted:

Where is dustynuts when we need him?

Definitely shoot them a PM because unless we've had any chiefs here sit on boards, ol NCC (or is it NCCS by now?) is going to know best.

Oh no poo poo didn’t realize he was a NCC.

Crab Dad
Dec 28, 2002

behold i have tempered and refined thee, but not as silver; as CRAB
For the record I know how to “make chief” what I don’t know is how to present a package of what is relevant and to who.

Nick Soapdish
Apr 27, 2008

Crab Dad posted:

For the record I know how to “make chief” what I don’t know is how to present a package of what is relevant and to who.

Make sure everything is in your records before the board and don't send duplicate stuff in your letter to the board as that will upset them

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.

Nick Soapdish posted:

Make sure everything is in your records before the board and don't send duplicate stuff in your letter to the board as that will upset them

Would it be good to include in his letter the comm he got for that sailor? I think that the board would eat that kind of poo poo up - looking out selflessly for a junior sailor.

Jan 1, 2008

Well don't you know I'm caught in a trap?

Mr. Nice! posted:

For chief, they're going to look at his whole package


Good point about LDO though, if you're looking to retire out, and you don't want to pick up a job when you've done your 20, LDOs the only way to go.

Mr. Nice! posted:

Would it be good to include in his letter the comm he got for that sailor? I think that the board would eat that kind of poo poo up - looking out selflessly for a junior sailor.

They SHOULD see it in his record, but that's something you have to review for your board pack. For example, I have one out of 7 NAMs in my service record because Yeomen are lazy fucks, and I'm pretty sure that torpedoed my chances at making it when I was in.

Sep 26, 2007

Do you like our owl?

Ultra Carp

Crab Dad posted:

For the record I know how to “make chief” what I don’t know is how to present a package of what is relevant and to who.

You literally just send stuff not in your record so they see it, that's it.

Sep 26, 2007

Do you like our owl?

Ultra Carp

Serjeant Buzfuz posted:

No one (re)enlists in the Navy unless they have already failed a few tests in their life.

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.

Elviscat posted:


Good point about LDO though, if you're looking to retire out, and you don't want to pick up a job when you've done your 20, LDOs the only way to go.

They SHOULD see it in his record, but that's something you have to review for your board pack. For example, I have one out of 7 NAMs in my service record because Yeomen are lazy fucks, and I'm pretty sure that torpedoed my chances at making it when I was in.

That isn’t in crabdad’s record because it was him making sure a junior sailor got an award over himself.

Jan 1, 2008

Well don't you know I'm caught in a trap?

Oh, duh, I'm good at remembering things.

Mr. Bad Guy
Jun 28, 2006

LtCol J. Krusinski posted:

Mr. Bad Guy,

I know you’ve had a slow slog to the chiefs mess, but I sincerely believe in you. You might top out as a chief or a senior chief but when you get there you are gonna do good things.

I just know. Best luck next time, brother.

Thanks for the words of encouragement!

Mr. Nice! posted:

The real gold here, is he made board. Now he needs to apply for LDO and get commissioned. Become Mr. Mustang Guy.

What a genuinely horrifying idea.

May 10, 2012

They're like two suicide notes stuffed into a glitter bra

Elviscat posted:

Yeomen are lazy fucks

Speaking of that, does anyone know if it's possible to apply for awards retroactively or have awards verified?

My service record is basically blank, i think it only lists sea service and national defense but we were specifically told whenever we were authorized to put something on.

I'm also pretty sure that since i served from 2000 - 2004 and considering the nature of ship's movement during my first deployment i should also have the global war on terror ribbon but i was never notified of that.

The last time i wore ribbons was at my grandpa's funeral and i probably won't wear them ever again unless my dad passes before i do so I'm not super concerned about being accused of wearing them fraudulently, but still would hate to have some crusty old funeral detail lpo take me to task for wearing my navy expeditionary medal or something.

King of Bees
Dec 28, 2012
Gravy Boat 2k
Is NDAWS still a thing? Is it CaC access only? I have no idea...

orange juche
Mar 14, 2012

King of Bees posted:

Is NDAWS still a thing? Is it CaC access only? I have no idea...

NDAWS is a thing still but you gotta be AD or reservist to use it. Civilians can also use it with proper authorization and requesting an account be created (also needs a SAAR-N from whatever unit they're supporting)

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.

Mr. Bad Guy posted:

Thanks for the words of encouragement!

What a genuinely horrifying idea.

Why do you find it horrifying? LDOs all seem to have sweet gigs. You get to keep doing a lot of the stuff you do now, you get paid a hell of a lot more, and you get to avoid SWO idiocy whenever you’re on a ship. Seriously, if you’re going 20 - get the biggest pension you can. An O3E or O4E is going to have a lot bigger pension than even a master chief.

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
yeah but then you have to DO PAPERWORK and NOT REAL WORK and you're not one of the REAL TROOPS (or Sailors in the real Navy's case). these are things I heard boarded not selected PO1s say when I asked about putting in LDO packages

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.
Serious, MBG, go talk to any mustang at your command or that you know otherwise. It is so much better than being enlisted.

Oct 28, 2000
Forum Veteran

Mr. Nice! posted:

Serious, MBG, go talk to any mustang at your command or that you know otherwise. It is so much better than being enlisted.

Yeah. We had a Senior Chief go LDO and took a pay cut to do so because the QOL is so drastically different.

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.

babyeatingpsychopath posted:

Yeah. We had a Senior Chief go LDO and took a pay cut to do so because the QOL is so drastically different.

He would have to have been over 18 years at that point to take a pay cut because O1E caps at 14 years (currently 5978.10), and the only enlisted people that make more than that are E8s over 18 and E9s generally. And even then, that's only for the first two years. There are zero enlisted people (except the senior enlisted person from each branch) with a higher base pay than an O2E at the same time in service.

Mr. Nice! fucked around with this message at 23:11 on Mar 30, 2024

Jan 1, 2008

Well don't you know I'm caught in a trap?

Additionally, you need to take into consideration the difference in base pay, and how that's going to effect your retirement. A larger proportion of enlisted salary is allowances and bonus pay type stuff.

Red Crown
Oct 20, 2008

Pretend my finger's a knife.

Deus Ex Macklemore posted:

What had happened was that the other crank walked into the CPO mess while they were "transitioning" a selectee from another ship by hanging him from the overhead with a noose. I guess the thought process was to protect the other crank from reprisal while everything got swept under the rug. Kid really hosed up though, he should have requested the wardroom because the other crank and I had a stateroom we could hang out in between meals so that we were out of the way but still close by if anyone needed anything.

Anywell, that was back in 1991. Thanks for listening to my Sea Story, presented by AARP

Alright that's the wildest Navy hazing story I've heard. I mean. What.

Oct 28, 2000
Forum Veteran

Mr. Nice! posted:

He would have to have been over 18 years at that point to take a pay cut because O1E caps at 14 years (currently 5978.10), and the only enlisted people that make more than that are E8s over 18 and E9s generally. And even then, that's only for the first two years. There are zero enlisted people (except the senior enlisted person from each branch) with a higher base pay than an O2E at the same time in service.

Correct. 18 years in, he's only 40 years old, went Officer to reset the clock, stayed another 5, then just decided to retire making pretty decent money.

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.

babyeatingpsychopath posted:

Correct. 18 years in, he's only 40 years old, went Officer to reset the clock, stayed another 5, then just decided to retire making pretty decent money.



Nick Soapdish
Apr 27, 2008

I've had a few friends who stayed in from when I joined in 2006 who have gone warrant and they've been happy. Not quite the same pay bump as O-#E pay but still better pay

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