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Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.
The big gay was just a diversion. The real moral of She-ra is that it is actually good and evil that must exist on a scale, moral absolutism is a force of destruction and that the only way to break out of a cycle of abuse is to sever with your evil cat.


Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.
Cat-ra was never gonna be happy competing in the same field as Adora because their evil mom would favor her no matter what. Its not so much being in the shadow as having the shade thrown over her because it didn't matter if she showed her direct superiority to Adora in any way, their evil mom and command was intrinsically going to favor Adora. This is the root of the mild but constant bullying you see her doing and gloating when she was clearly superior such as during the monkey bars swinging thing, its a catharsis thing. The fact she didn't change sides is probably because now she had an opportunity to grow unimpeded and finally exercise her potential, gently caress over evil mom and become the gay cat boss lady she always wanted to be. In fact its probably only that she loved Adora that she didn't slit her throat growing up and drop her body on hordak's pillow or something. She'd have probably defected if Adora had just proposed 'Lets loving ditch this place and evil mom' instead of 'Join the rebels with me' because the latter would've been Adora casting off her unknowing privilege AND pissing off evil mom while leveling the playing field. instead she chose to become the chosen one of the opposite side... essentially being the chosen one AGAIN in a new setting.

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.

evilmiera posted:

These are really fun and good. Wish it was easier to communicate that than via English to the artist.

have you tried the heart eyes emoji??

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.

Ups_rail posted:

so I remember youtube being filled with people making GBS threads on the promo or trailer for this show, now that its out ( I don't have NF anymore) is there still reeeing about it or did it all go away.

Happy to hear its good.

its still super gay so of course the hate will spring eternal.

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.

Risky Bisquick posted:

I watched this gay show, liked it and didn't turn gay, I think :tinfoil:

poo poo. Hes immune. get him!

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.

Cockmaster posted:

The thing with My Little Pony was that the brony community founded itself on the principles of inclusiveness and acceptance, then took said principles way too far - seemingly believing there to be no moral difference between shunning someone for being a grown man interested in a show aimed at preteen girls (or being differently-sexual), and shunning someone for being an irredeemable creep. Evidently, they've wised up since then.

Nazis and other unlovable ideologies tend to infiltrate spaces filled with spineless nerds for a reason. That said perhaps this is the way ideas die in a larger social context. Being relegated to the grease-trap and made so painfully externally obvious that you can identify a nazi by the smell of their unwashed neckbeard before they even have a change to engage their slack jaws and call you a human being.

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.
Astrology is cancer.

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.
Princesses, like all magic users pay a terrible price on their very sanity.

Also the existence of a red and black tux means that horde city has some kind've evil tailor sewing evil clothes for edgelords.

Motherfucker fucked around with this message at 12:10 on Apr 5, 2019

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.

tsob posted:

It's probably Princess Sewanna or something. Alternately, Scorpia can do some really fine work with her tail.

Pretty sure they don't allow princesses into horde-city generally save for a few non obvious (closeted if you will...) exceptions like scorpio and entrapta.

They probably have some uniform loom and Catra had to argue with the underpaid operator for a couple of hours about how, yes, a red and black, obviously evil tux... a tux... no.. a tux...

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.

tsob posted:

I'm sticking with my headcanon that Scorpia likes to design and sew outfits for her friends as a hobby.

Who dosn't like dressing up their cats?

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.
I dunno man I think those are legit Scorpion claws. I mean I dunno about you but when given the choice between opposable thumbs and massive scything pincers a LOT of the time I'm picking thumbs...

Chokes McGee posted:

the best part of this is how everyone involved has a good laugh

Scorpia externally: Hahaha! Yeah, I guess it is pretty silly...

Scorpia internally: :smith:

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.
What is with being an evil lieutenant and getting choked out by your boss?

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.
I'mma say Catra is going to beast island and will find out something about her origins.

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.
My only problem with the show is isn't hordak the boss of all the horde so why does a trainee rookie get promoted to force captain which is like... directly answerable to him and also apparently a select cadre, was that one guy who was a drill instructor in the first episode a force commander? Like does Catra run the entire horde for a while?? I thought scorpia was a force captain of the same rank?? Is there a LOT of force captains?? That would make sense but we never see any others and the entire horde seems to be like four people and a thousand mooks I don't know what the gently caress is going on with this evil hierarchy!!

Motherfucker fucked around with this message at 10:57 on May 11, 2019

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.
word. theres a whole invasion / rebellion full of mooks and people who get zero screen time and characterisation. I thought the DnD episode was gonna end with them leaving the tent to 'just wing it' only to find the rebellion had taken the fort without them and thanks to scorpia's paranoia and poor planning it worked but only at a high cost and there would be a chastening and sobering all around.

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.
the awe inspiring terror of PEACE ISLAND

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.
Baby island. Duh.

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.

Ambious posted:

SwiftWind is in Horse Antifa, right?

Struck me as anarcho-communist

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.
Death to the bourgeoisie is borne on swift winds.

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.
Catra gonna have other poo poo to worry about on her vacation to BEST ISLAND, I mean, BEAST ISLAND

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.

Carlton Banks Teller posted:

Isn't Entrapta guilty of this as well? I know she has a massive fanbase here but I just don't get it. Sure, she's "blinded by science" but she is such in so ethically-blind a way that I don't find her sympathetic at all.

She's probably one of the more broken people in the show... Her parents have, presumably, been dead for longer than she can remember, she was raised literally by machines. There's a throw away joke with an anime robot that really underlines the real life parallels but basically she is someone who is so walled off from reality that people don't quite catch her deep deep damage. She's alone and lonely even when surrounded by people, never makes true connections except when she finally meets another deranged scientist who can keep up with her and is basically someone who has no links to the world at large which is why shes such an amoral shut in weeaboo incel.

Which isn't to say shes sympathetic in fact its basically the problem that shes the opposite. She doesn't reach out and she walls you out too unless you're into her specific brand of weird bullshit in which case... you're hordak??

Motherfucker fucked around with this message at 09:24 on Aug 3, 2019

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.
can't believe catra is dead

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.
Now, if Adora has learned anything the first episode of the next season will be her going 'hell to the gently caress no' and kicking shadow-weaver out of brightmoon while Shads basically does a dramatic reading of the estranged parents thread.

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.

HorseLord posted:

It is bad to roll everyone up into a binary of either "white" or "non-white". There's more than one kind of non white person in the world, and they aren't interchangeable.

So you want them to specify specifically which non white race they mean? Or do you think maybe they literally do just mean non white in general and the term is perfectly appropriate and you're just having a moment that would be better suited to twitter.

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.

HorseLord posted:

If there's a text box to type in then one web site is as good as another.

So wise, I'm going to poo poo in your letterbox.

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.
I'd be super down with old skeletor, punished skeletor, skeletor reloaded or just straight up 80s skeletor

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.
Can you become an incel without being a virgin... :thunk:

how does one become incelated

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.

punchymcpunch posted:

if you mean in real life, you wander into an incel community and get redpilled

if you mean in this tv show, i dunno, you eat a mushroom probably

the red 'nip is the worst :catdrugs:

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.

Mr.Pibbleton posted:

In the alternate portal reality what did Hordak see that made him stare so wistfully at the portal? Perhaps...

get the gently caress outta here, you're cut off.

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.
Hordak prime seems suspiciously into body modding to not be basically falling apart same as the rest and constantly replacing his parts with the parts of others as a means of keeping himself one step ahead.

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.

Captain Oblivious posted:

Gonna laugh if the twist is Hordak is too good of a clone and that’s why he’s falling apart

Lemee hit you with: It turns out the 'real' horde is basically a pack of meth addicted space hillbillies and horde-prime is mad jealous because Hordak comes back with a girlfriend and an army of his own so he tries to kill him and it turns out The New Horde with its fancy eternia technology beats the OG horde hands down because the OG horde is a pack of genetic dead ends and crappy robots and hordak is like 'why the gently caress did I ever wanna be like you, you thinly veiled allegory for inter-generational violence?' turns out he got thrown away specifically because he was too smart and competent for Horde prime to deal with.

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.

Chokes McGee posted:

and then Adora gets a new sword and activates the Princess Planet Buster and blows up every single one of the ships and everyone stood up and applauded and that adora, was albert einstein, who works at nintendo

Listen ok if you're not into anime why are you watching it.

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.

tsob posted:

Is it? It's just a name, and they have to come from some where. There's plenty of people named for characters in popular television shows, movies, games, books etc. Why is naming one after a comic book character remarkable? It's not even a new phenomenon, given that people have been naming kids for mythical figures for millenia, and that's basically the same idea.

shut up nerd.

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.

Vinylshadow posted:

People have pointed out she's got Adora's ponytail, Glimmer's wings (on her shoes), Bow's heart on her chest, and Catra's helmet

Now where's Seahawk's mustache

the answer may shock you!

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.
I think its more 'wow scorpia does not feel like the natural fit for this nor does this feel like it fits just... at large' like:

Plant control - Flowery hippy
Ice powers - Kid dressed in furs
Sparkly powers like teleportation - Girl with glittery hair
Water powers - Mermaid girl
Red force lightning but also limited telekinisis sometimes - A scorpion woman with pincers instead of hands.

Its kinda jarring but than again I don't know what 'scorpion themed' powers would actually look like or why one of the five crystals belongs to a dynasty of scorpion human hybrids to begin with anyway.

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.
did catra really need a magical cat familiar? Like, she seemed like she could handle poo poo pretty good on her own before.

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.

punchymcpunch posted:

the magical cat familar's there to emote for her

That's kinda part of the problem honestly.

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.

VanSandman posted:

Catra's familiar was part of her healing process. Someone who knew her only after she started to work on being a better person and loved her, showing just how far Catra had come from her bad old habits.

Dunno, felt more like circumstances once again twisting around someone who had fundamentally not changed. Feels less like Catra reached across and more like the entire world fell rear end backwards and they were all literally imprisoned in a space with Catra. Catra dosn't develop so much as she is given a figure who shows how she 'really feels' she isn't really forced to communicate honestly or actually do much differently. The tide changed, not the trash floating on it.

Motherfucker fucked around with this message at 10:42 on May 22, 2020

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.

VanSandman posted:

So you missed her self-sacrifice to save Glimmer and Adora, huh?

grand gestures don't mean poo poo irl OR in narratives. motives do, that was ultimately a self destructive action ON TOP OF being yet another way of pushing others away. Its like the most quintessentially catra poo poo.


Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.

cant cook creole bream posted:

Oh come on now. She did not sacrifice her life to be self destructive.


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