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Sep 14, 2003

:rip: to this guy, but he probably wouldn't have been as excited about windows 11

edit: backstory of a cool guy who definitely wouldn't have been into the latest operating system from redmond

akadajet fucked around with this message at 17:43 on Oct 28, 2021


Archduke Frantz Fanon
Sep 7, 2004

windows X will be the last windows ever!

we regret to inform you that windows X will not be the last windows ever :(

Dec 13, 2011

Archduke Frantz Fanon posted:

windows X will be the last windows ever!

we regret to inform you that windows X will not be the last windows ever :(

update: branding has now been changed to windOS

Sep 14, 2003

Kazinsal posted:

update: branding has now been changed to windOS

probably winos because back in the day you'd type "win", because windows was the winner's choice

Archduke Frantz Fanon
Sep 7, 2004

akadajet posted:

probably winos because back in the day you'd type "win", because windows was the winner's choice

they cant use windOS because there are bits of code deep in the system that react to the string DOS and cause issues

Dec 31, 2000

by Fluffdaddy

akadajet posted:

:rip: to this guy, but he probably wouldn't have been as excited about windows 11

why the hell did he need two copies

Dec 31, 2000

by Fluffdaddy
also that guy always looked like a biker dude to me, not the type that would camp out for a windows upgrade

Feb 15, 2001

Chumbawumba4ever97 posted:

also that guy always looked like a biker dude to me, not the type that would camp out for a windows upgrade

it was the 90s, plaid and chore coats were everywhere

Aug 8, 2003

Chumbawumba4ever97 posted:

why the hell did he need two copies

i think, strictly license wise, you were supposed to have one copy for each computer it was installed on. or maybe he was one of those collectors who buys one to use and the other to keep mint-in-box in the closet for 20 years in the hopes that it will be worth something some day

Sep 14, 2003

Chumbawumba4ever97 posted:

why the hell did he need two copies

maybe he was getting a second one for his mom as a gift

post hole digger
Mar 21, 2011

akadajet posted:

:rip: to this guy, but he probably wouldn't have been as excited about windows 11

Share Bear
Apr 27, 2004

akadajet posted:

:rip: to this guy, but he probably wouldn't have been as excited about windows 11

please edit your post to include a quote on this one, which gives that guys backstory:

Sep 14, 2003

Nov 25, 2006

Chumbawumba4ever97 posted:

why the hell did he need two copies

we'll never know. he took his secret to the grave

Sep 14, 2003

get wrecked Tim

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

is this still the microsoft thread? i upgraded my PC to Win11 last night. was surprisingly quick and painless. none of my settings got hosed with and i've had zero issues. it feels nice and snappy, the new UI is growing on me feels good, start menu is total dogshit though

Nov 8, 2007

i sometimes throw cables away

i mean straight into the bin without spending 10+ years in the box of might-come-in-handy-someday first

im a fucking monster

windows 7 for life!

Sep 14, 2003

Pile Of Garbage posted:

is this still the microsoft thread?

yeah. the old one was infected with linux so I closed it

Apr 26, 2006

Pile Of Garbage posted:

is this still the microsoft thread? i upgraded my PC to Win11 last night. was surprisingly quick and painless. none of my settings got hosed with and i've had zero issues. it feels nice and snappy, the new UI is growing on me feels good, start menu is total dogshit though

new start menu/task bar is the primary reason i havent bothered upgrading. its so dumb

Sep 13, 2009

this is a better avatar than what I had before
A friend of mine upgraded to win11 and both League, Valorant, and battlefield are now hosed in various ways, my favourite being Valorant which won't let him change the resolution or switch to windowed mode

Thank god MS finally patched out these terrible games

Best Bi Geek Squid
Mar 25, 2016
thank you Satya for protecting us from Bad games


Zam Wesell
Mar 22, 2009

[Zam is suddenly shot in the neck by a toxic dart; Anakin and Obi-Wan see a "rocket-man" take off and fly away, and Zam dies]
anyone use a window manager thing for win10? dual screens at work, program windows are introduced at random places each time i turn on my monitors

fart simpson
Jul 2, 2005


anyone test out the new windows subsystem for linux supporting linux applications with a gui on windows 11?

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

Zam Wesell posted:

anyone use a window manager thing for win10? dual screens at work, program windows are introduced at random places each time i turn on my monitors

i tried the powertoys one that does tiling but i don't remember if it saved positions sorry, check it out

Cybernetic Vermin
Apr 18, 2005

fart simpson posted:

anyone test out the new windows subsystem for linux supporting linux applications with a gui on windows 11?

i use it a fair bit, it's pretty good but has some annoying bugs (e.g. window focus has some strange behaviours at times, and in a new window a key sometimes acts as held down until pressed again). my impression that anything wayland works great, but xwayland brings dune of these issues. it is fast and pretty transparent though, so optimistic that a few bugfixes and it'll be real good.

git apologist
Jun 4, 2003

akadajet posted:

:rip: to this guy, but he probably wouldn't have been as excited about windows 11

edit: backstory of a cool guy who definitely wouldn't have been into the latest operating system from redmond

i was legit excited when win95 came out. it was like, a really big deal and not just for nerds afaict. i don’t think anyone gives as much of a poo poo about computer things anymore, not even new apple bullshit

cowboy beepboop
Feb 24, 2001

I really wanted win95 so I could run the warcraft 2 map editor

Sham bam bamina!
Nov 6, 2012

ƨtupid cat
juist remembered this

Archduke Frantz Fanon
Sep 7, 2004

surfaci pro are huge pieces of crap but also the best windows laptops

Zam Wesell
Mar 22, 2009

[Zam is suddenly shot in the neck by a toxic dart; Anakin and Obi-Wan see a "rocket-man" take off and fly away, and Zam dies]

my stepdads beer posted:

i tried the powertoys one that does tiling but i don't remember if it saved positions sorry, check it out

cheers, i'll give it a go

git apologist
Jun 4, 2003

windows doesn’t work like this

May 31, 2006

Gentle Autist posted:

windows doesn’t work like this
That's because you're not using Windows S

Sep 14, 2003

I used a surface laptop once and I was surrounded with pretty people doing highly choreographed dancing

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

akadajet posted:

I used a surface laptop once and I was surrounded with pretty people doing highly choreographed dancing


Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

I stand by it

Zam Wesell
Mar 22, 2009

[Zam is suddenly shot in the neck by a toxic dart; Anakin and Obi-Wan see a "rocket-man" take off and fly away, and Zam dies]
my little-y pony

Zam Wesell
Mar 22, 2009

[Zam is suddenly shot in the neck by a toxic dart; Anakin and Obi-Wan see a "rocket-man" take off and fly away, and Zam dies]
outlook search is SO FUCKIN BAD

god drat i hate computers

Jun 30, 2018
Can't post for 1 minute!

Zam Wesell posted:

outlook search is SO FUCKIN BAD

god drat i hate computers

They somehow made it even worse in office 2019.

Apr 26, 2006
i dont have outlook installed cause its so trash. i just use win10 mail which is far and away the least bad email client


May 31, 2006

I hate with outlook how inevitably I often end up searching through massive threads and because one email had a word every copy of the thread will come up and it's impossible to determine why. (Also if an attachment is a hit I don't think it will even tell you that or which one it is which is absolutely infuriating.)

On the other hand the way gmail shows previews when you search is actually pretty half-assed too. It seems like google has kind of killed progress in a Microsoft-ish fashion where once gmail dominated the market they stopped bothering to improve it and nobody can compete with it so email will never improve ever again (if there's actual competition they'll probably buy it and kill it).

My other complaint with both of them is that it's way to inconvenient to create tasks for yourself based on emails. In gmail I sometimes use the completely idiotic method of assigning labels based on days of the week just because it's so much faster than other methods of keeping track of stuff.

mystes fucked around with this message at 17:47 on Dec 1, 2021

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