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Dec 27, 2003

Agile Vector posted:

second life finds a way

thread title imo


Oct 31, 2015


it rules watching literal billionaires devolve into raving 4chan incels

and by it rules I mean we're all doomed

Cold on a Cob
Feb 6, 2006

i've seen so much, i'm going blind
and i'm brain dead virtually

College Slice
the funniest part is those guys will absolutely be the eunuch slaves of some warlord if poo poo ever hits the fan the way doomers think it will it will

Chris Knight
Jun 5, 2002

me @ ur posts

Fun Shoe

mystes posted:

Second waifu
Second waifu finds a way

Cold on a Cob
Feb 6, 2006

i've seen so much, i'm going blind
and i'm brain dead virtually

College Slice
can you imagine elon stuttering out commands and then some guy built like a brick shithouse just walks over and slaps the poo poo out of him?

they love to talk about how people today are "pussies" but they're absolutely softer than even most of us

Jul 18, 2009

I'm looking for the man who shot my paw.

can't wait to see some longshoreman named "Derf" force Andreesson to wear a gimp suit and dance around for his ravagers entertainment

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts

Aug 15, 2005

Toilet Rascal

thank you for contributing to maintenance of the government infrastructure you just used

Carthag Tuek
Oct 15, 2005

Tider skal komme,
tider skal henrulle,
slægt skal følge slægters gang

Agile Vector posted:

second life finds a way

Jun 28, 2005

lol it tells you to call 311 if you wanna complain :discourse:

Oct 31, 2015


he HAD TO take an uber because of VERY IMPORTANT zoom calls

Aug 15, 2005

Toilet Rascal
they have wifi on trains now

Oct 31, 2015


can't have the peasants on the train hear my VERY IMPORTANT AND PRIVATE ZOOM CALL

Oct 31, 2015


it's ok for the uber driver to hear it though because I don't acknowledge their existence

Shame Boy
Mar 2, 2010

i didn't know uber even let you book trips that long, huh

can i have an uber driver haul me all the way across the country?

Jan 28, 2008

BMan posted:

can't have the peasants on the train hear my VERY IMPORTANT AND PRIVATE ZOOM CALL

you just know he’d start it in the quiet car

Mar 18, 2003

You can't spell 'vector field' without me, Professor!

tried to tailgate into a tech recruiting event just now, but was turned away because I wasn't wearing a collared shirt and trousers :argh:

Achmed Jones
Oct 16, 2004

trying to go into functions like that without pants is a crapshoot at best

basically i have bad news about your utilikilt

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.

Shame Boy posted:

i didn't know uber even let you book trips that long, huh

can i have an uber driver haul me all the way across the country?

you can request most any ride - drivers don't have to accept it. you can definitely get ones that will drive you 45 minutes or so. i've done so for a brief period as a lawyer when i didn't have a car and i needed to get to the courthouse in the neighboring county for a hearing.

Aug 15, 2005

Toilet Rascal
yeah uber is still ostensibly a market/job board. no one is compelled to accept any given ride, because they're independent contractors*. you're free to post a 72-hour cross-country trip and the drivers are free to ignore it


Pinterest Mom
Jun 9, 2009

remember when Facebook added status updates to Instagram, but only visible from the messages screen

Jul 14, 2021

The brightest souls can burn out in an instant, and even a pathetic, feeble spark can grow brilliant in time.

Shame Boy posted:

y'know i hate when anyone uses the term 'waifu' but i hate it when dumpy middle-aged dudes use it the most i think

what about when i became actual waifu radia for a few months

Jul 18, 2009

I'm looking for the man who shot my paw.

Lady Radia posted:

what about when i became actual waifu radia for a few months

did u get dumped already for another more titillating waifu?

Chris Knight
Jun 5, 2002

me @ ur posts

Fun Shoe

Lady Radia posted:

what about when i became actual waifu radia for a few months
nah that was p great

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch

this fuckin guy

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch

Roosevelt posted:

can't wait to see some longshoreman named "Derf" force Andreesson to wear a gimp suit and dance around for his ravagers entertainment

sadly, Derf passed away back in 2010

Feb 15, 2001

I still don’t get what all the phrenology racist brainlords think should be done about the white birth “crisis,” I’ve never seen one of them advocate for making it less financially ruinous to have a kid, or for healthcare outcomes for pregnant people to improve

In fact it looks suspiciously like the exact system that makes people choose between having a career and a family and uses massive gender and age discrimination to disincentive babies is the one that made them all wealthy in the first place

Dripp Pisso
Nov 6, 2007

Resist the siren call of rhinocerosness

College Slice
Childcare being higher than mortgage/rent aint helping.

Jul 18, 2009

I'm looking for the man who shot my paw.

rotor posted:

sadly, Derf passed away back in 2010

i actually went to school with a kid named Derf irl. i think he ended up being a smokejumper captain or something equally badass

pseudorandom name
May 6, 2007

qirex posted:

I still don’t get what all the phrenology racist brainlords think should be done about the white birth “crisis,” I’ve never seen one of them advocate for making it less financially ruinous to have a kid, or for healthcare outcomes for pregnant people to improve

In fact it looks suspiciously like the exact system that makes people choose between having a career and a family and uses massive gender and age discrimination to disincentive babies is the one that made them all wealthy in the first place

they want to kill all the brown people OP

Aug 15, 2005

Toilet Rascal

qirex posted:

I still don’t get what all the phrenology racist brainlords think should be done about the white birth “crisis,” I’ve never seen one of them advocate for making it less financially ruinous to have a kid, or for healthcare outcomes for pregnant people to improve

In fact it looks suspiciously like the exact system that makes people choose between having a career and a family and uses massive gender and age discrimination to disincentive babies is the one that made them all wealthy in the first place

who said anything about making women want to have babies? sounds like you think women have minds and rights and agency, like some kind of beta manlet

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts

rotor posted:

sadly, Derf passed away back in 2010

derf is alive, friend

Luigi Thirty
Apr 30, 2006

Emergency confection port.

qirex posted:

I still don’t get what all the phrenology racist brainlords think should be done about the white birth “crisis,” I’ve never seen one of them advocate for making it less financially ruinous to have a kid, or for healthcare outcomes for pregnant people to improve

In fact it looks suspiciously like the exact system that makes people choose between having a career and a family and uses massive gender and age discrimination to disincentive babies is the one that made them all wealthy in the first place

ban soy, put testosterone in the water supply, make women into tradwives

fart simpson
Jul 2, 2005


Shame Boy posted:

i didn't know uber even let you book trips that long, huh

can i have an uber driver haul me all the way across the country?

chinese ridesharing apps have a special mode for this and people actually use it. normally its like, a dude has to drive 15 hours to another city anyway so why not let a couple strangers ride along for $100 each or w/e. ive used it a few times to get places when train tickets were already sold out

my wife and i just did this for a 15 hour drive back to shenzhen a few weeks ago. it cost us about $100 plus the driver asked everyone to chip in for tolls and he also picked up 2 other guys going the same way, all through a ridesharing app

Chris Knight
Jun 5, 2002

me @ ur posts

Fun Shoe

bob dobbs is dead
Oct 8, 2017

I love peeps
Nap Ghost
the actual thing to do for copilot is to sit around and wait for the lawsuit barrage to be finished and judicial opinions to come out imo

Dec 27, 2004

Don't ask me lady, I live in beer

fart simpson posted:

chinese ridesharing apps have a special mode for this and people actually use it. normally its like, a dude has to drive 15 hours to another city anyway so why not let a couple strangers ride along for $100 each or w/e. ive used it a few times to get places when train tickets were already sold out
i used one in france in 2010 and could not manage to pronounce the name “covoiturage” in a french accent. apparently still going but have rebranded blablacar, lol

infernal machines
Oct 11, 2012

we monitor many frequencies. we listen always. came a voice, out of the babel of tongues, speaking to us. it played us a mighty dub.

microsoft: we will resolutely double down on deploying this worthless bullshit everywhere

as predicted, there is no level of failure that will prevent them from cramming their gpt engine into every single product line they own, whether or not it even makes any sense as a feature

Aug 15, 2005

Toilet Rascal
bing, write me a presentation that will convince the HR AI to promote me


Mar 5, 2005

Milk's on them.

infernal machines posted:

microsoft: we will resolutely double down on deploying this worthless bullshit everywhere

as predicted, there is no level of failure that will prevent them from cramming their gpt engine into every single product line they own, whether or not it even makes any sense as a feature

it’s not about product, feature, or sense. it’s about money. future bagholders see chatgpt and spew dollar signs everywhere, so don’t think about it too hard and just grift

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