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Apr 17, 2007

Welcome to the Imp Zone Game Club - Season 2. Somehow we've been doing this for a whole year!

IZGC Season 1 Thread

IZGC Rules:
  • Your first post in this thread will be your Trophy Case - when you earn a trophy, grab it from the IZGC website and you can add it to your first post.

  • Avoid dishonor: Start IZGC games from the beginning! Don't start playing early! Post a screenshot if possible when you claim a trophy!

  • Games and trophies are chosen by active IZGC members, who are picked randomly from a determination list each round. When the list is exhausted, it starts again and new members are added.

  • Generally speaking it's encouraged to pick games that are relatively easy to emulate for as many imps as possible, and that don't take an extremely long time to finish.

  • Here's the list of games chosen in Season 1.

  • New for season 2, IZGC now has monthly/long-term games running parallel to the normal games. This will give imps a chance to choose and play some meaty RPGs and other games that would otherwise not be practical for the club.

  • Platinum trophies are awarded for completing especially difficult challenges. They count the same as regular trophies on the leaderboards (except in the event of a tie) but they are shiny and worthy of boasting.
The IZGC website is meant to make trophy copying+pasting easier. Each IZGC member also gets their own trophy case which is automatically* updated with every trophy earned, and there's a leaderboard to track everyone's progress, and some cool web links.

*manually updated by the OP when I get a chance

Game details and links will go in the post below. Happy new year to all imps!


Sub-Actuality fucked around with this message at 15:52 on Jun 26, 2023


Apr 17, 2007


Game 2-1: Mega Man X (SNES)

Game 2-2: Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga (PS2)

Game 2-3: The Legend of Oasis (Saturn)

Game 2-4: Freedom Force (PC)

Game 2-5: La Mulana (PC)

Game 2-6: God Hand (PS2)

Game 2-7: Max Payne (PC/PS2/XBOX)

Game 2-8: Gundam Side Story 0079: Rise From the Ashes (Dreamcast)

Game 2-9: Ōkami (PS2)

Game 2-10: Pikmin 2 (GameCube/Wii)

Game 2-11: Battle Mania Daiginjou (Mega Drive)

Game 2-12: Prince of Persia (PC/SNES/Others)

Game 2-13: Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere (PSX)

Game 2-14: The Warriors (PS2/XBOX)

Game 2-15: Out Zone (Arcade)

Game 2-16: Jet Set Radio (Dreamcast)

SPECIAL EVENT: The Summer of Zelda

Game 2-17: Lyle in Cube Sector (PC)

Game 2-18: Suikoden II (PlayStation)

Game 2-19: Omega Boost (PlayStation)

Game 2-20: Bomberman Hero (Nintendo 64)

Game 2-21: Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks (PS2/XBOX)

SPECIAL EVENT: Morrowind / Dagoth Urgust

Game 2-22: Soul Blazer (SNES)

Game 2-23: Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (PC/XBOX/GC/N-Gage)

Game 2-24: Gitaroo Man (PlayStation 2)

Game 2-25: Yakuza (PS2/3/4/XB1/PC)

Game 2-26: Medabots AX (GBA)

Game 2-27: Shadowrun (Genesis)

Game 2-28: Snatcher (Sega CD)


Game 2-29: Drill Dozer (GBA)

Game 2-30: Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia (Nintendo DS)

Game 2-31: Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader (Gamecube)

Game 2-32: Mega Man Legends (PSX/N64)

Game 2-33: Skies of Arcadia Legends (Gamecube)

Game 2-34: Ristar (Genesis)

Game 2-35: Last Alert (Turbografx-CD)

Game 2-36: Mole Mania (Game Boy)

Game 2-37: Bangai-O Spirits (Nintendo DS)

SPECIAL EVENT: Impmas 2023


Sub-Actuality fucked around with this message at 16:12 on Dec 2, 2023

Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

Pablo’s 🏆 case

Pablo Nergigante fucked around with this message at 17:48 on Dec 30, 2023

Apr 17, 2007

Game 2-1

Mega Man X (SNES) - 1993 - Deadline 1/10/23 11:59EST

In 21XX, Dr. Light's magnum opus, X, is discovered by Dr. Cain. X is the first ever robot with unlimited free will and the ability to evolve like a living thing; his design is used to revolutionize robots into Reploids (called so as derivatives of X's design). However, Reploids hold the power to rebel against the humans, leading to the designation of such rebels as Mavericks and the creation of a peacekeeping organization called the Maverick Hunters to keep them in check. Things go wrong when the leader of the Maverick Hunters, Sigma, goes Maverick himself and leads the largest Reploid uprising the world has ever seen. This begins the Maverick Wars, in which X and the Hunters struggle for peace against Sigma and his Maverick followers.

Mega Man X is an action-platform video game developed and published by Capcom for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). It was the first Mega Man game for the 16-bit console and the first game in the Mega Man X series, a spin-off to the original Mega Man series that began on the SNES's predecessor, the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). Mega Man X was released in Japan on December 17, 1993 and was released in both North America and Europe the following year. It is also the best SNES game ever made, and anyone who disagrees must face the ultimate punishment of living their life knowing, deep down, just how wrong they are. -- The Kins

It's a Mega Man game so obviously it has badass music

Link to the game manual:

Trophies for this week:

: Finish the game

: Find all the Armor Upgrades

: Find all Sub Tanks and Heart Tanks

: Hadouken!

Trophies created by The Kins

Game starts 1/1/23 12AM EST

Good luck imps!


Sub-Actuality fucked around with this message at 16:01 on Apr 24, 2023

Apr 17, 2007


Impmas has ended and the imps have spoken: Impo will die.

We thought maybe warming him up in the microwave would thaw him out but well

A very special Impmas message from Impo himself:

Anyway to make absolutely sure he really is dead, you can kill Impo in DOOM as many times as you like:


Impo will live on in all our hearts, but thankfully a short series of daily injections is effective.



Sub-Actuality fucked around with this message at 16:04 on Apr 24, 2023

Nov 2, 2014

drunk as poo poo off whiskey. ground floorro

: Find all the Armor Upgrades
: Find all Sub Tanks and Heart Tanks
: Hadouken!
: Finish the game
: Awaken the first 3 Elemental Spirits (Water, Fire, Earth)
: Awaken Mulbruk
: Defeat four Guardians
: Find the La-Mulana software/Maze of Galious ROM
: Fill every slot in your inventory
: Beat the game
: Beat the game using only posts in Imp Zone and your own notes (PLATINUM)
: Blow an enemy's head off without killing them
: Pay off the debt
: Defeat the Spider Queen
: Defeat Crimson Helm
: Defeat Orochi
: Defeat Ninetails
: Feed all animals
: Catch all fish
: Beat the game
: Finish the Destroyers for good
: Complete all five Flashback levels
: Complete Chapter 1
: Get the White Sword
: Beat the first quest
: Confront and defeat Agahnim at the top of Hyrule Castle
: Play Co-op with an Imp
: Get all the heart containers
: Beat the game
: Reach Ganon without using a sword (PLATINUM)
: Learn the Ballad of the Wind Fish
: Beat the DX bonus dungeon
: Get the upgraded sword
: Beat the game
: Lay Turbo to rest (obtain the Leaves of GreenWood)
: Find every Sword/Armor/Magic
: Obtain the Magic Bell
: Reach level 50 (PLATINUM)
: Defeat Lord Deathtoll
: Defeat Ben-K twice
: Beat the game
: Successfully infiltrate Outer Heaven
: Finish Act 1
: Kill a Snatcher without missing or taking damage (PLATINUM)
: Finish Act 2
: Beat the game
: Beat Imp Zone (1 level, 1994)
: Beat Imp Zone 2 (1 level, 1994)
: Beat epic.wad (5 levels, 2007)
: Beat Glaive (9 levels, 2018)
: Beat Lunatic (5 levels, 2011)
: Beat The Ultimate Doom
: Make a working door in Doom Builder
: Beat Tangerine Nightmare (10 levels, 2018)
: Beat Doom II
: Beat Sucker Punch 2 (9 levels, 2021)
: Beat Overboard (6 levels, 2022)
: Beat Crumpets (9 levels, 2015)
: Make a complete level in Doom Builder
: Beat Overboard NG+ (6 more levels, 2022)
: Play another Imp's level
: Beat the Imp Pack
: Obtain rank A on all minigames
: Defeat the Gesellschaft
: Obtain all weapons
: Beat the game
: Beat any game of your choice
: Get 64 stars
: Beat Bowser
: Bingo!
: Escape the MJ12 Facility
: Complete any randomized run
: Beat a second game of your choice
: Beat a third game of your choice

symbolic fucked around with this message at 06:05 on Dec 29, 2023

That Little Demon
Dec 3, 2020

got a main bitch. got a mistress. a couple girlfriends-im so hood rich
Season One Trophies

Season 2 Trophies

That Little Demon fucked around with this message at 18:11 on Jan 20, 2023

Apr 30, 2011

Mega Man X
: Finish the game
: Find all the Armor Upgrades
: Find all Sub Tanks and Heart Tanks
: Hadouken!

: Awaken Mulbruk
: Defeat four Guardians
: Fill every slot in your inventory
: Find the La-Mulana software/Maze of Galious ROM
: Beat the game
: Beat Hell Temple (PLATINUM)

: Defeat the Spider Queen
: Defeat Crimson Helm
: Defeat Orochi
: Defeat Ninetails

The Legend of Zelda
: Get the White Sword
: Beat the first quest
: Reach Ganon swordless in either quest (PLATINUM)

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
: Confront and defeat Agahnim at the top of Hyrule Castle
: Get all the heart containers
: Beat the game
: Reach Ganon without using a sword (PLATINUM)

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
: Beat the game
: Beat the game by going directly to Hyrule Castle after leaving the Great Plateau (PLATINUM)

Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition
: Beat one map in Adventure Mode

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
: Complete the prologue (open the second door in the Temple of Time)
: Get the Master Sword
: Unlock every hand ability
: Fully map the surface
: Unlock all 4 Great Fairy fountains
: Fully map the Depths (PLATINUM)
: Complete all shrines (PLATINUM)
: Beat the game

Soul Blazer
: Lay Turbo to rest (obtain the Leaves of GreenWood)
: Obtain the Magic Bell
: Find every Sword/Armor/Magic
: Defeat Lord Deathtoll

: Find the Dwemer Puzzle Box
: Cure your Corprus Disease
: Create a Morrowind mod for IZGC
: Build a faction stronghold
: Find every one of every Daedric Armor piece (All 3 Helmets) (PLATINUM)
: Become Hortator
: Attune Wraithguard with Vivec dead (PLATINUM)
: Defeat Dagoth Ur

Gitaroo Man
: Defeat Ben-K twice
: Beat the game

Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
: Defeat Brachyura
: Find Konami Man, Twinbee and Vic Viper
: Rescue all 13 villagers
: Complete every villager quest
: Complete the Large Cavern and Training Hall
: Beat the game

: Beat any game of your choice
: Beat a second game of your choice

Fungah! fucked around with this message at 21:17 on Dec 22, 2023

That Little Demon
Dec 3, 2020

got a main bitch. got a mistress. a couple girlfriends-im so hood rich
Poor loving Impo getting the atomiswave 1998 flash treatment

Apr 17, 2007


Mega Man X (SNES)

: Finish the game
: Find all the Armor Upgrades
: Find all Sub Tanks and Heart Tanks
: Hadouken!


Freedom Force (PC)

: Beat Pinstripe
: Create and post a custom character
: Complete the game
: Complete the campaign with at least one custom character in your squad


La-Mulana (PC)

: Awaken Mulbruk


Max Payne (PC)

: Beat the game
: Defeat the Trio (Pilate Providence, Joe Salem, and Vince Mugnaio)
: Beat New York Minute mode


Gundam Side Story 0079 (Dreamcast)

: Blow an enemy's head off without killing them


Pikmin 2 (Gamecube)

: Pay off the debt


Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere (PSX)

: Beat the game (See one ending)
: Complete a full route on Hard


Out Zone (Arcade)

: Clear the first loop


Jet Set Radio (Dreamcast)

: Complete Chapter 1



: Beat the game
: Complete the prologue (open the second door in the Temple of Time)

: Solve all Micross puzzles


Soul Blazer (SNES)

: Lay Turbo to rest (obtain the Leaves of GreenWood)


TES III: Morrowind (PC)

: Find the Dwemer Puzzle Box
: Cure your Corprus Disease
: Become Hortator
: Defeat Dagoth Ur
: Defeat Almalexia
: Defeat Hircine
: Defeat King Helseth
: Build a faction stronghold
: Kill a vampire as a werewolf
: Create a Morrowind mod for IZGC
: Play another imp's mod and post about it in the thread


Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (PC)

: Rob the Panama Bank
: Complete the game
: Beat the game with no kills
: Beat the game with no alarms and without being detected (PLATINUM)


Gitaroo Man (PS2)

: Defeat Ben-K twice


Yakuza (PS2)

: Finish Chapter 1


Shadowrun (Genesis)

: Have Spirit Eyes identify the killer
: Get the Renraku map overlay
: Complete the Sinsearach tests
: Beat the game
: Permanently hire a full crew



: Beat The Ultimate Doom
: Beat Doom II
: Beat Imp Zone (1 level, 1994)
: Beat Imp Zone 2 (1 level, 1994)
: Beat epic.wad (5 levels, 2007)
: Beat Glaive (9 levels, 2018)
: Beat Lunatic (5 levels, 2011)
: Beat Tangerine Nightmare (10 levels, 2018)
: Beat Sucker Punch 2 (9 levels, 2021)
: Beat Overboard (6 levels, 2022)
: Beat Crumpets (9 levels, 2015)
: Beat Water Spirit (3 levels, 2017)
: Make a working door in Doom Builder
: Make a complete level in Doom Builder
: Play another Imp's level
: Beat the Imp Pack


Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader (Gamecube)

: Beat the Battle of Hoth
: Beat Triumph of the Empire
: Beat the game


Skies of Arcadia Legends (Gamecube)

: Defeat Recumen


Last Alert (TurboGrafx-16)

: Reach the rank of Major
: Reach the rank of Super Hero
: Beat the game


Impmas 2023

: Beat any game of your choice
: Beat a second game of your choice


Sub-Actuality fucked around with this message at 18:52 on Dec 30, 2023

Apr 30, 2011

Sub-Actuality posted:

Welcome to the Imp Zone Game Club - Season 2. Somehow we've been doing this for a whole year!

IZGC Season 1 Thread

IZGC Rules:
  • Your first post in this thread will be your Trophy Case - when you earn a trophy, grab it from the IZGC website and you can add it to your first post.

  • Games and trophies are chosen by active IZGC members, who are picked randomly from a determination list each round. When the list is exhausted, it starts again and new members are added.

  • Generally speaking it's encouraged to pick games that are relatively easy to emulate for as many imps as possible, and that don't take an extremely long time to finish.

  • Here's the list of games chosen in Season 1.

  • Platinum trophies are awarded for completing especially difficult challenges. They count the same as regular trophies on the leaderboards (except in the event of a tie) but they are shiny and worthy of boasting.
The IZGC website is meant to make trophy copying+pasting easier. Each IZGC member also gets their own trophy case which is automatically* updated with every trophy earned, and there's a leaderboard to track everyone's progress, and some cool web links.

*manually updated by the OP when I get a chance

Game details and links will go in the post below. Happy new year to all imps!


Nov 2, 2014

Sub-Actuality posted:


Impmas has ended and the imps have spoken: Impo will die.

We thought maybe warming him up in the microwave would thaw him out but well

A very special Impmas message from Impo himself:

Anyway to make absolutely sure he really is dead, you can kill Impo in DOOM as many times as you like:


Impo will live on in all our hearts, but thankfully a short series of daily injections is effective.


holy poo poo dude

Lunchmeat Larry
Nov 3, 2012

Reserved for an updated version of impo.esp my stupid Morrowind mod unless my fiancee tells me to stop

Jul 22, 2011

Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

Sub-Actuality posted:


Impmas has ended and the imps have spoken: Impo will die.

We thought maybe warming him up in the microwave would thaw him out but well

A very special Impmas message from Impo himself:

Anyway to make absolutely sure he really is dead, you can kill Impo in DOOM as many times as you like:


Impo will live on in all our hearts, but thankfully a short series of daily injections is effective.



Jul 26, 2007

reserved for trophy case

copy fucked around with this message at 01:21 on Dec 17, 2023

That Little Demon
Dec 3, 2020

got a main bitch. got a mistress. a couple girlfriends-im so hood rich
Reserving this spot as well just in case I need more room for trophies this year as well

Jul 26, 2007

Sub-Actuality posted:


Impmas has ended and the imps have spoken: Impo will die.

We thought maybe warming him up in the microwave would thaw him out but well

A very special Impmas message from Impo himself:

Anyway to make absolutely sure he really is dead, you can kill Impo in DOOM as many times as you like:


Impo will live on in all our hearts, but thankfully a short series of daily injections is effective.


lmfao badass. looking forward to some gaming titan clearing megaman x before the sun rises today

Jun 28, 2002

rail slut

welcome fucked around with this message at 15:16 on Jan 3, 2023

Jul 26, 2007

That Little Demon posted:

Reserving this spot as well just in case I need more room for trophies this year as well


Evil Eagle
Nov 5, 2009

Trophy Case:

Evil Eagle fucked around with this message at 00:46 on Jan 1, 2024

Punished Chuck
Dec 27, 2010

Punished Chuck fucked around with this message at 00:17 on Dec 27, 2023

Lunchmeat Larry
Nov 3, 2012

Ashes to ashes
Imps kill Impo
We know the vile blob's death is good yo
strung out on imp zone love
eating a loving curb

Punished Chuck
Dec 27, 2010

Sub-Actuality posted:


Impmas has ended and the imps have spoken: Impo will die.

We thought maybe warming him up in the microwave would thaw him out but well

A very special Impmas message from Impo himself:

Anyway to make absolutely sure he really is dead, you can kill Impo in DOOM as many times as you like:


Impo will live on in all our hearts, but thankfully a short series of daily injections is effective.


lmfao. Good riddance to the freak

grieving for Gandalf
Apr 22, 2008

reserved so I can play the first two games and then feel ashamed for being too busy to keep up with it

grieving for Gandalf fucked around with this message at 21:02 on Jun 10, 2023

Sep 7, 2018

herculon fucked around with this message at 00:37 on Dec 17, 2023

Jul 26, 2007

lmfao this rulsse

Apr 30, 2011

Lunchmeat Larry posted:

Ashes to ashes
Imps kill Impo
We know the vile blob's death is good yo
strung out on imp zone love
eating a loving curb

Apr 30, 2012
Trophy case

sourdough fucked around with this message at 22:47 on Aug 10, 2023

Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002


Apr 30, 2012

Sub-Actuality posted:


Impmas has ended and the imps have spoken: Impo will die.

We thought maybe warming him up in the microwave would thaw him out but well

A very special Impmas message from Impo himself:

Anyway to make absolutely sure he really is dead, you can kill Impo in DOOM as many times as you like:


Impo will live on in all our hearts, but thankfully a short series of daily injections is effective.



sourdough fucked around with this message at 06:38 on Jan 1, 2023

absolutely anything
Dec 28, 2006

~As for dreams, she has enough and more to spare~
trophy case post

absolutely anything fucked around with this message at 05:49 on Jan 1, 2024

absolutely anything
Dec 28, 2006

~As for dreams, she has enough and more to spare~

Sub-Actuality posted:


Impmas has ended and the imps have spoken: Impo will die.

We thought maybe warming him up in the microwave would thaw him out but well

A very special Impmas message from Impo himself:

Anyway to make absolutely sure he really is dead, you can kill Impo in DOOM as many times as you like:


Impo will live on in all our hearts, but thankfully a short series of daily injections is effective.


lmfao. game club ftw, again

Mar 6, 2007

It was like she was evicting walking garbage.
i want to gameclub

Megaman X (1/1/23-1/10/23)

: Finish the game
: Find all the Armor Upgrades
: Find all Sub Tanks and Heart Tanks
: Hadouken!

MotU fucked around with this message at 10:04 on Jan 1, 2023

Jul 22, 2011
Impo will have his revenge.

Lunchmeat Larry
Nov 3, 2012

If I should fall from grace with Imps
Where Sub himself can't relieve me
If I'm probied 'neath the threads
But the lurkers won't receive me

Kill Impo, boys
Kill Impo, boys
Let me go down with the blob
Where the threads have all run dry

Arch Nemesis
Mar 27, 2007

Trophy Case: Season Two
The Summer of Zelda:

Arch Nemesis fucked around with this message at 04:16 on Dec 29, 2023

Apr 30, 2012

Arrhythmia posted:

Impo will have his revenge.

absolutely anything
Dec 28, 2006

~As for dreams, she has enough and more to spare~

MotU posted:

i want to gameclub

i have good news; you can play mega man x right now


Aug 13, 2012

: Finish the game
: Find all the Armor Upgrades
: Find all Sub Tanks and Heart Tanks
: Hadouken!

mbt fucked around with this message at 08:11 on Jan 1, 2023

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