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Nov 13, 2005

Nix Panicus posted:

I would like to express my formal support for the Palestinian people and a sincere hope that the IDF fails at every task and the Israeli state collapses

I have surrounded myself with incense in order to cast a powerful curse spell on the IDF

I am also using the bodies of both my dogs to empower this spell, so hopefully it is successful. Wish me luck.


Nov 13, 2005

mcmagic posted:

That picture is all over twitter.... You don't need to google anything.

It doesn't matter if it's obviously a plant to you. It's not a picture I'd want to be in.

I get it, you're embarrassed. You misremembered the image as being different than it was. Happens to the best of us - I had also forgotten that it was a single guy who obviously pulled up a swastika on his phone to show to onlooking journalist cameras.

Nov 13, 2005

dead gay comedy forums posted:

me, as a ghost through an alien time machine: “Andropov, get your goddamned kidneys in order, drink lots of water, heed the red army, get this yeltsin motherfucker arrested asap and tell this gorbachev dude to stop being a dumbass, work together with this Deng fella in China (and tell him to look after this Xi dude as well), let the baltics go and NATO will never stop trying to gently caress with you. Also invest in transistors and nuclear energy, thorium reactors are possible kthxbai”

me, as a ghost through an alien time machine: "Andropov, please watch this" *shows Andropov Neon Genesis Evangelion*

Nov 13, 2005

Honky Mao posted:

US and Israeli intelligence are scrambling to shoot some footage of baby beheadings as we speak

Somewhere, people are sitting in a meeting and debating the risks and benefits of creating AI-generated photos of headless babies

Nov 13, 2005

HashtagGirlboss posted:

There’s nothing to be gained by posting about this on social media or talking about it with people who you’re not very close to, assuming at least that you’re in the USA, because you will not open eyes and you will not change opinions, this is overwhelmingly being messaged in a way that it’s best just to keep your head down, idk if I thought it would come to some good to speak up I’d say differently, but there is no benefit and only problems sorry

One thing I have noticed is nobody is even talking about this offline. I have not heard a snip of conversation even from people I hear occasionally talk about Ukraine, idk, nobody seems to want to talk about it anyway and honestly I’d oblige

Yeah, my approach is that I'll never lie about my views, but I also won't volunteer them.

A few years ago some coworker was talking up how good Musk was in the context of addressing global warming (this is while he was still popular with liberals) and I basically was just like "nah, electric cars aren't going to make a difference."

The key is to take the sort of tone where the other person will come off as weird and unhinged if they argue with you.

(Of course, this only applies if you care about not alienating your coworkers - if you don't then go wild - you're probably more admirable for it)

Nov 13, 2005

The "this is actually WORSE than the holocaust!!" stuff is so completely deranged

Just the result of brains being so thoroughly broken that they can only perceive reality through some hosed up form of internet discourse

Nov 13, 2005

It's cool seeing liberals continue to talk about how bad Trump is, while Biden enthusiastically supports Israel's literal genocide

Too disgusting for words (or at least words that won't potentially get me into legal trouble)


SourKraut posted:

Just wanted to say that Majorian's probe in the D&D thread, and really the reason for it, is the most dumb, bullshit, galaxy-brained D&D nonsense

The funny thing is that Majorian's post was bad, but for completely different reasons (Frogan's posts were good and definitely not "cringe")

Nov 13, 2005

Oglethorpe posted:

i'm gonna die of alcoholism anyway


unfuck your moral compass right now, holy poo poo.

your family are genocide deniers
leave them. get out now

Nov 13, 2005

spacemang_spliff posted:

lmao incredible

loving Anthony Blinken makes John Bolton look like Nelson Mandela loving poo poo there are no words to express how much I hate Biden and his corrupt racist genocidaire administration. loving piece of poo poo.

America is a blight on the world

But did you hear that Trump said something about US presidents not needing to follow the constitution?

Nov 13, 2005

Engorged Pedipalps posted:

I worked in an academia adjacent position recently and my experience with people in tenured academic roles is that they're somebody's useless kid about 3000% of the time which is why they're so bad at making arguments and accomplishing basic work

Like I appreciate what this guy was trying to do, just lmao the way he illustrated this point just seems dumb as hell

There's at least a 90% chance that the story was, at the very least, heavily embellished by the students.

Nov 13, 2005

Uncle Wemus posted:

I wonder if Facebook would ban me for that image

I feel like, if I posted that, most people would think that it was an earnest expression of my racism towards black people

Most people are basically incapable of detecting even the most blatant irony/sarcasm

Nov 13, 2005

Someone post the longer one with the song and bearded Trump (this time I'll save it because it's great)

Nov 13, 2005

I hope the IDF is punished severely once they enter Gaza.

Nov 13, 2005

Majorian posted:

Pleasantly surprised to see this. Shocked, shocked that noted anti-war activist MTG is not on this list!

So basically now AOC, Bowman, and others have risen to the level of MTG

Dokapon Findom posted:

I feel really unsafe, guys

I'm the one doing everything bad but I just feel unsafe, yknow?

Nobody ever talks about the deep psychological trauma faced by the people who work in concentration camps

What if the prisoners escape? No one should have to live with such fear...

These people are so whiny

Nov 13, 2005

^^^^ That gore is okay because it reminds people why Israel's genocide is sadly necessary

(for real though, stuff like that really does make me wonder if it's being posted - and allowed - deliberately for that purpose)

silicone thrills posted:

Seems like there's a big influx of posters I dont normally see around cspam posting here. I dont explore around the forums much these days but im guessing this is one of the last places where you are allowed to have any sort of nuanced view?

The D&D thread is really loving bad. Even worse than I expected and I regret looking at it just now. It almost appears like people deliberately acting out some exaggerated leftist caricature of liberals.

Edit: I really can't understate my disgust towards the people who are still like "I have never been as upset and disturbed as I was at Hamas's crimes..." while Israel is literally in the process of attempting to exterminate every man, woman, and child in Gaza. Just the most vile scum imaginable.

Ytlaya has issued a correction as of 22:51 on Oct 14, 2023

Nov 13, 2005

ContinuityNewTimes posted:

D&D poster: Hmmm the double swastikas and laminated Operation Murder plans they found at the ruined baby kibbutz seem kind of fishy. Starting to wonder if some of this stuff is a little exaggerated

Wrong. It has been fact-checked. You can clearly see in this video that a member of Hamas is holding a piece of paper. You know what else is a piece of paper? That's right, the Top Secret baby murdering document.

paul_soccer12 posted:

Thread: West Bank violence/cleansing by settler subhumans

It's really hard for me to consider the settlers "civilians/noncombatants." Minors always still count (just as a hard rule in any situation, at least for me personally), but people making the choice to live as an Israeli settler are just absolute scum who are probably even more directly involved and invested in the suffering of Palestinians than your average IDF soldier. And as we've seen countless times, they literally revel in hurting and killing Palestinians.

It's really hard for me to think of anyone more repulsive. Just something fundamentally rotten in their souls. It's especially vile with people like that one settler guy from Brooklyn in that video linked earlier. Doesn't even have the excuse of being raised in a society that taught him to be like that.

Nov 13, 2005

Death By The Blues posted:

I mean in the eyes of Hamas settlers where fair game and not civilians as they have murdered hundreds of Palestinians over the last couple of years with this year being the deadliest in the West Bank.

Yeah, and it makes me wonder about the "Israeli civilian casualties" figures floating around. I don't doubt that Israel is juicing them to begin with (since they're trying to justify literal genocide, after all), but there's also going to be a reverse version of the "all military-aged males are combatants" logic happening, where armed settlers are treated as "civilians."

Turdfuzz posted:

don't even get me started on those disabled civilians

If someone's missing an arm or leg, they weigh less, and that means they're even faster

Nov 13, 2005

I wish I could talk to my best friend about this (the only guy I know in person who I can talk about political things with), but his daughter (first kid) was literally just born 5 days ago so I don't want to talk about something so depressing given the circumstances.

Nov 13, 2005

smarxist posted:

saw these in a neighborhood with poor brown people, terrorism?

I don't know if you're still there, but if you are GET OUT NOW

This is a common (and very deadly) booby trap often wielded by the you-know-whos. The shoes carries a shaped charge specifically designed to cause the power lines to connect with the ground after detonation, electrocuting everyone within a several hundred meter radius. It's a vicious and inhumane trick.

Nov 13, 2005

Cold on a Cob posted:

I’ve only listened to maybe 20 episodes but I thought behind the bastards loved to talk about the cia and how the USA backs a lot of evil regimes

It's pretty common for radlib/anarchist types to feel (relatively) comfortable talking about how bad the US was in the past. So they'll talk about the CIA doing bad stuff in the 80s or whatever, but in the present it's all about the evils of Assad/Putin/Xi/whoever.

edit: Like Al! said, there's a certain allowable narrative about the CIA being bad in the past, which is allowed solely because it's implied to be distanced from the organization as it currently exists.

edit2: Another element to this is that there's usually an implication that, to the extent the CIA has been evil in the past, it did so as an extension of the Republican Party and was not associated with the Democrats/liberals. Basically you can talk about the US being evil, but it needs to be linked to partisan conflict in some way.

Ytlaya has issued a correction as of 21:16 on Oct 16, 2023

Nov 13, 2005

Mister Speaker posted:

I do find it difficult, the flag thing, because I recall the time someone at the antivaxx convoy had a nazi flag and the general discourse was that old chestnut "if you're not beating up the guy with the nazi flag you're at a nazi rally." It's not the same level of evil, I think, but i do find it difficult to reconcile since essentially the same kind of tacit acceptance is happening when someone rocks a Russian flag at a Palestine rally.

But I suppose I could throw it back in his face by saying "I saw one Azov flag at a Ukrainian protest so now I think all Ukrainians are nazis." I realize this is sort of a :canofworms: ITT and I'm showing my rear end as also being a bit lib-brained but that's where I'm at.

Nov 13, 2005

Cold on a Cob posted:

what if I don't really support Russia or Ukraine but support Palestine and hate American imperialism? does that mean I'm like chaotic good? how does this work again?

What does this actually functionally mean, though? How are you defining "support"?

It doesn't matter whether you think the countries are "good" or not - it's about the material outcome you think is best (and in a war between nations, it can only go one way or the other).

Hatebag posted:

russia is social darwinism?

Thought it was pretty self-explanatory, but the chart is saying that "supporting the combination of Russia and Israel is "social-darwinism" (etc, for each other combination)

Nov 13, 2005

Cold on a Cob posted:

I don't know enough about Russia, Ukraine, or the conflict to take a strong position I can justify and I never had the time to learn more than that

Okay, that's a bit different than I was interpreting it. I'd describe it more as "not having an opinion" than "not supporting either side" (which is still phrased as an actual position and could also be called "opposing both sides").

Ardennes posted:

It just means those are the stronger countries.

Yeah, my interpretation is that it's just a "belief that the strongest countries deserve to win"

I guess I can see part of the confusion about the figure, if you think it's saying things "about the countries" instead of "about the people who support the countries in their respective conflicts"

Nov 13, 2005

Zodium posted:

apparently the meme originally said "India" lol

That's what this thread is, the Pakistan v India thread

Nov 13, 2005

^^^ new gimmick is much better than the old one

Honky Mao posted:

Israeli pilot right before sending a missile right through the window into a hospital (direct hit on the maternity ward)

He knew it would be hard to directly hit the maternity ward, but the Force guided his hand and enabled him to make the shot

Maybe this is the lesson the IDF needs to learn. Stop trusting in their fancy military instruments, and instead trust in the Force (in this case, the Abrahamic God).

Nov 13, 2005

PsychoInternetHawk posted:

Israel gonna kill him and blame it on the Palestinians

"Hamas dressed up as Netanyahu and killed the there nothing they won't stoop to"

Nov 13, 2005

Apparently some random very distant relative (there's some other distant relative on the Jewish side of my family who tracks the hyper-extended family tree) was killed in a one of the kibbutzes.

Takings lots of effort not to openly express how little I give a poo poo (not to the person who originated the e-mail, since I don't even know them, but my mom/aunt who sent it)

edit: I also finally got the courage to check in on Facebook for the first time in probably like 2 years. The disturbing thing is that not a single person (that I saw while scrolling a while, at least) is commenting on this, from either perspective. Also Facebook sucks rear end now and literally at least 3/4 of the timeline is random stuff that aren't even people from my friends list. Completely unusable, it's awful. I guess it makes sense, given that it's primarily aimed at old people whose other main form of media is television.

Ytlaya has issued a correction as of 19:46 on Oct 17, 2023

Nov 13, 2005

mcmagic posted:

they are just normie american jews OP

Yeah, when I went to some relative's bat mitzvah some years back, before the part where she said a bunch of stuff in Hebrew in the synagogue*, the Rabbi said a bunch of stuff and concluded with a very abrupt/random prayer to Israel. And this was a very liberal synagogue.

* I have no idea what's actually involved with the bar/bat mitzvah, since my family never did Jewish stuff beyond Hanukkah

vvvv Ah, maybe this explains it

Pretzel Rod Serling posted:

yeah a lot of non-Jewish people might not get this but they pummel you with propaganda from the moment you first drive past a synagogue, to the point where any Jew who practices at all (and even many secular Jews) are on a first-name basis with like ten IDF guys by the time their bar/bat mitzvah rolls around.

Nov 13, 2005

Made my first Facebook post in god knows how long (pretty sure at least 5 years) and linked to ANERA (where I set up a monthly donation since, from what I understand, those can be more helpful due to the more predictable cash flow)

Both sides of the family (Jewish and fundamentalist Christian) probably gonna get mad at me, but I don't care about arguing with anyone online about this. Just want to force people to pay even the smallest amount of attention to it, since I couldn't find a single other post on my timeline about it.

Nov 13, 2005

Google Butt posted:

it seems dnd isn't quite convinced yet, waiting for more concrete evidence from an idf source to be sure.

The mainstream news is saying "the HAMAS-RUN local government is claiming things, but we are still waiting for confirmation from Israeli authorities"

Nov 13, 2005

Hirsute posted:

Yeah I'm seeing people say they "warned" the hospital to evacuate. Y'know, the building full of people who can't move

The "funny" thing is that that makes it even worse! It's literally admitting you deliberately targeted the loving hospital!

Israel is so loving stupid, and the worst part is that it doesn't even matter how stupid they are. They can say "look we warned these school children before murdering them" and these idiots will say "well that makes it okay, those children have no one to blame but themselves."

Nov 13, 2005

Judgy Fucker posted:

gently caress the acronym. Death to the State of Israel.

Yeah, the acronym is kind of like "ACAB", a thing that lots of people say who don't actually want to abolish the police

Nov 13, 2005

RedQueen posted:

picking this lie to go all in on feels like it actually might not work this time

It might not work on "people who talk about politics on the internet," but it will absolutely work on "the average American."

Most people just get a vague impression of what's happening from news headlines. Their understanding is probably something really vague like "Hamas did terrible evil things, and also there's some sort of humanitarian crisis in Gaza because of what Hamas did."

Unlike D&D posters, they don't have any sort of convoluted justification for any of this. It's just vibes.

edit: Basically, "normies" generally aren't even interested in any sort of discussion regarding this stuff. They just "find out what's happening" from the news, and that's the end of it.

Nov 13, 2005

Inner Light posted:

not sure exactly, but there isn’t really good confirmation of that number, in addition the authoritative sources news orgs used to report that number have shifted their stories or are saying different things. the number is unconfirmed IMO as of now. but it’s not an important point probably.

This is like, after the twin towers fell, saying "well we can't confirm that more than 100 people died from this"

You can easily infer that "more than X" number of people died from the destruction of a building with a certain number of people in it, even if you don't know the exact number. Even the numbers cited by Gaza officials are probably low, because they won't be including people who haven't been found in the rubble.

Nov 13, 2005

Dokapon Findom posted:

I believe this. I am the world's most credulous moron

It is genuinely baffling to me. A "piece of a missile" somehow destroying an entire hospital.

edit: Btw, were multiple hospital bombed? I feel like I've seen at least two different hospital names, and it's hard too keep track of everything with all the various tweets, etc.

Nov 13, 2005

Vox Nihili posted:

this is exactly whats happening now, it's insane to see it in action

Yeah, after seeing that tweet I realized "oh, that explains a certain thing"

Honestly uncanny and makes me wonder some things

Nov 13, 2005

OctaMurk posted:

per my open source intelligence, i think the people who have been bombing gaza alot probably bombed the hospital in gaza

Actually according to logic, this is the "Gambler's Fallacy." Just because Israel has been dropping all the bombs on Gaza doesn't mean they dropped this one. For all we know it could be Lebanon, Germany, or hell - maybe a new country no one's even heard of!

Nov 13, 2005

Crazypoops posted:

I remember when my morning poo poo misfired and took out a 1000 people in a hospital once, it happens.

I had something like this happen once. I was once throwing rocks at cars as a kid*, and one of the rocks hit a hospital instead of a car. The hospital is gone now, and I have to live with that guilt.

* this part is actually true, for some reason my friend and I decided to blindly throw rocks over the hill behind my house where cars were driving, using the sound of the cars as a guide. We ended up hitting one (or at least I'm 95% sure we did based off the sound) and realized we should probably stop before getting in major trouble.

Feel bad for the poor person driving around in 1994 who suddenly had a rock come out of nowhere and crack their windshield.

Nov 13, 2005

Mushika posted:

How do people even keep up with this thread? I try to check in as often as I can, but every time there's five hundred to a thousand new posts.

Go to a couple pages before the end and read from there. If anything major happened, it'll become apparent.


Nov 13, 2005

Sancho Banana posted:

So now they're not even saying it was a rocket, but DEBRIS from a rocket that exploded in mid-air? And then landed, presumably through a window, INSIDE the hospital and hit some conveniently placed stash of explosives and ammunition and blew them up, and that caused a strong enough blast to demolish the building in one, big, singular explosion with no secondaries? Am I getting it all right?

Thats media literacy

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