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Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination
This is my first time modding so please have a bit of patience and I'll try and not make a critical error.

When the Seagulls Cry Mafia: Chapter 1

You're members of a rich family and their servants trapped in a mansion on an island when you receive a mysterious letter...

This is an announcement that there should be no ~major~ spoilers in regards to the story of the actual visual novel. I know this is kind of discretionary, but I'll just list off the kinds of things we need to know as an example.

Umineko, when they cry is a murder mystery game. The character profiles from chapter one will be given when role pms go out. Basically, anything deeper than that is off limits, and spoilers!

Flavour is flavour in this game, and just that. I want to give this game's structure an Umineko feel, is all.

[. . .]Every door has its lock and every person their place.

At the start of the game day I will summarize who visited the victims of that night. This is my witch confirmed list, so you can trust that it follows the rules of my game perfectly. This is my [. . .]

We're full and discord link is up for people to join!

General Mafia Rules stolen via Dancer via Yami, via Natural 20, from Somberero

1. Don't be mean to each other. This is a game, part of the game is having people react, but if you think you’re reacting badly, walk away, calm down, come back later.
2. For the lurker mechanic for this game, anybody below 10 posts per game day (before the town execution) will be allowed to be executed the following day without ending the day. This will be announced by the mod.
3. Don't edit your posts.
4. Don't talk after you're dead. I'll send you a PM to a Dead doc if you want to chat poo poo.
5. Feel free to post after the hammer/during twilight about non-game stuff.
6. Flavour is flavour, you’re welcome to pursue arguments on it if you want. However, scum are backed by fakeclaims. Additionally whilst I try to retain flavour justification for many abilities, they will not always match expectations.
7. No replacements after D2.
8. Don't directly quote any communication from me, including your role pm. If you have OOT communication with another player, the rule still applies.
9. Don't fake day actions.
10. If you are affected by a day action, do not post under any circumstances until we post the result of the Action. Everyone else is good to keep going.

A note about action language

1. An action that successfully activates and will have it's effect. "your action SUCCEEDED"
2. An action that does not successfully activate will have no effect. "Your action FAILED."
3. If a player name is ever mentioned as part of a result, this is a mod error. This is because your intended target is not necessarily who is actually targeted due to manipulative roles.
4. A "successful" target is defined as an ability resolving on someone. This does not have to be the intended target, so a redirected result will yield the same language as a result that has not been redirected.

tormented souls!:

  1. Anomalous Amalgam
  2. b-minus1 D2 Kruass, Town-Aligned Compulsory Visitor and Lovers with Leith
  3. CCKeane
  4. Cyouni
  5. Dancer
  6. Dick Bastardly
  7. dmboogie
  8. GulagDolls
  9. Irony Be My Shield
  10. Jon Joe
  11. Kitiara N2 Maria Town-Aligned Compulsory Visitor
  12. Leith Maclaine D2 Kumasawa, Town-Aligned Compulsory Visitor and Lovers with B-
  13. MegaZeroX D3 Kanon Self-Aligned Executioner
  14. Mr. Humalong
  15. Mr. Steak D1 Jessica Town-Aligned Tracker
  16. OMGVBFLOL N1 Hideyoshi Town-Aligned Compulsory Visitor
  17. Rhjamiz
  18. SalTheBard
  19. Snooze Cruise

Toalpaz fucked around with this message at 16:07 on Nov 26, 2019


Mr. Steak
May 8, 2013

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

Leith Maclaine
Mar 2, 2018

Adventure comes from insufficient planning.
I'm in

Anomalous Amalgam
Feb 13, 2015

by Nyc_Tattoo
Doctor Rope
Im here too

May 23, 2011

Oct 28, 2007


Jan 26, 2005

I forgot to post my food for USPOL Thanksgiving but that's okay too!

Fallen Rib
I'm down!

Mr. Humalong
May 7, 2007


Dick Bastardly
Aug 22, 2012

Muttley is SKYNET!!!

Jan 26, 2005

I forgot to post my food for USPOL Thanksgiving but that's okay too!

Fallen Rib


Snooze Cruise
Feb 16, 2013

hey look,
a post
i am joining but toalpaz might be tricking me about the flavor

Jul 24, 2008

She's a maniac, maniac
on the floor
And she's dancing like she's never danced before

Anomalous Amalgam
Feb 13, 2015

by Nyc_Tattoo
Doctor Rope

Snooze Cruise posted:

i am joining but toalpaz might be tricking me about the flavor

A legend returns to the fray

Cactus Ghost
Dec 20, 2003

im going to play

Cactus Ghost
Dec 20, 2003

i will be quiet as a mouse tho sorry not sorry

Dick Bastardly
Aug 22, 2012

Muttley is SKYNET!!!

SalTheBard posted:


Anomalous Amalgam
Feb 13, 2015

by Nyc_Tattoo
Doctor Rope

Make me Guts

Mr. Humalong
May 7, 2007

please don't talk about berserk it leads to permabans

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination
Wow this is filling up fast. I'm just ironing out the roles and flavour so sorry if this is not exactly 'what you signed up for' but there's some interesting things that are going to be happening. Even if we fill up I'll leave sign ups open for another day or because we have some wiggle room with the characters I'm using.

Anomalous Amalgam
Feb 13, 2015

by Nyc_Tattoo
Doctor Rope

Mr. Humalong posted:

please don't talk about berserk it leads to permabans

No poo poo? I can see why immediately, my apologies.

Mr. Steak
May 8, 2013

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
just give me mafia.

Anomalous Amalgam
Feb 13, 2015

by Nyc_Tattoo
Doctor Rope

Mr. Steak posted:

just give me mafia.

Dick Bastardly
Aug 22, 2012

Muttley is SKYNET!!!

Mr. Humalong posted:

please don't talk about berserk it leads to permabans

oops... um... ... uuuuummmmmmm...

cowboy... bee.. beboop

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination
As you all filter in for dinner in the grand dining room you're surprised to see little Maria impatiently rocking on her chair at the table with some sort of smug look of satisfaction. She's just a kid so it's easy to read her face; She's clearly very excited about something. You wonder briefly why she isn't with the cousins closer to her age but don't think much of it. However, when she notices most of the family are in the room with some servants setting up the table and others serving tea, she jumps on her chair and declares proudly!

"Uuu~ Beatrice~ Beatrice~ Letter from Beatrice~ I'll read it now!"

Welcome to Rokkenjima.

I am the Golden Witch, Beatrice. This letter marks the start of my revival. Your family’s wealth, as you all know, seemingly appeared out of thin air. This collateral that was used for many other loans had no known origin, because I am the original lender who began Kinzo's fortune. While your coffers have filled significantly over past few decades, sadly you’ve fallen short on interest owed to me, and I’ll be taking everything your family has.

Unlike most places, everything is fairly orderly in the isolated Rokkenjima Mansion. This manse has been the cousin’s grandparent’s home since before they were born. Their parents, who were raised there, recall its layout like the back of their hand. It’s the servants duty to walk its halls daily and tend to their masters. Therefor if something were to happen, it should be relatively easy to piece together who did it using simple logic. Every door has its lock and every person their place.

Many of you may be chosen as sacrifices for my revival. Therefor, at the start of the game day I will summarize who visited the victims of that night. This is my witch confirmed list, so you can trust that it follows the rules of my game perfectly. This is my method of giving you all a chance to learn the easy way that this is a game impossible to solve. When my chosen few complete the ritual I will be revived and all will be dead, we will meet again in the golden land. If you manage to find out the identities of my pieces... I suppose I’ll let you all off the hook. *cackle*cackle*cackle*!


Most of the adults shook their heads at this crass declaration, clearly some sort of attempt to maneuver the sender into inheriting a larger portion of their father's, Kinzo's, wealth. Others laughed it off. If you met the eyes of some you might even notice the glint of greed in their eyes. No one could guess at just how true the words of the letter would turn out to be.

Snooze Cruise
Feb 16, 2013

hey look,
a post

Mr. Humalong
May 7, 2007

did you trick me into an anime game

Apr 21, 2009
I’m in =)

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination
This is really great, I think I have room for about 5 more before we should start!

Leith Maclaine
Mar 2, 2018

Adventure comes from insufficient planning.

Mr. Humalong posted:

did you trick me into an anime game

Looking very likely

Snooze Cruise
Feb 16, 2013

hey look,
a post

Mr. Humalong posted:

did you trick me into an anime game

Anomalous Amalgam
Feb 13, 2015

by Nyc_Tattoo
Doctor Rope

Mr. Humalong posted:

did you trick me into an anime game


Jan 28, 2008

my shit posts don't die, they multiply

Hello I will play.

Oct 4, 2013

hello i like umineko and also mafia

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination
Sorry that I'm updating the OP as we go but I'm just coming to realize problems as people talk to me about them!

This is an announcement that there should be no ~major~ spoilers. I know this is kind of discretionary but I'll just list off the kinds of things we need to know as an example.

Umineko, when they cry is a murder mystery game. The character profiles from chapter one will be given when role pms go out. Basically, anything deeper than that is off limits, and spoilers!

Flavour is flavour in this game, and just that. I want to give this game's structure an Umineko feel, is all.

Think of this of a different spin on things, with a few familiar faces.

Snooze Cruise
Feb 16, 2013

hey look,
a post
its me, i am the one pointing out the problems

Snooze Cruise
Feb 16, 2013

hey look,
a post
can't even talk about my favorite umineko characters because they are spoilers *smh*

Jan 26, 2005

I forgot to post my food for USPOL Thanksgiving but that's okay too!

Fallen Rib

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination

thanks for setting the tone

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination
Also I'm officially capping it at 19, so 5 more people at most but I think we will start still between 17-18 people sometime tomorrow. If people turn up.


Cactus Ghost
Dec 20, 2003

Toalpaz posted:

As you all filter in for dinner in the grand dining room you're surprised to see little Maria impatiently rocking on her chair at the table with some sort of smug look of satisfaction. She's just a kid so it's easy to read her face; She's clearly very excited about something. You wonder briefly why she isn't with the cousins closer to her age but don't think much of it. However, when she notices most of the family are in the room with some servants setting up the table and others serving tea, she jumps on her chair and declares proudly!

"Uuu~ Beatrice~ Beatrice~ Letter from Beatrice~ I'll read it now!"

Welcome to Rokkenjima.

I am the Golden Witch, Beatrice. This letter marks the start of my revival. Your family’s wealth, as you all know, seemingly appeared out of thin air. This collateral that was used for many other loans had no known origin, because I am the original lender who began Kinzo's fortune. While your coffers have filled significantly over past few decades, sadly you’ve fallen short on interest owed to me, and I’ll be taking everything your family has.

Unlike most places, everything is fairly orderly in the isolated Rokkenjima Mansion. This manse has been the cousin’s grandparent’s home since before they were born. Their parents, who were raised there, recall its layout like the back of their hand. It’s the servants duty to walk its halls daily and tend to their masters. Therefor if something were to happen, it should be relatively easy to piece together who did it using simple logic. Every door has its lock and every person their place.

Many of you may be chosen as sacrifices for my revival. Therefor, at the start of the game day I will summarize who visited the victims of that night. This is my witch confirmed list, so you can trust that it follows the rules of my game perfectly. This is my method of giving you all a chance to learn the easy way that this is a game impossible to solve. When my chosen few complete the ritual I will be revived and all will be dead, we will meet again in the golden land. If you manage to find out the identities of my pieces... I suppose I’ll let you all off the hook. *cackle*cackle*cackle*!


Most of the adults shook their heads at this crass declaration, clearly some sort of attempt to maneuver the sender into inheriting a larger portion of their father's, Kinzo's, wealth. Others laughed it off. If you met the eyes of some you might even notice the glint of greed in their eyes. No one could guess at just how true the words of the letter would turn out to be.

i didnt read any of this

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