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eating only apples
Dec 12, 2009

Shall we dance?
I was entirely set to bail like I did last year from the very start, but that was actually quite fun so I'll stick with it for now. Elizabeth looks far too much like someone I know and it's weird, she's just the same faffy wide-eyed kind of woman too. Elliot is doomed, the lady who PMd this time might do quite well if she's lucky.

Nice to see ol' Apprentice Thread Hero :allears: Tom :allears: back for a minute. I still use his stupid loving wavy nail file!


eating only apples
Dec 12, 2009

Shall we dance?
I'm glad I took a year off this show, I'm actually enjoying it this time round. They're all horrors but I'm glad Elizabeth hung on for another week.

eating only apples
Dec 12, 2009

Shall we dance?
Karen's "Joanna what's wrong" was brutal

eating only apples
Dec 12, 2009

Shall we dance?
All I took from this episode is after six tasks Elizabeth thinks Sajan's name is Sergeant.

eating only apples
Dec 12, 2009

Shall we dance?

Pissflaps posted:

Thinking of trying to track down some series 1 or 2 episodes to remind myself what this programme was like before it became this loving soap opera farce where half a team is told to sell something that hasn't been arranged by the other half clearly designed to create annoyed customers. gently caress off.

There's a lot on youtube!

eating only apples
Dec 12, 2009

Shall we dance?
I fuckin love Michaela I think she's great and I want her to win

Anisa is rubbish but she seems really nice and I'd hang out with her

eating only apples
Dec 12, 2009

Shall we dance?

Rondette posted:

At the end, they put a call out for competitors for the next series.

Who in their right minds would watch that episode and think that they are going to come out of it anything other than a laughing stock? Are there people that unironically watch it and think 'yes, that would be great for my career'.
I can only think of 3 people that have gone on to do something notable, Sairah (sic??) Kahn, Ruth Badger and Tom Pellereau. There is no glory in the show.

Well, Hopkins.

And Stuart Baggs but only because he died. :(

eating only apples
Dec 12, 2009

Shall we dance?
I love you Elizabeth

eating only apples
Dec 12, 2009

Shall we dance?
Hi guys, as I can't watch live any more I did you all the favour of recording my thoughts as I watched about an hour out of sync.

Love Joanna's purple dress, really suits her

Way to go Elizabeth and Michaela sexually harrassing the models

Purple hair men's designer is lovely and - wait what 50% Joanna gently caress you. It's already building to an Elizabeth firing but if Joanna doesn't go I'm gonna be mildly perturbed.

Jade's model looks real good, from my perspective as a connoisseur of America's Next Top Model

Harrison is worthless on this and it's apparently Jade's fault. Who am I kidding, Jade's team are hosed and she'll go despite Harrison being a loving moron

I hate James way more than I hate Harrison - JAMES NO DONT MODEL

(for the entire shoot) AAAAAAAAAAGHHHHH

Sarah you sell things for a living, don't whine when the person who doesn't that you pushed into the pitch, doesn't know what to do

Jade's team using the wrong name is for some reason going to be a big deal later when they've already ballsed it up, but Joanna's team will still lose

(I don't know why they bother with team names any more when by the time they start being mixed-gender no one knows which is which)

The post-apocalypse tudor stuff is actually gorgeous

Joanna you actually said you wanted two models and are now complaining that two models was bad

Joanna probably is gonna win now because they hosed it up so bad

The balloons will destroy them


Oh Christ Helen is here and she is gonna be pissed. Well she was quite polite actually but they got rid of the loving balloons. Bet it'll be an issue in the boardroom for some reason, like "hell of a girl" balloons would be any better.

I hate you James so much

AUUUUGH JADE WHY. The worst. She's entirely bullshitting. But if she sells like two items she's beat the other team, so. At least they have real models.

"Michaela is too northern"

It's Jade, Harrison or Joanna, I don't think anyone else is in the firing line. The two PMs or fuckin Harrison. Both the men must have a great business plan to still be here. I was on Sarah's side since the first episode so I hope she doesn't go, and Elizabeth is wonderful weird. James is probably safe, whatever, Sralun loves his type.

Sralan doesn't give a poo poo about women's fashion, quelle fuckin surprise

"I run a construction magazine not a fashion one" "It's the same thing though" lol I wanna see men in hi-vis posing against something lighter and more exciting than bamboo

Oooooof, brutalised. Hope it's fuckin Harrison.

gently caress by that VTR Elizabeth is either gonna go next week or win the loving thing.

Wow the edit is wrecking Jade. Sarah's like "she took on the responsibility of PM" no, you made her do it! I assume that means Jade is pretty safe

The Frances this year is a much better actress than the last few

Sarah's boardroom makeup artist needs to be fired immediately

RIP Harrison yesss. Double though

Ouch, wow. No fuss no muss. Bye, bye. I'm a bit sad about Jade. Not about Harrison. Glad Sarah made it. Michaela's still gonna be top 3 if not the winner.


*takes a bow*

eating only apples
Dec 12, 2009

Shall we dance?
Whatever NDA these people sign apparently doesn't mean you can't promote your current business, as Elizabeth is tweeting about making flowers for Meghan Markle

"flowers by Susan" :confused:

eating only apples fucked around with this message at 00:21 on Dec 7, 2017

eating only apples
Dec 12, 2009

Shall we dance?

Khablam posted:

not enough sobbing into your own hands and crying WHY
otherwise a solid episode review

There was an AUUUGH WHY which I feel counts, plus an AAAAAAGHHH and a NO and a WHY. Sobbing implied.

eating only apples
Dec 12, 2009

Shall we dance?
Don't discount Michaela she's good

eating only apples
Dec 12, 2009

Shall we dance?
Noooo Michaela :sigh:

It's gonna be loving James isn't it. How can Sarah's poo poo sweet shop even compete

eating only apples
Dec 12, 2009

Shall we dance?

eating only apples posted:

the lady who PMd this time might do quite well if she's lucky.

My first post itt after the first episode: the first time I've ever done a good prediction

eating only apples
Dec 12, 2009

Shall we dance?
Ooh, thanks for the reminder, I'd've forgotten otherwise

eating only apples
Dec 12, 2009

Shall we dance?
Well that was a wet fart of an ending to a series that I actually quite enjoyed, what a load of shite.


eating only apples
Dec 12, 2009

Shall we dance?
I don't think there'll be another series. This is it guys: not with a bang, but a whimper. Everyone wins.

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