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free hubcaps posted:

i delved into my used paperback shelf and im reading Icerigger and enjoying it so far despite some dated portrayals of women. Its the first thing I've read by Alan Dean Foster and I'm liking the pulpiness of it while still having some good world building etc.

Foster continues to write schlocky sci-fi to this very day. I like his concepts and his alien worlds are interesting. He did/does have the male thing where women are always getting raped and/or tortured but he is far less explicit about it than nearly every other male writer of his generation.
Some of his ideas are pretty stupid, of course. "Gosh darn, we can't decide if we should trust the large sentient grasshoppers with their lovely scent and beautiful colouration, or the large sentient komodo dragons who keep murdering and eating us!"



alexandriao posted:

Look out for the beefswelling

That's Children of Dune.


I am finally buying William H. Hodgson books, having mostly completed my quest for Clark Ashton Smith. Also, no student loan payments meant I could finally grab The Riverside Counselor's Stories which I have yearned over for at least a decade.
It's going to be a very relaxing three-day weekend.



xcheopis fucked around with this message at 17:10 on May 7, 2020


take the moon posted:

i have the tale of genji hurr but it's intimidating lol

I have two translations! I also have a lot of conflicted feelings about it because it is so very problematic.

Ugh, I should timg those images, sorry.

The concrete floor is cold; the walls are bare


beer pal posted:

dickens is the christmas guy to me. i dont knw what any of his books are about except that theyrea ll about christmas



I liked the first one but just not enough to want to keep reading them right now. It was fun, though!


I am so happy right now.


3D Megadoodoo posted:

I've been reading the Finnish edition of Stephen Pile's The Book of Heroic Failures in bed

For a moment there, I thought the "in bed" bit was part of the book's title and felt that was super mean.


Aubergine Mage posted:

She does rule!

I'm reading The Fall of Hyperion because I read the first one a while back and how come no one turned me on to Dan Simmons before I was 33?

Probably because he is a horrible little man.


beer pal posted:

im reading catch 22 and not enjoying it all that much

I've tried reading it a few times and just didn't care about any of it. Same for Confederacy of Dunces; boring waste of my time.




cda posted:

It's ok, people are different and humour is highly subjective it's just weird because you're a good poster and I enjoy your posts so it's weird to see you say that about the book that I think is the funniest book that has ever been written by a wide margin
That's kind of you to say!

By the time it was published, I was already wholeheartedly tired of reading about men and their sex lives. Obviously not the entirety of the book but it was annoying to read anyway, so I've never read more than a few chapters. I had the same reaction to World According To Garp, which I also never finished.


I've been switching between William H. Hodgson and P.G. Wodehouse stories.

So many people go on about the Jeeves stories but I prefer the Emsworth/Ickenham books and his short stories. The Mr. Mulliner and the golf stories are my favourites.

The concrete floor is cold; the walls are bare


cda posted:

Getting a little chuckle at the idea of retreating from horror to the lighthearted, life-affirming stories of Franz Kafka and Flannery O'Connor

Quoting before you look up the author


Mummy Napkin posted:

I’ve been out of reading for a while but been really back into it. I just finished Out of the Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis and thought it was fantastic and excited to read the rest of the Space trilogy. I’m usually not really into the sci-fi fantasy stuff so my familiarity with the narnia stuff is limited, but I’ve always had an interest in the Inklings and their relationship with religion and all that jazz.

I’m a good ways into Growth of the Soil by Knut Hamsun and I think I got a bunk translation because the prose is just kind of bizarre.

also reading The First Philosophers. I’m a dummy with no basic philosophical knowledge so figured I’d start with the pre-Socratic and the Sophists and honestly I just don’t have the mindset to really digest these sort of writings. makes me feel dumb but I guess you gotta start somewhere.

The second in Lewis' space trilogy is decent, the final one not so much.

Somebody fucked around with this message at 20:46 on Jul 23, 2020


Kaiser Schnitzel posted:

Gotcha you little bastard

I don't get it.

The concrete floor is cold; the walls are bare


Wow, that is unchill.


Zurtilik posted:

Help I'm binging manga!

Doing Dragon Ball and Jojo right now.

Way of the Househusband is the greatest manga ever.

The concrete floor is cold; the walls are bare


Mekchu posted:

im reading a memoir of an 18th century consort to a crown prince in korea who, kinda famously, went insane and his dad put him in a rice chest til he died. its pretty good so far!

That was a difficult read, emotionally. She clearly was thoroughly traumatized by that marriage.
The Confucian Kingship in Korea covers his father's life and speculates on how things got to that point.


The must-read for Gould is The Mismeasure of Man.


It leans heavy on the politics of the time (of course) and the damage neo-Confucianism can cause, so if that isn't interesting to you, then give it a pass.
I did have some sympathy for his father after reading it, though. poo poo was hosed up all around.


I've spent this year just re-reading from my massive stock of books and will continue you to do so until I'm no longer depressed and stressed all the time.
But! I've had two good recommendations just recently and so will be reading works by Angelica Gorodischer (only a few books translated into English) and Naomi Mitchison. Manged to buy a couple of Gorodischer's books from Powell's (instead of Amazon) and I think I can get Mitchison from Half-Price Books.


beer pal posted:

ive got some books on their way from powells too =] wish i could find a canadian store with as big a selection, it takes for ever to get things over the border these days (also the exchange rate)

rn im reading jane eyre & enjoying it so far

I've been to Powell's twice. It was basically a religious pilgrimage.


That sounds cool!


Dick Bastardly posted:

Yeah, it procedurally debunks pirate myths and sheds a more practical light on pirate life in the caribbean sea during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. I like it.

Added to my list. :yayclod:


The third book will arrive next week! My stack of "bedside" books grows ever larger.


Rags to Liches posted:

I'm reading a collection of MR James ghost stories because it's spooky season

they're very good and spooky

Love MR James!


pecan posted:

welcome 2 the dark path to nonfiction eclipsing all the fiction u had planned for the rest of the year, friend :evilbuddy:

I was reading histories of China (up to early Song) and was sidetracked onto Japan's Heian Era. Any day now, I'll get back to T'ang. Annny day now.


I'm in the mood to re-read one of the best Christmas books ever published: Max Beerbohm's A Christmas Garland this year, so that's Christmas Day sorted!

The concrete floor is cold; the walls are bare


I never read the first one!

The concrete floor is cold; the walls are bare


I'm giving up on trying to read any new fiction. I just can't get into anything, so I'm going back to my favourite non-fiction subjects for now.

The concrete floor is cold; the walls are bare


How Wonderful! posted:

the only good novels I've read lately are reissues or older things that just got translated into english. I think novelists need to get their acts together and stop loving around writing crummy ones

I wanted to get into Bujold (finally) but the books just sit about until it's time for them to go back to the library. Bit depressing but it'll pass. I have a lot of excellent non-fiction. :yayclod:

The concrete floor is cold; the walls are bare


Bright Bart posted:

Anyone remember the name of a book about an ancient Mesopotamian language that has the power of neurolinguistic programming? I thought it was Neuromancer but I'm wrong.

That is pretty loving funny!

The concrete floor is cold; the walls are bare


Tezer posted:

If I answer their question, am I falling for an in-joke I'm not aware of

I'm just tickled at Neuromancer being confused for a book about ancient Mesopotamian language. It's not as funny as 10-year old me thinking Lord of the Flies would be a boy's adventure book (which I guess it technically is but still), though.

The concrete floor is cold; the walls are bare


Finger Prince posted:

I just read the first discworld novel. That was fun, I want to read more. I need a new library card because there's a lot of them and it could end up very costly buying them all.

The series massively improves, too. For me, Guards! Guards! is where the seriess really kicks off.
Some of the "gimmicky" books are a bit meh but I still like them.


3D Megadoodoo posted:

I'm reading Super-Cannes and I'm beginning to thing this J.G. Ballard character might be some kind of CREEP!

I read a couple Ballard books, including the semi-autobio one, and he is weird. War really fucks people up.

The concrete floor is cold; the walls are bare


3D Megadoodoo posted:

I saw the war kid movie back when and never realized it was based on Ballard's novel, until I Binged him after starting to read Super-Cannes.

I don't hate the book but I feel like I'll be glad to finish it. Next up: a non-fiction book about parasites :can:

Parasitic worms? Parasitic insects? Parasitic fungus? All of them?
Parasitic worms even look horrifying. eeeeesh

The concrete floor is cold; the walls are bare


3D Megadoodoo posted:

I don't know yet! The title translates to "Endless Parasites".

Spoilered for drawings of ???


The concrete floor is cold; the walls are bare



3D Megadoodoo posted:

OK I gotta post this, it's tangentially related to book. I looked up the writer of the parasite book and he spent time on Madagascar studying the poops of these guys:

Lemurs are so cute until they start throwing stink bombs at you

The concrete floor is cold; the walls are bare

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