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double nine
Aug 8, 2013

I mostly remember a bad case of wrist pain due to horrible windows 4.0-level UI, and C3PO not shutting the hell up (because I didn't understand the commands to tell him to gently caress off), and farming luke's force level by continuous encounters with Vader.

How's the board game called Star Wars Rebellion?


Kazimir Vysehrad
Mar 13, 2013

double nine posted:

I mostly remember a bad case of wrist pain due to horrible windows 4.0-level UI, and C3PO not shutting the hell up (because I didn't understand the commands to tell him to gently caress off), and farming luke's force level by continuous encounters with Vader.

How's the board game called Star Wars Rebellion?

Mar 18, 2006


The computer game was amazing and terrible and I loved it.

By most accounts the board game is solid if not incredible.

Punished Chuck
Dec 27, 2010

Hell yeah

Kazimir Vysehrad
Mar 13, 2013
Star Wars Rebellion is still one of my favorite games, the UI sucks and the space battles are boxy, but its a charming game that no other game so far have surpassed for me.

One thing its the soundtrack, it have a remix of some of the best tracks from ANH, ESB and ROF. Also the music in the cut scenes are great, and so all the cut scenes and ending crawl titles.

I get goosebumps when i see and hear them every time...

Defiance Industries
Jul 22, 2010

Hey buddy, wanna buy some robots?

I think the board game does a great job of feeling like Star Wars. You have the Empire, and they have the upper hand in a straight fight. But most of their leaders are gray-haired British men in small hats, whereas the Rebels have a lot of good characters. So you have to figure out secret missions that can slow the Empire down rather than letting them roll over you. And if you're the Empire, you're trying to pin down the Rebels for a straight-up fight or running around shooting probes everywhere and shouting "BRING ME SKYWALKER!!!!"

Mar 24, 2013

Do not trust in hope- it will betray you! Only faith and hatred sustain.

I havent played a lot but its pretty decent; only complaints are that it takes a while and also the combat is terrible; though the expansion fixed that


Aug 1, 2004

Release my children! My hat is truly great and mighty.

double nine posted:

I mostly remember a bad case of wrist pain due to horrible windows 4.0-level UI
I suspect it was just the final straw for my tendons, rather than the root cause, but I also got terrible RSI from Rebellion. I still really enjoyed playing it, though - not just because there was no other Star Wars game like it, but because it had such innovative and interesting mechanics. The perpetual intelligence fog of war that meant you were almost always making decisions based on outdated information about the enemy, the long travel times between sectors and inability to change course in hyperspace that meant sending away a fleet was always a gamble (especially because counter-espionage could reveal incoming fleets to the enemy), and of course the popular support mechanism that could cause sector-wide revolts, declarations of neutrality, or systems joining a side. These elements made playing against a human opponent an amazingly involved experience. Shame the AI was so incompetent that single player campaigns were complete pushovers, though.

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