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alexandriao posted:

Look out for the beefswelling

That's Children of Dune.


beer pal

confederacy of dunces rules, i thought for the first third or so that i wouldnt be able to take the ignateus dude just being insufferable all the time but i was sold as soon as i got to the factory protest scene

then i read ice by anna kavan which someone on byob posted about before, it was really fascinating! i love to read


I got hooked on the cspam thread and read Chaos by Tom O’Neill which outlines all the wild inconsistencies and errors in the official Charles Manson story it was very good and fun


I am finally buying William H. Hodgson books, having mostly completed my quest for Clark Ashton Smith. Also, no student loan payments meant I could finally grab The Riverside Counselor's Stories which I have yearned over for at least a decade.
It's going to be a very relaxing three-day weekend.

Prurient Squid

Tiddy cat Buddha improving your day.
I just finished the Phenomenology of Spirit by Hegel. Now I'm going to read the J N Findlay analysis bit at the back and then I'm going to reread the forword by the translator. I haven't really understood it much.

take the moon

by sebmojo
i finished absalom absalom the end is amazing. "wanna know what i think?" "no." "well ill tell you. black people are gonna take over the world"

reading more nakamura now

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

Steely Dad

Dashiell Hammett owns and I’m glad people are reading him. Lately I’ve been reading mid-20th C pulpy stuff, mostly British espionage and American noir. David Goodis’s Dark Passage was my favorite read so far this year and anyone who likes Hammett ought to read it. It’s a noir set in San Francisco that was made into an awesome Bogart movie.

Next up for me is Dan Hoffman’s Every Man a Menace. Always read about terrible people doing bad things to each other in San Francisco.


by Hand Knit

Prurient Squid posted:

I just finished the Phenomenology of Spirit by Hegel. Now I'm going to read the J N Findlay analysis bit at the back and then I'm going to reread the forword by the translator. I haven't really understood it much.

Hegel makes me very grumpy. Can't stand the guy


by Hand Knit
I'm reading Ice bc Beer Pal recommended it

Doctor Dogballs

driving the fuck truck from hand land to pound town without stopping at suction station

I'm about to finish "the big nine" a fairly short 2019 nonfiction book about AI. AI sucks and I hate it
Next up... IDK I wanna read something a little more purely entertaining so I will pick one of the many novels I own but haven't yet read

"The Bad Boy of Comics"


i've been reading "the organized mind" by Daniel Levitin. Kind of interesting to see a neuroscientist's assessment on how we can organise our lives in ways that reduce stress on the brain, rather than your average snake oil productivity guru.

(i'm naturally a very disorganised and forgetful person to this kind of thing is both useful and fascinating to me)


hippin and hoppin
I like the small maggiezine books with the pictures in em

take the moon

by sebmojo
I'm reading Gravity's rainbow rn

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

beer pal

cda posted:

I'm reading Ice bc Beer Pal recommended it

hope you like it C.D.A. i found the fore & afterwords, about her life & her other novels & how this one fits in (i got the penguin classics 50th anniversery edition) really interesting & coloured my understanding of the book

now im reading an ursula le guin short stories collection (the unreal & the real) and its really good, i love her


im reading another political cover-up book whydid we ever visit cspam


Just finished the Lady Trent books! #3 and #4 were a bit of a slog, #5 is basically Marie Brennan does C.J. Cherryh though and I'm here for that.

Then I read a pile of short stories by Seth Dickinson (aka SA's General Battuta), which were Good, and now it's time for MURDERBOT



xcheopis fucked around with this message at 17:10 on May 7, 2020

take the moon

by sebmojo
i have the tale of genji hurr but it's intimidating lol

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!


take the moon posted:

i have the tale of genji hurr but it's intimidating lol

I have two translations! I also have a lot of conflicted feelings about it because it is so very problematic.

Ugh, I should timg those images, sorry.

The concrete floor is cold; the walls are bare

Doctor Dogballs

driving the fuck truck from hand land to pound town without stopping at suction station

im now reading great expectations

"The Bad Boy of Comics"


by Hand Knit

Doctor Dogballs posted:

im now reading great expectations

Prepare to be disappointed


cda posted:

Prepare to be disappointed

I’m reading this mediocre expectation

take the moon

by sebmojo

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

Doctor Dogballs

driving the fuck truck from hand land to pound town without stopping at suction station

cda posted:

Prepare to be disappointed


"The Bad Boy of Comics"

beer pal

dickens is the christmas guy to me. i dont knw what any of his books are about except that theyrea ll about christmas


beer pal posted:

dickens is the christmas guy to me. i dont knw what any of his books are about except that theyrea ll about christmas



by Hand Knit

Doctor Dogballs posted:

im now reading great expectations

ust had the thought that perhaps you are reading "great expectations" by kathy acker instead of "great expectations" by charles dickens, if so your supposed to drop acid first

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

Chris James 2

i just finished I Heard You Paint Houses, that book scorsese made into the netflix irishman film

i feel like it took less time to read the book than to watch the film. anyway i liked it

sig by Heather Papps


My fellow orbs

It is time


:fluffy: :comfysamus:


I liked the first one but just not enough to want to keep reading them right now. It was fun, though!

Taffy Torpedo

...Can we have the radio?
i'm gonna start either steel frame or priory of the orange tree but im not sure which yet, perhaps i will ponder this and report back.


ToxicFrog posted:

My fellow orbs

It is time


:fluffy: :comfysamus:

I've got a couple on deck before I can get to the new one but I'm excited for it. My roommate just got his copy.

thank you so much to nesamdoom for the scurry fall sig!

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut


rear end-penny posted:

I've got a couple on deck before I can get to the new one but I'm excited for it. My roommate just got his copy.

I just finished it and it's the same mix of hypercompetence porn and Murderbot getting FEELINGS all over itself as it tries to figure out how to relate to humans that I loved about the novellas, but with more deep space adventures.

Now I'm sad because I have no more Murderbot to read, so I think I'm going to switch to humorous nonfiction (perhaps How To, or one of Will Cuppy's natural history books) for a bit and reinitialize.

the unabonger
there was a big bookfair at my school a week before the shelter in place and so I'm reading children's books that were going to go into my classroom. Currently reading Malcolm X by Walter Dean Myers and look both ways by Jason Reynolds. I also just finished The Brief and Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz.


I am so happy right now.


by Hand Knit

i flunked out posted:

I also just finished The Brief and Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz.

Mixed feelings about this but it takes place roughly where I spent my teenage years and the game store that he talks about was a real place in an actual mall and I used to buy my Magic Cards there and stuff. What did you think of it?

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

Gomi Day

Trust me, Bill. Large spectacles lend distinction to any countenance, as I have reason to know.
i just came across an archive of all the original shadowrun books the other day. :filez:

they're...not very good..
but they're still pretty fun and i'm enjoying them all the same. :buddy:


Finished another conspiracy cover-up book from the thread in cspam but i think they wore me out so i got north american lake monsters to read next based on seemingly unanimous positive reviews fromt he general horror fiction thred in tbb

Halloween Jack

Gomi Day posted:

i just came across an archive of all the original shadowrun books the other day. :filez:

they're...not very good..
but they're still pretty fun and i'm enjoying them all the same. :buddy:

Stick with the ones by Nigel D. Findley


the unabonger

cda posted:

Mixed feelings about this but it takes place roughly where I spent my teenage years and the game store that he talks about was a real place in an actual mall and I used to buy my Magic Cards there and stuff. What did you think of it?

It was.. interesting? I also had mixed feelings. I was put off by the changes in point of viewat first because they are so abrupt (when Lola's story started I felt it was just dropped in there) and also because for me they highlighted that I would much rather have seen/heard more about Oscar's family, rather than Oscar himself. I personally just didn't find him that interesting because to me he just feels very stereotypical. Like Oscar himself is basically just a stereotypical nerd up until he reaches Dominica, where he becomes... a different type of stereotypical obsessive loser?

I also honestly felt that the book had a weird take on machismo and at times thought it was overwhelming. It felt like it was trying to show off a particular type of machismo as if it is the only type of relationship that Dominican men and women have, but at times the hypersexuality of the women and the obsession with sex by the men in the book was just plain off-putting. Like I'm sorry, but by the end of the story I really didn't want to hear Yunior talk about any women at all. And to be honest (I had a discussion about this with the person who gave me the book), I felt that Oscar's story was told in a way that was attempting to show a Dominican dude who didn't represent the style of machismo Yunior represented, but to me it still felt like Oscar mostly viewed women as objects in a similar way as Yunior, but he was just too fat to get girls (which could just be an attempt to portray Oscar's actions from Yunior's unreliable narration).

The writing itself (for me) lent to a very captivating and quick read, because I was constantly wanting more. The descriptions, the use of spanish, the pace were all right in my wheelhouse and definitely had a flair I enjoyed. I liked the incorporation of fuku in the story, especially as a connecting element of the stories of Oscar's family members. It was pretty interesting and I thought well done, and provided an element of consistency in each story that was pretty needed (for me). I liked the book as an analysis of colonialism as well, and how it absolutely crushes families and people. I loved the history of the book, it was definitely an interesting way of learning more about the Trujillo government (really just learning, I knew who Trujillo was but basically nothing beyond that).

I'm not sure how much of my criticisms re: misogyny were affected by my knowledge of Junot Diaz's Me Too controversy to be honest.

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