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Twat McTwatterson
May 31, 2011
Look I've done a lot of drugs before, and my favorite drug is hands down nicotine. But because I like to be healthy, I don't smoke cigarettes or dip tobacco. Even though the buzz is magnificent.

The few times I've tried to vape the buzz has always been weak, plus that poo poo can't be good for your lungs so gently caress vaping.

Nicotine gum is good for a buzz, but it tastes like poo poo.

Snusing is out because I don't want gum recession.

Ever heard of Zyn? Nicotine pouches, just pure nicotine, that you dip. Buzz is pretty good if you put four 6mg pouches in at once. However, I've got to think this causes gum recession, too, right? But nicotine gum doesn't, and this is just nicotine too.... without the sugars of dip. I don't know, I'm torn. What do you guys think about Zyn?


Hell Yeah
Dec 25, 2012

a secret method passed down from the ancients. it is known as Smoking Cigarettes

Oct 6, 2003

you could have clapped

you should have clapped!!
I heard the Juul hits harder than most vapes because they use nicotine salts which make it hit like a cig, never used it tho.

The only method I like is hookah but that's not healthy at all so I rarely do it

Jun 27, 2007
College Slice
as a smoker: gently caress you

20 Blunts
Jan 21, 2017
Can you butt chug nicotine?

Inexplicable Humblebrag
Sep 20, 2003

is "nicotine buzz" some sort of sick reference to colony collapse disorder among honeybees, op? you disgust me. bees are vital to our ecosystem

Bip Roberts
Mar 29, 2005

Peetown Manning posted:

Can you butt chug nicotine?

Umm you pack your anus with musky aged tobacco then hold a lighter up to your bunghole and use your lower colon as a giant bong

Sponge Baathist
Jan 30, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
vape nic salts

E: aka freebase nicotine

Twat McTwatterson
May 31, 2011
Anyone ever grown their own tobacco plants?

Mar 8, 2010
Get yourself a bottle of this:

and bath in it. You're gonna get a real good buzz. Then maybe die.

My Imaginary GF
Jul 17, 2005

by R. Guyovich

Peetown Manning posted:

Can you butt chug nicotine?

theres a reason why we have the phrase "blowing smoke up your rear end"

it was an accepted medical intervention in the late 19th century

Cough Drop The Beat
Jan 22, 2012

by Lowtax
You should do your research and find the most efficient nicotine-based vape. While nicotine technically isn't "healthy" for you, vaping itself is literally just inhaling the base materials and is probably better for your lungs than working in a dusty building or walking around on a huge pollen day.

Aug 5, 2004
Get the “heavy smoker “ nicotine patch. Please don’t risk addiction fellow goon.

extra stout
Feb 24, 2005

it's definitely either snus or your fake snus, but make sure you upper lip it and buy the dry/vit kind

Jan 1, 2006

Fallen Rib
i did this last year. it’s the lozenges or gum. lozenges are best IMO.

easy to over indulge and poison yourself for like an hour.

plus the buzz eventually goes away and you’re just maintaining baseline and it’s not worth it.

godspeed OP on your stupid rear end journey

Ein cooler Typ
Nov 26, 2013

by FactsAreUseless
drugs are for losers

Mar 15, 2004

Don't look at the sun, but rather what it illuminates
College Slice
Suc stuck it into your Androids cavity

Inexplicable Humblebrag
Sep 20, 2003

Ein cooler Typ posted:

drugs are for losers

Im Ready for DEATH
Oct 5, 2016

Hell Yeah posted:

a secret method passed down from the ancients. it is known as Smoking Cigarettes

filterless of course

Love Rat
Jan 15, 2008

I've made a psycho call to the woman I love, I've kicked a dog to death, and now I'm going to pepper spray an acquaintance. Something... I mean, what's happened to me?
I like Zyn because it's a hot buzz without all the slobber drool of snus. I also like that it has the name of a synthetic street drug in a cyberpunk novel.

But I'm not a regular user. It's a once-a-month thing.

Cake Smashing Boob
Nov 5, 2008

I support black genocide
I'd suggest any white pouch snus but you've already ruled that out. Zyn is basically the same thing, so if you've got hosed up gums that's probably not a good idea either.

I've been using snus for about three years and I haven't had any trouble with my gums or teeth. I visit the dentist regularly though, and I've never had any cavities or problems otherwise, so that might just be a genetic luck of the draw or whatever. I'd be more worried about bad breath tbh.

Cake Smashing Boob fucked around with this message at 23:06 on Jun 9, 2018

Apr 9, 2007

Pretty Little Lyres
Everyone's missing the obvious answer: nasal snuff!

Supposedly nasal snuff isn't taxed like regular tobacco in the UK because they haven't found any particular evidence that it causes cancer. It's a rather uncommon method, but you can find sniffing snuff (usually German) pretty affordably at a well-stocked specialty tobacconist, or online, and it's pretty affordable. Gawith Apricot Snuff is really good stuff, and pretty inexpensive (like $3.80 for a 10g plastic dispenser online).

Snuff is interesting since you can feel the nicotine spread out through your face after a sniff, really quick uptake. I haven't used it in forever, but used to use it sporadically for kicks when I was a college kid working late shifts indoors.

Seriously, give nasal/sniffing snuff a try, be all old-school aristocrat.

May 12, 2001

by Fluffdaddy
Irony is smoking blunts making you want to smoke nicotine.

Mooey Cow
Jan 27, 2018

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
The obvious answer is of course, as noted, to blow the smoke up your rear end. Also cures drowning. You can train your sphincter to make it suck instead of fart, then you just put a vape there and do the needful.

May 7, 2007

Eat the rear end of a smoker

Sophy Wackles
Dec 17, 2000

> access main security grid

Anal vaping.

Nov 18, 2005


MaxxBot posted:

I heard the Juul hits harder than most vapes because they use nicotine salts which make it hit like a cig, never used it tho.

The only method I like is hookah but that's not healthy at all so I rarely do it

I bought a Juul last month, and it does take a little getting used to when taking a draw. For the first few weeks I’d pull too hard and end up coughing. It’s more like smoking a cigar, I guess. It’s easier to take a pull, hold it in your mouth for a few seconds and then inhale.

Plus you can buy refill pods at 711s.

Honky Dong Country
Feb 11, 2015

I've never done it. Doesn't really sound like it's worth the trouble.

unpleasantly turgid
Jul 6, 2016

u lightweights couldn't even feed my shadow ;*
any nicotine taken orally will cause gum recession due to nicotine's constriction of blood flow. even if it isn't administered orally, i think it still causes gum recession.

Ocean Book
Sep 27, 2010

:yum: - hi

Careful Drums
Oct 30, 2007

by FactsAreUseless
Decades of research and development by big tobacco have made conventional cigarettes by and large the most addictive and"satisfying" nicotine delivery system. Your lungs both regulate delivery and deliver rapidly into your bloodstream and brain.

But note that I put "satisfying" in quotes because you will in fact hate yourself at some point for developing your nicotine addiction.

Otto Von Jizzmark
Dec 27, 2004
I chased the nicotine buzz when i was a teenager. At 18 i just started smoking regularly for 10 years until quitting. You can do it too op enjoy the ride.

May 20, 2004

Put a smoker in your mouth.

Honky Dong Country
Feb 11, 2015

Carl Seitan posted:

Put a smoker in your mouth.

I'm a smoker.

Apr 12, 2010

Shooting and Fucking
are the same thing!

Mr. Nix
Jun 2, 2012
Nicotine is a poo poo-tier recreational drug but the answer is Juul

Salty Josh
Jul 13, 2016

Sometimes there's so much beauty in the world, I feel like I can't take it, and my heart is just going to cave in.
Nap Ghost
I drop nicotine kinda like acid.

Except I drop it into my rear end. Get's you really buzzed that way.

I get the menthol flavor too. Two birds, one stone. Ya know?

Blue Raider
Sep 2, 2006

Apr 25, 2017

My Imaginary GF posted:

theres a reason why we have the phrase "blowing smoke up your rear end"

it was an accepted medical intervention in the late 19th century

Holy smokes!


Apr 25, 2017

Warning: smokeless tobacco will make your face looking like a decomposing poo poo heap.

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