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Sir DonkeyPunch
Mar 23, 2007

I didn't hear no bell
I found this channel on YouTube a while back, and I feel like it's right in the wheelhouse of Syfy Wyfy. They are also responsible for the distribution of Prospect from a couple years ago.

Short scifi films, from a variety of creators, with a variety of themes/levels of competence.

A couple of ones I have enjoyed:

Final Offer, premise feels like it was already a Twilight Zone episode

The OceanMaker, pretty impressive visually

FTL, another Rod Serling-esque premise

So yeah, DUST

Anything else that sparks your interest? There's a lot there, haven't watched them all.


Nov 7, 2008

It's always nice to return to my sweet little ha-ha-hacienda.
I've watched some DUST! Mostly in the context of getting drunk and making fun of it but I do that with all the things I love deep down.

One dust short I found legitimately enjoyable was Fabricated which is a stop motion short film that has tons of love and attention to detail. I'd 100% recommend checking this one out!

Nov 7, 2008

It's always nice to return to my sweet little ha-ha-hacienda.

Sir DonkeyPunch
Mar 23, 2007

I didn't hear no bell


Jan 1, 2006

by Fluffdaddy
Too often, DUST films do not deliver.

"It's been 3 years since the alien probe entered earth orbit, watching us. No one knew what would eventually come from it."

Then you never see the probe, for 25 minutes you just watch an attractive woman in tight clothing picking through a scrap yard while she shoots robot dogs. The end.

Too many videos like that.

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