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Feb 5, 2015

I'm so happy that Valverde did loving nothing at worlds. I hope he retires already so we can forget about him.


Feb 5, 2015

Also, I'm very sad that Boels-Dolmans is losing their sponsorship for next year. The UCI WWT requirements for 2020 are rough. Hope they can find new sponsors in time...

Feb 5, 2015


Feb 5, 2015

rngd in the womb posted:

I’m still thinking about the Amstel Gold win over here.

I'm still thinking 'bout the Loenhout Azencross comeback. I have a short memory.

Feb 5, 2015

Tigren posted:

Who's more likely to win another stage at a grand tour, Froome or Cav?

Froome. He's got better odds of a rider getting implicated in Operation Aderlass and bumping up to a post-facto stage win.

Feb 5, 2015

Women's TDU live stream on now:

Feb 5, 2015

On a road bike instead of a TT biek, too. Big lols.

Feb 5, 2015

Remco already won our hearts

Feb 5, 2015

kimbo305 posted:

Indoor track cycling superior once again :argh:

:smugdog: it never stopped being superior

Feb 5, 2015

BabyFur Denny posted:

Let me guess, quintana just attacked valverde?

Nah that's about Marc Soler. Neither of those guys are kids.

Feb 5, 2015

malder posted:

I'm watching a virtual Tour of Flanders on Belgian television and it's great.

Man we have different definitions of great.
I couldn't stand watching the bad bike fits of the creepy avatars.

Feb 5, 2015

clean ayers act posted:

Anyone watching the Least Expected Day on netflix?

Yeah, we talked about it some on the last page I think.
It's good imo, loved getting to see more about the team directors.

Feb 5, 2015

I'm still hoping we see track running in it's normal winter schedule, maybe no spectators.

Feb 5, 2015

cebrail posted:

Remember when road bikes were pretty

I remembers

Feb 5, 2015

kimbo305 posted:

Will American riders be allowed in Europe?

If they're not already over there... Likely not.

Feb 5, 2015

Loving Africa Chaps posted:

GCN have launched a race pass which is £20 for the year at the moment, has the grand tours and most of the big races. What's their commentary like?

Need to see how this shakes out for US coverage vs. nbc gold and flobikes, especially for olympics next year.

I had been doing the eurosport sub with vpn, but they've locked that poo poo down so hard it's just too much of an annoyance.

Feb 5, 2015

colonel tom posted:

As of now GCN doesn't have rights to any of the grand tours for the US market so it isn't really a good option. I'll stick with NBC Gold ad-free streams for what they cover and pick up the rest on Eurosport if I can be bothered to.

Yeah but grand tours suck balls to watch so I don't care. I don't have time to watch boring men's racing.

Feb 5, 2015

moctopus posted:

Red and black is probably my favorite color combination so I think these are a step-down, but lots of people hate red and black together.

Looks too much like Alpecin Fenix.

Feb 5, 2015

Upcoming racing:

Strade Bianche: Saturday - on FloBikes in US & CAN, Eurosport & GCN RacePass in UK

Vuelta a Burgos: Tuesday - Saturday - on FloBikes in US & CAN, also maybe streaming here:
Strade Bianche: Saturday - on FloBikes in US & CAN, Eurosport & GCN RacePass in UK

Feb 5, 2015

I love WOUT even though seeing him on rim brakes confuses me

Feb 5, 2015

peanut- posted:

Okay finish lines with no crowds are proper weird

Yes, but on the flipside, the finishing climb at Burgos felt SO unsafe with so many crowds. I'd rather take "that's weird, it's so empty" over "racing is cancelled in 2 weeks because crowds are yelling in riders faces like it's 2019".

Feb 5, 2015

moctopus posted:

Does anyone know if Tour de Pologne is being streamed online any place other than Eurosport?

GCN Race Pass in the US/CAN.

tiz cycling

Feb 5, 2015

That crash was awful.

Will be curious to see whether there's a penalty. I've heard differing statements (not about this sprint specifically) from UCI commissaires - some saying that a sprinter that maintains a consistent direction of travel from when the sprint was engaged to the finish line is okay, even if that means they are not perfectly parallel with the road. Others interpret


2.3.036 Riders shall be strictly forbidden to deviate from the lane they selected when launching
into the sprint and, in so doing, endangering others.
more strictly, suggesting that IF it endangers others, riders must stay in a lane parallel to the road, and that the reason we see riders swerving all over and not getting called is because most of the time it isn't actually endangering others.

Feb 5, 2015

all cars are bastards

Feb 5, 2015

Eurosport only showed the Spanish and French women's races, and sadly didn't show the decisive points of the Spanish one.

The French race is AMAZING, though. The tactics required to overhaul two super strong teams in FDJ and Arkea as a solo rider - amazing.

Feb 5, 2015

Hell yessss Brand!

Feb 5, 2015

serious gaylord posted:

Shouldnt be allowed to be a grand tour without a time trial imo.

Same, but team time trial

Feb 5, 2015

Komet posted:

It looks like the Giro is being carried by GCN+ this year rather than Flo. I've been trying to figure out how much it costs. None of the pages on the site about the subscription list the price--you have to create an account first in order to see how much it costs. Do any of you subscribe to this already? It looks like I can just get one month for the Giro. The Tour and Vuelta are on NBC Sports.

GCN is like $40 for the whole year or some poo poo

Feb 5, 2015

wow, that actually looks kinda cool for a BMC. Didn't think it was possible.

Feb 5, 2015

Loving Africa Chaps posted:

I thought* Aerocoach's spoked wheels were dogshit?

*Hambini's chart says

one of the things in this quote is dogshit

Feb 5, 2015

Loving Africa Chaps posted:

Adam Blythe made the point that if the UCI hadn't banned the praying mantis riders might be able to see where they are going.

Thats seriously a good point. In my UCI-legal position I really am looking straight down, with no view of anything but my arms. It's kinda okay on the track, but not really.

Feb 5, 2015

tylertfb posted:

My nice road bike was stolen in October but insurance gave me a nice chunk to replace it. The only thing locally available with what I wanted (hydro discs, nice wheels, di2) was the 2021 Pinnarello prince my friend was selling, which I bought. So what I’m saying is: Go Ineos, go Magnus, go are Pidcock, go Carapaz.

This but go Top Ganna

Feb 5, 2015

moctopus posted:

My memory is a bit hazy, but don't the best kilo riders average around 1k for a minute?

US kilo riders are far from the best, but a former teammate got a silver at elite nationals with roughly 750w.

1000w for 2 min is probably only possible with an SB20 doing the math.


Feb 5, 2015

Feels Villeneuve posted:

one of the customers at a bike shop I used to go to had a US champions jersey from a road masters event and honestly I'd wear that every day if I had one

Can confirm. Wish I could still wear mine. Maybe next year.

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