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May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

Apex Goons Discord

Released February 4, 2019, Apex Legends is a free-to-play battle royale/arena hero shooter by Respawn Entertainment, the creators of the Titanfall series. It’s also set in the same universe, but don’t worry if you haven’t played the previous games - a lot has changed since the Frontier War. Don’t expect wall-running or Titans, but Apex still offers the excellent gunplay and movement Respawn is known for. (You should definitely play Titanfall 2 though, it’s very good and very cheap.)

Apex Legends is available on Xbox, Playstation, Switch, Origin, and Steam. Crossplay is the default between all platforms, but console players will only be placed against PC players if they are already partied with one. Unfortunately cross progression is only available between the two PC versions at this time. Apex Legends Mobile is currently undergoing beta tests in select countries. It will not have crossplay for obvious reasons, as well as less obvious reasons like apparently they rewrote the entire game in Unreal Engine?

The only strictly F2P elements are cosmetic. You can pay real money to unlock characters if you’re impatient, but the red funbux you earn by playing aren’t used for much else, and you’ll soon have more than you know what to do with. The initial 6 legends are among the best and most well-rounded as well, so don’t worry about not having access to an OP character. You can also pay :10bux: to buy into the seasonal Battle Pass, and as long as you complete it you’ll always have enough premium currency to buy the next one (these days you’ll end up with even more). Every 3 months or so brings a new season, which brings a new character, map changes (or sometimes a new map), new Battle Pass rewards, balance changes, and more. There are also multiple events throughout each season that offer limited time game modes, permanent map changes, new stories, and both free and paid cosmetics.


NEW LEGEND: Mad Maggie - When we first met Mad Maggie in season 8, she blew off her best friend’s arm, committed a mass casualty terrorist attack, and sabotaged the Apex Games. But one person’s terrorist is another person’s freedom fighter, and Maggie still firmly believes in her cause. Now she’s being forced to participate in the Apex Games as an elaborate form of public execution. But the people who pulled the strings to get her there might have other motives. Her abilities focus on cover denial and aggressive shotgun pushes.

NEW LIMITED TIME MODE: Control - Two teams of 9 compete to capture and hold 3 locations. First team to reach 1250 points OR to hold all 3 points for long enough wins. And most importantly - infinite respawns. This will only be available for the first 3 weeks of the season, but the amount of work they’ve put into it suggests it won’t stay gone.

MAP UPDATE: Sabotaged Olympus - A malfunction in the new Phase Driver almost crashed the floating city into a land-bound city, and scattered phase-shifted debris all over the place. The blame has fallen on Maggie, but she knows the true culprit is Eduardo Silva. The locations surrounding the Phase Driver have been shifted around but not removed, expanding the footprint of the map.

THIRD ANNIVERSARY: Just getting started? Unlock Octane, Wattson, and Valkyrie for free by playing during each of the first three weeks of the season. There will also be nine free thematic packs and a legendary pack available for both newbies and old-timers alike.

More Season 11 Videos
Stories from the Outlands - “Judgement”
Apex Legends – Gameplay Trailer
Apex Legends – Battle Pass Trailer
Meet – Apex Legends Character Trailer


Battle Royale Trios - Battle Royale with 20 teams of 3, the OG game mode. Drop in, loot up, and vie to be the last squad standing. Sometimes replaced with limited-time “Takeover” game modes that feature new mechanics. The current map rotates every hour or two.

Battle Royale Duos - Same as BR trios, but 2 person squads and 30 teams.

Battle Royale Ranked Leagues - Trios mode, but kills and squad placement earn RP that contributes toward your rank placement. Once you’re out of bronze every match has an entry cost, so you can lose RP if you don’t do well enough. You cannot fall out of your current tier (once you reach silver you will not fall back into bronze) though you can move up and down between divisions within each tier (Silver IV, Silver III, etc). Your rank is lowered a few tiers at the beginning of every split, which happens at the beginning and middle of each season. Ranked stays on one specific map for the entirety of each split.

Arenas - 3v3 round-based matches on smaller maps. First team to 3 with a 2 point lead wins, but if both teams reach 4 the final round is sudden death. You have to rebuy your loadout every time so don’t forget to grab those materials.

Arenas Ranked - It’s Arenas, but ranked.

Firing Range - Warm up, familiarize yourself with legends and weapons, or just gently caress around. To activate the hostile DUMMIEs mode you need to drop your weapons, go to the far left cave (left from your starting position, right if you’re looking at the caves), get up on the beam near the ceiling, crouch, and change legends.


Apex Legends is set in The Outlands, a region of space on the edges of the Frontier controlled by a group known as the Mercenary Syndicate. The Syndicate runs the Apex Games, which is both a dangerous bloodsport and a wildly popular media property. Many people try their hands at the games, but not everyone survives. Even fewer go on to be called Legends.

Apex Legends/Titanfall Timeline

Planets and systems and a brief history


Here’s a playlist of all the “Meet [insert character here]” trailers if you’d prefer this to be in video form.

Bloodhound posted:

>>> Bloodhound <<<
Technological Tracker
Blöthhundr is a mysterious figure who blends the old ways and the new to hunt and track their enemies. They are canonically non-binary, so please use they/them pronouns. For more backstory check out Stories from the Outlands - “The Old Ways”.
Eye of the Allfather - Scan a large area ahead, any enemies or devices caught in the scan will be highlighted in real time for a couple of seconds.
Tracker - Enemies leave behind contextual clue markers. Pay attention to the timers to tell if they are near or far.
Beast of the Hunt - Bloodhound gains increased move speed, footstep highlighting, threat vision, and a wildly decreased cooldown on their tactical. Knockdowns during Beast of the Hunt extend its duration.
*This legend is in the “Recon” category, and can scan Survey Beacons to reveal the next ring’s location.

Gibraltar posted:

>>> Gibraltar <<<
Shielded Fortress
Makoa Gibraltar is a rock of protection in the chaos of battle, and that’s why his abilities are all about protecting himself and his teammates with shields and...mortar strikes?
Dome of Protection - Throw down a bubble shield that blocks all incoming and outgoing damage. Gibby can perform revives faster (and with a unique animation) while inside it.
Gun Shield - A shield appears while aiming down sights. Can be temporarily broken.
Defensive Bombardment - Call down a devastating mortar strike on a small area.
*This legend has the “Fortified” perk to make up for their large hitbox. They take 15% less damage and are not slowed by gunfire.

Lifeline posted:

>>> Lifeline <<<
Combat Medic
Ajay Che rebelled against her rich war profiteer parents by running off to join the Frontier Corps. Now she uses her Apex Games winnings to help fund the humanitarian organization, and uses her skills to keep her squad healthy and well-supplied.
D.O.C. Heal Drone - Deploy D.O.C. to heal nearby squadmates (or enemies) over time.
Combat Medic - D.O.C. performs revives for her, leaving Lifeline free to continue fighting. She can also use healing items quicker than other legends.
Care Package - Call in a supply drop with healing items, armor, and attachments. Guaranteed to have an upgrade to your squad’s current equipment.

Pathfinder posted:

>>> Pathfinder <<<
Forward Scout
Pathfinder is a modified MRVN (Mobile Robotic Versatile eNtity) who joined the games in an effort to find his creator, hoping that his popularity in the games would attract their attention. He eventually discovered that he was made by a group of scientists that included the grandparents of multiple other Legends. Now he has a new goal - to find the robotic “son” he didn’t know existed. His grappling hook and zipline gun allow him and his teammates to nimbly move from place to place. For more backstory check out Stories from the Outlands - “Fight Night”.
Grappling Hook - Swing to a more advantageous position. The cooldown duration is dependent on how far you moved.
Insider Knowledge - Scanning a survey beacon not only reveals the ring’s next location, it also fully charges Path’s ultimate and knocks 10 seconds off the max cooldown.
Zipline Gun - Set up a permanent zipline to allow quick traversal from point A to point B.
*This legend is in the “Recon” category, and can scan Survey Beacons to reveal the next ring’s location.

Wraith posted:

>>> Wraith <<<
Interdimensional Skirmisher
Senior Science Pilot Dr. Renee Blasey was once an IMC scientist working in the secret labs beneath Kings Canyon, until her colleague started experimenting on her. She escaped with the help of her dimension-hopping powers, but they came with a wicked case of amnesia. She used to be THE top pick for sweaty tryhards but has settled into a pretty balanced place these days (RIP naruto run 2019-2020). For more backstory check out Stories from the Outlands - “Voidwalker”.
Into the Void - Escape danger by phasing into another dimension. Enemies can still track the glowing trail you leave behind.
Voices from the Void - Voices will warn you of imminent danger. You can pass this info on to your teammates.
Dimensional Rift - Set up a temporary portal that allows quick, invulnerable movement from point A to point B.

Bangalore posted:

>>> Bangalore <<<
Professional Soldier
Anita Williams grew up in a family of soldiers dedicated to the IMC cause. After the war her unit was attacked, leaving her stranded in the Outlands. She competes in the games to earn passage home and find her MIA brother.
Smoke Launcher - Yeet smoke grenades. Pair with a threat scope or a Bloodhound teammate for maximum effectiveness.
Double Time - Move faster for a brief period when being shot at.
Rolling Thunder - Call in an artillery strike that blankets a large area before exploding. More useful for forcing enemy positioning than actual damage, but the slowdown effect from the explosions can be debilitating.

*****Subsequent legends must be unlocked via Legend Tokens (earned via gameplay) or with Apex Coins (real money). A new legend is released every season.*****

Caustic posted:

>>> Caustic <<<
Toxic Trapper
Dr. Alexander Nox was once a research scientist working for Humbert Labs, but when his true sociopathic nature was revealed he burned it all down and faked his own death to escape. Now he is free to perform his experiments in the Games. His Nox gas bypasses shields, forcing enemies to relocate if not killing them outright.
Nox Gas Trap - Deploy a gas trap that activates when shot or when enemies get close. Can be destroyed if you shoot at it enough.
Nox Vision - Enemies in the gas are highlighted for Caustic. He is also invulnerable to any gas, friend or foe.
Nox Gas Grenade - Blankets a large area with gas.
*This legend has the “Fortified” perk to make up for their large hitbox. They take 15% less damage and are not slowed by gunfire.

Mirage posted:

>>> Mirage <<<
Holographic Trickster
Elliott Witt is always the life of the party, charming audiences across the Outlands. He uses the holo-tech he and his mother developed to outwit and fool his enemies.
Psyche Out - Bamboozle your enemies with a holographic decoy. Can be sent to a specific point or set to imitate your movements. Decoys have a small amount of health and create footstep sounds, but they cannot block bullets and flicker when shot.
Now You See Me… - When downed, Mirage cloaks and leaves a decoy. He also cloaks while performing a revive or using a respawn beacon.
Life of the Party - Deploys a large team of decoys that imitate your movements.

Octane posted:

>>> Octane <<<
High-Speed Daredevil
Octavio Silva blew off his own legs while using a grenade to launch himself across a finish line. Then he guilted his childhood friend Ajay into requisitioning him some robotic replacements so he could seek his next adrenaline rush in the Games.
Stim - Move faster for a brief time at the cost of some health. Also removes slow effects, like from Bangalore’s Rolling Thunder.
Swift Mend - Octane’s health regens over time when not taking damage.
Launch Pad - Deploy a bounce pad that can launch players through the air with a double jump. Hit the pad while sliding to maximize distance or while jumping to maximize height.

Wattson posted:

>>> Wattson <<<
Static Defender
Natalie Paquette grew up around the Games due to her father’s job as Lead Electrical Engineer. When her father died she realized the Legends were like family to her, and she soon joined them in the arena. For more backstory check out Stories from the Outlands - “A Father’s Letter”.
Perimeter Security - Create electric fences that damage and stun enemies who cross them.
Spark of Genius - Ultimate Accelerants fully charge her Ult, and stack up to 2 in her inventory. She also has a slow passive shield regen.
Interception Pylon - Place a device that zaps incoming grenades or artillery. Proximity to the device also recharges shields over time and greatly reduces the cooldown on her tactical.

Crypto posted:

>>> Crypto <<<
Surveillance Expert
While working for the Syndicate, Tae Joon Park and his foster sister Mila stumbled on something they weren’t supposed to find. In retaliation, the Syndicate kidnapped Mila and framed Tae Joon for her murder. Forced into hiding, Tae Joon hacked himself into the games under the alias “Crypto” in order to get closer to his enemies. For more backstory check out Stories from the Outlands - “Forever Family”.
Surveillance Drone - Deploy a flying drone to scout the area. Tap to quick deploy, hold to enter drone mode. Be careful because Crypto is vulnerable while controlling it. It can also pick up teammate’s respawn banners and use respawn beacons and survey beacons instantaneously. Crypto’s weapons are automatically reloaded while he is controlling the drone. Also, try looking at the large banners throughout the battlefield for some secret info.
Neurolink - Enemies detected by the drone are marked for the whole team.
Drone EMP - Set off an EMP blast centered on the drone that damages shields and slows enemies.
*This legend is in the “Recon” category, and can scan Survey Beacons to reveal the next ring’s location.

Revenant posted:

>>> Revenant <<<
Synthetic Nightmare
100s of years ago, Kaleb Cross was the Syndicate’s top hitman. But they repaid his loyalty by putting his mind in a robotic “Simulacrum” body without his knowledge or consent. During an otherwise routine hit on a conman and his wife, an errant shard of glass shorted out his “ego retention system” and it all came crashing back. From then on he swore revenge against those who’d made him a monster. For more backstory check out Season 4 - Assimilation Launch Trailer and Stories from the Outlands - “Up Close and Personal” (RIP Forge).
Silence - Throw a device that prevents enemies from using their abilities. Also useful for area control.
Stalker - Revenant can climb further than other legends and moves at normal walking speed while crouched.
Death Totem - Using this totem puts players into “Death Protection”. While in Death Protection you will return to the totem instead of being knocked down, but incoming damage bypasses shields and you cannot heal.

Loba posted:

>>> Loba <<<
Translocating Thief
Loba Andrade’s life was turned upside down when her parents were murdered. She grew up to become a master thief, but there was always a prize she was never able to steal - revenge. That is, until she saw the assassin that killed her parents competing in the games. The fact that he was a semi-immortal murder robot with infinite replacement bodies complicated things, but she never backed down from a challenge. For more backstory check out Stories from the Outlands - “Legacy of a Thief” and Season 5 - Fortune’s Favor Launch Trailer.
Burglar’s Best Friend - Throw a jump drive bracelet to teleport.
Eye For Quality - Loba can see loot of purple tier or higher through walls.
Black Market Boutique - Deploy a shop that gives access to all loot in a large area. Players can take up to 2 items and infinite ammo.

Rampart posted:

>>> Rampart <<<
Base of Fire
Ramya Parekh ran a successful weapons modding shop on Gaea until she ran afoul of a local gang led by the mysterious “Big Sister”. Luckily for her, Apex Games Commissioner Kuben Blisk gave her a chance to rebuild her life by joining the games. For more backstory check out Stories from the Outlands - “The Endorsement”.
Amped Cover - Deploys a wall with two halves. The solid bottom half has more health, while the energy shield top half increases the damage of outgoing shots. The walls are much weaker during the set-up phase.
Modded Loader - Rampart can reload LMGs (including Shiela) faster and with more bullets.
Mobile Minigun “Shiela” - Rampart can now take Shiela on the move, with a single (very large) magazine. It can still be placed for infinite reloads and use by teammates.

Horizon posted:

>>> Horizon <<<
Gravitational Manipulator
While working to solve a dire energy crisis, Dr. Mary Somers was betrayed and abandoned in the event horizon of a black hole. From her perspective it took her 8 months to escape, but thanks to time dilation she was actually gone for 87 years. Now she is seeking a way to turn back the clock and fulfill her promise to the son she left behind. For more backstory check out Stories from the Outlands - “The Promise”.
Gravity Lift - Lifts players upwards, allowing for quick vertical repositioning.
Spacewalk - Horizon has more air control and less delay from fall impact.
Black Hole - Pulls enemies within range toward it, great for comboing with grenades.

Fuse posted:

>>> Fuse <<<
Bombastic Explosives Expert
Walter Fitzroy hails from the rough-and-tumble Fringe World of Salvo, where living is hard and life is cheap. He always had a passion for the brutal sport of Bonecage fighting, and when Salvo joined the Coalition of Syndicate Planets he set his sights on another bloodsport - the Apex Games. But not everyone was happy about the unification or his decision to leave, particularly his oldest frenemy, “Mad” Maggie. For more backstory check out Stories from the Outlands - “Good as Gold” and Season 8 - Mayhem Launch Trailer.
Knuckle Cluster - Fire a sticky cluster grenade to deal light damage, destroy doors, and lock down choke points for a brief time.
Grenadier - Fuse can hold two grenades per backpack slot, and throws them further, faster, and more accurately with the help of his robotic arm.
The Motherlode - Fuse uses “Wally” the mortar cannon to lay down a ring of fire. Enemies within the ring are highlighted for his team.

Valkyrie posted:

>>> Valkyrie <<<
Winged Avenger
Growing up, Kairi Imahara wanted to be just like her father “Viper”, a fearsome Titan Pilot who worked for the Apex Predators mercenary group. When he didn’t come home from a job on the planet Typhon, Kairi blamed their leader Kuben Blisk. Years later she finally got the chance to confront him, but he convinced her that killing him wouldn’t prove herself worthy of her father’s legacy - but competing in the Apex games might. For more backstory check out Stories from the Outlands - “Northstar”.
Missile Swarm - Valkyrie fires a swarm of missiles that impact across a medium-sized area, damaging and applying a slight stun.
VTOL Jets - She has a jetpack. It’s got a limited duration and she can’t shoot while using it, but it’s a goddamn jetpack.
Skyward Dive - Valkyrie supercharges her and her teammates’ jump kits, allowing the squad to launch into the sky and redeploy from anywhere. She also marks visible enemies for her whole team any time she’s skydiving.
*This legend is in the “Recon” category, and can scan Survey Beacons to reveal the next ring’s location.

Seer posted:

>>> Seer <<<
Ambush Artist
Obi Edolasim was born under a bad omen (big-rear end meteor hitting the moon), and he was believed to be a cursed child. But his parents loved him anyways, and even supported his choice to fight in the Arenas. His theatricality and skill served him well there, and he was able to weave a new tale for himself - one that led to the Apex games. His micro-drones allow him to track enemies in multiple ways. For more backstory check out Stories from the Outlands - “Metamorphosis”.
Focus of Attention - Deploy microdrones to mark enemies for 8 seconds, showing your team their location and health/shield bar. Also interrupts healing and abilities on impact. Sounds like an OP version of Bloodhound’s scan but the area of effect is much smaller and enemies can dodge it.
Heartseeker - Visualize enemy heartbeats when aiming down sights.
Exhibit - Throw a device that projects a large net of microdrones. Enemies and their footsteps within the marked area will be highlighted if they move too quickly or shoot. The device can be destroyed.
*This legend is in the “Recon” category, and can scan Survey Beacons to reveal the next ring’s location.

Ash posted:

>>> Ash <<<
Incisive Instigator
Dr. Ashleigh Reid was once the assistant to Dr. Somers (Horizon), and accompanied her on the expedition into a black hole. But Reid betrayed Somers and abandoned her there, then returned to Olympus with no one the wiser. She betrayed everyone there, too, but her plans were foiled by Pathfinder. On the verge of death her mind was transferred to a simulacrum, and “Ash” was born. Multiple disassemblies and reassemblies later, a misguided Horizon has reawoken Ash’s human side, and now the two personalities are trapped in the same body. For more backstory check out Stories from the Outlands - “Ashes to Ash”.
Arc Snare - Throw a projectile that shocks and tethers one enemy.
Marked for Death - Recent deathboxes are marked on the map. Examine a deathbox to track whoever killed them.
Phase Breach - Perform an invulnerable dash from point A to point B, leaving behind a one-way portal.

Mad Maggie posted:

>>> Mad Maggie <<<
Rebel Warlord
Margaret Kōhere has been fighting for Salvonian freedom her whole life. When her best friend Walter Fitzroy (Fuse) abandoned her to entertain their enemies, she took it personally. After a bit of terrorism, sabotage, and assaulting a judge she’s now being forced to join him in the Games. The Syndicate sees it as an elaborate form of public execution, but the people who pulled the strings to get her there might have other motives. For more backstory check out Stories from the Outlands - “Judgement” as well as the suggested videos in Fuse’s bio.
Riot Drill - Fire a projectile that shoots flames through cover.
Warlord’s Ire - Temporarily highlight enemies you’ve damaged, and move faster while holding a shotgun.
Wrecking Ball - Throw a ball that releases speed-boosting pads and detonates near enemies.


Kings Canyon
Located on the planet Solace, Kings Canyon used to be an IMC colony built over secret labs and robot assembly facilities. It was later converted to be the first arena for the Apex Games. Since then the poor island has been blown to hell and back, thanks to the Leviathans running rampant, Skull Town sinking into the ocean, a giant ship crashing into the northern mountains, and more.
There’s also a night mode called Kings Canyon After Dark, most often used for Halloween modes like Shadow Royale.

Worlds Edge
The volcanically active world of Talos was settled with the help of giant cooling towers, but when one of them failed catastrophically the colony of New Dawn was largely abandoned. A few decades later it was refurbished into an arena for the games. Of course, nobody learned from the previous disaster and Hammond Robotics’s giant Planet Harvester has been tearing the place further asunder with each map update.

Floating high above the planet Psamanthe, this city in the clouds was converted from an R&D science park to a luxury destination after a lab accident created the "Phase Rift". Instabilities in the Rift called for it's full evacuation, and it later became an Apex arena. A mysterious fleet of ghost ships brought an infestation of deadly vines, but that’s mostly contained now. A malfunctioning new Phase Driver moved the floating city and scattered phase-shifted obstacles around the map.

Storm Point
Set on the world of Gaea, this beautiful tropical island is more dangerous than it first seems. Old IMC research facilities litter the map, and a crashed ship brings back memories for a certain professional soldier.


Party Crasher - Mirage crashed his party boat, the Mirage Voyage, into a downtown area.

Phase Runner - The Phase Runner on Olympus was not the first of its kind. An abandoned prototype somewhere on Talos is now a battleground for the Apex Arenas.

Overflow - An industrial facility on the planet Talos, filled with flowing lava.

Encore - Set on Seer’s home planet of Boreas, this arena is made for theatrics.

Habitat 4 - This island in the same archipelago as Storm Point serves as a breeding ground for the giant Leviathans.


Stories From the Outlands - Animated shorts focused on character backstories.

Quests - Seasonal stories told through text, in-game comics, out-of-game comics, and more. They were tied to short PVE missions when they were introduced in season 5, but that didn’t last.

Pathinder’s Quest - The first Apex Legends tie-in novel, available digitally or as a full-color oversized hardback. Pathfinder interviews the other Legends in hopes that they know something about his creator. The moment-to-moment writing ain’t gonna win any awards, but it’s easily the single largest and most definitive source of world-building for Apex/Titanfall that we’ve gotten so far.

Apex Legends: Overdrive - A four-issue comic book series from Dark Horse. Has god-awful art, some of which is traced from promo material and even FAN ART. Do not buy.

The Official Apex Legends Twitter Account - Lots of little story tidbits and commissioned comics get dropped on the Apex Twitter account. Good for player engagement, bad for archival. Check out the Out-of-game media page on the Apex Legends Wiki for a good repository of twitter-only lore.

r/ApexLore - It’s best to ignore the regular posts on this subreddit, they’re mostly just obvious misunderstandings and wild speculation. Sometimes even both at once! But the “Lore” and “Interactions” tab are the best archive I know of for all the little in-game details that flesh out the characters and setting, particularly the in-game interactions between legends.

The Apex Legends Wiki - Kinda self-explanatory.


Somebody fucked around with this message at 01:58 on Apr 16, 2022


May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

Cowslips Warren posted:

Okay I'm confused, I thought it said the event was only 10 days?

Where did you see 10 days? Collection events are usually two weeks, the post on their website said Feb 9-23, and the in-game timers show 1 week 6 days and 16 hours remaining.

If you’re confused about the 12 weeks, there is an extra portion of the challenges page that’s labeled “Extended Anniversary Challenges” with a 12 week timer. That’s where the really big challenges like 102816 damage and 3333 mozzy damage live. This event is the easiest time to complete that last one though, since you start with one off the drop. I’ve only played 4 or 5 matches today and I’m already a 6th of the way done with it.

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

Update: I’m now a 3rd of the way done with “Mozambique Drill” after a winning a match where I landed on Hammerpoints and stuck with it the whole game.

Also, “Time to Win and Stay Alive” immediately jumped to 4/8, which is the number of different legends I’ve won with so far this season. Seems like that challenge is a little bugged, but in a good way.

Also also, don’t forget that the crafting prices are halved for this collection, which means the legendaries only need the normal 1200 instead of double (and the rares are only 400). I’m definitely gonna craft Hunter’s Moon if I don’t get it in one of my free packs.

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

Purely anecdotal evidence, but:

-I often see Japanese streamers in the Apex category on Twitch, at least as far back as Season 2.
-I saw videos of big outdoor advertisements from a Japanese Twitter account back when Season 7 launched. Wish I could find it again but searching Twitter is like pulling teeth.
-This is/was in Shibuya Station:
In conclusion, yeah seems decently popular there.

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday
Dang, that skin is really good IMO.

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

repiv posted:

Just noticed a Caustic wandering around during the pre-game intro on KC, is that new or have I just not been paying attention

Definitely new. As is this thing:

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

Woof, that does look pretty rough.

I saw it pointed out that about 37 seconds in the legends are all doing new animations. Usually they reuse banner poses for this sort of thing, like the Lifeline pose immediately afterwards. And then one of the writers that likes to obliquely tease stuff said “Lots of movement in this!” in reply to the official tweet. Could be non-skydive emotes coming.

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

Terrene posted:

Do legend skins ever come back into rotation? Googling around I never really got a clear answer

Basic rule of thumb is if you could earn it through a battle pass or during an event then no, it will not ever come back. They might offer a recolor at some point though, like how some of the skins from the anniversary event were recolors of battle pass skins.

If you could buy it then they might bring it back for purchase eventually. Not for at least six months, and there’s no guarantee, but maybe whenever they feel like it. Voidwalker Wraith, some of the Christmas and Halloween skins, and the skins from the “Legendary Hunt” event are all examples of skins that have made a return.

runchild fucked around with this message at 00:24 on Mar 4, 2021

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

Lot’s of interesting stuff there but this:


Wattson now has passive shield regen at 0.5 hp/s
is the one that made me go “ooh, neat”.

In case you didn’t notice, most of the skins for this event have already been seen in the Season 8 battle pass holosprays. They’re pretty good, I especially like Rampart.

Took me a while to realize who’s voice that was saying “ring’s moving, run run run” - it’s Maggie. The news post also seems to tie Maggie to the Ring Fury mode - I wonder if she’ll be the announcer like how Mirage does the Winter Express? I feel like they would have mentioned that though...

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

runchild posted:

I wonder if she’ll be the announcer like how Mirage does the Winter Express? I feel like they would have mentioned that though...

Okay yep they say she’s gonna be the announcer in the dev stream.

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

It’s also
-Predictable constant ring damage instead of random blasts of extreme damage
-Introduced at the same time as an item that interacts with it in interesting ways
-It’s only a limited time mode, and if you really hate it you can play ranked until it’s gone

That doesn’t mean some people won’t complain about it, especially if they get unlucky placement. But as usual Apex’s take seems a little more polished than PUBG.

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

I wish you could set a different charm for each favorited gun skin. The charms that look great with my Lost Queen Hemlok do not go well with the Performance Boost skin, for instance. It would also solve the same “too many to choose from” problem that randomizing skins solved (though I am feeling that 8 favorites limit on a few weapons/characters).

I’ve wanted this ever since they added the ability to set favorite skins. It might be looking a gift horse in the mouth, but man would it be nice.

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

The end-of-match screen showing Kills/Assists/Knocks is going to take some getting used to. I like it in theory, it’s just very busy visually. It’ll definitely be nice to see more than just a zero after an unlucky match. The kinds where you have tons of damage but someone else always seems to get the last hit, or hot drops where you get a bunch of knocks but your team gets wiped before any of them turn into kills.

Speaking of kill stealing, I just won a match with 2 kills and only 23 damage. New personal damage-to-kills record.

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

mcbexx posted:

This one's bullshit. Maybe the other flares will do more damage.

I have been burning through heat shields for two or three games, picking up new ones at every opportunity, with all teammates standing under them, taking turns.

There is no way you can get this organically right now.

5000 does seem pretty unlikely to hit organically. I used the new no-fill option to do some experimentation with it yesterday and I found that standing under a single heat shield for it’s full duration will prevent:
45 damage in Ring 1
66 damage in Ring 2
200 damage in Ring 3
I didn’t get clean numbers past that but based on ring damage numbers and reduced shield times I’d estimate about 275 for Ring 4 and maybe...350 for Ring 5?

If you really wanna grind it you can clear the bar in about 6 games, by collecting a bunch of mats in the first ring or two and then camping out at a crafting station outside the ring. I’ve heard rumors of folks doing something similar to try to win, but that sounds lovely. Also if you wait until the event is almost over you should have less to grind by that point.

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

TracerBullet posted:

Do the heat shields actually take a backpack spot if you pick up beyond the 'standard' two? If not, the max you can carry at one time then would be 2? So, to make this work, you'd need to (ideally) have a final circle near-ish to the edge of the map, hit as many replicator areas as possible to build up as much crafting material as you can, sit next to a replicator near the final circle to give yourself as much time as possible, and craft heat shields until you run out or win the match? Sounds fun to me! I'll give it a try solo in duos and report back unless everyone feels this is really lovely and then I won't.

You can only hold the two in your survival slot. So yeah, you gather a bunch of mats and camp on a replicator. You can drop extras on the ground but I had a pile of them disappear on me, so you’re better off crafting as needed.

As for trying to use it to win - how would you feel on the other end? You’ve fought your way into the final circle, can’t seem to find the one remaining team, and eventually just die to the ring. Not only would it feel lovely, it would be a long and drawn out process before you lost. That’s why I offed myself whenever it hit only a couple other teams left. The one time I kept going until there was only one team I felt bad for making them sit around.

In the end I can’t stop you, but I’m not gonna applaud you. If I were Respawn I’d take them out of the crafting options, or make replicators stop working after, say, a minute outside the ring.

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

xtal posted:

There's a bind for Equip Survival Item. Once this patch is over and heat shields go away, that slot will be used only for mobile respawn beacons.

Heat shields aren’t going away, you just won’t start with them in your inventory anymore. They’ll be normal loot just like the mobile respawn beacons.

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

I think it’s lame, but I don’t think it’s to the level that Respawn would actually punish people for it. Way back in the day it was possible to pull off basically the same thing with Lifeline and a ton of healing items. They didn’t punish anyone for doing it AFAIK, but they did put a stop to it by adjusting ring damage numbers and making D.O.C. stop working outside the ring.

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

There’s a lore easter egg in Caustic Treatment. Check the backside of the building for some holes you can climb up to. You have to be either Caustic or Wattson to access it but it’s pretty easy to find when you know it’s there. The only problem is how hot of a drop it is, I could barely hear the audio log over the fighting. No reward associated with it if that’s all you care about.

Caustic has big plans for all the toxic gas he’s been refining, and he’s sure nobody can stop him. Not even a certain ex-cop with a grudge. Sounds to me like Maldera might want to join the games to keep him in check...

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

SKULL.GIF posted:

It's like a week into the event and I still only have 600 damage blocked on that one badge. 4400 to go 🙄

Does it block more damage on later rings, or is it a fixed amount of damage blocked per heat shield, it just ticks down faster? Does it multiply the damage blocked if your entire squad is inside the shield, vs just 1 player?

It blocks WAY more damage later, particularly at ring 3. That’s when the ring damage jumps significantly. The shield dies faster but it’s not proportional to the damage absorbed, so you’ll get 90 damage blocked from a shield in Ring 2 but 200 from Ring 3.

They really should have pinned that badge at maybe 1000 though, 5k is pretty ridiculous without farming. And that’s gonna be harder now that they took Heat Shields out of the crafting list. I think it’s how much damage YOU avoided by being under any given heat shield, though I have not tested that so I could be wrong. It would be much easier to farm with a squad though, since you’ll have access to more shields without crafting.

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

They really, REALLY need to do something about reviving taking precedence over reloading, even though the button isn’t being held so the revive never even starts. I shouldn’t lose a fight just because my teammate is crawling around under me.

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

Teammate pushed a little too hard as we third partied the final fight. They ended up dying to the ring as me and the other teammate backed off. No worries, we can easily gatekeep the lone surviving enemy. 30 seconds later we’ve won, but in that time the fallen teammate pinged their deathbox a few times and then ragequit. Baffling behavior.

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

Heads up everybody, if you watch (or “watch”) the ALGS tournament on Twitch this weekend you can get some banner cosmetics for Mirage. Details here.

1 hour - “Lifetime Wins” Tracker
2 hours - Badge
3 hours - Banner Pose (not animated)
4 hours - Banner Frame (animated)

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

mcbexx posted:

If only they could be bothered to include the starting and ending times of the tourney somewhere. Guess I'll have to keep a close eye on the channel for 48 hours to get some cosmetics. :shrug:

Annoyingly hard to find but I eventually found this page.

North America - 3pm PDT (6pm ET)

APAC North - 6pm JST (2am PT/5am ET)
EMEA - 4pm BST (8am PT/11am ET)

r/CompetitiveApex also says APAC South is at 3pm SGT and South America is at 2pm BRT on Saturday. But those aren’t listed on that page so I assume they aren’t getting livestreamed on @playapex. All the previous videos on that channel are just North America and Europe, but since that page lists the time for the Asia North division I assume it’ll be on there too.

As for length, previous Winter Circuit streams on the @playapex Twitch channel are mostly about 9 hours long but include both Europe and North America. Assuming the playoffs work the same way as the previous tourneys that’d put each division at 4-5 hours long.

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

xtal posted:

I often see fully kitted gold mozambiques on the ground that no one is willing to pick up

This isn’t just a fully kitted Mozzy, it’s a Mozzy with a 9 round magazine. There’s also a 25-round P2020 that does more damage than usual. Neither of them come with Hammerpoints though. The regular fully kitted versions of both are also present. You can find all of them and more in the loot balls that drop whenever you hear air horns.

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

That quote is really vague about whether it means gameplay stuff or lore stuff or something else. Gameplay-wise, I don’t know what they’d bring back. The two biggest elements of Titanfall that are missing in Apex (Titans and wall running) were taken out during dev for good reasons. It could be referring to that rumored deathmatch mode? Lore-wise it could all kinds of stuff. Like, say...

...bringing back more characters (Cooper, BT, Briggs, Spyglass, etc).

...figuring out what happened at the end of the war, and why the Frontier Militia and certain portions of the IMC sorta just disappeared. Bangalore and her knife could be a jumping off point for this.

...tensions from the recent Salvonian unification boiling over into a new war. Might not be IMC v Militia this time but an ongoing war would make things more Titanfall-ish.

Or something else I don’t have any wild theories about. Guess we’ll find out in about a month!

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

I think the Titan/Pilot interaction was very well balanced, but for the people who were that put off by Titans there’s always the Pilots vs. Pilots game mode.

Simone Magus posted:

I guess nobody else liked those weird little single player missions because they just dropped that concept entirely

Are you talking about the Hunts from season 5? I think the WFH transitition is the main reason those didn’t continue. By the time they had everything figured out the comic precedent had been established, and I bet that’s easier to produce anyways.

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

EDIT: Deets on the website

runchild fucked around with this message at 15:12 on Apr 8, 2021

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

Scoss posted:

I've wanted that white mask Lifeline skin forever-- do they make them available for crafting during these rerun events or is it strictly available from the shop?

Unfortunately you almost certainly won’t be able to craft these. They only offer that option when the cosmetics in question are part of the “collection” during a Collection Event, and this isn’t one. Collection Events are the ones with event-specific apex packs and a new heirloom you can unlock if you get them all, like the recent Chaos Theory event.

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

The glimpse we can see is the area around the waterfall/PS5 building packed full of buildings instead of being a big open field. And that sounds great to me, that’s my least favorite part of Olympus as it currently stands. Also yes, it does seem to be a night time map, but maybe not as dark as Kings Canyon After Dark. Looks good to me even if I’m a little sorry to see a nice bright daytime map go. We still have Kings looking bright and sunny so it’s fine.

Also - My guess for the next legend was gonna be Maldera, since they seemed to be setting up a situation where somebody needed to come in and stop Nox. But they resolved that in comic form instead so idunno now. Other possibilities include Big Sister (who is probably Mila), Maggie (not sure why she’d choose to compete though), a Titanfall character (Ash, Blisk, Jack, or Sarah), or just someone we’ve never heard of like Fuse.

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

Zesty posted:

Why do they think this is Olympus anyway?

Those waterfalls are definitely the ones near the Hammond building in the middle of Olympus.

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

Zesty posted:

None of the surroundings match that area of Olympus whatsoever. Not even a hint of lining up.

I could imagine this being a rework of the backside of the Oasis portion of the map though.

The waterfalls and mountain facade are exactly the same, even the trees by the waterfalls are in the same spots. Either this is an extensive rework of Hammond Labs and maybe Energy Depot, or they rotated the whole mountain. Which is possible, as wyoming’s post points out, but the former seems more likely.

While investigating that picture I realized that the Mirage Voyage is in it. I didn’t recognize it all crashed and busted. There’s actually a loading screen blurb in the battle pass where Mirage says he crashed it, too.

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

Very oblique new legend tease, I assume.

May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

Might be useful to know that each care package pops out three keycards and they land on the ground. They’re more inconspicuous than I expected and I went through three care packages before I noticed them :doh:


May 25, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

More oblique teasing

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