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Oct 27, 2005

Actually the jedi are cool af, and the saber twirling in the prequels owns.

I find it interesting that the ST affirms Kreias view of the force, there's a cycle where a dark jedi rises to overthrow the jedi and then a light jedi returns to "restore order". The Jedi and sith have caused destruction on an untold scale because of what amounts to religious doctrine according to that theory, so it seemed weird to make it canon because it does not reflect well on the jedi at all.


Oct 27, 2005

sponges posted:

Jedi and the Force ARE Star Wars. Without that you just have generic Space Opera maclunky


Oct 27, 2005

garycoleisgod posted:

All Jedi are bad, but

Obi-Wan Kenobi is the Worst

He lies to Luke about his dad, so he can convince him to join a Stupid Religion for Idiot Losers Who Lost. When Vader tells Luke the truth, and Luke calls out to Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan doesn't answer the Force phone.

After Yoda finally confirms that yeah, Vader is the baby daddy, THEN Obi-Wan shows up and gives his bullshit "true from a certain point of view" crap, like the big liar he is. Luke says he can't kill his dad and there is still good in him and Obi-Wan is all like, "well, the emperor has won then".

Was Obi-Wan born at Wrong o'clock on the 12th of Incorrect or something? So, Luke was right, doesn't kill his dad, who is redeemed and kills the emperor (at least until the sequels hosed everything up).

And don't get me started on him and Yoda telling Luke not to go save his friends and some people who are bad at watching films thinking they were right to say this, thinking Luke's friends had to save him. Oh really? It is R2 who was brought to Cloud City by Luke who fixes the hyperdrive, without which they were all recaptured. Luke did the right thing by skipping getting trained by dumbass jedi. It's not like they were going to tell him the truth about Vader. Losing his hand and finding out about his dad was tough in the moment for Luke, but in the long run it helped him grow and make good decisions.

Thank you for listening to my presentation.

Reminder that Obi wan is considered the paragon Jedi and it all makes sense

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