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beer pal

hey yobbos what books u been reading.

i just finished a short story collection by james tiptree / alice sheldon which i think soembody on byob reccommended like several years ago and has been on my shelf since then. it was really good i liked it. if u dont know she wrote in the 70s-80s under a male pseudonym and it wasn't known she was a woman through a lot of her carreer. which is kind of funny reading them today since a lot of the stories had like a pretty explicitly feminist theme. i really liked 'the women men don't see' where a dingus fed guy gets marooned after a plane crash with a woman & her daughter and some aliens come around and she jumps at the chance to go away to their plaent with them bc earth sucks because of men and he just goes uhh buh? anyway most of the stories were really good

before that i read god bless you mr rosewater by vonnegut about a fuckup rich heir dude who spends his time & money helping folks in a little town while his conservative senator dad gets mad at him. very fun quick read.

before that i read v by thomas pynchon and it was like.. maybe my favorite book ive read so far. not as difficult as i was worried it would be with pynchon's reputation. looking forward to reding more of his novels, ive heard you can like seee his voice develop though his first few which sounds cool.


Heather Papps

hello friend

i am planning to reread stormlight archive books after i finish reading utopia again, but also, a lot of carpentry/basic mechanical manuals. also books about bees. the queen must die is very, very good.

thanks Dumb Sex-Parrot and deep dish peat moss for this winter bounty!


Books are good, I like books.

Just finished In The Labyrinth of Drakes which is about a lady doing science to dragons. Now reading another Animorphs book since I want to finish the entire series this year; they're a lot darker and more brutal than I remember them being when I read them as a kid!

After that I'm probably going to read the next (and last) dragon science book, Within the Sanctuary of Wings, and after that, who knows! Maybe some nonfiction, maybe some light and cozy romance stuff, maybe a book about things blowing up in space, IT COULD BE ANYTHING

magic cactus

We lied. We are not at war. There is no enemy. This is a rescue operation.
Re-reading all the Frank Herbert dune books to get hype for the movie. Next up is Dune Messiah

Thanks to Saoshyant for the amazing spring '23 sig!


by Fluffdaddy

magic cactus posted:

Re-reading all the Frank Herbert dune books to get hype for the movie. Next up is Dune Messiah

I'm reading Heretics of Dune for the first time. Too early to form an opinion but I loved the first four.

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!


by Hand Knit

beer pal posted:

hey yobbos what books u been reading.

i just finished a short story collection by james tiptree / alice sheldon which i think soembody on byob reccommended like several years ago

I've definitely recommended her. I love her stories. Besides the one you mentioned, "Houston, Houston, Do You Read?" and "The Screwfly Solution" are my faves. I love how unapologetically feminist they are.

I'm reading the Bottle Factory Outing by Beryl Bainbridge and I'm really enjoying it but it's not over yet so I will have to see. I read House of Leaves and did not like it.

free hubcaps

i delved into my used paperback shelf and im reading Icerigger and enjoying it so far despite some dated portrayals of women. Its the first thing I've read by Alan Dean Foster and I'm liking the pulpiness of it while still having some good world building etc.

beer pal

cda posted:

I've definitely recommended her. I love her stories. Besides the one you mentioned, "Houston, Houston, Do You Read?" and "The Screwfly Solution" are my faves. I love how unapologetically feminist they are.

I'm reading the Bottle Factory Outing by Beryl Bainbridge and I'm really enjoying it but it's not over yet so I will have to see. I read House of Leaves and did not like it.

i read house of leaves a little whle back and i liked it pretty well. i think if you take the structure & the typographic gimicks as like self-serious esotericism its a bit lame but i thought it was just kind of goofy fun


hippin and hoppin

beer pal posted:

i read house of leaves a little whle back and i liked it pretty well. i think if you take the structure & the typographic gimicks as like self-serious esotericism its a bit lame but i thought it was just kind of goofy fun

Wish I had house of leaves with me still. I got about a quarter way in before I dipped out of the apartment i was borrowing the book at


the Navidson Record owns but the rest of house of leaves wasn’t as fun to read.

I recently read our man in Havana and just didn’t like it like I thought I would. I started the Erstwhile, the second book in the Vorrh trilogy and it owns but I got a cheap tablet and I’ve been reading jojo’s bizarre adventure instead


by Hand Knit

nut posted:

the Navidson Record owns but the rest of house of leaves wasn’t as fun to read.

I recently read our man in Havana and just didn’t like it like I thought I would. I started the Erstwhile, the second book in the Vorrh trilogy and it owns but I got a cheap tablet and I’ve been reading jojo’s bizarre adventure instead

Yeah exactly. If the Johnny Truant stuff would have been cut out I would have enjoyed it ok but that plus no believable female characters (and almost all the women are part of the Truant narrative) left me grumpy.

Dang, sorry about Our Man in Havana. I love that book. What hit you wrong about it?


I am reading Ender's Game, for the first time. I'm about halfway through it and I'm really enjoying it. I got sort of bullied by a friend into buying it, and I'm not mad she was so insistent I read it. She said she didn't care much for the rest of the series, any opinions here?

Before this I read the 5th of the Expanse books, Nemesis Games. I absolutely love these books but I'm taking em one at a time with breaks for other reads in between. Hell, I love the show too, even though it kills me that Bezos is funding it now.

I'm a huge Neal Stephenson fanboy, so if anyone wants to chat about his work I'm down. Probably read Snowcrash 4-5 times, Diamond Age 3-4, SevenEves, Anathem, and ReamDe twice each. I thought Fall was pretty good, the whole "Remember Moab" and Ameristan thing was wild, and oddly believable? Dude still can't write an ending to save his life though.

The next book I'm going to read is Supernova Era by Cixin Liu. He might be best known for the Three Body Problem trilogy, which is amazing, and I highly recommend it to anyone who in interested in sci fi.

House of Leaves chat, I found the book interesting. A bit dry sometimes, a bit nonsensical at other times. Agreeing with beer pal that it takes itself alarmingly seriously at times.

thank you so much to nesamdoom for the scurry fall sig!

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut


by Hand Knit
Stephenson is another writer who I think fundamentally can't write women. Imo his books are Dude Books so even though I find them entertaining and interesting I can never quite recommend them.

Gene Hackman Fan

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
dashel hammet's "continental op" stories are pretty good.

i liked yojimbo and fistful of dollars, and when i learned that "red harvest" was the book that inspired them, i got to reading that, then picked up the rest of them.

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!


cda posted:

Dang, sorry about Our Man in Havana. I love that book. What hit you wrong about it?

think I was looking for something fantastical when I was picking a new book, couldn’t find anything, and assumed our man would be a safe like no matter what but my mood just wasn’t right. I feel bad for not liking it because it is funny

take the moon

by sebmojo
k here is what I read lately

dance, dance, dance by murakami
flow my tears the policeman said and the 3 stigmata of palmer eldritch by pkd
dead set by Richard kadrey
attempted portrait of the artist but stopped when that priest wouldn't shut up about hellfire
naked lunch
lush life by Richard price
agony of the sun by smh

a bunch of those were rereads. rn reading the thief by fuminori nakamura.

take the moon

by sebmojo

cda posted:

Stephenson is another writer who I think fundamentally can't write women. Imo his books are Dude Books so even though I find them entertaining and interesting I can never quite recommend them.

Stephenson has some real bad books also and agreed

e: oh geez saw the post above. yea diamond age and snow crash are really funny and good but man reamde was so boring imo

Robot Made of Meat

Gene Hackman Fan posted:

dashel hammet's "continental op" stories are pretty good.

I only recently picked up a copy of Dashiell Hammett's Nightmare Town, a collection of short stories. I'd only ever read The Maltese Falcon before, and I'd seen some of his movies. I'm finding the stories enjoyable overall, though it's a mixed bag.

Thanks to Manifisto for the sig!


free hubcaps posted:

i delved into my used paperback shelf and im reading Icerigger and enjoying it so far despite some dated portrayals of women. Its the first thing I've read by Alan Dean Foster and I'm liking the pulpiness of it while still having some good world building etc.

Foster continues to write schlocky sci-fi to this very day. I like his concepts and his alien worlds are interesting. He did/does have the male thing where women are always getting raped and/or tortured but he is far less explicit about it than nearly every other male writer of his generation.
Some of his ideas are pretty stupid, of course. "Gosh darn, we can't decide if we should trust the large sentient grasshoppers with their lovely scent and beautiful colouration, or the large sentient komodo dragons who keep murdering and eating us!"


by Hand Knit

take the moon posted:

k here is what I read lately

dance, dance, dance by murakami
flow my tears the policeman said and the 3 stigmata of palmer eldritch by pkd
dead set by Richard kadrey
attempted portrait of the artist but stopped when that priest wouldn't shut up about hellfire
naked lunch
lush life by Richard price
agony of the sun by smh

a bunch of those were rereads. rn reading the thief by fuminori nakamura.

I read Lush Life years ago but it has stuck with me.

Pot Smoke Phoenix

Smoke 'em if you gottem!
Anyone ever read this book?
Sig elements by Manifisto and Heather Papps
Sig File protected by SigLock. do NOT steal this sig!

Gross Dude

Gross Dude
I just finished The Dream-Quest of Vellitt Boe I thought it was kind of boring, but enjoyed the final few chapters. Then I learned it won a ton of awards and it made me feel like I"m bad at books. :(


Gross Dude posted:

I just finished The Dream-Quest of Vellitt Boe I thought it was kind of boring, but enjoyed the final few chapters. Then I learned it won a ton of awards and it made me feel like I"m bad at books. :(

Awards don't mean poo poo, Gross Dude. Read the books that speak to you!

thank you so much to nesamdoom for the scurry fall sig!

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut

Finger Prince

I'm reading Blackfish right now and it's ok. It's a post apocalyptic water world type thing, nothing amazing but not bad either. Got it with Amazon kindle whatever it is that lets you access books each month.

I think there's a new Murderbot Diaries book coming out. That's a great series if you haven't read it. It got me to check out all of Martha Wells' back catalog, and boy she can write some swashbuckling adventures! All the Ile Rien books are great fun, but the whole Fall of Ile Rien series is fantastic.

free hubcaps

xcheopis posted:

Foster continues to write schlocky sci-fi to this very day. I like his concepts and his alien worlds are interesting. He did/does have the male thing where women are always getting raped and/or tortured but he is far less explicit about it than nearly every other male writer of his generation.
Some of his ideas are pretty stupid, of course. "Gosh darn, we can't decide if we should trust the large sentient grasshoppers with their lovely scent and beautiful colouration, or the large sentient komodo dragons who keep murdering and eating us!"

Oddly enough the only other book I have by him is Nor Crystal Tears, which I think might be the one you're referencing. I just started it and liking it a lot so far. Icerigger was good fun.

ty Saoshyant!

beer pal

im reading a confederacy of dunces and this ignateus guy sseems like a real schmuck!

Finicums Wake
Can't post for 8 years!
hello, i like book.

i'm re-reading blood meridian, one of my favorites. the meandering, lack-of-plot thing the book does is much less bothersome on re-reading. i still like it for the same reasons i used to: the poetic descriptions of nature, the biblical style of writing, the character of the judge, etc

i'm also (slowly) reading a book called analyzing prose by richard lanham. he's trying to provide a set of descriptive categories and vocabulary for describing style, because he thinks that most people, even like his english students, aren't able to say why they think something is well written or not with any sort of clarity. i guess his thesis is that unless you can look at and describe prose, you can't really evaluate it all that well. it's a cool book, and helops me notice things about other books i read that i wouldn't have, but it's taking me a long time to get thru

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!


by Hand Knit

beer pal posted:

im reading a confederacy of dunces and this ignateus guy sseems like a real schmuck!

That's the funniest book ever written, good job

take the moon

by sebmojo

Finger Prince posted:

I'm reading Blackfish right now and it's ok. It's a post apocalyptic water world type thing, nothing amazing but not bad either. Got it with Amazon kindle whatever it is that lets you access books each month.

I think there's a new Murderbot Diaries book coming out. That's a great series if you haven't read it. It got me to check out all of Martha Wells' back catalog, and boy she can write some swashbuckling adventures! All the Ile Rien books are great fun, but the whole Fall of Ile Rien series is fantastic.

i actually really liked blackfish lol. i cant stand most hype sci fi either

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

Finger Prince

take the moon posted:

i actually really liked blackfish lol. i cant stand most hype sci fi either

It's pretty cool, the world is really well imagined. I can picture the settings in my minds eye really well and detailed. But the characters are kinda one dimensional so far, and the merging of their storylines feels kinda kludgey.

take the moon

by sebmojo
yea one dimensional characters are kind of the bane of this stuff from what ive experienced. unkindness of ghosts was really bad for that. every bad guy is a racist, a rapist, a pedophile, an abuser, a total dick, an idiot, a fascist etc etc etc

the chapter in blackfish city with the gay prost is beautiful tho tbh

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

take the moon

by sebmojo
speaking of racism im reading absalom absalom by faulkner, its real dense and i zone out a lot but some beautiful sentences and sentiments and i do kind of want to know what the letter judith didnt burn said

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!


Recently finished the audio book versions of Dan Carlin's book, and Kevin Smith's memoir. The carlin one was pretty much like a broader scoped episode of hardcore history, and Smith's chapter on his relationship with Harvey creepo studio head has not aged well. Also reading a lot of comics. Recommend The Fade Out by Brubaker and Phillips, Spider-Man Life Story by Zdarsky, and American Flagg by Chaykin. Also, Black Cat, by SA forum's very own Jed Mackay!


Dr. Honked posted:

the junk, rather than the trunk

Finger Prince posted:

I think there's a new Murderbot Diaries book coming out. That's a great series if you haven't read it. It got me to check out all of Martha Wells' back catalog, and boy she can write some swashbuckling adventures! All the Ile Rien books are great fun, but the whole Fall of Ile Rien series is fantastic.

Isn't she writing a novel length Murderbot? This series is fantastic. My roommate has actually been ordering her back catalog and they've been showing up at the house over the last few weeks. Pretty excited to check em out.

thank you so much to nesamdoom for the scurry fall sig!

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
Listening to Second Skin on Audible because it's free this month. Entertaining at best so far

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot

Toph Bei Fong

I'm reading the Lensman books by EE "Doc" Smith.

They're pretty nuts and fun! Smith invented basically every sci fi gadget you've ever heard of, from tractor beams to green lantern rings to FTL travel, force fields, and virtual reality

They're a little pulpy and the prose is pretty purple, but I like that golden age sci fi flavor

Rob Ford Crew.


Toph Bei Fong posted:

I'm reading the Lensman books by EE "Doc" Smith.

They're pretty nuts and fun! Smith invented basically every sci fi gadget you've ever heard of, from tractor beams to green lantern rings to FTL travel, force fields, and virtual reality

They're a little pulpy and the prose is pretty purple, but I like that golden age sci fi flavor

I read a bunch of these, and really enjoyed almost all of them. My favorite bit was the first lensman going around recruiting different aliens to become lensmen. The stories take a real hard turn eventually where the latest protagonist develops mind-control and makes a whole base full of space-pirates take off their helmets and inhale turbo space-cocaine and die. The lenses were so much more fun when they just did telepathy and explicitly required consent.

I like how the author always uses "nor," as in "Nor were his laser beams without effect!"

wearing a lampshade

beer pal posted:

im reading a confederacy of dunces and this ignateus guy sseems like a real schmuck!

Good book.

Reading swords trilogy by Moorcock.

Kaiser Schnitzel

Schnitzel mit uns

I always mean to read more fiction, but I never really get around to it. I think the last fiction I read was "The Black Company" books by Glenn Cook that are trash fantasy but entertaining for a bit. And then before that it was my i dunno, 3rd?, rereading of some of Patrick O'Brien's Aubrey-Maturin books, which are much more like real literature.

It's non-fiction, but I have been reading "The Cooking Gene" by Michael Twitty and it has been very good and interesting so far.
ty Manifisto for this wonderful sig!



Twitch posted:

I'm reading Heretics of Dune for the first time. Too early to form an opinion but I loved the first four.

Look out for the beefswelling

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