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Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!

What's this all about?

Star Trek: The Next Generation – A Final Unity is an adventure game that was released in 1995. This game tries to incorporate a lot from the television show and in some ways plays out like a normal episode. You take control of Picard on the bridge and, within reason, do what Picard does best with engaging in diplomacy and dialogue. Or if that doesn't work there's always the tactical computer to engage in ship to ship combat. There are also away missions which are your traditional point and click style. It really is a game of many parts.

Most of the main cast reprise their roles and voice their characters in the game too. Which is pretty drat great!

LP details

I'll be doing a straightforward playthrough, I'll try to stay true to form of the show with the dialogue.

There are also different difficulty settings, I will be playing this on "Cadet difficulty which is the easiest. Mainly because it makes some things a lot faster and I'd rather concentrate on the storylines and dialogue. In Cadet mode, tactical combat is controlled by the AI, navigation is automatic as well as your crew and equipment selections for away missions. I do plan on showing off some of these features at some point. I also plan on making bonus videos for some of the missed dialogue and scenes.

If you need to discuss spoilers, please tag them as to be polite.

I'll aim to do at least one update a week, more may happen depending on my work schedule.

Let's Play Star Trek: The Next Generation – A Final Unity

Bonus Videos

Part 1 - Alternate Scenes (Timestamps are in the video description) (Firing at the Garidians, losing an AI-assisted tactical battle, winning an AI-assisted tactical battle, Big cable - phaser set to kill, Transporting Dr. Benyt, Approaching the Chameleon, Firing at the Chameleon, Picard being stubborn, Data greeting the Constable, Picard greeting the Constable, Worf greeting the Constable, A few observations from Worf and Being aggressive with Aramut.)
Part 2 - Alternate Scenes (Timestamps are in the video description) (Communication with Chancellor Daenub, Communication with Starfleet Command, Data talks to Chancellor Laraq, Troi talks to Nachyl, Data and the Gatekeeper, Troi and the Gatekeeper, Aelont and the vault, Troi talks to Madia, LaForge scanning the puzzle, LaForge makes a mistake, Failing the away mission, Expressing doubts with Commander Chan, A supply request with Commander Chan, Intercepting the Romulans (Early Tyralak encounter,) Evading the Romulans, More Tyralak dialogue, More Ky'Dra dialogue, Worf and Laraq.)
Part 3 - Alternate Scenes (Timestamps are in the video description) (Scanning the rubble on Horst II, Alternative dialogue with the drone, Opening doors on Allanor, Walking on the powered floor plate, Firefight with the Chodak, Captured by the Chodak, Tripping the alarm, Alternate escape plan, Alternative alternate escape plan, Transporter malfunction, Data's plan in action, Attacking the dreadnought.)
Part 4 - Alternate Scenes (Timestamps are in the video description) (Distrusting Pentara, Future Picard's warning, Brodnack dead and Pentara betrayal, Pentara dead and Brodnack betrayal, Betraying Brodnack and Pentara, Executing Brodnack, Executing Brodnack alternate choice, Sparing Brodnack momentarily, Picards betrayal, Picards alternate dialogue with the guardian, Picards reward for betrayal, Picard and Pentara's betrayal, Pentara's reward, Picard solo choices (Bugged?), Picard makes the right choice (cinematic), Picard refuses, Freeing Pentara, The wrong choices with Pentara, The right choice with Pentara, A wrong choice with Pentara and Brodnack.)

Rocket Baby Dolls fucked around with this message at 00:13 on Mar 31, 2019


Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!
Current mission details:

Previous Captains Logs

Previous Mission Details

Mertens Orbital Station




Further Reading

The Enterprise


The Federation

Other Cultures

Rocket Baby Dolls fucked around with this message at 12:06 on Mar 23, 2019

Mar 20, 2012

I love this game. it was the first long play I did when I started on youtube. I was a very poor long play and was lost to time. I will tell you that the Cadet away team selection isn't always the best selection for a mission. Especially the second one I think if I'm remembering right.

Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!

mateo360 posted:

I love this game. it was the first long play I did when I started on youtube. I was a very poor long play and was lost to time. I will tell you that the Cadet away team selection isn't always the best selection for a mission. Especially the second one I think if I'm remembering right.

It's been a long time since I played this last, I think you are correct in your thinking. I remember having a lot of trouble with the second away mission as I was missing something key to completing it. Thank you for the warning, for future away missions I'll make sure that I select the crew and equipment personally.

I've updated the second post with some computer logs and I'll continue to add more with each update. There's a lot in the archives so I'll try to post only relevant and\or important information.

Edit: I also forgot to contact Starfleet as the crew recommended. I'll add the footage in the next video of what was missed.

Rocket Baby Dolls fucked around with this message at 19:56 on Feb 15, 2019

Apr 20, 2008

Rocket Baby Dolls posted:

It's been a long time since I played this last, I think you are correct in your thinking. I remember having a lot of trouble with the second away mission as I was missing something key to completing it. Thank you for the warning, for future away missions I'll make sure that I select the crew and equipment personally.

I played through on Cadet and didn't have any problems getting everything. It's easy to get stuck on the second mission because of pixel hunting (those flying probes) but Data can do everything. Also the crew recommends contacting Starfleet when they have nothing better to say, there's usually no point in actually doing that.

whitehelm fucked around with this message at 16:51 on Feb 16, 2019

Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!

whitehelm posted:

I played through on Cadet and didn't have any problems getting everything. It's easy to get stuck on the second mission because of pixel hunting (those flying probes) but Data can do everything. Also the crew recommends contacting Starfleet when they have nothing better to say, there's usually no point in actually doing that.

I've just recorded and edited this part of the game and thankfully you are correct. The initial team that it gave me was 3/4 of the team that I was going to take with me, I made the replacement purely to show off the transporter mechanics. I really don't think it will have any effect on the outcome of the mission.

I've found that the generic statements that the crew make are severely limited. I decided to show the footage of contacting Starfleet in the next update and it really isn't really worth the time. But its part of the game and an option.

This is another game that brings back a lot of nostalgia. I think my memory on not being able to complete the second away mission is more down to my younger self being terrible at the game without a walkthrough.

Aces High
Mar 26, 2010

Nah! A little chocolate will do

for the time those midi instruments are doing a very good job of emulating the opening theme, but still holy poo poo some of them are just so garish and outrageous sounding

May 4, 2017
This is one of those games i really wish they would release again on gog.

The whole away team concept for the adventure game part on the planets is surprisingly nice. Space combat is another matter, but there was always the option for "Mr. Worf you have tactics."

Jun 4, 2011

When I want to relax, I read an essay by Engels. When I want something more serious, I read Corto Maltese.

Oh boy, that soundtrack.

Apr 21, 2010

For the Many, Not the Few

Aces High posted:

for the time those midi instruments are doing a very good job of emulating the opening theme, but still holy poo poo some of them are just so garish and outrageous sounding

I always thought the actual opening theme sounded garish and outrageous, the game does a good job of replicating that.

Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!

This video covers the entire away mission.

Computer archive update:

Tri-corder readings from this away mission:

Apr 6, 2011

Tomorrow, doom!
But now, tea.
Final Unity! I loved this game as a child...because it was just beyond what our computer was capable of running, and it always crashed at a particular point (the scene with the probe). When my parents upgraded our clunky old 486/SX and I did finally get it running it was such an achievement. It felt like uncovering the Holy Grail.

The result is...actually a really drat authentic TNG experience. Not just TNG generally but roughly season 5-ish TNG, peak Picard Talks To The Viewscreen era. It's probably the best Trek tie-in game at handling the show's utopian thinking, too. There's some excellent writing in AFU and some wonderfully atmospheric set-pieces, and I'm looking forward to seeing it again.

Jun 4, 2011

When I want to relax, I read an essay by Engels. When I want something more serious, I read Corto Maltese.

They really nailed the aesthetics, for better or for worse.

Aug 21, 2013

Loxbourne posted:

Final Unity! I loved this game as a child...because it was just beyond what our computer was capable of running, and it always crashed at a particular point (the scene with the probe). When my parents upgraded our clunky old 486/SX and I did finally get it running it was such an achievement. It felt like uncovering the Holy Grail.

The result is...actually a really drat authentic TNG experience. Not just TNG generally but roughly season 5-ish TNG, peak Picard Talks To The Viewscreen era. It's probably the best Trek tie-in game at handling the show's utopian thinking, too. There's some excellent writing in AFU and some wonderfully atmospheric set-pieces, and I'm looking forward to seeing it again.

Holy poo poo, I've just been hit with a wave of nostalgia! Our terrible family Compaq computer always crashed at the probe scene too, I never went back and finished the game out of frustration when we eventually upgraded...

Oct 30, 2011

Spewing insults, pissing off all your neighbors, betraying your allies, backing out of treaties and accords, and generally screwing over the global environment?
Huh, this looks really interesting. Like... not necessarily good, mostly it just seems to be following instructions during the point-and-click part, but I imagine it may get better later, and it also feels like there could be actual plot branches? Assuming there's no heavy serving of BUT THOU MUST with the dialogue, it feels like you could choose to do a LOT of things differently.

Apr 6, 2011

Tomorrow, doom!
But now, tea.

PurpleXVI posted:

Huh, this looks really interesting. Like... not necessarily good, mostly it just seems to be following instructions during the point-and-click part, but I imagine it may get better later, and it also feels like there could be actual plot branches? Assuming there's no heavy serving of BUT THOU MUST with the dialogue, it feels like you could choose to do a LOT of things differently.

There are plot branches, multiple puzzle solutions, and quite a number of different routes through the game. This was the tutorial level, and I think but I'm not sure that RBD is playing on a difficulty setting where the crew give more hint-laden dialogue than usual.

Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!

PurpleXVI posted:

Huh, this looks really interesting. Like... not necessarily good, mostly it just seems to be following instructions during the point-and-click part, but I imagine it may get better later, and it also feels like there could be actual plot branches? Assuming there's no heavy serving of BUT THOU MUST with the dialogue, it feels like you could choose to do a LOT of things differently.

Loxbourne posted:

There are plot branches, multiple puzzle solutions, and quite a number of different routes through the game. This was the tutorial level, and I think but I'm not sure that RBD is playing on a difficulty setting where the crew give more hint-laden dialogue than usual.

This game is mostly linear but you can get there in different ways. I'm going to play this as straight and diplomatic as I can in this playthrough but you can also blast your way through some scenarios if you want too. In regards to hint-laden dialogue, if you walk or hang around for long enough the characters will engage in helpful dialogue. I don't think that we will see too much of it in this LP as I kinda know where to go and what to do. We did see a little of this dialogue during the slow bridge crossing in the first away mission.

The away missions are a really good source of variety as there nine different characters you can select from, each of them can interact with the environment and NPC's individually. Different away teams need to approach the mission in different ways, even some of the NPC's give you different responses which are dependant on who you use to speak to them. Some characters are better at revealing more helpful dialogue. A good example of this will be during the second away mission, I won't spoil anything at the moment as I intend to upload the next video tomorrow. In this video, I've approached a situation in the most ideal way and gotten a positive reaction. But I've also recorded ten minutes of bonus footage which includes the previous situation approached by several other crew members.

If you have any recommendations for bonus footage in the future let me know.

Edit: I'll show off the Astro-Navigation at some point too as you can travel to other planets and systems instead of going directly from one mission to the next. You can also visit several different space stations in order to repair and stock up on photon torpedoes. If you dilly dally too long though I believe the game tells you that you're out of time and that it's game over.

Rocket Baby Dolls fucked around with this message at 13:10 on Feb 20, 2019

Apr 20, 2008
Will you be showing off both methods of finding the final mission? That's the main path split I know of. Also, you can hold Shift while they're walking for fast travel.

whitehelm fucked around with this message at 01:28 on Feb 21, 2019

Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!

New Mission details:

whitehelm posted:

Will you be showing off both methods of finding the final mission? That's the main path split I know of. Also, you can hold Shift while they're walking for fast travel.

I can't see why not, I want to try to show off as much as I can within reason. I definitely want to show off branching pathways and alternative methods of dealing with situations.

Thank you for the tip with fast walking, it's going to make things a little easier in the future.

Mar 20, 2012

Ah gently caress Morrasia. I have never liked this mission. It's long, boring and overly complicated with the main "puzzle"

Also Shannok's lip flaps look weird. He is one of a few characters who show up on the viewscreen that is suppose to look photo realistic rather then a drawing like the Constable or the Chancellor.

Also I never knew about dragging and dropping people in the transporter room. the slow way is clicking (double clicking maybe?) on the character so they walk out and clicking the name on the list so the computer summons them to the transporter room.

EDIT: Data mentioning the Aliens who eat Human Neural Energy places this after Time's Arrow so this is at least Season 6 if not beyond.

mateo360 fucked around with this message at 17:37 on Feb 21, 2019

Jun 4, 2011

When I want to relax, I read an essay by Engels. When I want something more serious, I read Corto Maltese.

Picard, please do not flirt with the alien Mandrills.

Oct 30, 2011

Spewing insults, pissing off all your neighbors, betraying your allies, backing out of treaties and accords, and generally screwing over the global environment?

Samovar posted:

Picard, please do not flirt with the alien Mandrills.

A TOS videogame where you play as Kirk, it's a dating sim with the occasional space battle.

Mar 20, 2012

if this game had 25th and Judgment Rites space combat then this would be a perfect TNG adventure game.

May 30, 2011

I have an invasion to go to.

PurpleXVI posted:

A TOS videogame where you play as Kirk, it's a dating sim with the occasional space battle.

Kirk x Enterprise = OTP.

Aces High
Mar 26, 2010

Nah! A little chocolate will do

hey the Chodak, those motherfuckers from the Echoes game

Apr 6, 2011

Tomorrow, doom!
But now, tea.

Aces High posted:

hey the Chodak, those motherfuckers from the Echoes game

This is basically where they came from, and by the end of the game we will know what their deal is and what their civilisation is mostly about.

Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!

This video continues on with the investigation of the missing Dr. Hyunh-Foertsch. I'm not going to lie here, most of this video is footage of Data collecting and analysing samples. If you want to avoid the science part completely, skip to around 18:45. It's a short episode for advancing the plot, unfortunately. I'll upload the final part of this away mission as well as some bonus footage on Wednesday if nothing else gets in the way.

Mar 20, 2012

THIS. This loving part. screw the bioprobes. (also you can send the probe to all the spots and then collect all the samples in one go from the probe)

Oct 30, 2011

Spewing insults, pissing off all your neighbors, betraying your allies, backing out of treaties and accords, and generally screwing over the global environment?
This planet really looks tedious as hell to deal with, though I like that no one's really giving you a straight answer on what's wrong and who's to blame. There's every possibility that the brusque NPC's are telling the truth and the cordial NPC's are wrong orlying.

Feb 5, 2011

You call that potato a Trump avatar?

THIS is a Trump Avatar!

PurpleXVI posted:

This planet really looks tedious as hell to deal with, though I like that no one's really giving you a straight answer on what's wrong and who's to blame. There's every possibility that the brusque NPC's are telling the truth and the cordial NPC's are wrong orlying.

That's because Starfleet doesn't probe everyone, which they clearly should!

Seriously though, it isn't actually that hard to figure out the likely suspect: if the Watchers were the ones smuggling in species, they surely wouldn't be surprised by some energy-draining monster. That pretty much leaves the guy who both openly hates the Morassians and admitted to studying the smuggled species.

Section Z
Oct 1, 2008

Wait, this is the Moon.
How did I even get here?

I will be sad if it does not resolve with the Ferengi awkwardly coming back to say "Hey uh, bit of a mix up. We still have your shipment of legal animals. Can we have those back?" for maximum starfleet time wasted.

Mar 20, 2012


Section Z posted:

I will be sad if it does not resolve with the Ferengi awkwardly coming back to say "Hey uh, bit of a mix up. We still have your shipment of legal animals. Can we have those back?" for maximum starfleet time wasted.

Nah he wouldn't just ask for them back. He would charge for bring them the right animals, a fee for taking the wrong ones, a rehoming charge to get them home...

Apr 6, 2011

Tomorrow, doom!
But now, tea.
Yes, the mystery is decently written, but yes the legwork to actually solve it in-game is quite tiresome after a while.

EDIT: For your alternate-paths showreel, I seem to remember Worf has some amusing dialogue looking at the decor in the biotopes and the biotope monitoring computers.

Loxbourne fucked around with this message at 19:21 on Feb 25, 2019

Mar 13, 2005

It's just a game we play... in the dark...
I loved this game, enjoying the nostalgia like everyone else.

I vaguely remember that holding the ESC key during walk animation sped up the walking, but it's been twenty years and I could be misremembering. Give it a go?

Apr 20, 2008

hexedangel posted:

I loved this game, enjoying the nostalgia like everyone else.

I vaguely remember that holding the ESC key during walk animation sped up the walking, but it's been twenty years and I could be misremembering. Give it a go?

It's Shift and I already mentioned this in the thread.

Oct 24, 2007

Your life and your quest end here.

Loxbourne posted:

Yes, the mystery is decently written, but yes the legwork to actually solve it in-game is quite tiresome after a while.

You can tell, watching it, that there's a decent idea there, but the gameplay is awful. I can see the thought process where they've gone "on TV they'd just cut to later on and they'd have all the information but that would leave the player with nothing to do so we'll make the player actually collect all the samples" but then they haven't considered whether that's fun or not and only worried about whether it's plausible. Yeah, if you actually saw the sample collection that the TV show would skip over then it would be boring, but that's not actually a good argument for making it boring in your game.

Sep 2, 2011
Actually there are some things that you missed. I loved this game and played it to death.

Did you know that you could speed up all walking animations (and also the animations of the probes) by holding the SHIFT button? It really improved the gameplay feeling to skip the long walking stuff.

You could actually check the probes with your tricorder and know for which area they're useful.

When changing people in the transporter room you can double click on the person standing on the pad to send them away. And while they are walking by double clicking the people in the list they are announced with e.g. "Captain Picard to the transporter room". Funnily you could create some sort of conga line calling people to the transporter room and dismissing them immediately.

I love this game so much and how it really feels like a long good TNG episode. You should also try to be a fuckup Picard and ignoring the messages from the Admirals and solving the missions in the worst way antagonizing everyone you meet on the way.

Oct 24, 2007

Your life and your quest end here.

AkaiNami posted:

You should also try to be a fuckup Picard and ignoring the messages from the Admirals and solving the missions in the worst way antagonizing everyone you meet on the way.

In games like this I always want to to do dumb stuff but it's usually very disappointing because the game designers didn't bother to put in any appropriate or amusing consequences. Like in this one I want to know what happens if you just refuse to help everyone and just fly around aimlessly doing nothing, but I suspect that the answer is either A, nothing happens, or B, the plot happens anyway. And neither of those is worth the time it would take.

Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!

This is the final part of Morassia and the immediate aftermath.

Bonus Footage Part 1

Part 1 - Alternate Scenes (Timestamps are in the video description) (Firing at the Garidians, losing an AI-assisted tactical battle, winning an AI-assisted tactical battle, Big cable - phaser set to kill, Transporting Dr. Benyt, Approaching the Chameleon, Firing at the Chameleon, Picard being stubborn, Data greeting the Constable, Picard greeting the Constable, Worf greeting the Constable, A few observations from Worf and Being aggressive with Aramut.)

Loxbourne posted:

For your alternate-paths showreel, I seem to remember Worf has some amusing dialogue looking at the decor in the biotopes and the biotope monitoring computers.

I did try, but Worf reads from the information screen and it's fairly mundane. I did get a few bonus shots with Worf involved though.

AkaiNami posted:

You should also try to be a fuckup Picard and ignoring the messages from the Admirals and solving the missions in the worst way antagonizing everyone you meet on the way.

I'm already planning a bonus video based on Picard shirking his duties. I'm going to start working on something soon, but it probably won't be finished until I've finished the main playthrough.


Sep 21, 2002

Are... are you quite sure you really want to say that?
Taco Defender
Oh man, this game. I played this ages ago, but I think I stopped near the end when the game turned into a bunch of tactical ship-to-ship combat.

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