- unruly
- May 12, 2002
TPM Firmware updates. Sucks that it takes a powerwash, but it's mostly painless.
Apr 9, 2018 14:50
- Adbot
Jan 26, 2025 14:41
- unruly
- May 12, 2002
I switched to Chrome OS beta channel and it now uses an arrow animation (similar to MacOS) which suffers none of these problems and looks better anyway. So that's solved I guess.
You can change the animations in the chrome://flags option, too. God I hated that lovely slide over animation. It was a crapshoot as to whether or not it was going to work the first time...
Apr 19, 2018 03:04
- unruly
- May 12, 2002
For anyone who has installed Linux on one of these: What is the experience like? I have an HP Chromebook 14 and its... okay. I don't really like using mainly web apps, and lately Chrome has been really crashy (even after a powerwash and update). My fear is that battery life is going to suck and that the lackluster specs will not hold up to the hype in my head. It wouldn't be for anything serious: Some light web development, Firefox and that's about it.
May 17, 2018 03:13
- unruly
- May 12, 2002
I usually use an Ubuntu Mate install that's on an SD card, so that there's no USB sticking out. The slowest part is indeed i/o, but I really only notice that when doing updates, which take a few extra minutes. (I've never had an update break anything.) The machine itself is obviously no speed demon but it has no trouble at all fullscreening video from netflix, youtube, or a local file. As for battery life, it's usually plugged into mains power but my impression is that it lasts almost as long in Linux as it is in ChromeOS.
That's good to hear. I'm not really interested in getting the ChromeOS part back. I can't imagine it selling well given that it was <$300 and the specs are, as mentioned before, not exactly great. I was considering waiting until the official support line ends in 2020, but honestly, I'm getting tired of using it when it crashes so frequently.
May 17, 2018 12:55
- unruly
- May 12, 2002
I don't think I'd want to run Windows 10 on a large variety of Chromebooks. I installed Linux on mine (thanks for the tips, everyone) and it's good, but there is a reason ChromeOS is stripped down to basically nothing.
Jun 13, 2018 22:59
- Adbot
Jan 26, 2025 14:41
- unruly
- May 12, 2002
Hmm bummer, ok thanks sir
Good to know about typing being slow. Character rendering on vs code is generally noted to be one of the fastest, so if what you're saying is true, then I should probably avoid for the time being.
I use VSCode for my personal site and decided to give a Python test a try. It's not going to win any land-speed records, but on my HP Chromebook 13 running GalliumOS, it seems acceptable if you're not tremendously picky about UI speed.
Aug 22, 2018 17:27