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tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

Not sure how good Fuse will be (probably very) but my advice will remain "unlock Horizon first" because she is extremely good and extremely fun.
Also Octane.


tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

Got a win as Fuse. His active and ult are both pretty good but holy poo poo his passive is insane. I landed like, 5 arc stars on people. Time to run "an entire inventory of arc stars with no guns at all".

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

I think what might be cool for Crypto is if the drone is always flying around above you, and his gameplay revolves around that. So you can't really sneak (maybe you could hide and show it with a button as his passive or whatever), but that way you dont get stuck into flying the drone which is super boring in a game all about fast movement and rotations

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

Live At Five! posted:

Also change her audio so she isn't a walking tutorial. That's by far the worst thing about her.

what in the heck

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

Whenever Bangalore isn't on screen explaining what everything in the game is, the other legends should be saying things like "Does the r-99 have a slow rate of fire?"

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

TrixR4kids posted:

It damages teammates?

They get a grace period to get out of the way

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

blastron posted:

Is Apex super popular in Japan? I'm seeing a lot of Japanese fan content, which is surprising because I thought shooters weren't very popular there.

Second biggest player base after the US somehow.

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

The devs point blank refuse to buff Loba's active, to the point that the cooldown for her ult is comedically short, because they know it's really powerful.
Which sucks, give me constant telobaports you cowards.

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

I recently recorded a little clip of me winning in a 1v2 for my pals, but the sound hadn't recorded so I let Youtube pick for me and it NAILED it

The Kazoo solo is pure fire

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

Why do they insist on locking maps out? Honestly just have all three on rotation!!
They take one out to update it but it's just so dumb. Sorry we can't have you running round on World's End, you'll interrupt the landscaping services.

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

These flare modes are the worst thing I think maybe ever added to this game. Respawn have had an impressive run of not really missing the mark on any updates but this is the first one where I'm actively thinking I'd rather play ranked to avoid it

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

70% of the time if I solo Q for duos I end up with no partner even if I tick fill.
Sick patch, Respawn!!

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

Live At Five! posted:

I finally played Titanfall 2 and it makes Apex feel slow and meandering in comparison. It's a real shame EA buried this game by releasing it between BF1 and CoD. I avoided it because I figured the only people left were hardcore players who have been playing it since release and while that's partially true but there are still plenty of people who aren't super sweaty. Anyone who likes Apex that hasn't tried TF2 should give it a try. The movement system in TF2 is truly freeing and feels amazing.

Good news gamer: TF3 is in the works, and you can bet they're going to leverage as much of the attention Apex got as possible in its promotion, so the best FPS series of the generation will finally get the recognition it always deserved

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

The Midniter posted:

Source? If it's true, this will make my day.

EA's chief studio officer confirmed it here.

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

The Strangest Finch posted:

Picked up Titanfall 2 when it was on sale this past weekend (maybe it still is) and holy hell thanks to everyone who recommended it. I have 0 urge to play the multiplayer but the campaign mode is probably the best single player shooter I've played in a decade!

The multiplayer is exceptional and I strongly recommend checking it out

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

xtal posted:

Can't they just have every map available and chosen randomly for each match? Like every other game? I don't get why they deliberately limit the map variety, especially when there's only 3 to begin with.

Literally this forever, "retiring" one map is dumb just rotate through all of them

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

Turn one of the maps into Skull city Respawn you cowards

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

Nerf the prowler and bring it out of the drop pleassseeee

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

Did they mess with gun drop rates? I've played like 4 rounds now and have seen zero R301s or Flatlines. I've ended up using Volt + Prowler (it still owns) every game so far

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die


Passive: Disables the passive and active skills of all Seer players on the map
Active: Unbans a random baldwraith
Ultimate: Plays 5 Bangalore weapon description voice lines back to back for everyone in the game

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

the change made everyone on Twitter angry and deepened the hatred between KB+m and console players, it’s objectively good from a Kantian perspective

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

What's everyone's thoughts on Shotguns this season? I am super enjoying maggie but I'm wondering if the prevailing opinion favours the Mastiff or the PK?

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

Live At Five! posted:

Maggie has clicked with me like few other characters have, she is so much fun. I barely ever sniffed 3k damage let alone getting more than 10 kills but I had my best game ever as her

Same. Moving at full speed with a shotgun feels so great. Now they just need a full speed with smg character…

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

Storm point really is dogshit. It has so much downtime, even in normals after the first scrap it's time to trek across a map with 4 other teams left and miles between them. Who would've thought making a huge open rear end map with massive sightlines would make third-partying easier and thus incentivize non-interaction even more??

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

Hope we get some good posts about how they're just friends like when Valk dropped and r/Apex subtext experts were posting "No she just means she's good FRIENDS with girls!"

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

The volt is great but it really feels weird not having it on the ground. I felt like the amped up Alternator was better as a drop.

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

Groovelord Neato posted:

I've always had the boring opinion that they shouldn't have made specific characters and had everyone play pilots and make money off cosmetics to customize yourself because it's going to be impossible to balance. I understand going the character route because it likely sells better and folks like getting into the lore but none of that interests me.

Counterpoint different hero skill sets are cool

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

Kild posted:

I would like a 3rd viable shotgun

Batshit to me they added Maggie, gave her a custom animation for the mastiff, then vaulted it the next season. Please bring my boy back :(

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

Carillon posted:

Ranked split! Yay

Ugh storm point. Boo

Oh god I thought it was Olympus next :(

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

Mastiff on floor, buffed 99 AND Anvil back? It’s my season baby

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

Fuse is objectively the most fun and also coolest guy, pick Fuse

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

Bottom Liner posted:

the only bad thing about apex getting bigger esports events is that the pros are probably the worst people in esports (maybe aside from the CoD child gambling crowd)

Hate to admit it but this is true, for whatever reason getting good Apex completely erodes your orbital frontal cortex

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

I got the Pathfinder skin and it is extremely sick

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

Azran posted:

How do people feel about the new class system?

I like it, because I like playing Fuse and I like opening big box of goodies

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

Put fragment on the train

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

For various reasons I had to move my setup from a desk to a couch setup - how hard is it to move from KB+M to Controller in this game? I still wanna play but I have been playing since launch and am worried my old brain will struggle to adjust. Are all the fancy movement techs available on controller?

tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

Is Olympus back yet? Please :(


tote up a bags
Jun 8, 2006

die stoats die

I can’t afford the new legend since I bought like 500 reskins!! Oops!!!

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