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Fister Roboto
Feb 21, 2008

Platystemon posted:

Folks, I’m starting to think that “president” was bad policy.


orange juche
Mar 14, 2012

Pbump wrote an article on Jimmy Carter's peanut farm by the way.

Apr 7, 2009


Saw a guy with a slung AR and an American flag in his hands standing on top of his Jeep along the side of the road, Trump flag hanging off the Jeep. These people have loving brain worms in this death cult. Not to mention all the lifted trucks in Lacey/Puyallup sporting 2-4 flags.

Duzzy Funlop posted: smell.
Here's an image of a stupidly long chud-parade that genuinely has me worried for tomorrow.

Oh god, I said "tomorrow".

Anyone care to napkin math that amount of chuds? Seems like not that many for a rally. But for how many people actually go buy the flags for Trump, that's a ton of idiots that go buy a 30$ flag. It's really just a club for these old people

stackofflapjacks fucked around with this message at 03:50 on Nov 3, 2020

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus
My wife asked me "What will you do if Trump wins?"

I told her "get drunk, what else could I do?"

Jun 18, 2006

“We don’t really know where this goes — and I’m not sure we really care.”

stackofflapjacks posted:

Saw a guy with a slung AR and an American flag in his hands standing on top of his Jeep along the side of the road, Trump flag hanging off the Jeep. These people have loving brain worms in this death cult. Not to mention all the lifted trucks in Lacey/Puyallup sporting 2-4 flags.

Crazy how close that is to where I live in Tacoma where there isn't any Trump poo poo.

Lacey and Puyallup seem to me to mostly be military families from JBLM.

May 8, 2010

ded posted:

My wife asked me "What will you do if Trump wins?"

I told her "get drunk, what else could I do?"

I'm poll watching out in East Redneckistan tomorrow. I expect it to be pretty quiet, hopefully the polls close on time, and I can go home and drown my anxieties in beer.
Wife and I have decided that if Trump wins reelection we are probably going to start hoarding money to relocate, my company has offices all over the EU, so I'm sure I can beg my way into one. If we can't go do overseas, then we are gonna look at moving into New England, at least then we can sneak into Canada easier!!!

Marshal Prolapse
Jun 23, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
On the bright side CVS photo coupons and options can be a source of great joy.

Still have to wait until Friday for my shirt though.

Pine Cone Jones
Dec 6, 2009

You throw me the acorn, I throw you the whip!

bengy81 posted:

I'm poll watching out in East Redneckistan tomorrow. I expect it to be pretty quiet, hopefully the polls close on time, and I can go home and drown my anxieties in beer.
Wife and I have decided that if Trump wins reelection we are probably going to start hoarding money to relocate, my company has offices all over the EU, so I'm sure I can beg my way into one. If we can't go do overseas, then we are gonna look at moving into New England, at least then we can sneak into Canada easier!!!

I'd rather of stayed in New Hampshire than take this job in PA, but whatever, it's too late now.

Marshal Prolapse
Jun 23, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

Pine Cone Jones posted:

I'd rather of stayed in New Hampshire than take this job in PA, but whatever, it's too late now.

At least you don’t have to listen to the accents anymore and you can hear the superior Philadelphia regional accent.

Jul 8, 2006

Platystemon posted:

Folks, I’m starting to think that “we can’t indict a sitting president” was bad policy.

It's a political position, so the remedy has to be political. Congress can remove the president, voters can reshape Congress halfway through the first term, and eventually voters get to vote again on the President. There's good reason for preventing a possible coup by law enforcement.

The underlying problem is that neither presidential nor congressional elections are truly small d democratic in the US.

Apr 12, 2002

MazelTovCocktail posted:

On the bright side CVS photo coupons and options can be a source of great joy.

Still have to wait until Friday for my shirt though.

I would like to know more.

Nick Soapdish
Apr 27, 2008

Cowards at Twitter only putting a warning

Marshal Prolapse
Jun 23, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

Flying_Crab posted:

I would like to know more.

CVS has an option for Mounted Photo panels, there 14.99 for 8x10, less for other sizes, but used next30 for 30% off. Used Wikipedia for high resolution and high quality photos of Sherman’s Portrait and The Peacemakers, and then just uploaded it to the cvs app and picked it up about 2 hours later.

Also used a $5 coupon I had and got both for like $17. Great for also printing out memes or screen caps from the Simpsons.

Feb 13, 2012





I don’t know that they have enough weasel words in there. I think they could get a few more if they tried.

Apr 4, 2010

MazelTovCocktail posted:

At least you don’t have to listen to the accents anymore and you can hear the superior Philadelphia regional accent.

Apr 7, 2009


Mustang posted:

Crazy how close that is to where I live in Tacoma where there isn't any Trump poo poo.

Lacey and Puyallup seem to me to mostly be military families from JBLM.

Yeah, it's weird living in normal ish Lacey/Olympia and now I'm working a jobsite in Graham, which is middle of nowhere with a Boeing facility but other than that it's Trumpy as hell on my whole commute off the 5.

Apr 12, 2002

Platystemon posted:




I don’t know that they have enough weasel words in there. I think they could get a few more if they tried.

NPR has been straight up calling the president's statements on the election false.

Terrifying Effigies
Oct 22, 2008

Problems look mighty small from 150 miles up.

I don't know if it's exhaustion after four years of this stuff but it just doesn't feel like there's an actual Presidential election happening tomorrow. Maybe it's from already voting a few weeks back, or the months of Covid isolation, or the fact that we've still got Trump for another two months regardless of the outcome, it just seems unreal somehow.

Feb 13, 2012


Terrifying Effigies posted:

the fact that we've still got Trump for another two months regardless of the outcome

checks actuarial tables

bird food bathtub
Aug 9, 2003

College Slice
Actuarial tables never take in to account "this person is an evil motherfucker and it sustains their life force."

Fister Roboto
Feb 21, 2008

You really have to wonder how much damage could have been averted if twitter had just banned him years ago.

Apr 2, 2012

He would never have been president without twitter as a platform.

No seriously,

He never would have gotten traction for his birther poo poo, which means obama would not have dunked on him at the correspondents dinner.

Twitter is the perfect platform for someone who cannot string more than two sentences together.

Instead he would have gotten a grift as a fox news talking head. And failed at it.

Feb 13, 2012

He would have considered “talking head” to be beneath his station.

I know this is a man who sold steaks for the Sharper Image, but I stand by that. In his mind, they were his steaks. The Shaper Image was his loyal distributor.

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus
trump steaks

best served well done with ketchup

Oct 28, 2008

Terrifying Effigies posted:

I don't know if it's exhaustion after four years of this stuff but it just doesn't feel like there's an actual Presidential election happening tomorrow. Maybe it's from already voting a few weeks back, or the months of Covid isolation, or the fact that we've still got Trump for another two months regardless of the outcome, it just seems unreal somehow.

I feel the same way. It’s just another saga in a long line of 2020 sagas, from COVID to having federal LEOs terrorizing DC and other cities to COVID again to now. Just another drop in the bucket although this one could be the deluge we’ve been bracing for.

As Nero Danced
Sep 3, 2009

Alright, let's do this

MRC48B posted:

He would never have been president without twitter as a platform.

No seriously,

He never would have gotten traction for his birther poo poo, which means obama would not have dunked on him at the correspondents dinner.

Twitter is the perfect platform for someone who cannot string more than two sentences together.

Instead he would have gotten a grift as a fox news talking head. And failed at it.

He wouldn't have gotten billions in free press from all the news networks reading his tweets. If he had to rely on traditional means of messaging he would have quit early in the primary.

Mar 2, 2020

I’m officially in “is this poo poo over with yet” mood

Marshal Prolapse
Jun 23, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
This should provide proper sustenance be for the 2020 elections.

Nov 2, 2010

Against All Tyrants

Ultra Carp

stackofflapjacks posted:

Saw a guy with a slung AR and an American flag in his hands standing on top of his Jeep along the side of the road, Trump flag hanging off the Jeep. These people have loving brain worms in this death cult. Not to mention all the lifted trucks in Lacey/Puyallup sporting 2-4 flags.

Anyone care to napkin math that amount of chuds? Seems like not that many for a rally. But for how many people actually go buy the flags for Trump, that's a ton of idiots that go buy a 30$ flag. It's really just a club for these old people


96 miles * 5280 feet per mile is 506880 feet. Figure an average of, say, 20 feet per vehicle and you've got 25,344 chuds, 50K if you wanna be generous and assume ~2 people per car.

There are over four and a quarter million registered voters in Arizona.

orange juche
Mar 14, 2012

What do you think C-SPAM is gonna say if Biden wins?

Vincent Van Goatse
Nov 8, 2006

Enjoy every sandwich.


orange juche posted:

What do you think C-SPAM is gonna say if Biden wins?

Some irony-poisoned garbage.

Dec 24, 2007

Vincent Van Goatse posted:

Some irony-poisoned garbage.

Also expect that if he wins.

Doc Hawkins
Jun 15, 2010

Dashing? But I'm not even moving!

orange juche posted:

What do you think C-SPAM is gonna say if Biden wins?

many different things. the work to do won't change much for active leftists. for posters, eh, i don't know. mine won't change, sadly.

Duzzy Funlop
Jan 13, 2010

Hi there, would you like to try some spicy products?

It's November 3rd 2020, I woke up at 4:30 AM, and I'm planning to go to bed early to get this poo poo over with faster(tm)
Although I'm already so restless, I'm not sure I'll actually be able to fall asleep without having a couple of beers or diphenhydramine.

If Trump wins tomorrow, I think I'm gonna stay away from booze for a bit.

Brute Squad
Dec 20, 2006

Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human race

orange juche posted:

What do you think C-SPAM is gonna say if Biden wins?

looking forward to being blamed for voting for a succdem for the next 4 years because i don't have a golden NOJOE.

content edit:

Brute Squad fucked around with this message at 07:29 on Nov 3, 2020

Apr 28, 2010

I'm going to regret asking, but does SA have a sane/grounded in reality QAnon thread? I really want to know what the gently caress is happening with the election tomorrow.

Tiny Timbs
Sep 6, 2008

orange juche posted:

What do you think C-SPAM is gonna say if Biden wins?

“The wrong rapist won nice figgies gonna kill myself I didn’t vote at all”

Vincent Van Goatse
Nov 8, 2006

Enjoy every sandwich.


Fallom posted:

“The wrong rapist won nice figgies gonna kill myself I didn’t vote at all”

"lol also I'm gonna take as many cows with me as possible"

Dec 13, 2011

Fallom posted:

“The wrong rapist won nice figgies gonna kill myself I didn’t vote at all”

"everyone I disagree with is a succlib #d2a #NoJoeSwingState"


Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus

bulletsponge13 posted:

I'm going to regret asking, but does SA have a sane/grounded in reality QAnon thread? I really want to know what the gently caress is happening with the election tomorrow.


sane qanon? are you out of your loving mind?

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