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Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy
Hello Goodmine!

There isn't really anything special in this thread but I feel it's a very accurate time capsule of what we lived through the past 4+ years and how we felt and dealt with everything. I believe this is worth saving in a notable place.


all the big tech firms in the seattle area are now in 'wfh unless you have to mode', for at least the rest of the month.

i got a laptop, yubikey, and hail e satan's pretzel recipe so i think i'm fully prepared. i'll report back on the results of my first batch.

Somebody fucked around with this message at 03:40 on Apr 3, 2024


Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy
nice. also jonny i really enjoyed you showing soyboy smythe how it's done. i used to look up to that guy!

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy

poo poo's wild. we're definitely gonna have a recession imo.

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy

cwhfs: walking around the lake in the sunshine

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy
i just got permission to pop in to the office and take home any of my hardware except the workstation lol

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy
was cleaning out sone junk to make a real workspace since i'm digging in i guess and found a yosmas gift i searched and searched for and just could not locate earlier.

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy
schools are closing. i expect any coworkers who are parents to be even more checked out from now on.

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy
what's everyone's daily routine? i've been at it over a week now and i'm pretty settled

- get up at like 8:30, make breakfast
- work 9-12.
- make lunch, take dog around lake 12-2
- work 2-5

i'm trying to set a hard stop at 5 after the first few days going till 8 before realizing i was damned hungry.

feels sustainable, but gotta fix my ergo situation

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy

Fuzzy Mammal posted:

all the big tech firms in the seattle area are now in 'wfh unless you have to mode', for at least the rest of the month.

i got a laptop, yubikey, and hail e satan's pretzel recipe so i think i'm fully prepared. i'll report back on the results of my first batch.

i turned on my oven monitor. rating b+

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy

rotor posted:

food banks are having a really hard time right now because theres a massive drop in volunteers

For a long time they've been focused on moving to fresh food but now with no one to deliver the food they're switching to long-term stable foods

king county is running out of blood. nobody wants to come in and donate.

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy

Skim Milk posted:


Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy

George posted:

it looks like the uk’s plan is literally the quietus huh

it makes no sense. herd immunity is a concept associated with vaccinated populations. humanity had as much herd immunity to smallpox as it was ever gonna get for millennia and it was still a horrible scourge.

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy
being on the meet team, we use it. everyone is working 12 hour days on scaling.

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy


google didn't build it for scale to begin with? lol

yeah we generally run around with orders of magnitude idle capacity in every region just in case something like this comes up unexpectedly, which has made it easy

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy

echinopsis posted:


I have 2.4 full time equivalent total in this pharmacy and I’m the only pharmacist

we’re literally the opposite and I’m on the front lines

yikes. and i was joking about the capacity. and even if you're granted it, just turning up that many servers in that many heterogeneous metros is surprisingly difficult

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy

CMYK BLYAT! posted:

or in my case, avoiding video because i get massively distracted between making eye contact with the camera and looking at the screen

disembodied voice honestly preferable.

gaze correction is a thing and it's coming to these systems pretty soon. a non terrible application for ml actually.

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy
i'd have to go to work to print anything :thunk:

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy

TOOT BOOT posted:

my friend tried to get me to listen to joe rogan once and the podcast started off with a very uncomfortable shill for fleshlights so I turned it off

if you say, "ok google, resume podcast." it will start playing joe rogan experience even if you have another podcast app open and paused. makes me glad google knows so little about me I guess?

anyways here's a decent take

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy
they closed the playground at the park where i've been dog walking. of course there are two families on the swings still, and a pickup game on the basketball court :sigh:

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy
old lady across the street is in hospital with pneumonia :(

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy
it's gonna be the biggest corporate giveaway of all time and will radically benefit financiers to the detriment of everyone else, with a $1200 sop for punters to look the other way.

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy
shout out to all the people who thought japan had a handle on things

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy
i feel legit bad after laughing at that

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy

Sagebrush posted:

which one of you is this

Astrophysicist gets magnets stuck up nose while inventing coronavirus device

Australian Dr Daniel Reardon ended up in hospital after inserting magnets in his nostrils while building a necklace that warns you when you touch your face

name's daniel hence not a james so i think we're good

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy
haven't had a drink in over a month. a little bit relieved that, "i could abstain if i wanted and it wouldn't affect me," was true. haven't ordered in or gotten takeout and cooked for two every meal of march and feel like i can keep it up has me pretty positive. we're saving do much money in restaurants lol.

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy


what do you care aren't you like a l7 at google making 700k a year

sving money, is good, if you can, imo

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy
once they can do 10-minute tests out of the back of a van/humvee i think they're gonna have to go to a group testing thing. Test 32 people at once and if everyone is clean give em all a day pass. if not just bifurcate till you find the affected people and isolate just them for however long. repeat every n days. then at least most of the healthy population can do their stuff and if there's a breakout you can do normal epidemiological stuff like tracing.

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy

ambient oatmeal posted:

I fail to see the problem

don't wanna cook those nads, brother

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy
im extremely gay and did more baking instead of work today

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy
conducting interviews over a laptop is rly bad

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy
advice from a doctor friend of mine


TLDR: If you have COVID19 and you need hospitalization, your best chance at survival is to be at a major tertiary academic medical center. Think before you call 911, they will decide which hospital to take you to, usually the closest.
Thank you to everyone for your support following the death of my uncle from COVID19. I have been trying to find the right words to convey my frustration with one of the factors that I think contributed to his death: he was being cared for at a small community hospital without the expertise or resources needed to really give him a true chance at survival.
The headline on CNN this morning reads "How a simple trick is helping doctors save lives." This is referring to proning patients, which means positioning them on their stomachs. It's what Pediatrics like to call "adult tummy time." This helps open up different parts of the lungs, and is what I always thought was a basic component of patient care in any intensive care unit in any hospital. I was wrong. The hospital where my uncle was being care for did not have the "appropriate equipment" or "training" to prone patients. Even when it was clear he had developed acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and needed intubation/mechanical ventilation (a tube down his wind pipe and a machine breathing for him), his care team did not attempt proning. It didn't matter how many education videos etc. were out there, they simple were not comfortable with the technique to even attempt it.

The doctors I spoke with were doing the best they could under terrible circumstances. They were genuine in their empathy and compassion. It is a war out there. I have a lot of respect for everyone who is trying to save lives with limited resources. However, this is just one example of many aspects of my uncle's care that I just know would have been done differently if he were at a major medical center like the places I have trained or worked at (Stanford and University of Washington). Here are some other examples:

-Not enrolling in clinical trials (so no access to potentially life-saving antivirals like remdesivir)
-Checking labs (blood work) every 24 hours (instead of every 6 to 12 hours)
-Extreme limitations, beyond what I think is reasonable, to how often members of the medical team would enter the room. (For my medical friends, at 3 hours after intubation they had not checked a blood gas).
-Significant reluctance to consider treatments that are not "evidence-based." Normally this makes sense, but we are so early in our understanding of COVID19 that basically everything is being attempted based on anecdote and expert opinion. He had already received hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and zinc. Since he was getting worse, I pushed for an immune modulator called tocilizumab. They initially declined to try it, saying "we haven't done that here." Then the next day they agreed to give it. But, again since this was at a community hospital, it took another 16 hours to get the drug to bedside to be administered. By then it was too late. I also urged them to increase his anticoagulation (blood thinners) from prophylactic to treatment dosing (small to medium dose) because COVID19 seems to cause a lot of damage due to blood clots. A genetic risk of increased blood clotting runs in our family, and I'm almost certain he has it. Despite this, they only increased his anticoagulation medication when it was already too late (for my medical friends, D-dimer was 15,000 and troponin was 1.8). At that point, with his blood pressure quickly dropping, they finally agreed to do an echocardiogram (heart ultrasound) that I had been begging for every day (since we are seeing that cardiac involvement is a major cause of death), and it showed evidence that there was likely a massive pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lungs).
-Lastly, and this is the worst, most the family did not have a chance to say goodbye. This hospital did not have the iPad set-up that you hear about on the news, and the nursing staff would not arrange for a phone call to allow my uncle's siblings (including my mother) to say goodbye. The only reason my cousin was able to say goodbye is because one of the doctors used his personal cell phone to give her that chance. My uncle died alone in an ICU. I don't know how I will ever truly get past this aspect.

I recommended that everyone have a "go plan." If you have COVID19, or think you have it, and need to go to an ER and potentially need hospitalization, have a plan to get to major hospital. Do not wait until you are having trouble breathing and need to call 911. If you get in an ambulance, then the decision of what hospital you go to is completely out of your control. They will have protocols to determine which hospital to take you to, usually the closest hospital. Instead, figure out where the nearest major academic medical center is, and identify at least two people who would be willing to drive you there. That's just my advice as a doctor and as someone who just lost a member of my family to this terrible disease.
I know it is nobody's fault that my uncle got COVID19 (OK maybe there is one orangutan I can blame), or that he had severe disease. It was just bad luck that this happened *and* then he ended up at a hospital that is not equipped to handle the sickest patients. He knew he was positive for the virus, was doing OK at home, and then when his breathing because more difficult, he did the thing we all think we should do: call an ambulance. I will always wonder what could have been if that ambulance had taken him to a different hospital.

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy

lancemantis posted:

politically acceptable manslaughter

the median voter won't die of coronavirus, but does need a job. checkmate libtards :colbert:

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy

President Beep posted:

we were supposed to fly to the uk in june but expedia unilaterally canceled the trip and will be issuing a credit. oh well.
i guess uk might not count any more but with flights to the eu if they cancel on you you're entitled to a refund rather than a credit so maybe worth asking about

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy
the neighbour kids are really in to pogo sticking and i'm getting real tired of it.

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy

qirex posted:

I bought a tandoori chicken spice mix from an indian store but I couldn't get the chicken right, probably something to do with the fact that my oven does not reach 1200 degrees

i roasted a chicken at 425 last night and the fat smoked a little and fuzzywife was like, "the kitchen is burning!" and lit some candles to cover the awesome scent of roast chicken wafting about lol

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy

ShadowHawk posted:

One of the things I don't miss about the office is that occasionally the cafeteria would have "jalapeno spa water"

just googler things

beats ginger + pineapple

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy
i don't believe you jabor but i got nothing else to do so i'm giving it a shot

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy


Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy
ran by the apocryphal maxi pad as mask dude today at the lake. sensible chortle was had by all

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