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Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo
don't know why we got deployed here tbqh

poo poo's not a real deployment anyway


Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

PathAsc posted:

I'm getting NJP'd again for not stamping my name on the waistband of my skivvies.

just found first sergeant loving a PFC. but yeah, I'm the shitbag for putting my hands in my pocket. oohrah

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

PathAsc posted:

But were they dating and did he start a fight at the e-club with another PFC over them?

idk man I just work here

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo
Bro loving this standing post poo poo. Let’s go out the wire and get some sandwiches and poo poo from the locals. Maybe they even got weed!

pick a thread, post it here, let’s post in it.

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

bird food bathtub posted:

There's a thread right outside the wire talking all about flags. Good flags, lovely flags, even some unit patches. Nobody would even know we're there we'd fit right in.

Found some thread about porn y’all. Seems a lil serious tho. Like I thought they’d be talking about their favorite hits but it’s a human rights focused thread!?!?

Idk we might all get shwacked but there’s low activity there. What’s the worst that could happen?

We could also hop on the Space-A flight to Helsinki, I know a guy who knows a guy. Doc loves his Marines but I love the idea of get dom’d by Sanna Marin in a catwoman suit even more.

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

LtCol J. Krusinski posted:

Alright gents, Chaplain Shim here to give a talk about spiritual resiliency, and how to not slam your own goddamned dick in the door and force the Local Nationals “Poliisivoimat” to hit you with “moderaattorin ison munan virtapainikkeet.” No I did not learn how to pronounce that poo poo at Yeshiva, and gently caress you for asking.

When approaching local nationals, remember, don’t get all sad and depressed and kill yourself because you gave the best years of your statistically sure to be short life up for a chance to fight in not one but two loving losing wars in 20 years. Even the Krauts did better right? Anyway, yeah, rule #1 don’t kill yourselves. Remember that first and always.

They didn’t teach me gently caress else at chaplain school, but I do know it’s gonna be a while before we redeploy to GiP so don’t sweat pissing hot for a while, and the age of consent in newly admitted NATO Country Finland is 16. Do whatever the hell it is young Marines do when they know they’re not gonna be piss tested, home, or jailed for loving a high school Sophmore for a while.


They do what?

Oi Vey, Chaplain Shim out.

Mr. Nice! posted:

Always a good sign when the op of a thread is permabanned.

Hey chaplain that first dude wasn’t even with us man. That was some dude pissing in the woods from CSPAM or some poo poo. Think I saw him protesting at the base gate when we got in for maneuvers. I feel like Jody from the flight line lied to me. These motherfuckers ain’t friendly at all!

*ignores the fact he treated NATO allies like Neanderthals w his pantomiming act* I feel like they overreacted chaps, gotta be honest with you. I don’t know what I did to deserve getting taken out to the wood line by some loving dudes in a snow suit. Probably wouldn’t gently caress with those Finns I’ll tell ya that.

TheWeedNumber fucked around with this message at 02:18 on Apr 6, 2023

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo
I really like Sibelius’s Valse Triste. Might check out his other works.

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

Could hop on the Space-A down to yeehaw-ville, maybe?

SS just stands for scout sniper right gunny? Anyway Berlin is just a train ride away. Let’s get some beers in y’all!

The squad bay seems to sweat twice as fast with half as many Marines when we’re getting hazed by first sergeant drunk af and mad about his third divorce conducting intensive training and team building exercises. Maybe we can have a chat with the Climate Change folks about it? Let’s try to downplay the fact that DOD is one of the biggest polluters on the planet though, ooh rah?

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

Carteret posted:

My dad chose to retire in ENC, forcing me to the live out middle school and high-school in that hellhole. I've never lived anywhere worse.

feel like CPS should be called on the parents of this poster...or whoever commissioned the Antwone Fisher movie should be looped in for OP's latent trauma to write an oscar winning screenplayer

whichever really

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

Carteret posted:

The only bright side is that living near marines for that long made sure I never joined.

I enlisted Army instead! :v:

Being around x made me never wanna be like them. So anyway I did x squared.

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

Edgar Allen Ho posted:

this butt story makes me feel way worse than actual combat stories.

also while you people are still defending us here in DnD, I wanna tell my Marine story

when I went to MEPS for the Army, my roommate for the night was a future Marine. He failed the breathalyzer test they put you through like instantly next morning.

later, I fail to piss in front of my new closest friends, I just can't go, so I have to stay another night just to prove my piss has no drugs

this night, another future Marine. the literal stupidest motherfucker I have ever met. His phone alarm went off a few hours before we were supposed to get up and he couldn't turn it off. Dude could not figure out snooze mode, or, apparently, numbers, or the concept of time.

anyways we eventually went back to MEPS. He got into the Marines and served honourably (afaik) while I noped out of my boot camp date and moved to Canada because why not?

semper fi and thanks for your service, Marines

I’m so glad you escaped!

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

LtCol J. Krusinski posted:

You have hemorrhoids or fissures? Maybe particularly gnarly anal region acne? Maybe butt herpes? Did you take a poo poo and not shower prior to spreading your bussy for Uncle Sam’s least literate doctors? Like, are you really hairy back there and just got a big old messy loving hair, lint, and poo poo DQ Blizzard back there? Was this prior to 2011 when having some really confused, tired and lost sperm leaking out of your anus at MEPS was a technical violation of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell because Dr. Last In His Class At Peshawar Community College of Animal Husbandry, Witch hunting, and Medicine didn’t ask if you had someone take a ride on your Hershey highway and leave behind all kinds of nougat, but you clearly were telling him you did because just like the “Oops all boo berries” edition your spread bussy inspection was an “Ooops, yeah definitely had a man ejaculate inside me, praise allah as peace be unto him as baby batter be unto my colon and now this lovely government linoleum floor”?

It was probably just looking for hemorrhoids.

Or you low key got molested, ya know, just some light penetration, before the U.S. Government hosed you harder than a diamond dick when it’s raining titties on heteronormative island.

You loving disgust me anyway. What kind of degenerate motherfucker would talk about their MEPS experience and not casually mention they scored so high on the ASVAB that they could choose any job they wanted and chose to be a USMC Water Dawg and here’s my sick Scout Sniper + EGA Lower Back Tactical Tat I got in loving solidarity with everyone else that’s gonna kill themselves when Congress guts VA funding and the Seroquel, Lexapro, Klonopin, and Vicodin get cut off?

This is a nation sir. In this nation we have standards, and laws, and while you may not be breaking the latter you are loving unsatisfactory on every possible level in maintaining the former.

Smegma Pie, weird anus at MEPS guy.


Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

Inferior Third Season posted:

As a new mod, I'm slowly getting introduced to threads I've never visited through reported posts. I feared the worst, seeing a NSFW report coming from the Marines thread, and yet what I found surpassed all my expectations. A purely text-based post evoking such vivid imagery that someone in a military thread would report it as being too much. Perhaps it technically deserves a probation, but my heart will only allow a :golfclap:

Oorah, semper fi, etc.


Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

M_Gargantua posted:

Shim is either on or off his meds, hard to tell.

(For our local contacts, the "Lieutenant Colonel" there is "Shim" because it's a long story)

I just figured he hit the bong man.

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

Mr. Nice! posted:

One of my shipmates upon passing medical on the way off the ship did not pick up any condoms. HM1 asked him if he needed any. His reply was “gently caress you, doc. Get the shot ready.”

That was over 16 years ago, yet the memory will live in my mind until long after I’ve forgotten my own name.

my man

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

Victor Vermis posted:

Did anyone else have a regular recruit huddle in boot camp where that recruit (you know the one- southern, naturally athletic, hid in the bushes on the final PFT to shave 3 minutes off his time) would say a prayer, and then everyone would get really intense,

And then the runt recruit everyone poo poo on constantly would pipe up and squeak:


And step forward, wearing comically too-big yellow'd whitey tighties hanging to his knees because that's what was left after the last mad scramble foot locker dump-and-wagon-wheel,

And he'd squeak something cliche and self-deprecating like,




And everyone knew he was only at boot camp because his mom was banging his recruiter and wanted to get him out of the house?

I think about that guy a lot.

I hope he wasn't murdered by an ancient italian landmine planted by some other kid whose mom was banging a recruiter for taliban/AQI

You know in your heart how this turned out.

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

Victor Vermis posted:

Yeah. re-enlistment.

poo poo's so dang tragic.


Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

Victor Vermis posted:

Half, inevitably.


Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

Victor Vermis posted:

addendum to my last post: the e-club doesn't serve drinks. I don't remember what the bar is called where base wives go to trade home photography tips/conduct their FetLife meet-ups.

I remember I hosed a real big dependa. Met her off of some sketch website that was like the porno version of Facebook or MySpace or some poo poo.

Anyway that pussy stank, probably from getting creampied prior to my arrival repeatedly and without being cleaned out over a few days, so I texted a dude from my FMT-B class (some HM3) and told him “call me and say I have to return back to base immediately, I have duty. Do it now, please.”

He did and I was freed from this very awkward and gross sexual encounter, borne only of a primal desire to smash some puss before I inevitably got deployed and died.

I neither deployed, nor died, though I wish both have occurred in equal order. Because waking up to find out you are autistic is a hell of a trip and normies annoy me so loving much. However, wish I could erase the memory of that gross rear end pussy more.

That was the reason why I went to get tested at my duty station, at which point the IDC (and my LPO) calls everyone in the clinic (the corpsmen anyway) to watch as he makes my roommate swab my poo poo. A q-tip went up my penis, did a twist, and came out.

I thought that’s how the world did STI screenings till I got to the civilian world. No they did it just to gently caress with us as a collective. Anyway I told the corporate dicksucks in the corporate thread about my poo poo getting swabbed so there’s that. #keepingupforumrelations

TheWeedNumber fucked around with this message at 11:45 on May 14, 2023

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

joat mon posted:

Rest happily in the knowledge that in 2 years they'll be doing the exact same thing at million dollar team-building retreats in order to catalyze their paradigms.


anyway double lmao at this


there is something delicious about a person who works for the most insane, regimented, corporate bullshit factory in the western world pretending that they somehow have it so much better than the "wage slaves"

all i did was post a terminal lance comic and talk about a q tip going up my cock

clearly that means im a loving lifer

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

FrozenVent posted:

My dude you also went on a tear calling people wage slaves and monies cuck.

first off, I suggested alternate terms and said “monied cuck.”

Second of all

FrozenVent posted:

Look at this loving cringe.

yeah but gently caress corpos nonetheless. Apart from that one dude who was like “Ayo I get to be with the wife and kid” I don’t really give a poo poo what a loving drone thinks.

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo
E: let me just stop talking poo poo for a second and just apologize for being a dumbass. That’s gotta be the way forward.

TheWeedNumber fucked around with this message at 22:44 on May 14, 2023

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

PathAsc posted:

Which of you assholes took a poo poo on the duty desk while I was beating off in the head? You know if you're gonna do that at least pretty it up with a flag and some GI JOES like Iwo Jima. gently caress.

sorry, i meant to piss on it but i was aiming the wrong way

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

pmchem posted:

yeah, note to all marines, this thread is technically under local laws while on deployment. okinawa style.

fortunately the MPs seem to have handled the latest rampage while the cops were busy with a major holiday

yeah im sorry i was a dumbass today

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

MrMojok posted:

Nothing a little creative counseling won’t fix.

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

PathAsc posted:

Already gave her a general poa so I'm good, not sure why I don't have a house anymore though. Odd.

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

PathAsc posted:

Update: I'm adopting Jody, he's my wife's 23 y/o kid. Yes I understand the age gap isn't much, I passed math for Marines. He was born at an advanced age. Duh.

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

bird food bathtub posted:

I saw someone's clearance get denied.

Right before they got chaptered out of the Army for getting drunk, stealing a car on base, joyriding around the base, plowing into a ditch, running away and fighting the MPs.

Those two things were probably related.

I asked the Colonel to deploy us to Amsterdam next for a NATO exercise. Talked to all the corpsmen at BAS, we’re gonna make sure everyone doesn’t pop.

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

LtCol J. Krusinski posted:

Uhh you know how I told you guys about my dad/uncle/cousin worked at Nintendo? Ok full truth, he’s my handsy step dad, and he works with Nintendo of America by working in a GameStop in a strip mall in Ohio.

I just figured I’d bite that bullet ahead of time since my brilliant long con of being the only kid in Town with a relative who can get him secret cheat codes for NES/SNES bc he has an insider, actually was just me reading game insider and letting Gary put his fingers inside me a few times.

I will endeavor to be more forthright in High School and only relay information from my Real Dad/Uncle/Cousin who totally works at Sony and gets me sweeeeeeeet PlayStation cheats!

The only thing other than poo poo I’m not full of is Gary on the other hand. Hand to god, not his hand to my plop plop.

gently caress you assholes.

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

Let’s enlist! Again!

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo
I’m like half tempted to shitpost a thread up about newgrounds era dating sims or some poo poo like that. But what if it takes off?

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

GD_American posted:

lol Katie from Letterkenny stars in an honest to god 1995 style FMV game


Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

biosterous posted:

hello marines, let's play chess, i'll go first

(pro tip: chess is more of a collaborative art project than a game, really)

how about Russian roulette so I can loving kill myself?

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo
actually this is getting to be amusing, best port call so far

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo
brick of cocaine, e8. king ODs, victory USMC

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

Qtotonibudinibudet posted:

roger that, im callin in a fire mission

adjust right 5, up 1

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

TheWeedNumber posted:

brick of cocaine, e8. king ODs, victory USMC
wait dont do this that's our CO. we can't afford to make the NYT again this month!

biosterous posted:

not quite the usual chess notation but i think this is what you meant

a red parchisi asterix has reached the final rank and earns a promotion! what will it promote into?

a Sergeant Major who will immediately begin abusing the marines for various reasons (changes side to LP for rest of game)

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

biosterous posted:

not quite the usual chess notation but i think this is what you meant

a red parchisi asterix has reached the final rank and earns a promotion! what will it promote into?


returning the bees to the beehives during prime pollination season risks ecological damage, are you sure you want to do this? (Y/N)

there will be ecological damage but no bees are involved in the making of this production, just metal flechettes

fire at will

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

biosterous posted:

SgtMjr Traitor receives his honours as the bees fly forth :ohdear:

SGM Traitor plays "NJP" card. All Marine pawns are demoted for bullshit or a lackthereof


Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

anilEhilated posted:

Quick! Distract the bees with a Nicolas Cage!

which version tho?

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