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Nov 26, 2007

Have A Day

Nap Ghost

Argue posted:

I thought the show had a strong start and a good lead-up into the end. The middle was a bit too Saturday morning-y with several episodes where they met a bunch of caricatures then had one-off adventures with them.

I liked the show overall, but the middle arc felt a little weak. I'm definitely looking forward to Season 2 now that they've got things established a bit.


Nov 26, 2007

Have A Day

Nap Ghost

Nephthys posted:

Fool. The best princess is obviously Catra.

I think you misspelled Entrapta.

Nov 26, 2007

Have A Day

Nap Ghost

Gaz-L posted:

You spelled Mermista wrong. Not that I care or anything. Obviously. :colbert:

Mermista's "I'm too tired for this poo poo" could easily cross the line into being obnoxious, yet somehow manages to stay endearing throughout.

Nov 26, 2007

Have A Day

Nap Ghost

Bobbin Threadbare posted:

Maybe eventually. The show made a point to mention that She-Ra is supposed to lead all the princesses to return balance to the world, and if Catra is secretly a princess too (likely enough given her mysterious origin) then the three currently evil princesses will have to face-turn at some point.

I thought the only princesses that mattered were the elemental ones, since it's their runestones that keep things in check.

Nov 26, 2007

Have A Day

Nap Ghost

Namaer posted:

I was a heterosexual man but after watching this show I am now extremely gay. AMA

Also the show is good and I wanna know if Entrapta stays with the Horde.

Who knows? The original Entrapta was 100% Horde, but the new one isn't evil so much as amoral. Maybe at some point they'll be able to convince her to come back to the alliance.

Nov 26, 2007

Have A Day

Nap Ghost

Mr.Pibbleton posted:

Well, this is pretty appropriate all things considered.

For anyone else who was curious where to pre-order these.

Nov 26, 2007

Have A Day

Nap Ghost

The_Doctor posted:

The original one was a cartoon aimed firmly at girls, and boys in the 80s would never have watched it. I don’t get why they’re so up in arms about it now.

As a boy in the 80s I don't remember anything about the She-Ra show, but I definitely wanted the Horde toys and playsets for my He-Man figures to play in. That Fright Zone playset with the snake puppet was the best!

Nov 26, 2007

Have A Day

Nap Ghost

Son of Thunderbeast posted:

I really enjoyed Princess Invaderzim-gir but something about her "death"/defection felt off to me. There's nothing wrong with how they did it per se, it just felt a little rushed and aspects of it handwaved to make it fit the story, like they felt they absolutely had to get her over to the bad guys' side ASAP. I kinda wish they took a little more time to sell it properly, might've given her death scene and subsequent heel turn more weight.

I'm not really sure it is a heel-turn though; she was pretty amoral from the moment we met her. She was with the princesses basically because "hey, these guys are talking to me! and don't mind my experiments!" (plus Adora had a cool tech-sword) and not because she was opposed to the Horde. So when the princesses left her and the Horde said "hey, we've got all this tech you like, wanna be friends?" she jumps on it.

She doesn't really seem to have any actual malice towards the princess, at least not yet. They're just not a consideration at all when compared to all the cool new science experiments she gets to run.

On the plus side, that does make it slightly easier to redeem her down the line. With no actual malice you can go for a "you have to consider how your actions affect others" storyline instead of a "you can't just lash out at others" storyline (which is more a Catra thing anyway).

Nov 26, 2007

Have A Day

Nap Ghost

A Sometimes Food posted:

Eh I feel like that's a bit harsh. The Catra, Shadoweaver and Adora thing is great and would be even if Catra and Adora weren't hyper gay.

I also like Glimmer a lot more than most seem to. She has a good solid arc. It'd still be a pretty good cartoon even if it wasn't gayer than a tree full of monkeys.

She had a good arc, but because she's in most of the episodes it's really easy for her to start to grate on you if you're not 100% on board with her. I was so happy when she finally resolved things with her mom because I had grown tired of her constantly trying to dodge that particular issue.

Nov 26, 2007

Have A Day

Nap Ghost

mystes posted:

Uh, doesn't Star Trek have lots of weird racial caricatures? Also it's basically the sci-fi version of America being the world's police which is not necessarily the most progressive vision of multiculturalism.

At the time it was very progressive; Star Trek was the first American live-action series with an interracial cast. It also gave a black woman a role as an officer at a time when they were mostly only cast as servants.

Sure, by today's standards it may come up short in a number of areas, but at the time it's exactly the kind of thing that would have gotten people up in arms about "SJWs".

Nov 26, 2007

Have A Day

Nap Ghost

For people who like their cartoons to have less motion

Nov 26, 2007

Have A Day

Nap Ghost

Senerio posted:

I'm super excited for Season 2 so I made a thing.

Paid for by the Princess Alliance

Too soon

Nov 26, 2007

Have A Day

Nap Ghost

CuwiKhons posted:

You're gonna be slightly disappointed - the ECCC panel Noelle was on for She-Ra confirmed this upcoming season only has 7 episodes. 52 episodes total is still accurate but it's gonna be broken up into more seasons, presumably because Netflix is loving weird.

I hate Netflix's concept of what a season is so much. Give me at least 12 episodes in a season!

Nov 26, 2007

Have A Day

Nap Ghost

A Sometimes Food posted:

Man for a second there I thought that was a "what if Scorpia was like a werecat".

Though if Catra could unleash a cat person plague on Eternia between all the people she scratches and hisses at, it would be a pandemic.

You might even say it would be cat-astrophic.

Nov 26, 2007

Have A Day

Nap Ghost

CuwiKhons posted:

Just finished watching the new season and goddamn I love Entrapta. The absolute purest and best form of Chaotic Neutral. She loves exactly One Goddamn Thing and the petty laws of neither god nor man will stand in her way. Even Hordak is in awe.

Entrapta confirmed as still the best princess.

Nov 26, 2007

Have A Day

Nap Ghost

kefkafloyd posted:

This season was so painfully bisected by Netflix trying to stretch this out that it kind of soured my enjoyment. I want more, damnit! The stuff was all good and great, but it's incomplete.

I agree. The narrative really takes a hit when you cut it in half right after doing all the character building stuff.

Nov 26, 2007

Have A Day

Nap Ghost

Pakled posted:

I don't care one way or another if He-Man appears in this show but it would be dope as hell for Skeletor to make an appearance.

Pretty much this. I am absolutely fine if He-Man never shows up in She-Ra, but I'd love to get some nods toward the existence of Eternia via some Hordak and Skeleton interaction.

Nov 26, 2007

Have A Day

Nap Ghost

Nov 26, 2007

Have A Day

Nap Ghost

LadyPictureShow posted:

SDCC announced a lineup of She-Ra dolls.

Some people on Twitter are maaaaaaaaad.

To be fair, when I saw that Glimmer I went "huh? that's not close to what that character looked like at all".

Nov 26, 2007

Have A Day

Nap Ghost
Having not seen any spoilers but the trailer:

1) There was a surprising lack of He-Man
2) There was a surprising amount of girl power (and this was a good thing).

In all, I thought it worked pretty well. The side characters have always been a bit more interesting than He-Man, since most of his tension is focused on maintaining his secret identity, so moving the focus to them was probably the right idea. I especially like Evil-Lynn, so I was pretty bummed when she goes back to Skeletor's side at the end. Though I guess there's always a chance that the 2nd half of the season will have her go "wait, I've been in this toxic pattern before" and let her live up to the speech she gave Teela about living for her own goals instead of wasting her life helping Skeletor with his.

The heroic sacrifices were a bit much though.

Nov 26, 2007

Have A Day

Nap Ghost

Larryb posted:

Yeah, the old shows had their fun moments but I was honestly never really a fan as a kid. Though despite that I still had almost no trouble at all following along with Revelation.

While the new shows aren’t perfect either I honestly prefer them over the originals from a story (and in a lot of cases, a character) perspective. Plus they’ve still got plenty of the goofy fun the originals were known for.

I loved the old shows when I was kid, but I was also 4 years old at the time so that doesn't really say much. As an adult most of my enjoyment of them has come from their low-budget jankiness; I've certainly never felt the need to praise them for their plot.

Nov 26, 2007

Have A Day

Nap Ghost

Vinylshadow posted:

My consumption of He-Man amounts to watching some people essentially MST3K a bit of it during a Twitch marathon and heck if I remember any of the actual episode content

It's just amusing seeing all the obvious toy designs amidst the burly character designs

The opening of the first episode is great since it's 100% old toy designs.

Nov 26, 2007

Have A Day

Nap Ghost

I loved my slime pit and wish I had had more slime for it.

Nov 26, 2007

Have A Day

Nap Ghost

This is the only good thing about this trailer.


Nov 26, 2007

Have A Day

Nap Ghost

Larryb posted:

The current like/dislike ratio on the trailer:

Likes: 2.2 K
Dislikes: 2.1 K

Sounds about par for the course for this franchise (and I’m sure some fans are currently bitching about the changes the show made like always)

Did people throw this much of a hissy fit over the 2002 series or did it mainly start around SPoP (though I’d argue that New Adventures was even more of a departure since it literally stripped away everything except Skeletor and He-Man himself)?

I liked the '02 series at the time, but the art style of this new series just isn't clicking with me. I definitely recall some people at the time dunking on it for being too anime, but that kind of thing never bothered me.

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