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Aug 13, 2012

: Finish the game
: Find all the Armor Upgrades
: Find all Sub Tanks and Heart Tanks
: Hadouken!

mbt fucked around with this message at 08:11 on Jan 1, 2023


Aug 13, 2012

: Finish the game
: Find all the Armor Upgrades
: Find all Sub Tanks and Heart Tanks
: Hadouken!

watching cary grant movies with my wife and playing mmx. a great start to 2023

Aug 13, 2012

I didnt even know he was sick

Aug 13, 2012

In Training posted:

Its a made up playground tier rumor but real.

Aug 13, 2012

Pablo Nergigante posted:

Wtf is this filter.

Aug 13, 2012

Lunchmeat Larry posted:

I have no idea how you're supposed to deal with octopus when he parks right next to you and emits homing piranhas or whatever

The boomerang power can cut his arms off

Aug 13, 2012

I would pick smt 1

Aug 13, 2012

I did my playthrough buster only but I didnt make a big deal about it...its not very hard

Aug 13, 2012

Praying for jrpg

Aug 13, 2012

gently caress yes.

Aug 13, 2012

In Training posted:

Actually it's to cement internet tribalism and lay the seeds for some burgeoning half decade long grudges that eventually culminate in an IRL harassment incident. Cheers.

Aug 13, 2012

Aug 13, 2012

Pablo Nergigante posted:

For some reason I jsut thought of the scene in It's a Wonderful Life where the drunk and grieving pharmacist is making pills and accidentally fills them from a big bottle that just says POISON on it

maybe he thought they were french fish oil pills

Aug 13, 2012

Alaois posted:

play DDS for the game club, and also play Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. for yourself


i started with smt1 and think thats a good starting point too. probably depends on how much you hate dungeon crawlers though.

Aug 13, 2012

Dont forget to activate the dlc for the hd version of nocturne. I played a few hours before realizing it

Aug 13, 2012

just realized the otacon clock app file is called alerm.txt lol

Aug 13, 2012

I wouldnt be mad if sub forced month 2 to be dds2 and allowed trophies to carry over

Aug 13, 2012

i feel like i got too many cte injuries as a kid but i really like fireman's theme. the rhythmic buzzing feels like a weird quirk they found early on that they decided to make a song with. would have been better for elec man.

Aug 13, 2012


Aug 13, 2012

symbolic posted:

: Finish the game

i never once was able to activate the Hadouken in a fight despite being able to do it while alone which is why i used all four full e-tanks in the final Sigma stage and still only escaped with like three bars of health. earlygame was somewhat frustrating since this was my first Megaman game ever but once i was able to get the mechanics and movement down it all ended up clicking and becoming a drat good thrill ride

You have to be at full health for the hadouken fyi lol

Aug 13, 2012

someone remade an x3 song using the genesis soundchip (probably not actually the chip, but similar enough)

Aug 13, 2012

: Defeat Cerberus
: Beat the game

I wasn't sure if you kill the optional bosses and start a new game if you have to re-beat them again anyway (if you don't master their mantras) so i held off on all of them for now. final boss is a chump.

advice - in the wrecked ship make sure you place things once per floor. dont get up to the 9th floor and have to go back through each floor like i did :)

Aug 13, 2012

sourdough posted:

: Beat the game

: Defeat Metatron

: Defeat the Four Guardian Beasts

: Defeat Huang Long

Huang Long was the worst, seemed impossible when I first tried then still like 30 minutes long once I knew what to do

Time to do it all one more time :letsgo:

lol god drat good poo poo. i'm excited to see all the optional content in the game now. going to be grinding and noise farming tomorrow :cheers:

Aug 13, 2012

theres a mantra called wikipedia and i don't know why. is there a real mantra called wikipedia?

Aug 13, 2012

before you level too much i heard a cool strat for demifiend.

pick the two people you want in your party and the second you get to the luck/magic noise farming areas max both of those stats. then the AI will only put stats into str/agi/vit which are much more of a pain in the rear end to farm

Aug 13, 2012

cerberus is like 80% through the game btw lol

Aug 13, 2012

Arch Nemesis posted:

There is no way I'm going for demifiend lol. I looked that fight up and it appears to be for true psychos only, even disregarding needing to grind all the way through NG+

its considered one of, or the, hardest jrpg fight ever. even knowing all of the tricks and AI bugs its an hour long jrpg battle at the whim of rng

Aug 13, 2012

null charm prevents the user from being charmed
null poison prevents the user from being poisoned
null sleep causes the user to evade all attacks while sleeping

Aug 13, 2012

Martman posted:

null tv and null beer make homer something something

Pablo Nergigante posted:

MARGE: Go crazy?
HOMER: Don’t mind if I do!!!! *casts Psycho Rage and crits entire party for lethal*


Aug 13, 2012

: Defeat Fly Beelzebub
: Defeat Metatron
: Defeat the Four Guardian Beasts
: Defeat Huang Long

demifiend awaits (after i farm more hp essences)

i think im going to hit 99 lol

Aug 13, 2012

idk how you do most of the platforming sections without the armadillo shell

Aug 13, 2012

That Little Demon posted:

where are you farming at? nothing gives good exp for me anymore at level 60

the tunnels by where you fight fly beelz. titania gives good karma/money, isis drops mp noise, arahabakis drop vital noise

Aug 13, 2012

oh yeah for anyone else going for demifiend don't waste your time with null elemental/null all/null phys etc, if you have any null skills besides null crit and null sleep demifiend gaea rages for 10000 damage lol

Aug 13, 2012

sourdough posted:


Did you do the magic/vit/luck noise farm for the rest of the party or just play it normally and let them level? I'm farming magic noise solo at level 60 with everyone else around level 30 and trying to decide how obsessive to get lol

luck/magic only, really. you can get a ton of lucks very easily. those i did solo, the magic farm i kind of stopped caring but i still plan on finishing that out. serph is going to be 99 for sure, i want my other 2 at least in the 90s. vit noise farming is for the insane, but arahabakis are just barely common enough that i can see getting quite a few of those too. str/agi is unfarmable.

Aug 13, 2012

Sub-Actuality posted:

ice, the natural enemy of electricity

ice doesn't conduct electricity

Aug 13, 2012

American McGay posted:


Aug 13, 2012

lol good poo poo. my record is 50 before i got bored and had to take a break. farming while watchign 90 day fiance shows with your wife ftw

Aug 13, 2012

Arrhythmia posted:

How the gently caress do I emulate a saturn game. this
run mednafen once and close it
find a saturn bios named Bios Saturn 1.01a (U).bin and rename it to mpr-17933.bin and put it in a folder named 'firmware' in your mednafen install
download the rom iso and drag the .cue file to mednafen.exe
press f1 to see the command options, press alt+shift+1 to configure player 1 controls
crushing every linux dev who hates guis on a big hydraulic press is optional but recommended

Aug 13, 2012

I got the tude now posted:

Sounds like a challenge but you can probably imagine a girl at the same time

welcome posted:

: Jacked off to the hydraulic press



Aug 13, 2012

: Configured Saturn Emulator (PLATINUM)

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