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Pryor on Fire
May 14, 2013

they don't know all alien abduction experiences can be explained by people thinking saving private ryan was a documentary

Several big companies are doling out six figure signing bonuses for good candidates nowadays, Amazon is pretty famous for this and I'd imagine every company in SF has to do it now to get people to relocate.

My buddy got 100k bonus + 75K to cover selling his house to move up to Seattle like two weeks ago for a mid level position so it's definitely still a thing.


Pryor on Fire
May 14, 2013

they don't know all alien abduction experiences can be explained by people thinking saving private ryan was a documentary

This is quite literally the best time in the history of the United States to be looking for a new job. If you have any inclination to do so start sending out resumes today.

Pryor on Fire
May 14, 2013

they don't know all alien abduction experiences can be explained by people thinking saving private ryan was a documentary

VileLL posted:

quick sanity check:

my company's currently trying to recruit someone with a masters/ preferably phd in computer science + prior experience developing software to create/ incorporate machine learning features in a project/ write and publish research around this.

£25,000 annually is an absurdly lowball figure for this, right?

lol this person can start at $200k a year with zero experience or references in Seattle

Pryor on Fire
May 14, 2013

they don't know all alien abduction experiences can be explained by people thinking saving private ryan was a documentary

pathetic little tramp posted:

As the coasts get hotter and more ecologically hosed up, I legit think tech people are going to start looking at smaller midwestern cities like Omaha and Des Moines - DM in particular is growing pretty quickly yet doing a very good job of keeping things walkable/sustainable. Would love to see them start investing in light rail though. And high speed rail to connect to Omaha and Minneapolis.... a man can dream.

hahah no way dude Omaha and Minneapolis are already 100% uninhabitable for like 3 months every summer. The state bird of Minnesota is the mosquito, if you try to go outside in July you will bleed to death in ~60 minutes.

there is no way either of those swampy hellholes gets any better with climate change

Pryor on Fire
May 14, 2013

they don't know all alien abduction experiences can be explained by people thinking saving private ryan was a documentary

Have a backup plan, even if you're really at your job nobody is going to hire you as a developer past 40 or so.

The look of disappointment and shock when you first jump on a video call for an interview with some 24 year old is real. It gets so loving tiresome after a few months.

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