Vargo posted:We've been talking so much about Saint Lisa, but isn't there a moment in the future where Les gets a phone call from his dead wife telling him not to get on a plane, which then crashes, or something like that? I swear I'm not making this up. I think. Yeah it happened and it's also never brought up again I think in favor of a much more boring plot of "les consistently failing to reach the final stage of grief"
# ¿ May 12, 2020 13:23 |
# ¿ Jan 24, 2025 01:58 |
Alhazred posted:The history of childcare is just insane. Harry Harlow for example had to torture monkeys in order to establish that infants do in fact like to be comforted. There was even a Super Fun Pak Comix about it
# ¿ May 12, 2020 18:47 |
EasyEW posted:
Batiuk surprisingly admitting Lisa's Story is actually about Les and not Lisa
# ¿ May 13, 2020 16:38 |
Funky wouldn't really be that bad if it weren't for TomBat's love of ending something on a tepid 1-liner and smug face
# ¿ May 14, 2020 17:06 |
Holy poo poo I actually laughed at a joke Brooke McEldowney wrote
# ¿ May 14, 2020 20:29 |
Johnny Walker posted:Front facing Jon is a little disturbing here. It's very Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff
# ¿ May 18, 2020 16:54 |
Alhazred posted:The Ghost Who Was Dropped On The Head As A Kid. The Phantom of Men meets the Phantom of Lions
# ¿ May 20, 2020 20:05 |
Professor Wayne posted:Scene from a corporate fairy tale Gary Larson's pre-imagining of "The Wolf of Wall Street" Somebody fucked around with this message at 17:23 on Jul 25, 2022 |
# ¿ May 26, 2020 13:20 |
Johnny Walker posted:The Phantom The Ghost Who Has To Introduce Himself To People When He Moves In just doesn't have the same ring to it
# ¿ May 26, 2020 16:40 |
Alhazred posted:The Cockhorns LockHORNs.
# ¿ Jun 1, 2020 19:16 |
maltesh posted:2006 would have been X-Men: The Last Stand. Not the franchise's finest hour. And yet, not it's darkest as it would turn out
# ¿ Jun 3, 2020 18:29 |
StrixNebulosa posted:goddamn Calvin and Hobbes is so good at drawing funny faces. I know as a kid I tried to re-enact a bunch of those. I still really enjoy how... STRETCHY... the bad food always is in calvin & hobbes.
# ¿ Jun 4, 2020 17:08 |
dismas posted:Man, retreading these Far Sides it’s pretty nuts how good they still are and how many people have failed to imitate Larson So very few of them manage that "doodled something and then gave it a caption" energy that really makes The Far Side special to me. The fact that a lot of ripoffs even go as far as ripping off Larson's art style really doesn't help though.
# ¿ Jun 5, 2020 15:04 |
riderchop posted:holy poo poo Finnish is a made up language solely to confuse outsiders and I firmly believe they speak something else when no one's looking Also ACAB is KPOP in finnish lol
# ¿ Jun 5, 2020 19:44 |
amigolupus posted:I'm no expert on raising kids, but dumping your baby, who is only a few months old, under the care of your teenage son, who doesn't even have anyone to help him or experience with babies, is some seriously messed up parenting. Is Michael a teenager in this one? I thought he was like 8 or something
# ¿ Jun 8, 2020 12:39 |
The Bloop posted:What the hell I barely pay attention to foob so I am extremely fuzzy on the timescale
# ¿ Jun 8, 2020 13:19 |
The Bloop posted:What the gently caress, Jeremy the joke is that he's not irresistible and is in fact a slob, evidenced by his dirtiness and devouring that pizza
# ¿ Jun 10, 2020 13:18 |
Johnny Walker posted:
"What the gently caress does that have do do with it anyway? If I bite it they can just go let him know!"
# ¿ Jun 11, 2020 18:12 |
Cowslips Warren posted:I don't get the deer joke with the antlers unless it's that she's transgender? a doe is a female deer and they do not grow antlers so yes Rae the doe is trans I didn't put this together until the comic today I am very smart
# ¿ Jun 12, 2020 01:09 |
Johnny Walker posted:Look who's back on Twitter. but if they fire him, how will we get such exciting things as *checks notes* a really long time of the big dog andy running in the woods
# ¿ Jun 12, 2020 20:09 |
Zereth posted:holbrook can't be consistent with how people in Murder Hellworld use their sense of smell, can he that loving strip disgusts me in so many ways I don't think I even know what all of them are
# ¿ Jun 13, 2020 02:11 |
Sweaty IT Nerd posted:So it isn't reasonable that a slender woman wouldn't be showing? She should be. Whether this is because they've decided she's faking it or just because they didn't understand this when they were drawing her I don't care to wager.
# ¿ Jun 14, 2020 02:04 |
StrixNebulosa posted:ah, the eternal dilemma: fatshaming is garbage and you shouldn't do it..... otoh Ed Kudlick is exactly the kind of person to go to a doctor who would do this so lol
# ¿ Jun 15, 2020 12:54 |
Johnny Walker posted:
can't handle how the dog and bear are occupying the same general part of the panel with the same general everything
# ¿ Jun 15, 2020 17:20 |
Some Guy TT posted:Anne isn't married to Tiffany's father but they're still living together and he's letting her make all the financial decisions? Bwuh? he's into findom don't kinkshame him
# ¿ Jun 17, 2020 16:20 |
Johnny Walker posted:
is this the phantom coming to hallucinogenic terms that his daughter is better at Phantom things than his son
# ¿ Jun 17, 2020 22:29 |
Medenmath posted:Vintage Valiant (Oct. 29, 1939) val is not much enjoying grindr i see
# ¿ Jun 19, 2020 17:19 |
SubNat posted:It really smacks a lot of 'oh, but you're one of the good ones.', where racists/bigots are hateful against groups of people, but not -you-, because they know you. (Or in this case, eat those groups of people.) One can only assume a lot of them aren't even capable of that or there wouldn't be a law against eating the people you know
# ¿ Jun 19, 2020 17:50 |
Some Guy TT posted:I vaguely remember that the reason ultimately given for the weight gain was that Tiffany was depressed because she was feeling increasingly isolated from her father and far away from home. I don't remember if we were actually told this at the time, but that's been the implication ever since then at least with all of Tiffany's personal problems directly relating to a strained family relationship. That's what I think too but I can't tell if it's just applying basic empathy to figure out that she has some sort of a stress related eating disorder
# ¿ Jun 20, 2020 14:22 |
Green Intern posted:Mason must be utterly desperate if he is really putting up with Les Moore being involved in this movie. Mason has some very undeserved respect of Les Moore
# ¿ Jun 22, 2020 11:17 |
Manuel Calavera posted:Family Circus lmao good job, colorist
# ¿ Jun 25, 2020 17:18 |
Some Guy TT posted:On one end Ann Eiffel has always been presented as unsubtly monstrous and unsympathetic but on the other end what other resolutions are there? Miscarriage? Short sighted fake pregnancy? She gets outed as a cheater? None of these would be satisfying. The writers not spending years being really mean to someone based on the concept of bullying the one character who is based on the daughter the whole thing is weird as hell also when is the last time luann was even in luann
# ¿ Jun 28, 2020 11:53 |
Parahexavoctal posted:How would the marshmallows being play-dough affect the cup's structural integrity? Am I missing something? I think the baby put the mug back together with play doh which leaked a bit before it fell apart.
# ¿ Jun 28, 2020 18:13 |
Comic Strips 2020: Eat poo poo James Allen
# ¿ Jun 30, 2020 21:53 |
The only time my mom ever hit me was when I was like 3 and about to cut my hand with scissors like a big moron and it was her instinct to stop me. It worked but she felt extremely bad about it for ever after.
# ¿ Jul 3, 2020 00:23 |
My Lovely Horse posted:How do you go even get the idea that it's the same ultrasound from "the baby in it is waving", they all look the same. bad writer also this whole thing sucks and even though ann eiffel is supposed to be awful this is a really lovely plan, cause unless her plan is to fake a miscarriage and get sympathy (???) she's gonna need to come up with a baby eventually
# ¿ Jul 4, 2020 21:31 |
riderchop posted:
Weird Al is the only one of these three that seems like they'd be any fun to play with Tolkein would get way too into it and talk only in Elvish and Elon would insufferably rules lawyer with a wrong interpretation
# ¿ Jul 7, 2020 19:21 |
love too break up my kid and his girlfriend because i'm a coward who won't make sure they know about safe sex
# ¿ Jul 11, 2020 19:25 |
Vargo posted:
drawing cathy on-model turns her into the only character in the strip without a nose and it's horrifying
# ¿ Jul 12, 2020 17:06 |
# ¿ Jan 24, 2025 01:58 |
Kennel posted:
dunno if you know this skelley but people who aren't single go on dates all the time i'm not even counting adulterers, literally this is what people who are in long relationships do
# ¿ Jul 17, 2020 13:21 |