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Aug 26, 2004


after arguing with the other rabbis, Ben Eleazar said that “if the halakha is in accordance with my opinion, let this tank prove it.” the tank flipped over and crushed him. then the rabbis said to him: one does not cite halakhic proof from a tank.


Aug 26, 2004

Adenoid Dan posted:

Yeah reading the documentation of the planning and execution of the Nakba is quite different from the fake history that everyone hears.

you got links for a goon on this? would be really jazzed to see some primary source poo poo about just how loving fascist it's always been

Aug 26, 2004

Adenoid Dan posted:

The first one I think would be the ethnic cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappe, an Israeli historian who actually interviewed survivors as well as researching the military archives in Israel.

thank you my friend.

Aug 26, 2004

Aug 26, 2004

Pener Kropoopkin posted:

if somebody told me I had to accept commands from an Israeli officer I’d just eat the court martial.

i got kicked out once i'd be more than willing to be kicked out again


Don't ask don't tell, i got blackout drunk one time and told one of my barracks mates i was bi

this was 20 years ago to be clear

aBagorn has issued a correction as of 01:32 on Nov 14, 2023

Aug 26, 2004

SplitSoul posted:

Now this is the story all about how
Merkava got flipped, turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute and sing you a ditty
I'll tell you how I got blown to mince on a street in Gaza City

Aug 26, 2004

Dr. VooDoo posted:

IDF reveals that Al-Shifa was secretly a temple constructed to summon Gozer The Gozerian

Aug 26, 2004

dude is cookin fr

Aug 26, 2004

Aug 26, 2004

ben shapino posted:

Israel has failed No Nakba November

Aug 26, 2004

Neurolimal posted:

Only Eli knows the secret of the ooze

Aug 26, 2004

ikanreed posted:

Muslims don't eat pigs though

Aug 26, 2004

Asproigerosis posted:

Lmao constantly posting about death to America death to Israel but omg you watched the bad brain videos you loving sociopath

imagine thinking these two things are in anyway comparable

Aug 26, 2004

Death By The Blues posted:

Zionists giving the Indonesian hospital 4 hours to evacuate before they storm it.

drat i'm gonna have to make a new mario screen for this one too

Aug 26, 2004

Egg Moron posted:

Gotta agree with Benny G on this one

Stunning defeat for idf

good for benny g respecting Hamas' she/it pronouns

Aug 26, 2004

Fellatio del Toro posted:

wow. the idf is using a jewish-owned business for military purposes, with bostonian civilians as human shields. disgusting and antisemitic

Aug 26, 2004

Aug 26, 2004

euphronius posted:

are they really shutting down Haaretz

from what i could glean for now they are proposing cutting off any state money from haaretz, including money for advertisements and blocking any future "commercial agreements"

but they're also looking "more closely" to see if haaretz articles "crossed the criminal threshold"

Aug 26, 2004
Seems the IOF is finally starting it's counter-propaganda campaign of "no they were only nice for the camera, they were really brutal animals" today

Aug 26, 2004

boo boo bear posted:

come out ye blue and whites
with yer diapers full of shite
tel me all about them kids
you shot at nova

Aug 26, 2004

anyone verify this on other sources? are our favorite yemeni boys fuckin the tea drinkers and burgers up?

Aug 26, 2004

FlapYoJacks posted:

Next video: Palestinian babies ate stolen Israeli baby food on October 7th; watch this gruesome video to see their depraved behavior.

this is beyond the pale i might need to rethink my whole...


Aug 26, 2004

boo boo bear posted:

hello mudda
hello fadda
I'm posting this from
camp hasbara

Aug 26, 2004

Aug 26, 2004

Strep Vote posted:

Star of David = nazi swastika = United states flag, as far as l'm concerned.

i now have a level of solidarity with the hindu who are upset about how the swastika became appropriated and can no longer use it in a positive way.

Aug 26, 2004

Mr. Sharps posted:

going to fly a white kite in this guys memory and if anybody asks about it I’ll give them the poem

Aug 26, 2004

scary ghost dog posted:

american reform jews are completely biblically illiterate about everything that isnt in genesis or exodus. my religious school education went abraham’s lineage -> exodus from egypt and arrival in holy land -> shoah and creation of israel, which is your birthright and the only place on earth a jew will ever be safe. if i hadnt done confirmation classes with my cynical south african rabbi i wouldve been exclusively taught by officially distributed israeli teacher’s guides and the dreamworks movie the prince of egypt

working at a reform synagogue (i'm a reconstructionist convert) really opened my eyes to this. i was asked to lead torah study one week and we were at Shelah Lekha - the part of Numbers where spies go into eretz yisrael (land of israel) to see if it can be conquered. They come back mopey that the people who were already there (CHECKMATE ISRAELIS) had fortifications and the like, and g-d got pissy at them and cursed the entire generation.

i attempted to steer the discussion towards what the authors of torah (my synagogue is big on separating the torah from the supernatural "inspired word of g-d") were trying to convey here, and why they felt the need to write g-d as an unfeeling character and why Moshe was allowed to attempt to negotiate with g-d but the hebrews were not even thinking about negotiating with the people in the region they wanted to live on, and how we can apply that to the creation of medinat yisrael (the modern state of israel)

i got nothing but blank stares and some quips about "the promised land" and then hostile stares when i pressed back, so i ended up just focusing on the end of the parsha where g-d shows us tzitzit and then everyone started talking again

Aug 26, 2004

Thoguh posted:

It's the official Zionist party line to hold that opinion but I don't think most people who haven't been on Birthright are aware of some of the more crazy Zionist stuff like that.

Hell, there was a poster in this thread unironically posting about that a month or so ago and other people posted about being taught that as a kid.

This is the biggest disconnect i, as an adult jewish convert, have with my more left leaning jewish friends who were raised jewish, especially the older millennial crowd. At the core of their beliefs, even as they agree that Israel is committing atrocities and that Palestinians should have freedom and sovereignty, they always end up at the mealy mouthed two state bullshit because they can't get their heads away from the "the jewish people need an Israel to be safe." They were all raised by Jewish boomers who were the first generation of the diaspora that had an Israel to yearn for in a real way, and also the generation first raised with the collective trauma of the shoah, and they just passed down that fear and paranoia to their children.

Aug 26, 2004

Al-Saqr posted:

When you're right, you're right


Urgent | The Israeli Ambassador to Britain: The two-state solution cannot be implemented with the Palestinians

the Israeli Ambassador to Britain: It is time for the world to realize that the Oslo equation failed on October 7

okay, so a secular one state solution becomes the path forward thanks for the support UK and Israel

Aug 26, 2004

ContinuityNewTimes posted:

Getting murdered by the only state in the world that can protect you ftw

Aug 26, 2004

Cookie Cutter posted:

By siding with the forces of starvation, Jerry has lived long enough to see himself become the Soup Nazi

Aug 26, 2004

Seyser Koze posted:

The bad thread struggles yet again to understand basic human empathy and solidarity as motivations.

"People like to say they're doing things for good, non-self-interested reasons all the time, even when they blatantly aren't. The fact that they're joining forces with Somali pirates to do hijackings points towards it not being particularly pointed towards helping Gazans in reality but posturing to look good (and also steal some poo poo). Not everyone who claims to be in the good fight is actually in the good fight."

Aug 26, 2004

gradenko_2000 posted:

read a loving book, moron

(from Losurdo's "Critique of a Black Legend")

stalin could easily support a jewish state in Palestine and be antisemitic i mean poo poo that probably describes most world leaders of the time.

Aug 26, 2004

crepeface posted:

the sun could easily rise out of my rear end and into your mouth

i have as about much evidence for that as you probably do for your statement


Aug 26, 2004

Pepe Silvia Browne posted:

actually it's a fun thing to do that lets the crowd know the wedding is over

things can mean two things!

Aug 26, 2004

Burn Zone posted:

bibi will have to go back to philly after this

gently caress no we're not letting him back here.

imma round up some eagles fans and mummers and blockade the airport

Aug 26, 2004

Real Mean Queen posted:

Lately I’ve seen a lot of “Hamas keeps saying they don’t want ceasefires so stop yelling that you want one.” I would guess this is a joke offer, a stupid thing an rear end in a top hat proposes so he can say he tried

yeah there's been a marked increase in "Hamas keeps declining ceasefires" on X and other socials in the past 10-14 days

Aug 26, 2004
frantically searching for a new job as mine has been more and more untenable

context, i work for a reform synagogue that has a very staunch pro israel clergy and membership in contrast to the synagogue i attend which features both rabbis leading pro-palestinian protests.

i just had to put up an event for our members featuring some of the following in its description:

zionist bullshit posted:

[...]exploration of the complex dynamics influencing the attitudes of young Jewish “Progressive” individuals who may hold anti-Israel views[...]

Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the various factors that contribute to the strong opinions held by some Jewish youth regarding Israel. [...] effective communication strategies, focusing on pragmatic and respectful approaches for discussing the importance of supporting Israel. [...] fostering a connection between generations and enabling a more comprehensive understanding of differing viewpoints.

[...] beneficial for parents and grandparents seeking to connect with, understand, and influence the perspectives of younger family members or community members. [...] engage in meaningful conversations about a sensitive and significant topic, bridging generational divides [...]

a literal "no, it's the children who are wrong" seminar for fucks sake

Aug 26, 2004

did you find these from actual zionists or are they satire?


Aug 26, 2004

The Voice of Labor posted:

so america, if it didn't have black people to provide it culture


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