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Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

Pablo’s 🏆 case

Pablo Nergigante fucked around with this message at 17:48 on Dec 30, 2023


Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

Sub-Actuality posted:


Impmas has ended and the imps have spoken: Impo will die.

We thought maybe warming him up in the microwave would thaw him out but well

A very special Impmas message from Impo himself:

Anyway to make absolutely sure he really is dead, you can kill Impo in DOOM as many times as you like:


Impo will live on in all our hearts, but thankfully a short series of daily injections is effective.



Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002


Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

Sub-Actuality posted:

I'm still fixing some minor details on the site update but almost everything is uploaded now. You should see shiny cards on your trophy cases commemorating your Season 1 totals and linking to your 2022 trophy case like this:

Now that we have final totals I'm going to be making signature-sized versions of these for all IZGC imps


Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002


Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

Leadthumb posted:

Try setting up two rockband bass pedals for jump and that dash respectively. Your inputs will never be eaten that way, and you'll really feel immersed in the rock and roll fueled world of Mega Man X!

Sub-Actuality posted:

What are some good SNES games that work well with a controller?

In Training posted:

Its a made up playground tier rumor but real.


Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

welcome posted:

: Finish the game
: Find all the Armor Upgrades
: Find all Sub Tanks and Heart Tanks
: Hadouken!

I fell off the NES series after 3 and never played the sequels to X until recently but I played the crap out of X. Just like every time I've ever gotten the Hadouken, I only managed to land it on Sigma and his dog.

Wtf is this filter.

Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

When you got games like Mega Man in them, you can't lose

Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

Sub-Actuality posted:

I am figuring out some way to make Arch's idea from a while back work too by the way - having our normal game pick, plus a simultaneous long-term game pick running at the same time, for 20+ hour rpgs and stuff like that. I like the idea, would mean imps get to choose more often too

That’s a cool idea

Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

grieving for Gandalf posted:

how long is Mega Man Legends, I haven't played it in forever

Like 8 hours or so iirc

Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

That Little Demon posted:

Also you won’t get on the list if I loving hate you lol

Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

symbolic posted:

this was probably already posted but i just noticed it now and lmao


Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

The end of Synecdoche NY but it’s sub-actuality telling Impo to die

Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

The Kins posted:

saw this weird message after leaving the game idling for like fifteen minutes after the credits rolled, though. not sure what this is about. bad rom dump? :shrug:


Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

Flame Mammoth is the only stage I have left and then I’ll wrap up the last few tanks/hearts and get the hadouken before tackling sigma… I’ve never gotten the hadouken in this game before

Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

That Little Demon posted:

Oh boy! Sonic the dark brotherhood!

Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

: Finish the game
: Find all the Armor Upgrades
: Find all Sub Tanks and Heart Tanks
: Hadouken!

I’ve played this game a million times but this is the first time I’ve ever 100%ed it. I hadoukened the first two forms of the final boss which kicked rear end

Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002


Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002


Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

Sub-Actuality posted:

Game 2-2

Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga (PS2) - 2005 - Deadline 1/31/23 11:59EST

Digital Devil Saga follows the Embryon, a tribe who fights against five other tribes in a digital world called the Junkyard. After being infected with a demon virus that grants them demonic powers, the Embryon must fight with and devour the other tribes to ascend to "Nirvana".

Digital Devil Saga began development pre-2002 under the working title New Goddess. The game's concept and original draft were written by Japanese author Yu Godai, who collaborated with Atlus scriptwriter Tadashi Satomi until withdrawing from the project for health issues. The gameplay concept of characters transforming into demons was based on an unused idea for Shin Megami Tensei.

It's SMT, soundtrack is obviously great:

Link to the game manual:

Trophies for this month:

: Beat the game
: Defeat Cerberus
: Defeat Fly Beelzebub
: Defeat Metatron
: Defeat Huang Long
: Defeat the Demi-Fiend (PLATINUM)
: Defeat the Four Guardian Beasts

Game starts NOW

Thanks for the pick EE and good luck imps!

Lol awesome. I had a playthrough going a while back but I guess I’m starting over

Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

I’ll be playing an original copy on real hardware.

Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

Not only will I beat DDS, I will go to dental school and get my DDS by the end of the month

Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

symbolic posted:

hmmm. ive decided to throw a brick at EE's skull

It’s super effective!

Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

copy posted:

*pokedex voice* evil eagle: dog type pokemon


Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

Impo! He’s an Impo!!! Fifty years ago we’d have you hanging upside down voting on your fate

Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

Sub ftw

Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

I beat the first dungeon in DDS. This game kicks as much rear end as I remember

Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

Plebian Parasite posted:

me @ the publix deli


Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

I’m getting hungry now, I might have to get a sub for lunch tomorrow. Where I live they call it a “wedge” and soon I’m gonna be moving to a state where they call them “grinders”. Extremely hosed up terms

Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

P-Mack posted:

Piggly Wiggly was the innovator of the modern grocery store, before Piggly people would give a list and have the store clerk gather their items for them. Piggly invented the self-serve system where customers browse the aisles themselves and bring their goods to a dedicated checkout lane.

For some reason I jsut thought of the scene in It's a Wonderful Life where the drunk and grieving pharmacist is making pills and accidentally fills them from a big bottle that just says POISON on it

Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

absolutely anything posted:

well you should play nocturne because its one of the coolest games ever made. but also yeah its not related


Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

welcome posted:

Is Nocturne a good place to start with regular SMT?


Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

I didn't have much problem with Bospider

Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

mbt posted:

just realized the otacon clock app file is called alerm.txt lol


Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

The Sigma levels definitely feel like an afterthought especially compared to some of the Wily levels in the main series

Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002


Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

ArfJason posted:

i dont like the instrumentation (always thought the snes kinda sounded like rear end) but spark mandrill is one of the best songs in any game ever

Capcom used a weird soundfont and lots of effects like gated reverb that always made their SNES soundtracks sound kinda off even when the compositions were good

Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

elf help book posted:

why does he merge with his dog

Playtime is starting.


Pablo Nergigante
Apr 16, 2002

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