I had a dream that was sort of based in a very ordinary wood and sith people in robes were using magnifing glasses looking at the grass looking for signs of the Jedi. I guess it's like that beach combing scene from Space Balls. |
# ? Apr 19, 2024 10:13 |
# ? Jan 24, 2025 14:48 |
Residents of Taiwan could claim citizenship of the PRC in exchange for giving up their Taiwanese citizenship, and would get a bunch of PRC branded merch, like tote bags. These were so popular that Taiwanese were coming up with ways to get it without actually losing their citizenship. Crossing your fingers during the ceremony was the most popular way (apparently it worked, legally). |
# ? Apr 20, 2024 13:26 |
Had a dream someone posted a link, and I clicked on it. It led to a simple scrolling shooter game set over like circuitboards and poo poo. Then it hikacked my phone so the only thing it'd open to is a grid with my and 8 other peoples' cameras (the first 9 to open it) showing us in bizarre demonic filters. Anyone who joined after was a spectator. There was some weird series of puzzles for us to solve, presumably for our device's freedom. Like combining what each of our cameras showed together as a grid to show one big picture. Every attempt, though, would charge our bank accounts a donation to charity. I tried to PM the poster asking to switch with a spectator and was "fined" thousands. Thank You Dumb Sex-Parrot :^)) code:
# ? May 5, 2024 00:19 |
Dreamt a coworker(?) had their testicle on a little pedestal on their desk as an ornament, and I lost it. They were mad at me because it was their backup copy, but I didn't understand why they would rely on an exterior teste if they still had a working internal one. Outside the body it surely wouldn't be in working order anyway.
Thank You Dumb Sex-Parrot :^)) code:
# ? May 15, 2024 13:11 |
i dreamt of snow which i'd never seen before. i befriended the two thugs who towed my car and i fell in love with an older woman. | |
# ? May 19, 2024 08:53 |
about a week ago i dreamt of someone close to me who was impressed that i knew that it wasn't just a dream. she called me the Magician and i asked if she was the Hierophant, but she said she was more like the king's court, which i don't really understand. after a google search, perhaps she meant courtier -- an advisor to the king -- and was using simple language for me so that i might understand later. edit: perhaps she did say courtier, too, and i misunderstood her but she was clear enough so i that might still understand later. LL Calhoun J fucked around with this message at 11:02 on May 19, 2024 |
# ? May 19, 2024 09:11 |
Very funny. I dreamt of King Charles and a girl I was in limerance with in high school. We were all at a banquet or a play, and I was in a very low position, and they were exalted. The king moved very fast. I still thought of him as a prince but surely he was king. No Elizabeth. The girl humilated me at every turn. I was poor and foolish, making faux pas everywhere. Once, I stood before Charles' seat as he glided about the room and she laughed at me, saying I thought I was he. Trying to get me into trouble. But no one was alarmed by me at all. This vivid dream lasted a long time. It was like a day or two. It started with me in some random girl's apartment. But I was sleeping on the floor. I suppose it must have been a room for rent, but I thought it was a Tinder date gone wrong. There were others. Perhaps it was for the event. I believe the event took place there and I was sleeping on the stage! I slept somewhere else too, as I navigated my feelings for my limerance girl. Somewhere humiliating, like out of a car, as she made fun of me. Like a hostel situation. Punishment for posting my dream online? Reward? A test? Or just a random dream? It was all teasing. The dream ended strangely. I walked past a house with cute monsters who needed help with bigger monsters inside. I went inside to help, it felt reminiscent of FFXIV. I saw a bigger monster, I know, and it cornered someone and I woke up. More about the king. He had a hidden agenda, certainly. He was concerned with his son, Harry. Very concerned, as if he were into drugs, which is why he moved so fast. He looked much younger. I think I did see Harry but I would think of him as William, but whatever, I don't think that's important. He is not the king I had ever, ever thought of since I had the last dream a week ago of a king. The girl. Not like her irl counterpart except that she knew I liked her here, too, and was like a jester tormenting me. But it's how I think of her, yes, which is unfair. What was I doing? Mostly trying to impress her by fitting in. Why did I move in front of the king's chair? Because he left it, so I thought I had to, but I didn't, and it was wrong. (He was gliding about the room like a beast, but it had a social aspect.) Most important part of the dream? edit: I suppose I was trying to protect his seat. The Tinder girl. There was another man and children all sleeping in bean bags on the floor. Her children. She was always getting ready in the other room. The children spoke of things I can't pinpoint to each other. It started here. They spoke of food, I think, at least, and how to get it. Were they setting the scene? Was I just hungry, so I went to the king's banquet? |
# ? May 20, 2024 08:41 |
calhoun posted:Very funny. That's like a 10mg melatonin dream! |
# ? May 20, 2024 14:42 |
Finger Prince posted:That's like a 10mg melatonin dream! i had been taking 5mg for about a month, but skipped the last two nights accidentally. i had a lucid dream last week on melatonin, but not for long. the other two dreams i posted here were off melatonin, not lucid, and very vivid. i'll be back on melatonin tonight. fingers crossed! |
# ? May 20, 2024 14:59 |
too unsavory of a dream. down with the crimson king!
LL Calhoun J fucked around with this message at 10:22 on May 21, 2024 |
# ? May 21, 2024 08:20 |
- I was at an indoor pool with a bunch of other people. We were all trapped inside, and there was a shark (which had both its eyes on the top of it's head, like a flounder) in the pool with a laser attached to it's head. Every so often it would beach itself (like a seal) on the sides of the pool and accuse us of committing a crime (unclear which crime it was). Then it would use its laser to cut off the front half of our foot. This happened to me (my right foot) and it was surprisingly painless. This was also scheduled (?) to happen to my left foot, but the laser missed. This then transitioned to... - I was in a minivan with my brothers, being driven by my parents. We were trying to make it to a beach where half of my left foot was supposed to be shot off by a sniper. If we didn't make it by the scheduled time, the sniper would try to shoot it anyway, even if it meant harming other people. We couldn't make it in time, so I somehow ended up inside a crowded assembly hall. I was panicking and scared of my foot being shot instead of lasered (and it didn't help that everyone was staring at me). The sniper, a middle aged man with a mustache, came out on a balcony and tried to calm me down so he could take the shot, but I kept flinching and ruining his aim. This was the closest thing to a nightmare I've had in a very long time. |
# ? May 21, 2024 11:57 |
The grocery's Employee of the Month wall had some mathematical secret that I didn't understand why it worked, only that it meant one thing: I had to eat employees of the month 30 through 40. I'd keep getting arrested, then having to break into the store again to steal another employee of the month photo and eat it.
Thank You Dumb Sex-Parrot :^)) code:
# ? May 27, 2024 21:34 |
my dog who died IRL this year was alive. I had to clean up a mess he made on the carpet. he gave me a cute little "who, me?" look though, the bastard. I miss him |
# ? May 28, 2024 16:45 |
Literally a series of nightmares that i don't wanna post about, extremely vivid ones too unfortunately on the other hand nice to wake up from
# ? May 28, 2024 21:07 |
sort of what i remember from last night is that it was post-apocalyptic nuclear war and i personally mentally timeskipped there but no one else did. humans had 6 fingers now in addition to a thumb, and i spent some time trying to get a pre-apocalypse glove on.
# ? May 30, 2024 00:31 |
Driving in the nighttime through a hilly lakeside of a small town at Halloween. 10 tan pitbulls were in front of my headlights and one absorbed through the car like a ghost and started biting my testicles. He had a very fuzzy head. it took a lot of energy to pull myself out of the dream and shift my weight. |
# ? May 30, 2024 00:54 |
kuskus posted:Driving in the nighttime through a hilly lakeside of a small town at Halloween. 10 tan pitbulls were in front of my headlights and one absorbed through the car like a ghost and started biting my testicles. He had a very fuzzy head. it took a lot of energy to pull myself out of the dream and shift my weight. Ghost Pitbull Gobbled My Balls sounds like a Chuck Tingle title |
# ? May 30, 2024 05:06 |
I dreamt I had a zine called Hellgrammite that was based on Zoo Books. The new issue was called "Special spotlight on Adult yoda" & indeed focused on him. The inside fact file described him as a "sexually mature member of yaddle species" & the zine also featured an interview with a sneering, unnamed novelist. It also included serialized fiction & I dreamt of doing layouts for a chapter of an ongoing story about an elf whose apartment was overrun with storage boxes from a closed down college library. In a change of scene I sat moping at a lake with a woman, saying how much I regretted not being named "Alice," that the name Alice was pleasant & mysterious like holding up a seashell to your ear. She sneered just like the novelist & said I probably only thought that bc Alice sounds like lettuce and I'm such a big fan of lettuce. I knew that she was correct.
# ? May 31, 2024 00:02 |
How Wonderful! posted:I dreamt I had a zine called Hellgrammite that was based on Zoo Books. The new issue was called "Special spotlight on Adult yoda" & indeed focused on him. The inside fact file described him as a "sexually mature member of yaddle species" & the zine also featured an interview with a sneering, unnamed novelist. It also included serialized fiction & I dreamt of doing layouts for a chapter of an ongoing story about an elf whose apartment was overrun with storage boxes from a closed down college library. In a change of scene I sat moping at a lake with a woman, saying how much I regretted not being named "Alice," that the name Alice was pleasant & mysterious like holding up a seashell to your ear. She sneered just like the novelist & said I probably only thought that bc Alice sounds like lettuce and I'm such a big fan of lettuce. I knew that she was correct. this is amazing holy poo poo like even if you sliced this any way each section is good Thank You Dumb Sex-Parrot :^)) code:
# ? May 31, 2024 01:29 |
RavenousScoot posted:this is amazing holy poo poo Just like |
# ? May 31, 2024 02:12 |
a demon attacked me in a dream last night growled at me like a rabid dog heh.... dumbass
# ? May 31, 2024 02:22 |
Last night was a 10 mg melatonin dream: My mom was alive again and without dementia, like she had been in a coma-nap and was finally awake. I was telling her about the recent drama in my sister's lovely marriage, but she didn't seem particularly interested. I had to go to work, so I left, and it was either waiting tables, or stripping. I decided on stripping because waiting tables always gave me anxiety, but I couldn't find good stripper gear in my small backpack. I finally found something cute though it was florescent green, and edged with black lace. I was telling the other dancers about how I raised my credit, because this woman was terrified about how her credit was really low, and I felt bad for her. I tried to tell her how I raised my credit, explaining that even I, someone who is terrible with money, managed to do it. At some point, I was in a bathroom, and found burger meat in one of the drawers and thought that was strange. I think the realization of that bit of weirdness woke me up. |
# ? May 31, 2024 04:35 |
Burger Meat! At the Strip Club |
# ? May 31, 2024 10:21 |
I dreamed I died and became a ghost. I was on a ski trip with some friends and people I knew. I was hanging out with two of them when I died. They were sad to see me go, but happy for me as well, and a bit envious because I could just float up the mountain instead of waiting in lift lines. I could still manifest as a ghost strongly enough that I could have conversations with people and they didn't realize I was a ghost. I got on this huge cable car to go up to the peak (I guess it was still faster than floating up). At the end of the line there was a village with a pub/lodge and food, and I was excited to try this buffet they'd set up. I remember thinking that this ability to manifest stongly enough to still eat would probably fade over time, but right now it was pretty sweet. I don't think I actually ate any of the food in the dream though. |
# ? Jun 1, 2024 12:49 |
My immediate family took a helicopter to some desert ruins to visit and have a meeting with some extended family members. I don't remember what was discussed at the meeting (although I do remember we were all seated at a huge conference table), but at the end, before we were going to adjourn, someone asked what we thought Mon Calamari (yes, from Star Wars) tasted like. Everyone agreed that me and one of my cousins would go off to discuss it. We both decided that the answer was obvious (no idea what it was) and so we decided to take a ride around the ruins on my electric scooter before I got back on the helicopter and went home. Then everything looped from the time we boarded the helicopter to go to the ruins, except me and my immediate family all had memories of what had already happened. This time, I was in the bathroom when I heard her complain that me and my brothers couldn't find girlfriends because we were masturbating daily (???). I stormed out of the bathroom and went ballistic, asking my mom if she was from the 1500s. She refused to change her mind and the dream ended there. |
# ? Jun 6, 2024 11:39 |
had a dream that was basically a middle issue of a comic book arc video-game-looking versions of the main members of the justice league, plus a bunch of starships and representatives of civilizations from across the galaxy, gathered in front of an interdimensional portal that had opened up at the edge of our solar system. they were looking for ms. marvel for some reason. superman gave a big inspiring speech about going through hell and back to find her—he was voiced by tom cruise. big musical swell as the group finally entered the portal. multiple alternate universes whizzed by as the assembled group jumped from one portal to the next. fantastical colors and images phased in and out of sight. finally the group stopped in a certain universe where the solar planets seemed to shift and change. wonder woman explained to a confused flash that they had arrived in a "dual universe" in which two universes had become quantum entangled, such that reality shifted between these distinct universes through the 4th dimension at discrete points in space, which just happened to align perfectly with the planets. the group watched as what looked like saturn suddenly and violently shrank and twisted and transformed into a larger, darker ringed planet—the alternate universe "dark saturn"—before transforming back to normal a few seconds later. I woke up after that I think before that dream, I had dreams about a guy who discovers he can become immortal by transplanting his mind into unborn fetuses |
# ? Jun 26, 2024 11:54 |
dreamt I was in a desert and thirsty I had a gatorade but every time I went to drink it, it'd turn into jello right before it got to my mouth Thank You Dumb Sex-Parrot :^)) code:
# ? Jul 3, 2024 03:45 |
I was in a Discord server with some random people and we were all watching a stream playing random YouTube videos. I thought of a joke that would be so good that everyone would love me, but I had to look up how to spell "tinnitus" first. Except it wasn't coming up in any Google searches. I tried different browsers and search engines, but it was like the word suddenly didn't exist. I was running out of time to make the joke, so in my desperation, I installed some ancient browser that looked like it was made for Windows Vista, and I couldn't even find a search bar. At this point I actually woke up angry, which was a first. |
# ? Jul 15, 2024 21:44 |
PSA Quoting isn't editing |
# ? Jul 15, 2024 21:45 |
i had a dream that the drinking fountain that was installed in my apartment was granting wishes with ironic twist so i had to call the maintenance crew
# ? Jul 22, 2024 15:30 |
I was at an arcade, and this guy (I'm not sure if he was a friend or a random stranger) came up to me. We started making a plan to steal different instruments from the arcade patrons. The other guy would go up to the victim and chat with them until they had to go to the bathroom (???). I would hide in the bathroom, go into the victim's stall, and choke them until they were unconscious, then we would take the instrument they had left behind. This worked with the first guy and we got a flute, but after I attacked the second victim (who had a drum), the authorities noticed that they weren't coming back out of the bathroom and we were caught very quickly. I'm not sure what happened to my co-conspirator, but I was sentenced on the spot to hard labor in a time prison (I don't know what that is either). |
# ? Jul 22, 2024 17:25 |
classic freddy krueger-type dream of being chased around by a messed up lil weirdo in a messed up place. this time the environment was the valley of defilement from demon's souls (specifically 5-2 the swamp of sorrow, with all the creaky wooden catwalks) and the monster was an emaciated pale white goblin guy twitching around on all fours. he wasn't violent though, he just liked to jump scare from behind small obstacles. and he wasn't even very good at it come to think of it, I could see his bulging hunchback and his wee butt peeking out from behind stuff. he was just an annoying lil freak with an ugly face but he was ultimately harmless. |
# ? Jul 22, 2024 18:46 |
I was going to a friend's house except and I had to go through someone else's house to get there. It was like the sidewalk was built wrong and it took you through someone's front door. Very nice people. After I got to my friends house I had to fix a dryer that had a kitten stuck in it, and then it was revealed that the weird calls I had been getting was from the owner of the house I walked through, George A Romero, and I explained to my friends parents how good Monkeyshines and Knightriders was and how hyped I am to be friends with him
# ? Jul 23, 2024 12:57 |
in my dream last night something bad happened among the former giant bomb crew right before a meet and greet so i met an inconsolable jeff gerstmen and had to be like "hi huge fan sorry you're crying"
# ? Jul 25, 2024 12:52 |
Ominous Jazz posted:in my dream last night something bad happened among the former giant bomb crew right before a meet and greet so i met an inconsolable jeff gerstmen and had to be like "hi huge fan sorry you're crying" lmao. the real giant bomb
# ? Jul 25, 2024 18:21 |
he was so not okay i felt so bad
# ? Jul 25, 2024 18:34 |
Last night i had a stress dream about money. Someone has conned me out of a thousand dollars through some elaborate scam. It was like a betting pool about a political assassination where if this person was assassinated it would pay out for this group of people (including me). But the organizer went out and assassinated the guy so we were like oh that's a lot of money our way and then we released we wouldn't collect without looking like we orchestrated it.
# ? Jul 29, 2024 14:24 |
"Buy these expensive sunglasses and be entered into a pool" I woke up in a panick to check my bank account
# ? Jul 29, 2024 14:25 |
I was looking at a top-down perspective of a 2D RPG game, like something you would see on the Gameboy Advance. Me and my party members were walking through a desert area when it was revealed that one of the party members had betrayed us. She had found an underground tomb and raised an army of all-female terracotta soldiers. They began to raise up all around us, and started terrorising nearby towns. I don't really remember much after that besides something involving a farm and liberating the animals there from gender norms. |
# ? Jul 31, 2024 02:08 |
# ? Jan 24, 2025 14:48 |
I dreamed the tomato plants on my balcony were heavily laden with ripe fruit. And it looked like Roma tomatoes, even though they're cherry tomato plants. I also picked one of my shishitos and ate it. |
# ? Jul 31, 2024 14:24 |