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kitten emergency
Jan 13, 2008

get meow this wack-ass crystal prison
dammit we had a good 5-year run on the last iteration of this, post your dumb takes about politics in c-spam and leave this for gentle albeit cutting mockery of bad posts on...

hacker news

what is hacker news?


Hacker News is a social news website focusing on computer science and entrepreneurship. It is run by Paul Graham's investment fund and startup incubator, Y Combinator. In general, content that can be submitted is defined as "anything that gratifies one's intellectual curiosity".[1]

what is this thread?

this is where you post dumb poo poo from hn

you should probably just read the summaries on each week


Aug 28, 2018
dr-detroit 29 minutes ago

Of all the reasons to avoid so called social media this is probably the worst. How about the fact that the average person creates unoriginal and bad content or the fact that 99.9% of it is chad and staceys highschool dating simulator for adults? How about the fact that you've read 1984 and you wouldn't let someone limit you to grunting in 280 characters. Oh, and the real kicker -- its become a cringy subculture centered around mob mentality, bad behavior, and shouting down all the other voices as much as possible. Christ! Literally all of it is tightly controlled by corporations/government that invest billions in brain research. Give me a break.

Coffee Jones
Jul 4, 2004

. . . .

uncurable mlady posted:

you should probably just read the summaries on each week

that writer's tone of angry exasperation is a treasure. HN commenters are all 20 and working on blockchain or adtech

Making the Tokio scheduler 10x faster (
One guy takes a few of the techniques used in Go's scheduler and applies it to Tokio, Rust's defacto multithreaded runtime, and there was much rejoicing.
OSS is really dependent on individual contributions and best first tries.

Some lorax comes out of the forest and starts talking about some apple thing

Getting downvoted for asking a serious question tells me all I needed to know. :smuggo:

Coffee Jones fucked around with this message at 15:47 on Oct 15, 2019

Jose Valasquez
Apr 8, 2005

Andrew_nenakhov 34 minutes ago [-]

There are hardly black people deep in the Ural mountains, where I happen live, near the Siberian border.
Anyway. Affinity to classical music (or classical poetry, for that matter) comes not from cultural background, but from a certain level of intellectual sophistication. I don't buy the thesis that some people are born into an oppressed class and can't escape it. In our age education is easily accessible to anyone who has internet. One can learn any language for free, become a developer or a musician or a photographer, all it takes is some will to make yourself learn some marketable skills.

Of course, now you'll likely say that some people are oppressed and conditioned to be unable to escape their caste, but it's just nonsense.

Apr 15, 2018

by Fluffdaddy
Fallen Rib

Coffee Jones posted:

that writer's tone of angry exasperation is a treasure. HN commenters are all 20 and working on blockchain or adtech

N-gate might as well be the average HN commentator with the amount of weird and hot takes in that person's commentary. Not seeing much of a difference.

Also, not really a fan of the "Game of Thrones faceless man" writing style.

Suspicious Dish
Sep 24, 2011

2020 is the year of linux on the desktop, bro
Fun Shoe
stelonix 26 minutes ago [-]

Wholeheartedly disagree. I've been watching only english-subtitled entertainment for a good while for two reasons:
1) english dubs generally suck, imho

2) there's always some emotion lost in translation/dubbing

And I'm not a native english speaker either; the more I know the native language, the less dubs make sense.

> So the subtitles version often seems more genuine unless you speak the language

I honestly can't fathom how could something like this even be possible. Understanding the language helped me understand when certain tones are used. Unless you're speaking strictly of Ghibli's shows, I can't really get what you mean.


Jul 26, 2003

airstrike 4 hours ago [-]

I don't know. As the son of a High School teacher and an unemployed father from a third world country, I'm probably not what you call "smarter rich kid" yet I went to a top 5 MBA. Many of my classmates came from equally diverse backgrounds and nationalities. I think 30%+ of my class were foreigners.
But go on, it's easy to hate on MBAs. It's the one bigoted view everyone is seemingly allowed to have.

Aug 28, 2018

fritz posted:

airstrike 4 hours ago [-]

I don't know. As the son of a High School teacher and an unemployed father from a third world country, I'm probably not what you call "smarter rich kid" yet I went to a top 5 MBA. Many of my classmates came from equally diverse backgrounds and nationalities. I think 30%+ of my class were foreigners.
But go on, it's easy to hate on MBAs. It's the one bigoted view everyone is seemingly allowed to have.

when will the racism against business majors end!?

Doc Hawkins
Jun 15, 2010

Dashing? But I'm not even moving!

uncurable mlady posted:

dammit we had a good 5-year run on the last iteration of this, post your dumb takes about politics in c-spam

This is a divisive topic, but the story seems to pass the interesting-new-phenomenon test ( We've changed the title in accordance with the site guidelines, but if anyone can suggest a better (i.e. more accurate and neutral) title, we can change it again.

If you comment, note this guideline: "Comments should get more thoughtful and substantive, not less, as a topic gets more divisive."

Jan 12, 2007

i read thru that thread thinking there’d be good material for this one but it was too much and now i’m drinking at two in the afternoon

Oct 2, 2010

1hr golemiprague

The west destroyed motherhood and women in general, forcing them to be cogs in some enterprise back office. Japan get it right, that's why people there are more healthy and live longer. Women taking care of their children and children eating home cooked food which also looks good is superior to the new woman laziness championed in the west. I wish shaming will come back also here and keep the women fit and cooking like Japanese women.

dudes comment history is a real treat too

Aug 28, 2018
unscrupulous_sw 3 hours ago | parent | favorite | on: Gitlab: don't discuss politics at work

Just to chime in, I also unknowingly got myself labeled sexist when the topic came up during a random lunch with "friends" (company provided lunch so it had random people from HR and recruiting).

Somehow or another the topic of whether going for 50/50 will "lower the bar". So I started thinking about the problem mathematically like any engineer would, with statistical distributions and estimates of the existing pipeline and all. The more I said I am leaning towards that it will lower the bar, the more uncomfortable people around me looked.

I was too socially ignorant to realize we aren't talking about math problem here and that they don't want anything said that might weaken their cause, good faith argument or not.

After that I got no more women in my interview pipeline and a "talk" from my manager.

Nov 5, 2005

You guys aren't going to believe this, but that guy is our games teacher.
dcolkitt 8 hours ago | parent | flag | favorite | on: Gitlab: don't discuss politics at work

If you're in an area where discrimination against LGBT people is still widespread, then keeping politics out of the office most likely benefits LGBT workers.

In San Francisco, almost everyone expressing a political opinion will support gay rights. In rural Mississippi, many of those workers will be bringing out their anti-gay inflammatory baggage when discussing politics. I'm virtually certain that far more anti-LGBT vitriol occurs within political discussions than the average non-political conversation.

This isn't unusual either. Throughout history oppressed groups have very frequently found refuge in the apolitical world of commerce. Just look at the history of Jews in Europe. Even when surrounded by a bigoted culture, trade and business ties encouraged tolerance and cooperation. The worse periods always tended to be the points where some ruler decided that politics all of a sudden needed to be injected into every sphere of life. Just look at the Spanish Inquisition or the Nuremberg Laws.


Nov 5, 2005

You guys aren't going to believe this, but that guy is our games teacher.
The hackers discuss the decline of Christianity in the US:

In fairness, this was quickly downvoted. However, lets look at one reply to that comment:


claudeganon 8 minutes ago [-]

Yeah, it’s almost as if a Christian-backed conservative political coalition dismantled the welfare state and stopped new services from being put in place or something...


This seems like a fair and reasonable assessment of the situation to me, but what about HN's moderators?


dang 11 minutes ago [-]

Please don't take HN threads further into flamewar, regardless of how provocative another comment is.

Arguably the second blow does more damage to the container.

Note: the moderators did not reply directly to the original comment at all, nor have they chosen to collapse that sub-thread by default (as they can do).

power botton
Nov 2, 2011

instead of nukes we should threaten countries with Christian-backed socialism. imagine the death toll virtually overnight.

Aug 28, 2018

Mr.Radar posted:

This isn't unusual either. Throughout history oppressed groups have very frequently found refuge in the apolitical world of commerce. Just look at the history of Jews in Europe. Even when surrounded by a bigoted culture, trade and business ties encouraged tolerance and cooperation. The worse periods always tended to be the points where some ruler decided that politics all of a sudden needed to be injected into every sphere of life. Just look at the Spanish Inquisition or the Nuremberg Laws.


Nov 25, 2006


Animats 16 hours ago [-]

“You had a raging climate of eugenics which did not directly target preemies, but did directly target children who had severe disabilities. It was an environment where we only wanted to produce the fittest babies. That was a very strong cultural undercurrent. People just felt like these children were not worth saving.”
Yes, the US used to have quality control on people. Ellis Island was a quality control checkpoint for immigrants. The sick were rejected and sent back where they came from.


Mar 10, 2011

Dinosaur Gum
ahbyb 4 hours ago | parent | flag | favorite | on: Samsung: Anyone's thumbprint can unlock Galaxy S10...

I am not going to say what part of my body I managed to add as a registered fingerprint, but I'll give you a hint: whether unlocking worked or not depended on my level of arousal. (I don't know if this is being downvoted for being crude or because of lack of proof. ;P)

power botton
Nov 2, 2011

I wanna gently caress my phone

Mar 7, 2007

Don't you just hate when you wind up in a store with people who are in a socioeconomic class that is pretty obviously about two levels lower than your own?
love the phone

Nov 5, 2005

You guys aren't going to believe this, but that guy is our games teacher.
jacquesm 4 hours ago | parent | favorite | on: The Not-Com Bubble Is Popping

SpaceX is real. Uber, AirBnB, WeWork and all the other 'lawbreaking as a service' and 'subsidizing transactions with massive VC' companies are not.


Well, they're half right at least? :shrug:

Jan 9, 2011

by Fluffdaddy
an hour ago
The negative reactions here claiming that everyone should use English are really disappointing, on hacker news of all places.

Jul 26, 2003

jmpman 34 minutes ago | parent [-] | on: Ban Facial Recognition at Festivals

I’ve always used the number of Spanish speaking radio stations on the dial as a litmus test for how much illegal immigration exists in my city. First generation and second generation don’t typically listen to to the Spanish speaking stations, so the demand is being driven by the initial immigrants, the majority of whom are illegal (in my city).
No matter how much I hear about illegal immigration being cracked down upon, the Spanish speaking radio stations aren’t being converted to another format, so there’s still enough advertiser demand to pay for the station. That can only happen if the advertisers are finding a large enough customer base to justify their costs.
If these radio stations then sponsor concerts, it’s likely that the attendees will have a high illegal immigrant percentage.
Should the government be able to mass survey the Spanish speaking population attending these concerts, looking for immigrants who have not turned up to their deportation hearings?
I applaud the government for being that efficient with my tax dollars (I expect this method is much cheaper than others), but should they be doing it? Probably not.
Now what about facial recognition for known terrorists at large sporting events in order to prevent an attack? Maybe?? At music festivals? I can see the argument there too.

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

fritz posted:

jmpman 34 minutes ago | parent [-] | on: Ban Facial Recognition at Festivals

I’ve always used the number of Spanish speaking radio stations on the dial as a litmus test for how much illegal immigration exists in my city. First generation and second generation don’t typically listen to to the Spanish speaking stations, so the demand is being driven by the initial immigrants, the majority of whom are illegal (in my city).
No matter how much I hear about illegal immigration being cracked down upon, the Spanish speaking radio stations aren’t being converted to another format, so there’s still enough advertiser demand to pay for the station. That can only happen if the advertisers are finding a large enough customer base to justify their costs.
If these radio stations then sponsor concerts, it’s likely that the attendees will have a high illegal immigrant percentage.
Should the government be able to mass survey the Spanish speaking population attending these concerts, looking for immigrants who have not turned up to their deportation hearings?
I applaud the government for being that efficient with my tax dollars (I expect this method is much cheaper than others), but should they be doing it? Probably not.
Now what about facial recognition for known terrorists at large sporting events in order to prevent an attack? Maybe?? At music festivals? I can see the argument there too.

gee i wonder if this guy has opinions about where mosques should and should not be constructed in manhattan

fart simpson
Jul 2, 2005


fritz posted:

jmpman 34 minutes ago | parent [-] | on: Ban Facial Recognition at Festivals

I’ve always used the number of Spanish speaking radio stations on the dial as a litmus test for how much illegal immigration exists in my city. First generation and second generation don’t typically listen to to the Spanish speaking stations, so the demand is being driven by the initial immigrants, the majority of whom are illegal (in my city).
No matter how much I hear about illegal immigration being cracked down upon, the Spanish speaking radio stations aren’t being converted to another format, so there’s still enough advertiser demand to pay for the station. That can only happen if the advertisers are finding a large enough customer base to justify their costs.
If these radio stations then sponsor concerts, it’s likely that the attendees will have a high illegal immigrant percentage.
Should the government be able to mass survey the Spanish speaking population attending these concerts, looking for immigrants who have not turned up to their deportation hearings?
I applaud the government for being that efficient with my tax dollars (I expect this method is much cheaper than others), but should they be doing it? Probably not.
Now what about facial recognition for known terrorists at large sporting events in order to prevent an attack? Maybe?? At music festivals? I can see the argument there too.


Jul 26, 2003

codr7 11 days ago | parent | favorite | on: Magic Mushrooms Can Help Smokers Kick the Habit

Precious few mushrooms are truly poisonous.
And I've picked and eaten A LOT of supposedly dangerous ones, as well as other plants; something I suspect most people speaking out on the subject haven't.
As a matter of fact, I just got some red amanitas out of the freezer that I picked a few days ago. I'm going to fry them in butter with onions and garlic and make a lovely shroom sandwich.
Like amanitas, liberty caps have a very distinctive look. Soak them in water for a while if at all unsure, and only eat a small amount to begin with.
The really dangerous stuff is pushed by "science" and the people who come up with this FUD to sell their artificial, truly poisonous and addictive chemical cocktails for awesome profits instead.

Jul 29, 2003

This post is dedicated to the brave Mujahideen fighters of Afghanistan

fritz posted:

jmpman 34 minutes ago | parent [-] | on: Ban Facial Recognition at Festivals

I’ve always used the number of Spanish speaking radio stations on the dial as a litmus test for how much illegal immigration exists in my city. First generation and second generation don’t typically listen to to the Spanish speaking stations, so the demand is being driven by the initial immigrants, the majority of whom are illegal (in my city).
No matter how much I hear about illegal immigration being cracked down upon, the Spanish speaking radio stations aren’t being converted to another format, so there’s still enough advertiser demand to pay for the station. That can only happen if the advertisers are finding a large enough customer base to justify their costs.
If these radio stations then sponsor concerts, it’s likely that the attendees will have a high illegal immigrant percentage.
Should the government be able to mass survey the Spanish speaking population attending these concerts, looking for immigrants who have not turned up to their deportation hearings?
I applaud the government for being that efficient with my tax dollars (I expect this method is much cheaper than others), but should they be doing it? Probably not.
Now what about facial recognition for known terrorists at large sporting events in order to prevent an attack? Maybe?? At music festivals? I can see the argument there too.

nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition

Jul 16, 2010

#1 Loser at SpaceChem
some species of mushrooms are toxic based on accumulated lifetime dose, so you can eat them a couple of times just fine, but if you do it one time too many, suddenly your blood stops working.

just thought that was interesting.

power botton
Nov 2, 2011

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

gee i wonder if this guy has opinions about where mosques should and should not be constructed in manhattan

eataly good. apple store good. swatch good. mosque bad.

i think he would be happy to know the taco place at the WTC closed down though.

fart simpson
Jul 2, 2005


fritz posted:

codr7 11 days ago | parent | favorite | on: Magic Mushrooms Can Help Smokers Kick the Habit

Precious few mushrooms are truly poisonous.
And I've picked and eaten A LOT of supposedly dangerous ones, as well as other plants; something I suspect most people speaking out on the subject haven't.
As a matter of fact, I just got some red amanitas out of the freezer that I picked a few days ago. I'm going to fry them in butter with onions and garlic and make a lovely shroom sandwich.
Like amanitas, liberty caps have a very distinctive look. Soak them in water for a while if at all unsure, and only eat a small amount to begin with.
The really dangerous stuff is pushed by "science" and the people who come up with this FUD to sell their artificial, truly poisonous and addictive chemical cocktails for awesome profits instead.


Aug 28, 2018

fritz posted:

codr7 11 days ago | parent | favorite | on: Magic Mushrooms Can Help Smokers Kick the Habit

Precious few mushrooms are truly poisonous.
And I've picked and eaten A LOT of supposedly dangerous ones, as well as other plants; something I suspect most people speaking out on the subject haven't.
As a matter of fact, I just got some red amanitas out of the freezer that I picked a few days ago. I'm going to fry them in butter with onions and garlic and make a lovely shroom sandwich.
Like amanitas, liberty caps have a very distinctive look. Soak them in water for a while if at all unsure, and only eat a small amount to begin with.
The really dangerous stuff is pushed by "science" and the people who come up with this FUD to sell their artificial, truly poisonous and addictive chemical cocktails for awesome profits instead.


Nov 9, 2009

Jabor posted:

some species of mushrooms are toxic based on accumulated lifetime dose, so you can eat them a couple of times just fine, but if you do it one time too many, suddenly your blood stops working.

just thought that was interesting.

I would like an example

Main Paineframe
Oct 27, 2010

SRQ posted:

I would like an example

maybe this one?

you can eat it safely for a while, but your immune system doesn't like it and will slowly begin to develop an allergic reaction toward it. so your immune system gets activated against the mushroom a little bit more every time you eat it, and your antibody count against the mushroom increases with every meal

also, the attack antibodies that your immune system produces to target the mushroom toxin will also destroy your own red blood cells. so every time you have an allergic reaction to the mushroom, the allergic response also attacks your own blood

if you keep eating it regularly, eventually one day the immune system becomes sensitive enough against the mushroom to kick off a major allergic reaction, at which point you develop severe autoimmune anemia as your immune system commences a large-scale assault on your own red blood cells. aside from the direct impact on oxygen circulation and all its fun side effects, all the dead cell junk that gets released into your bloodstream ruins your kidneys and gallbladder and can even cause heart failure

mushroom toxins don't gently caress around, they gently caress you up

Jul 27, 2013

my mushroom book has helpful little notes like "this used to be considered edible but turns out it's gonadotoxic over time"

Doc Hawkins
Jun 15, 2010

Dashing? But I'm not even moving!

suffix posted:

my mushroom book has helpful little notes like "this used to be considered edible but turns out it's gonadotoxic over time"

highly relatable

Mar 10, 2011

Dinosaur Gum

fritz posted:

codr7 11 days ago | parent | favorite | on: Magic Mushrooms Can Help Smokers Kick the Habit

Precious few mushrooms are truly poisonous.
And I've picked and eaten A LOT of supposedly dangerous ones, as well as other plants; something I suspect most people speaking out on the subject haven't.
As a matter of fact, I just got some red amanitas out of the freezer that I picked a few days ago. I'm going to fry them in butter with onions and garlic and make a lovely shroom sandwich.
Like amanitas, liberty caps have a very distinctive look. Soak them in water for a while if at all unsure, and only eat a small amount to begin with.
The really dangerous stuff is pushed by "science" and the people who come up with this FUD to sell their artificial, truly poisonous and addictive chemical cocktails for awesome profits instead.

Which one of you wrote this? Pretty ingenious way to kill off hn posters.

Jun 10, 2001
the mushrooms THEY dont want you to eat

Mar 10, 2011

Dinosaur Gum
gently caress THE MAN and his safe shrooms

fack you
Sep 12, 2002

For Life
calferreira 2 hours ago [-]

I was unable to find it funny :|


polyester concept
Mar 29, 2017

the author of n-gate sure cares a lot about what a bunch of people he dislikes say on a website he also dislikes. enough to register a domain, read and summarize every week of posts in a sarcastic tone. its almost like he's as insufferable as the people he complains about.

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