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Time Crisis Actor
Apr 28, 2002

by Hand Knit
I’m headed to NYC today for Comic Con! Really excited to go after last year was canceled.


Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

The Eyes Have It posted:

I think I did a really good job looping this gif of my cat


Jul 2, 2014


Time Crisis Actor posted:

I’m headed to NYC today for Comic Con! Really excited to go after last year was canceled.

Pics or it didnt happen :)

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo
I started GMing as a creative writing outlet. Maybe this time I'll make a good go of being the head nerd wizard lol

Icon Of Sin
Dec 26, 2008

It feels good to finally play some board games again :unsmith:

I finally got to try a few games of the Aliens board game (Another Glorious Day in the Corps) with a friend, and put my painted models to use.

Of course, we got overrun because we didn’t work fast enough, and Newt ran away from the marines into the far corner of the board as a xeno hoard was closing in :laffo:

Ripley had already been lost, tunnels were appearing near our characters, there were more blips on the motion tracker (plus the xenos that we could actually see, pictured above)…it was a gloriously brutal mess. Each alien you see in the pic is on a stack, so there’s at least 2 aliens on every tile (and up to 5).

Of course, Newt remained unrescued as the marines got their brain-meat sampled and Bishop got torn apart :haw:

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

Icon Of Sin posted:

It feels good to finally play some board games again :unsmith:

I finally got to try a few games of the Aliens board game (Another Glorious Day in the Corps) with a friend, and put my painted models to use.

Of course, we got overrun because we didn’t work fast enough, and Newt ran away from the marines into the far corner of the board as a xeno hoard was closing in :laffo:

Ripley had already been lost, tunnels were appearing near our characters, there were more blips on the motion tracker (plus the xenos that we could actually see, pictured above)…it was a gloriously brutal mess. Each alien you see in the pic is on a stack, so there’s at least 2 aliens on every tile (and up to 5).

Of course, Newt remained unrescued as the marines got their brain-meat sampled and Bishop got torn apart :haw:

That's pretty cool man!

Nuclear Tourist
Apr 7, 2005

Icon Of Sin posted:

It feels good to finally play some board games again :unsmith:

I finally got to try a few games of the Aliens board game (Another Glorious Day in the Corps) with a friend, and put my painted models to use.

Of course, we got overrun because we didn’t work fast enough, and Newt ran away from the marines into the far corner of the board as a xeno hoard was closing in :laffo:

Ripley had already been lost, tunnels were appearing near our characters, there were more blips on the motion tracker (plus the xenos that we could actually see, pictured above)…it was a gloriously brutal mess. Each alien you see in the pic is on a stack, so there’s at least 2 aliens on every tile (and up to 5).

Of course, Newt remained unrescued as the marines got their brain-meat sampled and Bishop got torn apart :haw:

That's awesome, I miss painting miniatures.

In what now feels like a previous life (early 2000's) I used to be a bum who spent way too much time painting Warhammer 40k. I had a ton of paints and brushes and varnishes and miniature bits and bobs. I wasn't particularly interested in the game part of the hobby, but I found painting to be a very zen experience. Did a squad of Blood Angels Terminators and a Dreadnaught that I was particularly proud of, all kitted out with expensive custom bits from Forge World. They ended up being put on display in a glass cabinet at a local toy store together with various bits and bobs from other local 40k nerds.

I even had them professionally photographed, though the hard drive on which I had the photos on have now long since returned to dust, and so has the website I had uploaded the photos to. I suspect the toy store is long gone too. I sometimes wonder what happened to them.

Apr 28, 2010

I have a gently caress ton of models- everything from WHFB to Terminator Game. Thousands of dollars worth of models sitting in storage waiting for our craft room to be built. I rarely game; even when I did, I wasn't doing it enough to warrant the amount I have. But I like models, I like kit bashing, and I was getting paid in store credit.

I also have more Gundam than is reasonable.
I don't watch the cartoon, just like robots.

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glue is a feature, not a bug
I still play BattleTech occasionally and have all the STLs to 3D print what I need to play.

Apr 28, 2010

Detective Tubbs questioning a suspicious toad.

Some cool Fungi.

I think they are dating.

Soul Dentist
Mar 17, 2009
I just adopted a 11 month old puppy named Beatrice. She weighs 92 pounds:

She likes all water except baths, her gentle toys, pigs ears, sticks and other dogs and cats. In that order.

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

This is wonderful news and I am happy for you. Please post this dog in the dog thread at least every five minutes, tia

Soul Dentist
Mar 17, 2009
Is there a dog thread that's not in PI? I've avoided that sub because I worry about judgement.

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

My friend, have I got a treat for you! :luca:

boop the snoot
Jun 3, 2016

Soul Dentist posted:

Is there a dog thread that's not in PI? I've avoided that sub because I worry about judgement.

You’re about to enter the best thread on the internet.

Soul Dentist
Mar 17, 2009
Oh heck yeah

Terrifying Effigies
Oct 22, 2008

Problems look mighty small from 150 miles up.

Soul Dentist posted:

I just adopted a 11 month old puppy named Beatrice. She weighs 92 pounds:

She likes all water except baths, her gentle toys, pigs ears, sticks and other dogs and cats. In that order.

That is a Good Dog, glad you were able to find each other.

Icon Of Sin
Dec 26, 2008

Went hiking yesterday along the blue ridge parkway. The smell of autumn up there, the waterfall’s constant white noise…it did something to my brain. Like how a sore muscle or joint feels a ton better after you stretch it out some.

Apr 28, 2010

Beatrice is a good girl.

Soul Dentist
Mar 17, 2009
It's hilarious to me (a huge guy myself) watching a giant animal like the dog from the Sandlot skitter around the room with a bone, or have hilarious trouble with stairs. She is so good on night walks and is learning so fast. I love her!

Oct 28, 2008

Icon Of Sin posted:

Went hiking yesterday along the blue ridge parkway. The smell of autumn up there, the waterfall’s constant white noise…it did something to my brain. Like how a sore muscle or joint feels a ton better after you stretch it out some.

Crazy how we’re in mid-October and how little the leaves have turned color just yet.

For content:

This double-barrel snotgun says “keep it up with the chin scritches or else!”

Nuclear Tourist
Apr 7, 2005

I've made this recipe a handful of times now and can confirm that it yields 100% awesome bolognese. The only tweak I made was that I added like half a teaspoon of Better Than Bullion roast beef base right before I set it to simmer for like 3 hours, just to amp up the beefiness. Radiatori pasta truly is the ultimate meat sauce delivery vehicle.

The Eyes Have It
Feb 10, 2008

Third Eye Sees All

Beatrice looks awesome. Good for you!

I made perogies, cabbage, sassage and onions (using up a few things from my garden now that frost is happening.) Served with dill + lemon sour cream.

I sous vide the sassages & freeze them whole for easy use later. The slow cooking from sous vide means they are practically fall-apart tender, and just need a bit of browning.

Soul Dentist
Mar 17, 2009

Nuclear Tourist posted:

I've made this recipe a handful of times now and can confirm that it yields 100% awesome bolognese. The only tweak I made was that I added like half a teaspoon of Better Than Bullion roast beef base right before I set it to simmer for like 3 hours, just to amp up the beefiness. Radiatori pasta truly is the ultimate meat sauce delivery vehicle.

Ooh dang radiatore are a good idea. They're like gnocchi with speed stripes.

Those pierogi look delicious too!

Nuclear Tourist
Apr 7, 2005

The Eyes Have It posted:

Beatrice looks awesome. Good for you!

I made perogies, cabbage, sassage and onions (using up a few things from my garden now that frost is happening.) Served with dill + lemon sour cream.

I sous vide the sassages & freeze them whole for easy use later. The slow cooking from sous vide means they are practically fall-apart tender, and just need a bit of browning.

I've been thinking about investing in one of those sous vide warm water circulation pump things, which one are you using?

The Eyes Have It
Feb 10, 2008

Third Eye Sees All
I have some old no name one, but recently I've just started using an instant pot on the "ultra" setting, which allows setting an exact temperature as well as everything else (no pressure, etc, just a hot water bath basically). It doesn't circulate the water, but it's sealed and insulated so doesn't seem to need to.

Sep 23, 2007


My mother in law has terminal cancer. She elected not to have chemo as she wanted some quality of life before she succumbed, but she was given a fairly new antibody treatment instead. She went for a cat scan 6 weeks ago to see how the disease had spread and to give her some idea of how long she had left and got the results yesterday.

It hadn't spread one single iota.

Icon Of Sin
Dec 26, 2008

Burt posted:

My mother in law has terminal cancer. She elected not to have chemo as she wanted some quality of life before she succumbed, but she was given a fairly new antibody treatment instead. She went for a cat scan 6 weeks ago to see how the disease had spread and to give her some idea of how long she had left and got the results yesterday.

It hadn't spread one single iota.


Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

Burt posted:

My mother in law has terminal cancer. She elected not to have chemo as she wanted some quality of life before she succumbed, but she was given a fairly new antibody treatment instead. She went for a cat scan 6 weeks ago to see how the disease had spread and to give her some idea of how long she had left and got the results yesterday.

It hadn't spread one single iota.

This is about as good as news gets.

Nov 27, 2007

I Like this A Lot.

Handsome Ralph
Sep 3, 2004

Oh boy, posting!
That's where I'm a Viking!

Burt posted:

My mother in law has terminal cancer. She elected not to have chemo as she wanted some quality of life before she succumbed, but she was given a fairly new antibody treatment instead. She went for a cat scan 6 weeks ago to see how the disease had spread and to give her some idea of how long she had left and got the results yesterday.

It hadn't spread one single iota.

:unsmith: Glad to hear it friend. Hope the good news continues.

Also not to ruin the vibe of this thread, but I think I may have bedbugs :ohdear:

Jun 13, 2006

"Stand back, Ottawan ruffian, or face my lumens!"
I finally have something positive to post here:

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

Here is the best thing you will see all week:
Ashley "Eliminator" Bloomfield getting his dance on.

Apr 20, 2020

by sebmojo

Comrade Blyatlov posted:

Here is the best thing you will see all week:
Ashley "Eliminator" Bloomfield getting his dance on.

You lied to me

Oct 28, 2008

This is the best thing on local news from beginning to end

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

My dad had back surgery yesterday, some sort of steroid injection into his spine. I spoke with him this morning and he reports great improvement already, and the surgeon said it will take three weeks to take full effect so it's only going to get better.

Jun 18, 2006

“We don’t really know where this goes — and I’m not sure we really care.”
Went exploring Seattle to enjoy the Fall colors. Locations: Green Lake, University of Washington, North Seattle College and the Seattle Japanese Garden.

Soul Dentist
Mar 17, 2009
Ooh I love that ivy. Beautiful!

Space Opera
Jun 5, 2011

That rabbit's got a vicious streak a mile wide! It's a killer!

Those photos of the Japanese gardens are beautiful! I went something like 20 years ago and they're still one one of the best gardens I've ever been to.


Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

I turned 35 yesterday. We are still in lockdown, so instead of being bummed that I couldn't have a get together with friends and family, I went with the next best thing - told my crew that everyone should bring something to share, I smoked some ribs, someone brought a cake and I got sung happy birthday. It was great.

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