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A human heart
Oct 10, 2012

i don't know why i'm bumping this thread because there are like 2 people on this web site who listen to noise at this point and the rest is just guys who want to talk about dumb poo poo, but the new heat signature album is very good American harsh noise with plenty of bass. the american scene in general seems to be very healthy at the moment with lots of great labels like white centipede and new forces putting out high quality material.


Oct 6, 2010

A man whose blood
Is very snow-broth;
One who never feels
The wanton stings and
Motions of the sense

I haven’t been paying attention to the scene lately but I appreciate the update.

If any of you are in NY, Lee from Navicon Torture Technologies/Annihilvs Power Electronix/Theologian has opened a store and performance space in Nyack that’s wellworth checking out and supporting.

Also look for my pal Anthony Saunders because he’s all around talented.

And if anyone wants to go to a noise show in nyc follow this Instagram

A human heart
Oct 10, 2012

All releases from cool dudes label No Rent Records are name your price because of coronavirus, they've got some good stuff:
I particularly like the albums from Kjostad, Hum of the Druid and Rusalka.

Apr 24, 2010

thanks human heart for keeping this thread going. had a PE gig i've been preparing scrap metal for cancelled so at least now i can catch up on some records.

A human heart
Oct 10, 2012

Psychedelius posted:

thanks human heart for keeping this thread going. had a PE gig i've been preparing scrap metal for cancelled so at least now i can catch up on some records.

sounds cool, I keep meaning to do stuff for a PE project but im very lazy so nothing has been released yet, just some harsh noise. what kind of PE are you doing

Apr 24, 2010

diy active matrix mixer with a few pedals for distortion, filters and reverbs setup for multiple feedback routings. also some piezos on said collection of metal that i hit with my gangly arms und scream into whenever it feels appropriate. i have a small mono reel to reel tape machine that i wanted to use as a final stage for saturation and compression but im not sure if it would survive a gig.

A human heart
Oct 10, 2012

Genocide Organ's Remember, their best album, is currently name your price on bandcamp:

Jul 24, 2008

by the sex ghost
I was once witness to God while listening to Pulse Demon, and today I commune with the Bartman

Apr 27, 2012
Hopsital Productions have 20% off their bandcamp and store with the code BYOBNYC til Friday, so if you were looking for an excuse to pick anything up now is a good time.

I downloaded the $45 Skin Crime set with 20 CDs worth of material so I guess that's all I'm listening to for a while.

magic cactus
Aug 3, 2019

We lied. We are not at war. There is no enemy. This is a rescue operation.
I could have sworn there was another incarnation of this thread somewhere but oh well.

I've been thinking about getting into making guitar noise/drone with a cheap guitar and some pedals. I unfortunately know next to nothing about guitar pedals in general, anyone in this thread who makes noise got any tips for a relative newbie?

Jul 24, 2008

by the sex ghost
two or three analog delay pedals is p much all you need, everything else is just spice

Jul 24, 2008

by the sex ghost
i guess you don't need them, especially since that would be particularly expensive. i don't really mess with software but that would be the way you want to go if you're keeping it on the cheap.

a good fuzz pedal is probably a requirement too. you can get good big muff clones for $20-40 easy

magic cactus
Aug 3, 2019

We lied. We are not at war. There is no enemy. This is a rescue operation.

treat posted:

i guess you don't need them, especially since that would be particularly expensive. i don't really mess with software but that would be the way you want to go if you're keeping it on the cheap.

a good fuzz pedal is probably a requirement too. you can get good big muff clones for $20-40 easy

Yeah I'm thinking of just grabbing a delay, a fuzz, and maybe a chorus for some texture. I don't feel the need to go full shoegaze just yet, I just wanna make a racket for my own amusement. Thanks for the advice!

Jul 24, 2008

by the sex ghost
also i generally use a loop pedal to layer my bricks on the wall of sound rather than recording. you can find some loopers with built in delay if that's the route you want to go

May 19, 2012

magic cactus posted:

I could have sworn there was another incarnation of this thread somewhere but oh well.

I've been thinking about getting into making guitar noise/drone with a cheap guitar and some pedals. I unfortunately know next to nothing about guitar pedals in general, anyone in this thread who makes noise got any tips for a relative newbie?

A fuzz into a feedback loop is amazing for this stuff. There are a lot of pedals that have one built in (like Occvlt's Old Hag) or you can make one yourself or just buy a feedback loop and hook up your fuzz of choice into it. Saturnworks makes great ones.

A human heart
Oct 10, 2012

like half the drat point of making noise is loving around with gear, just try out some pedals and see what sounds cool

magic cactus
Aug 3, 2019

We lied. We are not at war. There is no enemy. This is a rescue operation.
yeah that's what I'm figuring, bit of an obvious post in retrospect but I appreciate the advice.

Mar 5, 2005

Milk's on them.

A human heart posted:

like half the drat point of making noise is loving around with gear, just try out some pedals and see what sounds cool

Hell yeah that means I’m a noise musician :cool:

A human heart
Oct 10, 2012

you could be since it's very easy to make noise. it is however much harder to make good noise

Dec 16, 2022

by Fluffdaddy
Anyone know any good noise podcasts?

Two podcasts I listen to are:
NoiseExta - good when its an interview, else it can be a bit to much general riffing.
White Centipede Noise - generally just interviews, which is good.

A human heart posted:

I can't get into anenzephalia for some reason

A human heart
Oct 10, 2012

Piss Creep posted:

Anyone know any good noise podcasts?

Two podcasts I listen to are:
NoiseExta - good when its an interview, else it can be a bit to much general riffing.
White Centipede Noise - generally just interviews, which is good.

those are the two best ones i think. WCN has had some excellent people on, the macronympha and final solution interviews are particularly good.

Dec 16, 2022

by Fluffdaddy
White Centipede Aaron Dilloway ep is OK but very homely from his end, which was real nice.

That first track is amazing.

Track 5 is good, the rest is a bit too mediocre Sutcliffe Jugend.

Wee fucked around with this message at 18:42 on Jan 18, 2023

magic cactus
Aug 3, 2019

We lied. We are not at war. There is no enemy. This is a rescue operation.
PSA: making noise is honest-to-god the best form of therapy

Jul 31, 2022

been enjoying this

noise with saxophones

Aug 18, 2011

magic cactus posted:

PSA: making noise is honest-to-god the best form of therapy
Yes. I'm noise curious, and have been messing around with a soft synth made for noise called bento. I tried feeding it into vcv rack for more manipulations.
Anyway, here's almost 15 minutes of loving around

Oct 6, 2010

A man whose blood
Is very snow-broth;
One who never feels
The wanton stings and
Motions of the sense

B33rChiller posted:

Yes. I'm noise curious, and have been messing around with a soft synth made for noise called bento. I tried feeding it into vcv rack for more manipulations.
Anyway, here's almost 15 minutes of loving around

It’s cool :)

Now I want bento but I can barely use a computer for music

magic cactus
Aug 3, 2019

We lied. We are not at war. There is no enemy. This is a rescue operation.

B33rChiller posted:

Yes. I'm noise curious, and have been messing around with a soft synth made for noise called bento. I tried feeding it into vcv rack for more manipulations.
Anyway, here's almost 15 minutes of loving around

This was really cool. I've been wondering myself how to get a nice rumble-y HNW going like you had toward the end of your recording. Right now I have an old pocket radio with a contact mic tuned to white noise but it doesn't quite give me the textural control I'm looking for.

Jul 1, 2023
I released a new song "Moss Generative"

Dec 16, 2022

by Fluffdaddy


Wee fucked around with this message at 19:23 on Nov 17, 2023


Aug 18, 2011

Just stumbled across this
First live spinning wheel performance I've seen.

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