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Mar 27, 2010

Mu Zeta posted:

Finished both seasons of His Dark Materials and it's unbelievably boring. Good cast and production values. it looks expensive as hell. But nothing happens and even major character deaths are forgettable that I need a reminder that this person died in the recap next episode. You'd think a show about someone trying to destroy church and religion would be more exciting but it's more like watching Richard Dawkins walk to the corner store for coffee and a bagel.
Yeah, it’s all so generically terrible. They waste so much time on bullshit and nothing seems to hang together.


Mar 27, 2010
Thanks to the TVIV 2020 Poll and the recommendations in this thread I finally watched Ted Lasso.

It was pretty great and pretty much what everyone said it was about being an overall nice show. If anything, people vastly undersold the pathos and legitimate drama of the characters.

10/10 Will watch again!

Mar 27, 2010

Rhyno posted:

I just remembered what a piece of poo poo Jerry Doyle turned into post B5.
He was always a piece of poo poo. Garibaldi was basically Doyle and Garibaldi was a loving cop. #ACAB

Mar 27, 2010

Rhyno posted:

Oh I'm gonna watch the gently caress out of it in HD. It just sucks that so many great actors had to put up with his bullshit.
I will also watch the everloving gently caress out of the HD.

The only truly offputting thing about Doyle’s B5 behavior (that I know) is his creeping on Andrea Thompson. The rest is just standard workplace politics chat.

Other than that, JMS did a great job basing Garibaldi off of Doyle and Doyle did a fantastic job creating a compelling and nuanced fascist. And I’m not being snarky.

Mar 27, 2010

zoux posted:

I would simply watch a better show about a space station in a contested region of space instead of the one with Microsoft Encarta tier SFX
Babylon 5 was not stationed in a contested region of space. Quite the contrary, the Epsilon Eridani system was the jump point to multiple worlds and the accepted crossroads for the major powers.

So maybe you should shut the gently caress up.

Mar 27, 2010
I enjoyed Resident Alien.

Mar 27, 2010

zoux posted:

This is going to sound like a bit but I swear it happened. My roommates were watching that new Richard Hammond Tory Bellici shipwrecked show and as I walked past the couch on my way to bed I asked them how it was. They were like, "It's pretty good but the narrator sucks. Her script is overly expository and she sounds robotic." I stopped to watch for a second and sure enough the lady says "Tory runs down the beach" at which point one of them goes, hang on...

For whatever reason the language track for English (US) had the visual description audio defaulted on and so they watched like 20 minutes of this show just stewing at how bad and unnecessary the narrator was, I was dying laughing

I had this exact same thing happen to me with Undone. I was a few episodes in and suddenly there was a narrator, but it was at a trippy point and I thought it was a stylistic choice.

Mar 27, 2010

Mr. Nemo posted:

So the stand is pretty underwhelming right?

I guess it's hard to fully adapt the book, but I don't feel attached to the characters at all. Everything happens too quickly.

It's been over a decade since i read the book though.
It’s really loving boring.

Halfway through I went back and watched the ‘94 miniseries and it’s leagues better. The characters are much sharper, the overall pacing is better. The current version has more time and more money but does a lot less with it.

I mean, it’s still schlocky, movie-of-the-week fare, but that’s pretty much all of Stephen King.

Gonz posted:

Resident Alien has been really good thus far. Surprisingly good.
I’m really enjoying it. The conflict between the kid and the alien, especially in the exam room, has been great.

”I think there’s a mosquito in here.”

Mar 27, 2010

Open Source Idiom posted:

"No one knows where great ideas come from, but you always remember where you were when they came. And in this case, my great idea came the moment I entered the exam room and realised I was going to cut the foreskin off this baby's dick and hand it to the sheriff."

Alan Tudyk as an alien calling a 9-year-old boy poo poo-for-brains is all you really need from a scifi comedy.

Mar 27, 2010

abelwingnut posted:

where are people at with 'a discovery of witches'? i watched the pilot, and it seems...a bit cheap? feels way more like a syfy pilot than something amc would put out. do the characters and story really go places from here?
I watched the first season as it aired and didn’t give enough of a poo poo to finish watching the premier of season two. It’s generic and forgettable.

Mar 27, 2010
We’re getting closer to that Onion headline about “Gattaca: The Series”

Mar 27, 2010
Jesus Christ, people! Just pirate everything.

Mar 27, 2010

Oasx posted:

Debris reminds me a lot of Threshold, an excellent one season show from 2005, though Threshold had a much stronger cast. The first episode was decent, though the preview of the rest of the season seemed more intriguing.
Threshold was good and it was disappointing when it got canceled given the planned Foothold/Stranglehold plans for future seasons.

Iron Crowned posted:

I don't remember Threshold, I kept trying to think of it, but my brain kept reminding me of Surface.
I also liked Surface. It was one of a bunch of One Season Wonders like Invasion, Alcatraz, and Point Pleasant from the mid oughts.

feedmyleg posted:

Currently piracy is less convenient than using actual streaming services, so it's more a rarity for me for when I want to watch something on D+. Otherwise with two taps I'm streaming whatever I want on my giant TV in good quality without having to download anything or wait for significant loading times or see an ad or having to plan ahead or having to keep up with what the best sketchy sites are.
If legit streaming service actually works then absolutely use it, but I’ve never seen anything other than non-stop carping about lovely quality, bad service, and endless interruptions.

As far as I can tell, the only difference in the difficulties between piracy and legitimacy is that one of them doesn’t cost $10-$20 bucks a month per service to deal with a bunch of bullshit.

Mar 27, 2010

Oasx posted:

It came out as the same time as Surface and invasion, all three sci fi shows that only lasted a season. Surface got most of the attention but Threshold was the best among the three in my opinion. Among others it had Peter Dinklage and Brent Spiner on the cast.


Mar 27, 2010
Nah, those shows were far too close together to really be considered ripoffs. It was more like a sci-fi fantasy zeitgeist and Lost just picked up the biggest audience with its slight lead. I’d say the ripoffs were dreck like The Ev3nt.

God that was poo poo.

Mar 27, 2010

Iron Crowned posted:

They all came out like a couple years after Lost, I know this because I couldn't watch Lost due to working from 5:30pm to 4:00am, and I know I was watching The other shows live. Ah, the good old days before streaming
Sure, but given production timing you need to give a buffer of at least a year. Lost was 2004, Supernatural was 2005, neither hit their popularity until they had aired for at least half a season. There was a glut of sci-fi/horror/fantasy shows that were probably being developed concurrently and Lost was the one the hit first.

I’m probably just being pedantic here (in other words, correct) but a lot of these shows weren’t so much copycats as they were rivals.

Mar 27, 2010

X-O posted:

The worst of all those shows was by far Persons Unknown. The worst!

Though it did have Chadwick Boseman in it so that was a plus.

Great, now I gotta watch this poo poo.

Mar 27, 2010
Oh oh oh...

So now we can’t even say “The N Word?” First we can’t say the “N Word” but now you’re trying to say we can’t say “The N Word” even when that a not the word we were going to say???

You’re the real racists.

Mar 27, 2010

space marine todd posted:

drat, I was hoping no one would notice we are watching these shows high. The less gruesomeness, the better for our stoned idiot brains (Hannibal and The Knick are sadly out).

Thank you for all the recommendations! These all look great.

Dispatches From Elsewhere and Lodge 49 are especially good, though the mystery box parts are more upbeat and whimsical than the shows you listed.

Mar 27, 2010

Mar 27, 2010
Brian Regan's new special is good.

Mar 27, 2010

Stabbey_the_Clown posted:

I'm trying to remember the name of a one-season TV show (maybe a summer show) from several years ago, where a female TV reporter's child is kidnapped and murdered, and a former cop-turned-PI ignores his mother(?)'s pleas to find evidence to get his mentally-challenged brother's execution stopped, and he ends up being captured by some organized criminal whose wife he was sleeping with. The reporter's life falls apart and she ends up strapping weights to herself and jumping into a lake at the same time as the PI is also dumped into the same lake by the criminals, they both die, only to wake up a week or so earlier, remembering everything, and they have to prevent the kid from being killed and find the real person who did the crime the mentally-challenged brother is going to be executed for.
I don’t know what the gently caress this is but I’d watch it and for some reason I think I’ve seen it.

Mar 27, 2010
People of Earth was good, got renewed for a third season, had that season completely written, and then got canceled out of nowhere before they started production. That was some bullshit.

I recently rewatched Powerless, and while I can see why it got cancelled, I really enjoyed it.

Mar 27, 2010

Open Source Idiom posted:

Blame Wyatt Cenac suddenly leaving.TBS would have had to pay for the entire season to be rewritten again, which just wasn't going to happen.

Resident Alien, btw, is a very similar show with a few of the original cast. Worth a watch.

Oh yeah, Resident Alien is great.

Mar 27, 2010

feedmyleg posted:

From a tone/sense of humor perspective: if you like ____________, you might like Resident Alien?

Northern Exposure if the doctor trying to get home is a hostile alien instead of a New York Jew.

Mar 27, 2010

Shageletic posted:

I just meant the poster was confusing Donal Logue with this guy

Who the gently caress is this guy?

Mar 27, 2010

Cojawfee posted:

Does anyone know of a decent website for tracking when shows are on and when they come back? I was using Followshows, but that seems to have died.

I've been using for years. I think a lot of others here have as well.

Mar 27, 2010

Sirotan posted:

"Fans are clamoring for Clarice" is a promo I just saw at the end of a CBS show. I forgot this even existed-did anyone here watch it and if so how bad is it?

It’s a fairly typical procedural. The first couple of episodes are annoying with how Clarice’s comrades are pointlessly dickish, but that gets sorted out.

The Silence of the Lambs background is purely for emotion and character development while the overarching plot (at least at this point) is a corporate conspiracy, so it’s not what you’d expect from the property.

Mar 27, 2010

SimonChris posted:

Are there any references to the Silence of the Lambs universe at all, or did they seriously just pay a licensing fee to call the main character "Clarice"?
A lot, actually. They rely pretty heavily on Buffalo Bill; recreating Clarice’s taking him down. The central trait of Clarice is that she’s suffering from PTSD from the whole thing. The politician who’s daughter was in the well has pulled Clarice out of mothballs and assigned her to this mew task force. And the daughter is a currently minor character who still has Precious and is also emotionally crippled from it all. Hannibal is referenced but not specifically mentioned.

Mar 27, 2010

MiddleOne posted:

Dean Norris continues his role as most cursed actor in TV.

Mar 27, 2010
I know it’s been floated several times that Natasha Lyonne should be cast in a Columbo remake (correct), but has it been mentioned that Kate Mulgrew, who worked with Lyonne in Orange is the New Black, played Columbo’s wife in a spin-off series and could provide a link that would make the new series a legitimate in-universe sequel/continuation?

How is this not already in production? Give me 10%

Mar 27, 2010

Chubby Henparty posted:

Did anyone follow Reverie? That's a show I watched the pilot of and figured I'd seen every episode ever so didn't need to continue.
I watched the whole thing when it first aired and I’ve forgotten literally everything about it. It was fairly standard network, scifi-lite like Stitchers or Looking Glass but even less memorable.

Mar 27, 2010

Oasx posted:

Both Picard and Discovery started off good, but then ended up being kinda bad. But I will keep watching because I keep hoping that someone will realize why TNG was the best Star Trek series.

Look who hasn’t seen DS9.

Mar 27, 2010

Chairman Capone posted:

After you watch all of DS9 you should watch the documentary on it that's on Amazon Prime, Garak being intended to seduce Bashir is one of the things they talk about, IIRC. As well as how they viewed DS9 as a "Black show" despite the fact that it never got widely viewed as such.

There was a fanfic about Garak and Bashir set 20 years later where they’re married. Robinson and Siddig performed it on YouTube:

Mar 27, 2010

zoux posted:

Notice Iron Fist was trending on twitter and wondered why, turns out the people like the Shang Chi trailer so much it's retroactively making them madder about the show

The madder people are correct.

Sirotan posted:

They are making another Downton Abbey movie, but this time with Hugh Dancy, Laura Haddock, Nathalie Baye and Dominic West. Release date of December 22.

I like Hugh Dancy but his name sounds like the punchline or setup to a joke I don’t quite get.

What do you call a big guy at the ballet?

*stifling laughter* “Is Hugh Dancy there?”

Mar 27, 2010
And he’s married to...shutup seriously shutup

Does anyone want a danish for breakfast?

Mar 27, 2010

Hughmoris posted:

Retired Sheriff becomes a baseball announcer, or retired announcer becomes rural Wyoming Sheriff?

The latter could be a Banshee sequel. Retired baseball announcer comes to small town, gets mistaken as the new Sheriff, and just beats people up while slinging witty one-liners and dropping baseball facts.
Does either show star Breckin Meyer?

Mar 27, 2010
Debris is okay and this week’s episode was good, but it’s not quite where it needs to be.

Right now it has the feeling of a promising show that gets cancelled in the first season because they were too timid with the plot progression.

Mar 27, 2010

Unkempt posted:

Oh, like The Inhumans!

There’s no need to choose violence.


Mar 27, 2010
I tried to get into ATHF and The Brak Show based off their appearances in Sealab 2021, but man it just didn’t take.

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