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Jan 28, 2009

Mr.Pibbleton posted:

I feel that the most important question about the show is who is the best princess and why is it Scorpia?

You spelled Mermista wrong. Not that I care or anything. Obviously. :colbert:


Jan 28, 2009
I also appreciate Adora's VA trying her best Melendy Britt (basically half of the original show's cast) impression during the "how do i shot web" montage.

Gaz-L fucked around with this message at 01:54 on Nov 23, 2018

Jan 28, 2009

Chokes McGee posted:

My favorite part of all this is that they don’t even bother to hide Adora’s powers and she uses them just whenever.

Like the common introduction is “This is Adora, she turns into She-Ra sometimes who is a terrifying giantess” and the people they meet just roll with it.

I'm actually a little mad because I kind of feel like you should either ignore the previous versions illogic with the secret identity OR do like the Jem comics reboot did and actually justify it. She-Ra tried to have it's cake and eat it by doing the "everyone hates Adora because she used to be Horde, so she has to hide her identity" thing and then discarding it.

Jan 28, 2009
Fisto was MOTU, wasn't he? Probably off-limits unless they loosen the reins.

Jan 28, 2009

Waffleopolis posted:

I want the (possible) new He-Man to have more armor than the previous versions due to being practical and also it would piss off the same people or some reason.

Also the ones with more armor have nice designs

I think the best mode would simply be to have the He-Man design be inspired by the New Adventures one. It's more athletic than bodybuilder and you can even have Adam be a similar skinny kid to Adora.

Jan 28, 2009
On the subject of the original show:

Bear in mind He-Man and She-Ra are SIBLINGS as you listen to this.

Jan 28, 2009

Libluini posted:

As a seafaring Bard he should be a Skalde, anyway. (At least I remember that class exists somewhere in D&D. And if not, it should!)

In Pathfinder, yes.

Jan 28, 2009

The_Doctor posted:

The only villains in the show who are actually villainous are Hordak and Shadow Weaver. Everyone else is more laissez-faire about the whole thing.

Well, Catra's more "Mommy didn't love/abuse me as much as Adora so gently caress it Imma burn everything"

Jan 28, 2009

Watermelon Daiquiri posted:

Were those nods to the original character designs?

The score is also the original transformation theme as well.

Jan 28, 2009
Netflix should really make it clear to Dreamworks that this is their plan, because DW are clearly making these shows with the normal 13-26 episode cycle in mind and building to season finales based on that. They try with these 'mid-season finale' episodes but they're almost always character studies that don't get paid off for months or years.

Also had to laugh at how :effort: they were with making Scorpia's crush on Catra deniably platonic.

Jan 28, 2009

Madurai posted:

I'm glad Scorpia will have Inspector Pirate to rebound to.

I took that as more her and Sea Hawk bonding over being in love with girls who seem to at best be oblivious to their feelings (OK, it does seem like Mermista kinda is into him)

Jan 28, 2009

Android Blues posted:

My favourite one of these is when Adora turns her sword into a lasso and looks disgusted at how obviously useless this thing is. In the original series, the lasso got an absolutely unreal amount of air time because hitting people with swords, or even punching them, was a no go for children's programming.

As such, She-Ra's two main moves were like...turn her magic sword into a lasso and lasso someone, or pick up something extremely heavy and throw it at them. Throwing heavy objects somehow didn't count as direct violence, so it was permissible.

I feel like the shield also got a fair amount of play, but yeah, she may as well have been Wonder Woman for all the lassoing she did.

Jan 28, 2009

Darth Walrus posted:

Also, he just wants to get home, and they can't help him much with that.

Skeletor's probably wrecking up his stuff, too, and not watering his plants!

Jan 28, 2009
It reads like a problem that occurs when you both don't want to have death be a major factor in your show episode-to-episode but also don't want to dwell on what the difference between POWs in Bright Moon vs the Fright Zone would be.

So instead of 'we can't kill them, we'd be just like them', you get 'we can't take prisoners' without really explaining why that would be bad, because if you did that, the whole thing collapses.

Jan 28, 2009

Elfface posted:

Don't worry, it's just a name.

It's actually a peninsula!

Jan 28, 2009
Also Frosta is the little sister who doesn't have friends, trying to impress her sister and her friends. Like, it's not hard.

Jan 28, 2009
Or it'll be something where Hordak's plan destroys all of Etheria and she's "But that's where all my research is!"

Jan 28, 2009
George is meant to look like Filmation Bow, I'm pretty sure. (Albeit with an appropriate racelift)

Jan 28, 2009

side_burned posted:

Ehh she already played that character In the Scott Pilgrim movie.

...Did you miss 7 years of TV?

Jan 28, 2009

Megillah Gorilla posted:

Here, we had this rejected Barbie stock lying around on the floor of the factory. Take them and be grateful, children.

Are they even using the curvier Barbie mold for Glimmer? Like, even if they were re-using Barbie stuff, they have varying bodyshapes for that line already, so if they're not using them, it's beyond lazy.

Jan 28, 2009

The Last Call posted:

Orko in the original show was the standard goofy silly sidekick that was constant in cartoons of the time. He was often shouting for He Man and with his voice it likely grated on some people. Now as a kid at the time I wasn't bothered by him, like I said he was the standard silly goof sidekick, every show had one. The older you were though he tended to annoy people. His inability to get spells right was basically his main method of being funny. In the 02 remake I honestly can't remember a thing about him.

Now to New Adventures. This came two years after the original line had wrapped and to be frank not alot of people knew this even existed. Most learned about it later on the net and sought it out. Be it those who watched it originally or sought it out were often both disappointed. The show went in a whole new direction, it had He-Man and Skeletor but had a whole new cast of characters with all the old ones gone. It took place in space and the character designs could be generously described as bland at best.


The guy in the middle, it's He Man, can't you tell?

Good ol Skelly:

So yeah, people were not fans of the redesigns. The new baddies were mutants, it was 1990 so of course they were. The developers did try to make things new and fresh but they removed far too much of what people loved about the original show, I mean when you got only two characters from the original show some folk ain't going to be happy.
Add in designs that thrilled no one and it's no surprised this wasn't loved. Didn't help that a certain lean mean green team of ninjas were the hot new thing that crushed all those that dared to try and challenge it.

BTW for those who want a great He-Man series to read a number of years ago came out a bunch of comics that had everything, including the Horde, Hordak and Adora/She-Ra. It's top notch stuff and worth tracking down if you can find it. It's kinda remarkable since the rights to He-Man and She-Ra are two different groups, hence why they don't cross over or mention the other lately. Bit of a tangled web that is.
It me. I'm the one who grew up watching New Adventures, mostly because I watched old reruns and VHSs and had hand-me-down toys of the OG MOTU stuff, and then this stuff came out around the right time for me to be into it (I was 6 or 7). If you're not wedded to the original designs or lore, it's actually decent fun, especially the show's take on Skeletor as an almost self-aware snarky villain. Garry Chalk (later Optimus Primal/Prime on a bunch of Transformers cartoons) played He-Man as I recall. If I remember right the hook was that Adam and Skeletor got sent to the future, so Eternia was much more sci-fi with a dash of high fantasy than the previous 'savage sci-fi' mash-up had been.

Jan 28, 2009
I'm only on ep 2, but good for Kevin for getting his buddy paid. Jason Mewes played Stinkor

Jan 28, 2009

Larryb posted:

Which is weird because that read way more like “I’m your mom” to me.

That may also be Smith overestimating how many people know/recall that specific plot point


Jan 28, 2009
Cowl, Broom and Madam Razz all felt like they were vying for the space Orko had on He-Man, maybe a little for Cringer's spot too seeing as Swift-Wind couldn't talk in normal horse form. That wasn't so much needed on the new show.

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