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General Revil
Sep 29, 2014

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

Super Robots Wars: An absolutely massive series of mecha anime crossover games with 73ish titles in the lineup, and I'll be playing all of them.

OK. That's a lie. I may be crazy, but I'm not that crazy. I'm planning on playing the classic series, which is 2, 3, EX, and 4. Yes, the naming scheme isn't too consistent. However, this game, the original Super Robot Wars, is not part of the original series. It has its own self-contained story. This is more of a test/warmup, to see if I can make a good Super Robot Wars stream and LP.

While I've done a fair bit of streaming, this is my first real LP. Please tell me just how badly I suck (as long as you also tell me how to improve). There's a reason I'm LPing a less important game to start off with.

I have decided to start us off with the Mazinger team, and selecting Great Mazinger to be our hero. This is a game that rewards you for feeding all of your kills to a single (or at least very small number of units).

Also, you are able to recruit enemy robots to join you, and in episode 2, I recruit our first new friend. Images link to Youtube. Links to Rumble and Odysee are posted below each one.

Episode 1: Rumble Odysee

Episode 2: Rumble Odysee

Episode 3: Rumble Odysee

Episode 4: Rumble Odysee

Episode 5: Rumble Odysee

Episode 6: Rumble Odysee

Episode 7: Rumble Odysee

Episode 8: Rumble Odysee

Episode 9: Rumble Odysee

Episode 10: Rumble Odysee

Episode 11: Rumble Odysee

Episode 12: Rumble Odysee

Episode 13: Rumble Odysee

General Revil fucked around with this message at 05:37 on Jul 11, 2023


May 20, 2005

robot tits

General Revil
Sep 29, 2014

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

Hwurmp posted:

robot tits

Yup. 1970s Japan logic.
Hmm, how can we make it really clear to the audience that this robot is piloted by a woman, and not by the main character?
I know! Let's give the robot breasts!
Brilliant, but why would the robot have breasts?
The can be missiles.
You're a genius. We'll call it the oppai missile system.

Anyway, here's episode 3, Twilight River.

In this episode, we drive an AI batty by reducing it to 1 HP, lose two units, but also replace them with two new units.

General Revil
Sep 29, 2014

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
The enemy's base is a maze. We lose two units to a combination of my lack of foresight and enemy machinations, but we also convince Hyaku Shiki to betray his former allies and join up with us. What do you mean, "Hyaku Shiki never betrayed anyone in his life." ?

Oct 22, 2012

General Revil posted:

The enemy's base is a maze. We lose two units to a combination of my lack of foresight and enemy machinations, but we also convince Hyaku Shiki to betray his former allies and join up with us. What do you mean, "Hyaku Shiki never betrayed anyone in his life." ?

I mean that humanity went to space so that the planet would not collapse under the weight of the people on it. Once there, they flourished, expanding their living space as they built more colonies on their own! Unfortunately, their success filled them with hubris and dreams of glory creating evils like the Zabi family! We mustn’t repeat that mistake! Why won’t people understand that moving into space will broaden their horizons!? We believe that humanity should no longer pollute the Earth! But the Titans whose souls are pulled down by gravity think only of ravaging it! Why is it so hard for people to understand?

General Revil
Sep 29, 2014

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

chiasaur11 posted:

I mean that humanity went to space so that the planet would not collapse under the weight of the people on it. Once there, they flourished, expanding their living space as they built more colonies on their own! Unfortunately, their success filled them with hubris and dreams of glory creating evils like the Zabi family! We mustn’t repeat that mistake! Why won’t people understand that moving into space will broaden their horizons!? We believe that humanity should no longer pollute the Earth! But the Titans whose souls are pulled down by gravity think only of ravaging it! Why is it so hard for people to understand?

It's because Zeon is exhausted! It is low on troops! Low on ships, weapons, and even ammunition! Why then should we surrender? Dear fellow citizens, our true enemy is no longer Zeon but our own weak leaders. Hiding behind some notion of "absolute democracy", they are reduced to absolute indecision. Why should we the survivors of this horrible war, entrust them with the power to make decisions for us!?

General Revil
Sep 29, 2014

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

This episode is secretly a retelling of Char's Counterattack. We meet the Nu Gundam and the Sazabi, and they both end up Beyond the Time. More importantly, we meet and recruit Getter G, our first recruited Getter unit.

Also, this episode is longer than the previous ones because it's full of SUFFERING!

General Revil
Sep 29, 2014

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
Apparently I'm not dead yet.

Our first real water map. Getter G proves his worth, but then we also lose him. I was not sufficiently careful and lost him. Also got really close to a gameover since Great Mazinger almost died.

Feb 6, 2015
Wouldn't have anything to do with any recent announcements? I think that english SRW is going to raise the dead.

General Revil
Sep 29, 2014

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
I mean, we released the SRW GC translation patch two months ago in May. Another team released OGS last year. And SRW 30 certainly didn't hurt my spirits.

Honestly though, the reason this revived is because I got my life situation turned around. Being on keto is amazing. Mentally, physically, pretty much in every way I'm doing much better than I was at the start of this year.

General Revil
Sep 29, 2014

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

We storm an underground facility, but we fail to make any new friends. This the last video from before my hiatus. After this, we'll be moving onto new footage from new streams.

General Revil
Sep 29, 2014

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
We have reached the point where I'm starting to realize that Great Mazinger is nearly invulnerable. We travel through a series of mountains to face off against Quin Mantha.

General Revil
Sep 29, 2014

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

We hear Pigdoron mentioned, but we do not face him yet. Instead, we explore the maze and get a new friend for our troubles. I attempt to snipe the boss's guardians, but it turns out that face tanking with Great Mazinger is the correct answer. Always.

Also, I did just watch the Great Mazinger vs. Getter Robo and Great Mazinger vs. Getter Robo G crossover movies. Girgilgan (or correctly Gilgilgun), and Pigdoron are from those two movies respectively. I find it a bit strange that Girgilgan is from the first movie, but is clearly a stronger opponent than Pigdoron.

General Revil
Sep 29, 2014

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
The final two episodes have been recorded. They were a blast. We'll have a guest commentator for them. I'm looking forward to getting the LP complete. Releases come every Tuesday and Thursday.

General Revil fucked around with this message at 04:50 on Jul 30, 2021

General Revil
Sep 29, 2014

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

Pigdoron is not actually a cute girl, but I couldn't get any good sprite art of it, so you get to see this version in the thumbnail instead. As always, there's no trouble taking it out, the biggest problem was dealing with the fact that this was a large water and island map.

I misspoke earlier. Episode 7 was the last episode I had processed before my hiatus. This is the last one that I recorded. (Glad I found it in my raw stream folder).

General Revil
Sep 29, 2014

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

With this episode, we finally reach the final boss. The monster behind the brainwashing that has turned all the Super Robots evil. Girgilgun himself! (Or I guess Gilgilgan is you want to use the official translation). However, he has not yet revealed his final form.

This series will be wrapped up on Thursday of next week (August 12th). Afterwards, I'll be jumping straight into SRW 2G, also for the gameboy, starting the week after that. However, I will not be keeping the same Tuesday and Thursday release schedule that I had for the last half of this LP. The first two episodes of SRW2 will come out on Tuesday and Saturday, and then permanently take over my Saturday release slot moving forward.

Luigi's Mansion will move to Thursday during that transition week, and then permanently take over the Tuesday and Thursday release slots.

General Revil
Sep 29, 2014

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

I'm joined this episode by Zappa Slave from Axis Communication and Entertainment for this video, where we fight against Girgilgun's second form around a volcano. He has just one form left, and this LP will be over.

General Revil fucked around with this message at 09:31 on Aug 11, 2021

bad dragon breath
May 16, 2009
SRW hits way differently when it doesn't have the customary novel worth of melodrama at the start of each mission.

General Revil
Sep 29, 2014

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

Decoy Badger posted:

SRW hits way differently when it doesn't have the customary novel worth of melodrama at the start of each mission.

It really does, which at least helped me finish this game easier. I've been meaning to start recording my next LP since last Thursday, but things just keep getting in the way. I do want to get some more interaction since every game after SRW1 actually has more interactivity available. So, here's my question for the next LP.

Which member of the Shrike team should I promote and let them use the spare Victory Gundam instead of their GunEZ?
Junko, Peggy, Mahalia, Connie, Kate, Helen, Oliver, or Marbet?

Please bold your vote.

General Revil
Sep 29, 2014

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

At last, we reached the final episode. Zappa is still with us to wrap things up. The final battle against Girgilgun's final form finally lets us free all the mind controlled Super Robots. Despite playing SRW games since 2007, this is the first SRW game that I have ever completed.

I'll be rolling straight into LPing SRW2G next. Like I mentioned last week, the first two episodes will be released Tuesday and Saturday of next week, and then I'll be switching to Saturday releases for 2G starting from episode 3.

General Revil
Sep 29, 2014

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
I'll be archiving this thread after I post the SRW 2G LP on Tuesday.

General Revil fucked around with this message at 20:23 on Aug 15, 2021


General Revil
Sep 29, 2014

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
:siren: Super Robot Wars 2G is live :siren:

Thank you to the people that watched. Hope the next one can be even bigger. I'll be locking this thread.

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