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Jul 8, 2010

Corpse Party, bitches.

Hello! My name is Ashley, and I love the Banjo-Kazooie series, and Rareware as a developer. I'm here to take you on a walk through my favorite series of all time, the Banjo-Kazooie trilogy (or "Banjo-Triloogie" as I like to call it. The G is soft like in 'trilogy' not like 'loogie'.)

I'll be playing each game on the Xbox 360, and showing off the renewed Stop n Swop feature, which was originally a dummied out mechanic meant to carry data between Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie, restored in the 360 versions. Joining me are several of my good friends, as rotating commentators.

Currently Playing:

Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts is the 2008 sequel to Banjo-Tooie, for the Xbox 360. It's very different from the first two games, but it's awesome and you're all wrong about it being bad.

It's a vehicular action game where you construct your own cars and planes and motorcycles and weird giant rocket powered spheres and whatever else you feel like and then use them to complete challenges for Jiggies and Trophies.

This is a 100% run. I'll be completing every mission to Trophy standard and showing off the DLC.

Part 01: Welcome to Showdown Town
Part 02: Nutty Acres
Part 03: Logbox 720
Part 04: Hero Klungo
Part 05: Sequence Break
Part 06: Banjo Land
Part 07: Ex-Wife
Part 08: A Mess
Part 09: Save the World
Part 10: The Jiggoseum
Part 11: Return to Nutty Acres
Part 12: Sports
Part 13: Super Banjo Universe
Part 14: Terrarium of Terror
Part 15: All Jinjos are Bastards
Part 16: Billiard Bonanza
Part 17: Banjo Funko Tactics
Part 18: They Don't Get It
Part 19: Giving Up
Part 20: Cool Stunts
Part 21: This Game Will Make You Bleed
Part 22: Some of my Best Friends are Jinjos

Mumbo's Motors 01: Battletoads
Mumbo's Motors 02: Armored Van
Mumbo's Motors 03: Boattletoads
Mumbo's Motors 04: Arwing
Mumbo's Motors 05: Clanker
Mumbo's Motors 06: Turbo Speeder

Hamsterlady fucked around with this message at 21:42 on Nov 19, 2020


Jul 8, 2010

Corpse Party, bitches.

Banjo-Kazooie was released in 1998 on the Nintendo 64 by Rare. It's a 3D platformer starring both a bird and a bear. Released when I was five, it quickly became my favorite game. And over twenty years later, I still feel the same!

This version of the game is from the Xbox Live Arcade, because it's the best version I've ever played. It features cleaner graphics, smoother framerates, and the long rumored Stop n Swop. The improvements they made will make your eyeballs pop!

My name is Ashley, and I will be playing. Rotating guests will be surveying. Join us for good times galore. I hope you don't find these videos a bore!

Part 1: Spiral Mountain
Part 2: Mumbo's Mountain
Part 3: Treasure Trove Cove
Part 4: Clanker's Cavern
Part 5: Bubblegloop Swamp
Part 6: Freezeezy Peak
Part 7: Gobi's Valley
Part 8: Mad Monster Mansion
Part 9: Rusty Bucket Bay
Part 10: Click Clock Wood, Spring and Summer
Part 11: Click Clock Wood, Autumn and Winter
Part 12: Stop 'n' Swop
Part 13: Furnace Fun
Part 14: Grunty

In 2003, Rareware asked "could we make a Banjo-Kazooie game with all the trimmings on the Gameboy Advance" and nobody stopped to ask "should we." It was released after Rare was sold to Microsoft, so it's published by THQ of all people.

It takes place between Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie. The soul of Gruntilda possesses a robot/time machine and goes back in time to kill Kazooie before she ever met Banjo, so they couldn't defeat her back in Banjo-Kazooie.

It tries to replicate the gameplay of the N64 games in a pseudo-3D top-down view and honestly, it doesn't do a great job. It works, they got it all in there, but the camera makes it hard to judge distance and the game just isn't super fun. It does have some neat ideas though and I'd like to show them off.

Part 1: Prologue
Part 2: Cliff Farm
Part 3: Breegull Beach
Part 4: Bad Magic Bayou
Part 5: Spiller's Harbor
Part 6: Freezing Furnace
Part 7: Gruntilda

Hamsterlady fucked around with this message at 16:51 on Feb 10, 2020

Jul 8, 2010

Corpse Party, bitches.

Banjo-Tooie is the sequel to Banjo-Kazooie, released in the year 2000 for the Nintendo 64. It's very much "Banjo-Kazooie but a whole lot more." The stages are huge, there are more abilities to learn, and a lot of additional mechanics. It's a huge game. Some might say TOO huge. I think Tooie is a fantastic game, and many say it's better than Kazooie, but I personally prefer the tight, concise deisgn of Kazooie of the enormous world of Tooie.

Once again, this will be the Xbox Live Arcade version of the game. Similar to the first game, it adds in Stop n Swop functionality (If you collected the Stop n Swop items in Kazooie, as we did, there will be things unlocked in Tooie) and yet more bonuses for Nuts and Bolts. There's also multiplayer which isn't online for some reason, as well as a Stop n Swop for a future Banjo game that will never be released.

Again, I'm Ashley and I will be playing with my buddy Jesse, alongside the occasional third commentator.

Part 1: Intro
Part 2: Jinjo Village
Part 3: Mayahem Temple
Part 4: Goldeneye
Part 5: Arson
Part 6: Perfect Dark
Part 7: Stop n Swop (Continued)
Part 8: Witchyworld
Part 9: Roysten
Part 10: Seaman's Surprise
Part 11: Woo Fak Fak
Part 12: Terrydactyland
Part 13: Pretzel
Part 14: Grunty Industries
Part 15: Perfect Dark Zero
Part 16: The Ice Key
Part 17: Hailfire Peaks
Part 18: Brothers
Part 19: Mumbo Miracles
Part 20: Cloud Cuckoo Land
Part 21: Canary Mary
Part 22: Nice
Part 23: Jiggy Cleanup 1
Part 24: Jiggy Cleanup 2
Part 25: Jiggy Cleanup 3
Part 26: Final Cleanup
Part 27: Tower of Tragedy
Part 28: HAG 1

Banjo Bonus: Intro (N64 Version)
Banjo Bonus: Banjo Pilot Part 1
Banjo Bonus: Banjo Pilot Part 2
Banjo Bonus: Pilot Prototypes
Banjo Bonus: Diddy Kong Racing
Banjo Bonus: Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing with Banjo-Kazooie
Banjo Bonus: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Hamsterlady fucked around with this message at 16:51 on Feb 10, 2020

Jan 14, 2010

Fight for all that is beautiful in the world


Jun 23, 2011

Mar 17, 2009

Kid's blasting everything in sight with that new-fangled musket.

The pinnacle of human acheivement. Man I love this game.

Jul 8, 2010

Corpse Party, bitches.

Part 3: Treasure Trove Cove (Featuring Jesse)

Banjo and Kazooie go on a nice summer trip, but the beach is covered in clams, sharks, and crabs that snip!

Rogue 7
Oct 13, 2012
I'm about 30 seconds into the first video and I'm already jamming out to the fantastic music. God, I love this series. Can't wait to watch the whole thing!

Jul 8, 2010

Corpse Party, bitches.

Rogue 7 posted:

I'm about 30 seconds into the first video and I'm already jamming out to the fantastic music. God, I love this series. Can't wait to watch the whole thing!

If you haven't listened to the Smash Bros remixes already, you really should. They're all extremely good.

Rogue 7
Oct 13, 2012

Hamsterlady posted:

If you haven't listened to the Smash Bros remixes already, you really should. They're all extremely good.
I have not! These are fantastic, thanks!

Edit: Yessss, it has Freezeezy Peak!

Rogue 7 fucked around with this message at 20:11 on Oct 9, 2019

Mar 17, 2009

Kid's blasting everything in sight with that new-fangled musket.

The previous Banjo LP thread (by Rooreeloo) had an incredible BK/BT level music techno megamix posted in it, might have to track that down...

I think it was this

Spoilers for upcoming rad musical themes, I guess.

Jul 8, 2010

Corpse Party, bitches.
The remix above is fantastic. I dare say it may even be bombastic.

Part 4: Clanker's Cavern (Featuring Jesse)

We enter the cavern and dive deep into the drink. This level isn't the best, I think!

Supplemental video

Rogue 7
Oct 13, 2012
YOU CAN KILL THAT loving SHARK?!:aaaaa:

I did not know that, holy poo poo.

Simply Simon
Nov 6, 2010

📡scanning🛰️ for good game 🎮design🦔🦔🦔
Does the shark drop three combs every time you rekill him?

Can you lag the game to hell with this?

Jul 8, 2010

Corpse Party, bitches.
I didn't actually know, so I just booted up Banjo.

He drops 3 every time, but honeycombs in the stage cap at ten. As you create more, the oldest ones vanish again and again.

Oct 11, 2012

Cheating at a raffle? I sentence you to 1 year in jail! No! Two years! Three! Four! Five years! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
Somebody call for an ant?

Huh, neat.

I never did a whole lot of clanker's as a kid. Theres just so much of the level tied to raising him and I never did. Probably related to the whole weird controls and time limit thing you mentioned last video.

Mar 17, 2009

Kid's blasting everything in sight with that new-fangled musket.

When I was a kid I skipped the majority of Clanker because I was scared of swimming down to the bottom and drowning because grabbing the fishes bubbles was fiddly as heck. Once I realised I had time to go down, swim through the key once and go back up to the surface it made everything better!

e: Huh, a more common thing than I thought then! High five, drowning anxiety buddy!

Simply Simon
Nov 6, 2010

📡scanning🛰️ for good game 🎮design🦔🦔🦔

Hamsterlady posted:

I didn't actually know, so I just booted up Banjo.

He drops 3 every time, but honeycombs in the stage cap at ten. As you create more, the oldest ones vanish again and again.
Very neat, thanks for checking! It's cool that they thought of that :)

sebzilla posted:

When I was a kid I skipped the majority of Clanker because I was scared of swimming down to the bottom and drowning because grabbing the fishes bubbles was fiddly as heck. Once I realised I had time to go down, swim through the key once and go back up to the surface it made everything better!

e: Huh, a more common thing than I thought then! High five, drowning anxiety buddy!
Yeah naw same, though I got a guide soon after noping out the first time, and knowing that there going down there was intended, very necessary and what exactly you had to do with the key helped a great deal.

Apr 16, 2018


Count me as another person who had trouble with the key. I think I tried once, drowned and then just moved on. It's a shame I never finished this as a kid because I won from a contest Cartoon Network ran at the time.

Jul 8, 2010

Corpse Party, bitches.

Part 5: Bubblegloop Swamp

We explore Bubblegloop Swamp; watching out for frogs, dragonflies, and crocs that chomp.

Mar 20, 2014
While the piranha story is technically true and they are considered dangerous, like sharks they are the unfortunate victims of an over-exaggerated reputation as Doctor Why explains: (8:24)

Chimera-gui fucked around with this message at 06:22 on Oct 13, 2019

Jul 8, 2010

Corpse Party, bitches.

Part 6: Freezeezy Peak

It's time for Freezeezy Peak, a Christmas mountain with our final technique.

Hamsterlady fucked around with this message at 04:28 on Oct 16, 2019

Oct 11, 2012

Cheating at a raffle? I sentence you to 1 year in jail! No! Two years! Three! Four! Five years! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
Somebody call for an ant?

I love how much anger at sir slushes you had, only to run around the stage completely before picking up the move that killed them and only finishing killing them as your second to last jiggy.
Also theres a flight pad on one of the house's chimney

Boggy is the best parent and those kids are gonna be ok!

Jul 8, 2010

Corpse Party, bitches.

FoolyCharged posted:

I love how much anger at sir slushes you had, only to run around the stage completely before picking up the move that killed them and only finishing killing them as your second to last jiggy.
Also theres a flight pad on one of the house's chimney

Boggy is the best parent and those kids are gonna be ok!

The Sir Slushes themselves do not provoke my ire, it's killing them that drives me haywire.

White Coke
May 29, 2015
Grunty getting to you?

Mar 20, 2014
Mumbo magic, not have to explain poo poo!

Fun fact, it's possible to not lose any Twinklies by taking out the first Twinkly Muncher and then standing on the box the Twinklies emerge from since the Twinkly Munchers don't spawn off screen.

Apr 16, 2018


I don't know if it happened to anyone else, but your audio seemed to desync when you started talking about the mysterious inaccessible room.

Jul 8, 2010

Corpse Party, bitches.

Damanation posted:

I don't know if it happened to anyone else, but your audio seemed to desync when you started talking about the mysterious inaccessible room.

There were sync issues that I thought I had fixed already. I will attempt to correct it so the audio remains steady.

edit: The video has been corrected. The audio can now be respected.

Let's Play Banjo-Kazooie Part 06: Freezeezy Peak

Hamsterlady fucked around with this message at 04:29 on Oct 16, 2019

Jul 8, 2010

Corpse Party, bitches.

Part 7: Gobi's Valley

The bear and bird explore the sandy desert. I think Gobi would look good in a nice polo shirt.

Jul 8, 2010

Corpse Party, bitches.

Part 8: Mad Monster Mansion

We explore a mansion filled with ghosts. The bats are called Nibbly, please inform the two hosts.

Supplemental Video:
Rare Revealed: A Rare Look at Dream

Rogue 7
Oct 13, 2012
Just want to say I'm continuing to watch and enjoy these when I can!

UED Special Ops
Oct 21, 2008
Grimey Drawer
Oh, glad I saw this thread, I love the first two Banjo-Kazooie games, so its great seeing a new LP of them. The short but sweet nature of most of the worlds was always a huge plus for me, with the last two being a great skill test, although I wish the original had permanent note collection, dieing at around 90ish notes was just brutal in the final two worlds.

Jan 4, 2006

"Life is a maze. This is one of its dead ends.

Rogue 7 posted:

Just want to say I'm continuing to watch and enjoy these when I can!


You seem a lot more comfortable with the game and the commentary in these videos than the last ones. I'm excited for Tooie. I just never liked it nearly as much because a lot of the levels are too big for me. It'll be nice to be able to experience it without the frustration of getting lost constantly.

Jul 28, 2008

A little EQ, a touch of reverb, slap on some compression and there. That'll get your dickbutt jiggling.

Oh man, this version messed up the Organ playing. In the N64 the note played would be in tune with the music. This one it played the same flat note each time instead of changing based on the music. Can hear the difference here:

Aug 16, 2015
Great LP, really enjoying the nostalgia trip!

I played a lot of Kazooie as a kid, but I think I got Tooie much later, definitely didn't play it as much. Never played Nuts & Bolts, so curious about that one.

I don't think young-me ever realized how many "invulnerable" enemies you could kill with gold feathers. I probably just avoided them whenever Mummies/Skeletons/Ghosts/etc. showed up.

JossiRossi posted:

Oh man, this version messed up the Organ playing. In the N64 the note played would be in tune with the music. This one it played the same flat note each time instead of changing based on the music.

So it wasn't my memory playing tricks, when it confused me during the video.

Jul 8, 2010

Corpse Party, bitches.
Thank you all for your kind words. I'm excited to share more adventures of bears and birds!

JossiRossi posted:

Oh man, this version messed up the Organ playing. In the N64 the note played would be in tune with the music. This one it played the same flat note each time instead of changing based on the music.

I completely forgot about this. I appreciate you noting what I miss!

Jul 8, 2010

Corpse Party, bitches.

Part 9: Rusty Bucket Bay

It's finally time for Rusty Bucket Bay. I fall in the Engine Room every time I play.

UED Special Ops
Oct 21, 2008
Grimey Drawer
In the control room that had the last couple of notes, I think that large map is of Treasure Trove Cove from a top down perspective. You can see the tower at the back where you start the X marks the spot Jiggy hunt, as well as several other features that line up with that level. It just looks kinda weird as it really doesn't make terrain height changes stand out very well, if at all, and major landmarks like Blubbers ship and the Lighthouse are not shown.

Also, yeah, out of all levels in the game, think Rusty Bucket Bay is by far the most stressful, even more so then the final level. That engine room, ugh, don't think I ever had a playthrough where I didn't fall into the abyss at least once. Its even worse if you happen to land on one of the random pipes right above the death plane, as there is no way back up, so you have to just jump off to your doom. Still loved playing it though.

Jul 8, 2010

Corpse Party, bitches.

Part 10: Click Clock Wood, Spring and Summer
Part 11: Click Clock Wood, Autumn and Winter

We've obtained our final Jiggy and the last Notes. But there's more to be done before we hang our coats.


Mar 20, 2014
Correction, wasps are just as important as bees if not more so:

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