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Sep 26, 2007

All your friends and foes,
they thought they knew ya,
but look who's in your heart now.
NBC loving sucks, cuts the hell out of their content, and is extremely biased for American athletes to the point they will frequently not even show/talk about gold/silver/etc medaling athletes if they aren't american or from one of the 2 or 3 countries most americans know. feel free to lament at american olympics coverage here!

i know there's a :files: rule for PPV stuff, but it also looks like BBC cranked up their VPN detection this year, so avoiding the garbage american production with the usually very, very good British or Canadian streams will be much, much harder this year. :sigh:


Dec 16, 2011

what do u do when yuo're born to play fps? guess there's nothing left to do but play fps. boom headshot

Vertical Lime
Dec 11, 2004

so the opening ceremonies will be live in all time zones for once

and they will let people watch gymnastics and track finals live for free on peacock

but if wwe and premier league fans are any indication, peacock is bad

Apr 16, 2017

Í̝̰ ͓̯̖̫̹̯̤A҉m̺̩͝ ͇̬A̡̮̞̠͚͉̱̫ K̶e͓ǵ.̻̱̪͖̹̟̕
CBC is streaming everything for free, you just have to get a VPN and go to

It's still going to be biased towards Canadians and will do a bunch of human interest stuff about Canadian athletes, but they don't pretend that sports Canadians are bad at (most of them) don't exist

bvj191jgl7bBsqF5m fucked around with this message at 18:06 on Jul 22, 2021

Peanut President
Nov 5, 2008

by Athanatos
i was gonna make a thread asking if the IOC just has a neutral feed because holy gently caress I cannot stand NBC

Dec 18, 2003

NBC is just tailoring the feed to maximize ratings with their target market: midwestern housewives.

May 12, 2002
Shark Tank

Apr 16, 2017

Í̝̰ ͓̯̖̫̹̯̤A҉m̺̩͝ ͇̬A̡̮̞̠͚͉̱̫ K̶e͓ǵ.̻̱̪͖̹̟̕

Lucavi posted:

Shark Tank

The surfing thread is that way

Dec 18, 2003

Vertical Lime posted:

so the opening ceremonies will be live in all time zones for once

and they will let people watch gymnastics and track finals live for free on peacock

but if wwe and premier league fans are any indication, peacock is bad

But otherwise I need a cable subscription to watch anything that isn't gymnastics and swimming, correct?

Vertical Lime
Dec 11, 2004

FogHelmut posted:

But otherwise I need a cable subscription to watch anything that isn't gymnastics and swimming, correct?

sure looks like it

Apr 19, 2004

FogHelmut posted:

But otherwise I need a cable subscription to watch anything that isn't gymnastics and swimming, correct?

I think peacock will have everything, but it's a pain to find anything on it.

For example, the NBC website says that peacock will carry all of the cycling events, but the peacock website doesn't list cycling in its "browse by sport" section and the rest of their olympics page is just an unsorted list of stuff.

Edit: I have a Peacock subscription, so the free coverage is probably even more lovely.

Weembles fucked around with this message at 18:53 on Jul 22, 2021

Jul 22, 2011
Odd numbered years: "What the gently caress, CBC"
Even numbered years: "I love you, CBC"

Feb 15, 2001

LOL they just cut to commercial 15 minutes into a soccer game.

Jun 12, 2001

Hey Hey Let's Go! 喧嘩する
大切な物を protect my balls

So what's a good VPN service to use for this poo poo? I'd love to watch the olympics at least some this year, but really just can't stand any USA / NBC coverage of anything...

Malloc Voidstar
May 7, 2007

Fuck the cowboys. Unf. Fuck em hard.
During the 2018 Olympics (I think?) I set up a personal VPN on DigitalOcean, it was 'detected' but they have so many IPs I just repeatedly tore it down and spun up a new instance and eventually got an undetected IP. I'll see if that still works for the BBC.
It requires more effort than buying a VPN but it's better otherwise

edit: All I needed was a SOCKS5 proxy that resolves DNS remotely and has working IPv6. The IPv4 address is blocked as VPN but the BBC thinks the IPv6 address is normal. Doesn't work for Kodi but works in the browser.

Malloc Voidstar fucked around with this message at 21:47 on Jul 22, 2021

Jun 10, 2006


My favorite part is that the whole thing will undoubtedly originate in 4K or 8K broadcasts that look phenomenal, and we'll be watching it on compressed to hell 720p/1080i cable streams at best, because there's zero thought that the people who own 65/77" 4K TVs might actually want to watch something that looks good.

May 29, 2007

Press 'E' for Medic
NBC is gonna loving spoil EVERY SINGLE EVENT they can on the main page, so don't be a dweeb like me and jump to it during the US women's game yesterday and find out the score before even have a chance to load the stream

Oh and even if you wriggle your way around it (the best I've found is: the video player itself HAS A NEWS SECTION THAT WILL SPOIL THE RESULTS OF ANYTHING, INCLUDING THE GAME YOU'RE STARTING AT 0:00. I tried jump into Brazil-Germany late earlier and as the video was loading the news box goes "oh hey Richarlison scored a first half hattie" like bro gently caress all the way off

also weirdly most of the games that have already run can be rewatched (with a subscriber log-in of course) but not something that's going to be on a "live" replay in primetime, so no USA-Canada baseball for me until an hour from now when the replay starts

poo poo's so wack

Mar 26, 2013

Omnikin posted:

NBC is gonna loving spoil EVERY SINGLE EVENT they can on the main page, so don't be a dweeb like me and jump to it during the US women's game yesterday and find out the score before even have a chance to load the stream

Oh and even if you wriggle your way around it (the best I've found is: the video player itself HAS A NEWS SECTION THAT WILL SPOIL THE RESULTS OF ANYTHING, INCLUDING THE GAME YOU'RE STARTING AT 0:00. I tried jump into Brazil-Germany late earlier and as the video was loading the news box goes "oh hey Richarlison scored a first half hattie" like bro gently caress all the way off

also weirdly most of the games that have already run can be rewatched (with a subscriber log-in of course) but not something that's going to be on a "live" replay in primetime, so no USA-Canada baseball for me until an hour from now when the replay starts

poo poo's so wack

You should bookmark if you have cable authentication and want to watch replay without spoilers.

May 27, 2004

This Christmas get "Shoes"

:pwn: :pwn: :pwn: :pwn: :pwn:

FogHelmut posted:

But otherwise I need a cable subscription to watch anything that isn't gymnastics and swimming, correct?

Or an antenna

Apr 16, 2017

Í̝̰ ͓̯̖̫̹̯̤A҉m̺̩͝ ͇̬A̡̮̞̠͚͉̱̫ K̶e͓ǵ.̻̱̪͖̹̟̕


So what's a good VPN service to use for this poo poo? I'd love to watch the olympics at least some this year, but really just can't stand any USA / NBC coverage of anything... or some poo poo idk

Jan 5, 2011

I'm glad to be a proud Canadian for the 12 hours a day I'm watching via VPN. gently caress Quebec.

Sub Rosa
Jun 9, 2010

BBC didn't actually get the coverage I think, I think Eurosport did. Nord plus chrome incognito worked fine for what BBC did have.

Probably enough streaming providers to get free trials with to watch on NBC Sports. But they are always the worse.

Canada and Australia both work and I haven't decided which will be my virtual foreign home yet.

May 12, 2002
IPTV ftw

Mar 22, 2003

The prognosis
is not good.

It's incredibly frustrating because if I could actually watch decent streams I would pay the olympics like 20 or 30 bucks for a pass or something but no here we are.

Dec 18, 2003

pwn posted:

Or an antenna

I have an antenna, I'm just assuming that NBC is going to be all swimming, diving, and gymnastics both live and repeated in prime time, and in between its going to be bios of the swimmers, divers, and gymnasts and their families and tours of the coaching facilities and whatever else they can use to pad the schedule without showing any other events.

Then Saturday morning they might change it up and show 15 minutes of dressage or something.

May 16, 2002

You seriously have issues.

Go catch more racoons in a net and step away from the computer.
I miss Bob Costas.

May 12, 2002

Elendil004 posted:

It's incredibly frustrating because if I could actually watch decent streams I would pay the olympics like 20 or 30 bucks for a pass or something but no here we are.


May 12, 2002
tho it would be something overpriced like $149 platinum access in reality

Mar 26, 2013

Lucavi posted:

tho it would be something overpriced like $149 platinum access in reality

Sling TV is $35 a month to get NBCSN, USA, Olympic Channel, and maybe NBC in some location. It may get you access to most of it. You should also be able to use that to login on nbcolympics website too.

Of course, Youtube TV, Hulu with Live TV, and those sorts also should get you most if not all. Also this is an assumption of being in the US too.

psyer fucked around with this message at 00:50 on Jul 23, 2021

Jul 24, 2003

I do this technique called a suplex. You probably haven't heard of it, it's pretty obscure.

Peanut President posted:

i was gonna make a thread asking if the IOC just has a neutral feed because holy gently caress I cannot stand NBC
There's apparently something called OBS (Olympic Broadcast System) that provides neutral coverage and commentary but as far as I know it's inaccessible, I think it just gets fed into local providers the world over. Us plebes can't get to it.

May 12, 2002

psyer posted:

Sling TV is $35 a month to get NBCSN, USA, Olympic Channel, and maybe NBC in some location. It may get you access to most of it. You should also be able to use that to login on nbcolympics website too.

Of course, Youtube TV, Hulu with Live TV, and those sorts also should get you most if not all. Also this is an assumption of being in the US too.

no sling tv in mexico so i had to resort to iptv

Jan 10, 2007
NBCSN just cut away from live(?) rowing as a heat was starting to give us 5 minutes with a former softball Olympian to talk about the diversity of the US softball team. I expect this type of poo poo throughout. As always.

Internet Wizard
Aug 9, 2009


Grifter posted:

There's apparently something called OBS (Olympic Broadcast System) that provides neutral coverage and commentary but as far as I know it's inaccessible, I think it just gets fed into local providers the world over. Us plebes can't get to it.

I know in past years you could watch these feeds through NBC's website if you had a cable account or were active duty military or a few other ways of getting the full NBC experience.

Mar 26, 2013

Internet Wizard posted:

I know in past years you could watch these feeds through NBC's website if you had a cable account or were active duty military or a few other ways of getting the full NBC experience.

For rowing right now, the world feed is on NBC's website whereas NBCSN is using their own commentators.

Internet Wizard
Aug 9, 2009


Also to confirm they're doing it again this year where if you're active duty or an honorably discharged vet (or know one who will let you use their login) you can get access to these feeds through NBC for free

Oysters Autobio
Mar 13, 2017
why cant they just livestream this poo poo and you can select whichever event thats currently happening and just watch it without any commentary or filler?

Feb 23, 2004
When I was 17, my father was so stupid, I didn't want to be seen with him in public. When I was 24, I was amazed at how much the old man had learned in just 7 years.


My favorite part is that the whole thing will undoubtedly originate in 4K or 8K broadcasts that look phenomenal, and we'll be watching it on compressed to hell 720p/1080i cable streams at best, because there's zero thought that the people who own 65/77" 4K TVs might actually want to watch something that looks good.

This sucks a lot because instead of beating streaming services where they can in picture quality, Cox cable has decided to try to stuff as many channels as possible in the service so everything looks crappy. I wished I live somewhere with ATSC 3.0.

Jun 10, 2006


Oysters Autobio posted:

why cant they just livestream this poo poo and you can select whichever event thats currently happening and just watch it without any commentary or filler?

Thats exactly how the BBC online service works (or at least did in 2012 when I last lived there during an Olympics) and yes, it was everything you wanted it to be. A grid of events and times and you got to see every moment of every sport live. I worked from home at the time and it was bliss.

Jul 24, 2003

I do this technique called a suplex. You probably haven't heard of it, it's pretty obscure.
There was a window when NBC had just discovered streaming (I think it was 2004) where they had an online player that worked just like that too. I used it to watch like 16 hours of Judo. It's been straight down hill since.


Nov 24, 2000

Forum Veteran


Thats exactly how the BBC online service works (or at least did in 2012 when I last lived there during an Olympics) and yes, it was everything you wanted it to be. A grid of events and times and you got to see every moment of every sport live. I worked from home at the time and it was bliss.

If anyone finds a service that is providing this at a rate that isn't highway robbery, post it here so I can give them money, or give a VPN money in case it's free but region-locked.

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