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There he go
Hello everyone. I have decided that BYOB needs a collective dream journal for everyone's dreams. Whether you're trying to practice lucid dreaming or you just had to write down that cool robot battle you had last night in your head all are welcome here.



There he go
I had a dream a couple of nights ago where I was a teen again and our family was on a vacation. We were driving down a hill towards a city and decided to stop at a Steak n Shake for a late night dinner... except my dad drastically overshot the parking lot and we began to glide into the city below.

We narrowly missed landing on the roofs of several buildings before colliding into a residential skyscraper. No one was hurt (???) so we climbed out of the wreckage and began to search for a way out. We had landed in a relatively luxurious apartment with no apparent exit.

The owner of said home woke up, not because of the crash but simply because morning came. They were pretty chill about the whole situation and showed us the exit: a silver hatch under a rug. Unfortunately freedom was not yet within our grasp. Climbing down the hatch led to... an MS-DOS graphics, side scrolling maze with extremely frustrating combat. After failing several times to go through the maze I looked online to see if there were any skips or cheats for this maze. After finding none, I began to throw a tantrum as the owner lectured on how this was the best and most fun way to exit a home.

Sadly after that the dream lost narrative coherence. I realize hearing about another person's dreams can be very, very boring so congrats if you read this whole spiel.

Viginti Septem

Oculus Noctuae
Yikes, that's actually pretty similar to the style of dreams I have from what I can gather from your post.

I dream constantly, and always in movie fashion with plots and soundtracks and poo poo. Mine are usually always pretty well attributed to what's going on with my life but in metaphors. It's always first-person perspective, always me as the viewer and more often than not involves childhood homes but with me at a current age.

I've had three dreams where I was shot, the first was in a school getting shot at and blocking with my hand, which got tore up by gunfire. I woke up to my hand asleep. I was shot and killed in two dreams, the same night. One in the catwalk of my dad's lake house dock as I was pushing through a lot of people. Just as I cleared the last group of people and the view opened up someone stepped in front of me and shot me point blank and everything went dark. I remember telling myself that I had been killed. I woke up outside an old brick office building with a concrete path leading around the side to a set of double doors that went to the basement of the building. As I stepped inside it was dark, then someone appeared out of the dark with a gun and shot me dead... Again. I later found this building in real life when I was locked up. No joke, I had dreamed this building years before going to prison.

I have been plagued by dreams within dreams for most of my life. When I was a kid I had a dream about getting attacked by a crocodile/alligator and woke up screaming in my bed. I jumped off the bed to go wake up my mom and the alligator came out from under the bed and attacked me. I woke up again, in my bed and jumped off to go get my mom and the same thing happened. This repeated a couple times until I was fully awake but I didn't dare get off the bed because I was sure I was still dreaming.

I've dreamed of entering a mansion as a big storm was brewing only to find myself trapped in a hellscape of not knowing who I was and being chased room to room by this child that would age a bit in each room I encountered him in just before he attacked me. I met up with him one last time on the stairs just before I got to the front door only to realize he was my age, and looked just like me. He said something to the effect of, "now life circles back again" and I found myself back at the beginning just entering the house to get out of the storm and my memory of the previous events slowly slipping away.

I've had journey dreams where I lead hours long or days long journeys through far away lands, going from trains to boats, floating down rivers, meeting all sorts of people and waking up feeling like I can barely get out of bed from how tired I am from all the adventure.

Some of the craziest were a repeated set of dreams (but all the places were different each time) where I was presented with a location, like floating on a river and interacting with people but right before something tragic happened I would shift consciously to a new land/universe where I then interacted with other people. But inevitably something crazy would happen like I'd be on some monumentally large tower and it would suddenly come crashing down and just before I was killed I would choose to shift to a new world and suddenly I'd be in the bowls of an old WWI ship that was somebody's apartment and they were throwing a party and everyone was doing weird psychedelic drugs or something. And the guy that was sitting in the kitty litter box would ask if I wanted a smoke and the ship would suddenly start falling apart and I'd, again shift to some new land. After several of these encounters I finally met up someone who I knew but I couldn't place from where. They reminded me that we knew each other from, like, outside of this universe's timeline and that we were capable of jumping through time and place within our dreams. Which was good because the current dream was just starting to fall apart also. So I jumped to a new dream where I was inching along the grass outside an apartment trying to hide from someone ona balcony, but it was full daylight and they saw me and then I finally woke up. I think.

More and more over the past couple years I've begun experiencing a weird thing where as I'm just waking up I can see a weird latticework of colored "planes". A multidimensional kaleidoscope-looking soup that is all twisting and folding into itself. Just thousands of these flat surfaces all spinning around very slowly. It started with me just seeing them as I first came awake and maybe they'd still be there as I was getting up from bed and if I closed my eyes I could still see them for a bit like a closed-eye visual from a drug trip. They wouldn't happen every time I woke up but a lot of the time. Now they're sporadic and happen every few days or so. For a long time I attributed it to the crazy amount of dissociative use I have done. But even when I was off the stuff for years I'd still have it happen. Them something weird began happening. Sometimes I'd be coming out of a dream as if I was just waking up and I'd see this hyper-dimensional spinny plane soup like normal but instead of fully waking up I'd focus on one of the flat planes and it would fill my vision and I'd move into it... And move into a new dream like a doorway into another dream space.

My dreams wear me out.

Viginti Septem fucked around with this message at 02:39 on Oct 19, 2021


last night i dreamt that i flushed a pair of jeans down the toilet, on purpose. it flushed successfully and didn't clog the toilet but it did reduce the flow a lot so i had to plunge it

thank you saoshyant for this sig!!!
gallery of sigs


Viginti Septem

Oculus Noctuae
I should note that my dreams aren't "scary". I've only had a very small handful of dreams that truly scared me, mostly when I was younger.

For most my younger adult life my dreams were me escaping something or someone. But never really frightening, just exhausting.

As I've become more "centered" and zen and poo poo the escape dreams have stopped and now they're all adventure dreams or very obvious metaphor about relationships/family dreams.

I really enjoy the dreams where I wake up to a song that had been the soundtrack to the dream as it's super catchy. And I'll try to verify that it's a real song and it isn't. So my silly brain has created a song. But I can never remember it as the day goes on and I really wish I was musically talented in the least so I could write music from my dreams but I'm not, so they go unwritten. I guess I could sing it into a recording app, but it wouldn't do it justice.


There he go

Viginti Septem posted:

I've dreamed of entering a mansion as a big storm was brewing only to find myself trapped in a hellscape of not knowing who I was and being chased room to room by this child that would age a bit in each room I encountered him in just before he attacked me. I met up with him one last time on the stairs just before I got to the front door only to realize he was my age, and looked just like me. He said something to the effect of, "now life circles back again" and I found myself back at the beginning just entering the house to get out of the storm and my memory of the previous events slowly slipping away.

Have you considered a career at Capcom

Viginti Septem

Oculus Noctuae

Farecoal posted:

Have you considered a career at Capcom

Do they pay to dream?


There he go

Viginti Septem posted:

Do they pay to dream?

Not as far as I know but that dream sounds like it could be a Resident Evil game

French Accent

Most of my dreams nowadays are very interesting "wish I were here" situations, well, the base concept of it, at the very least.

My latest dream has me waiting in line leading to a middle-class two story house. What's inside was apparently a grindcore concert where people could moshpit freely. I wouldn't go to a concert like that irl, but I guess I was wishing for a night out, listening to music and jamming my rear end off till the sun comes up. Once inside, door prices were at 12 bucks, I had 20 with me, but the host (?) hated my guts and refused to let me in. A bouncer accepted my 20 and escorted me to a huge football field, where everyone danced the night away (no moshpit), except the sun was already rising. We still danced to rock music.

I then woke up.

Most of my dreams don't have a conclusion and it sucks.


Farecoal posted:

Not as far as I know but that dream sounds like it could be a Resident Evil game

sounds waaaaaaaaay more silent hill than resident evil to me

thank you saoshyant for this sig!!!
gallery of sigs



last night's dream: a bunch of tech stuff at my job wasn't working and i got really pissed about it. like, a computer would not connect to a router that was two feet away, and it kept refreshing the list of available networks every second and i saw all sorts of networks around the neighbourhood but the one i needed never showed up on the list. this dream is not 100% true to life but is fairly similar to tech problems i have at work, so

thank you saoshyant for this sig!!!
gallery of sigs


Viginti Septem

Oculus Noctuae
Jam-packed dream night. I'm sure brought on by all the dream talk. I'll leave some of it out because it dealt with old relationship poo poo I'd rather not get into, but it took place at some small restaurant thing in like a college square and some gang banger was running it but was serving expired food and later he came charging out the front doors when I was in the grass out front and he was shooting at me. I took cover and chewed him out after he was finished.

The final dream, just now: I was at a huge party lake, no doubt probably.Lake of the Ozarks where I spent most of my life. I was at a large bar/restaurant on the water and it was getting ready to open. It was a really nice day and just thousands of people were out and about. I noticed that the floor of the restaurant was a mess. Dirt, ropes and cables and hoses laying around. A skid loader parked in the middle of the floor. So I spent some time cleaning up and finished right as people started entering.

The dream moved to me going place to place around a lot of commercial docks watching all these people drink and party and talking to random people until I spotted an old friend and tried to talk with her but I noticed that the guy she was with was starting to look a bit uncomfortable that she was speaking to me so I wrapped up the conversation. She said she'd had a rough day. I concurred and said that I had been attacked by a gang member earlier so somehow I referenced my earlier dream inside this one.

Then I took off to travel across some docks again, this time kinda jumping really far and gliding to the next dock, etc. I came across a band that had been playing basically the same three songs on repeat the entire dream and they were packing up because the "big band" was getting ready to play. I mentioned/joked that it was good because if I had to hear them play "Break Waves" one more time I was going to lose it. The lead singer kind of acknowledged that it was terrible that they had to play all these songs on repeat. Then he stopped packing up and said something like, "I guess I could play that Kansas song. I might remember that one." I woke up around here with that Break Waves song in my head.

It went: "Break waves and destroy the concrete" then another couple lines I can't remember. It was a very soft rock like Air Supply style of song. I looked up "break waves" just now and got this

Curious if it means anything about how I'm waiting to get approved on this new place to live and if I don't it's going to be bad news bears as my lease is up in a matter of days. Time to break waves.


There he go
I've also been shot in my dreams, always through the chest. It feels like all the air is sucked out of my lungs and I can't breath.

Viginti Septem

Oculus Noctuae

Farecoal posted:

I've also been shot in my dreams, always through the chest. It feels like all the air is sucked out of my lungs and I can't breath.

Curious, is it right as you're waking? Sleep paralysis?


There he go

Viginti Septem posted:

Curious, is it right as you're waking? Sleep paralysis?

No, pretty much in the middle of the dream. And I've never had sleep paralysis.

Viginti Septem

Oculus Noctuae

Farecoal posted:

No, pretty much in the middle of the dream. And I've never had sleep paralysis.

I've had two episodes, although the first might have just been a super vivid dream.

The one that was most definitely paralysis I awoke from a dream where I was flying over the top of Saturn's rings slowly getting sucked into the big planet. As I awoke the scene was still sort of hanging at the end of my bed with the far side of my bedroom a spinning view of Saturn. I realized I couldn't move and had to struggle in my mind for a bit to freeyself of it.

I just looked up sleep paralysis and there appears to be three main types. One where you feel the presence of someone/something in the room with you while you can't move. The second one is chest-constriction/breathing issues and typically ends with hallucinating some demon on your chest or someone choking you out. The third is a feeling of flying or falling while frozen. Mine was definitely the falling feeling as I flew into Saturn. Pretty sure that happened around age 29 also, which I think is Saturn's orbital time around the sun. Fun fact!

Heather Papps

hello friend

dreamt last night of an ex, in high heels, which she never wore. i'm pretty sure it was a metaphor for her opting into fashionable but painful things that are part and parcel of modern life which is the reason things imploded because i refuse to suffer for fashion, or for things i do not want.

thanks Dumb Sex-Parrot and deep dish peat moss for this winter bounty!

magic cactus

We lied. We are not at war. There is no enemy. This is a rescue operation.
man I had the most intense, vivid dream last night but i can only remember a fragment of it:

the setup was that everything was kind of low-poly, like that ultima game with the first person dungeon crawling. anyway, there was something about needing to rebirth a god, but if the birthing process went wrong it would turn into some kind of eldritch demon and eat reality or something. but i kept dying during the re-birthing process, so i had to do it over and over again, groundhogs day style. i don't really remember the specifics, but i was running up an infinite staircase and into some sort of portal. the scene transitioned to the "real world" and i'm eating dinner at a campsite with my family. I suddenly freeze because something feels wrong. The next thing I hear is a voice, saying a single word:


So I take of like a shot, but this brilliant light descends from the sky and my vision turns white and then i woke up in a mild panic.

tune next time for the exciting dream where I walk around my block and eat a pizza.

Thanks to Saoshyant for the amazing spring '23 sig!


There he go
I'll be honest I think you might have failed your quest there and the eldritch thing ate reality

magic cactus

We lied. We are not at war. There is no enemy. This is a rescue operation.
being honest i would have taken whatever weird low-poly world i was in over 4K+ waking life. dreams. not even once.

Thanks to Saoshyant for the amazing spring '23 sig!

take the moon

by sebmojo
someone was trying to remember the title of the famous burroughs book and i was like man thats so easy and about to say it but instead an incomprehensible mess of syllables and spit came out of my mouth as I tried to pronounce the words "naked lunch." the person who was talking about it stared at me impassively and then i woke up

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!


There he go
I had a half-awake fever dream as kid where I thought my dad was the landlord of my bed and I was going to be kicked out for not paying rent. I got really hysterical about it apparently

magic cactus

We lied. We are not at war. There is no enemy. This is a rescue operation.
I only remember a fragment of last night's dream, but I feel it's very BYOB: I am walking down the street. I see someone playing an arcade game, standing next to someone else fighting what appears to be a large anthropomorphic school bus. I take a closer look at the arcade cabinet and note that the name of the game is FIGHT BUS.

Thanks to Saoshyant for the amazing spring '23 sig!


Had a pretty wacky dream recently when I took a little cat nap in the backseat of my car.


It was a dark and somewhat rainy night. I was walking down the streets of what appeared to be a big city, kinda like New York or Boston.

I felt as if I was wandering around listlessly for hours, just looking for something to do. Finally, I see this shady looking place, what I thought at first was a bar. It had an entrance with stairs leading down, kinda like the entrance to Cheers in Boston. There was a line to get in.

I happened to walk past and the big bouncer is like, "Hey, you, get in," and it’s not like I was gonna say no. The people in the line seemed upset but I wasn’t gonna say no to this big rear end dude who just manhandled me and put me in there.

Once inside this place, I realize it’s actually full of people I’ve seen over the course of my life, or at least manifestations of what I think those people may look like considering I haven’t met some of them. I just knew it was them. It was so overwhelming it actually made me realize at this point that I was dreaming, so I became lucid and walked around the place to explore and get a better sense of it.

I wasn’t exactly really making an effort to talk to anybody and nobody was trying to talk to me. I feel like they all knew I knew I was dreaming and everyone was doing their own thing. Eventually I reached the back of this place and a door. There wasn’t really anybody around this door, either.

I ended up opening that door into this long dark corridor. The door shuts behind me automatically and fast the moment I walked in. I wandered around this corridor for a bit, nothing really out of the ordinary here, except the fact that it was weirdly empty and lacking in any sort of distinguished features. No paintings, only the most minimal red lights to guide me, and again, absolutely nobody in sight.

At some point after walking for a little bit, I stumbled onto another door. I opened this door and I walked into what seemed to be an apartment. The inside resembled more of a house than an apartment though, if that makes sense.

It was a nicely decorated home. Nice furniture, television, a kitchen, fridge, lights, etc, everything you’d come to expect from a house. I looked around for a bit just enjoying the décor and scenery of the home and whoever worked on it.

I stumbled across another door in the home and inside this room was just a bed, a bed with someone on it. A woman who looked just like this person I had a really big crush on back when I worked at PetSmart, except now instead of having blue hair she was blonde.

She looked at me and smiled. That sort of smile where you see someone you haven’t seen in ages. "MCMXCV", she yelled. She was really happy to see me. She motioned for me to sit right next to her on the bed. We talk and catch up for a little bit, mundane small talk, nothing too important, but I felt really really happy at that moment. It was indescribable.

At some point she asks me, "hey, you hungry?" and I answered "Yeah I am." She answered, "good," smiled deviously and devilishly and suddenly, her face turned to that of a lamprey, trying to suck me in and eat me. I yelled out "OH gently caress THIS" and just teleported out of there using the sheer power of thought.

I had a false awakening. I thought I got myself out of the dream because when I "awoke", I saw myself lying down in the backseat of my car. Thought everything was alright. I looked outside my window and I see this person that I only just found out about the previous day, LowTierGod, right outside my car window, going back to his car. No idea why he was at my job. I tried to hide so he couldn’t see me and I don’t think he did so he ended up getting into his own car and driving away.

Shortly thereafter was when I awoke for real.

Prurient Squid

Tiddy cat Buddha improving your day.
The dream I just had was that I was in bed and my bed was really close to the wall so I could see the light switch and the was a weird insect on the light switch and I was trying to wack it and get it off and then a voice said "the final goal of socialism has to be represented in the movement of the present". And then I awoke.


hardcore sound gets you hypah

I have weeeeird dreams sometime due to reasons I may get into later, but for now

dreamt about an ex who was a bit nuts, but not the most nuts I’ve dated, last night. She was awesome though, I hope she’s doing well.
so much love to vanisher for the winter '21 sig!

huge love to Tiny Myers for the fall '21 sig!

The Hello Machine

I'm not a real machine, but I am a real Hello-sayer.
I had a dream that Vin Diesel was being interrogated on 60 Minutes for voice acting in an anti-vax video game in which he played as himself. The game was Toy Story.


The Biggest Brain in Guardia
I had a dream about two people I have not seen in like 5 years (They're also broken up now...). They picked me up from school (I'm not in school anymore) and then I went back to their house and we worked on a charity project they were doing, I think they also had a couple cool dogs and a kid (they never had any dogs or a kid.). Anyway, the charity event goes well and then I get home and go to bed. When I wake up one of the friends sent a detective to accuse me of stealing his cable TV. I also notice that I left my backpack and favorite shoes at their house and I want to get those back. However, I do not have their phone number or address. I try to message them on Facebook, but they don't have Facebook. Eventually I track one of them down at some wacky convention that seems to be being held in like an abandon warehouse. They tell me that they're not going to give me my stuff back until the detective conclusively proves I didn't steal their cable TV. Apparently the time I was there before last, they had their cable TV stolen and now it was stolen again and the pattern was condemning.


The Biggest Brain in Guardia
The night before I had a dream that someone drove me from Kentucky to California in like 3 hours. I reasoned it made sense because they went over 80MPH the whole way.

Viginti Septem

Oculus Noctuae

Zurtilik posted:

The night before I had a dream that someone drove me from Kentucky to California in like 3 hours. I reasoned it made sense because they went over 80MPH the whole way.

Makes sense.


There he go
Well? Were you stealing their cable TV???

Prof. Alligator

SpaghettiArmstrong posted:

I had a dream that Vin Diesel was being interrogated on 60 Minutes for voice acting in an anti-vax video game in which he played as himself. The game was Toy Story.


Heather Papps

hello friend

last night i had a vivid dream of myself and my immediate family visiting another family. we found that they did not know where their grandmothers bones were, so my family and i searched for the bones all throughout the property with urgency.
as we scoured the property i noticed that the family we were visiting was not searching at all, and were goofing off with a potato gun, and when i asked them why they weren't helping us look for the bones they indicated that they bones had been lost for years, and would be found eventually, and they felt no obligation to make it a priority.

i'm not sure what this one meant.

thanks Dumb Sex-Parrot and deep dish peat moss for this winter bounty!


There he go
2nd family sounds chill, should have joined them and hosed around with a potato gun :cool:

Heather Papps

hello friend

Farecoal posted:

2nd family sounds chill, should have joined them and hosed around with a potato gun :cool:

yeah upon reflection i think it was about spending time worried about honouring the dead instead of living well in the moment. they did look like they were having fun.

thanks Dumb Sex-Parrot and deep dish peat moss for this winter bounty!

Prurient Squid

Tiddy cat Buddha improving your day.
I had an amazing dream last night and this is what I wrote about it when I woke up

"Trapped in an art installation of a post ironic hell"

e: Maybe it was like being trapped in a clicker game that was an intentional satire of consumerism and was more miserable the more intentional it was.

Prurient Squid fucked around with this message at 15:00 on Oct 29, 2021

Prof. Alligator

Prurient Squid posted:

I had an amazing dream last night and this is what I wrote about it when I woke up

"Trapped in an art installation of a post ironic hell"

do you live in Williamsburg, Brooklyn?


There he go
I haven't had dreams I can remember that well, but last night I think I dreamed about working at a restaurant of some sort. All I can really recall is being very mad about having to work mandatory overtime


I dreamed I had a waffle craving and went to a Waffle House at a mall food court, but they said "oh we don't serve waffles until lunchtime, we only serve udon during breakfast hours." So I wandered around the mall for four hours until I got a waffle and hashbrowns. Went home and got yelled at for being gone all morning lol



There he go
Another dream where I can remember some highlights but not the main plot:

  • The governor of Northwest Queensland in Australia (a place that doesn't exist) resigned because of her mishandling of COVID. Nobody really cared but it was being treated as huge news by the media.

  • I met an old, grizzled veteran (not sure of what) at this fancy hotel and he told me about being in the Super Boy Scouts, which are much tougher than the regular Boy Scouts and do extreme wilderness survival.

  • A pilot flying around a WW2 bomber as part of an air show above the hotel crashed and died. I spoke to his pregnant wife and she started crying about much she loved him and missed him

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