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World Famous W
May 25, 2007

i quick read the article, may have missed it, does it state the percentage of younger folks who have a savings/retirement plan that they can invest more in?

also, im sure social security will be there for me, just it won't be enough to keep me from working till the day I die in a restaurants freezer


World Famous W
May 25, 2007


Ringo Star Get posted:

I just want to say drinking dairy milk is gross and I hope it dies out and I’m glad they’re freaking out over people not drinking it enough. It’s just wet white fluid and does a lot of harm to the environment. Oat milk all the way.
it's tasty

going to kill the world, but it's tasty

World Famous W
May 25, 2007


who wants to live forever sober

World Famous W fucked around with this message at 16:42 on Apr 5, 2023

World Famous W
May 25, 2007

as long as they don't tell me chugging these bottles of cough syrups ain't healthy, we're gold

World Famous W
May 25, 2007

im drinking milk and alcohol right now, take that health nuts!

i regret mixing them, but i think ive proved my point

World Famous W
May 25, 2007

im sure switching parties will resolve being heckled in public and keep lobbyists from calling your family

World Famous W
May 25, 2007

read the article, it's seems like it just adds an extra step


Weighing in on the highly charged debate about transgender athletes and school sports, the Biden administration’s proposal would make “categorically” banning all transgender students from teams that are consistent with their gender identities a violation of Title IX, which prohibits sex discrimination at educational institutions that receive federal funding.

But it would also allow K-12 schools and universities to limit the participation of transgender students when including them could undermine “fairness in competition” or potentially lead to sports-related injuries.
just got to make the case for them one by one


It would be up to schools to navigate how, exactly, the restrictions would be applied. The Education Department advised that schools would have to assess the age of students, the level of the competition, as well as the nature of the sport itself. The impact may be different, for example, in track versus badminton.

still seems lovely :shrug:

World Famous W
May 25, 2007

i can only speak for early internet furries, but it was a safe place for various lgbt people because it was such an open and accepting group. knew/know a lot of people who used furries as a social group because they grew up in an oppressive environment

World Famous W
May 25, 2007

imagine still judging* someone for eating fast food

*(for non environmental or ethical concerns)

World Famous W
May 25, 2007

just so i follow the conversation right, am i or am i not supposed to be buying guns and ammo while building up a group of resistance fighters?

am i only supposed to do this if i disagree with lesser evil voting?

World Famous W
May 25, 2007

a large part of the appeal of disney world is its in a nice subtropical beach area that is ideal for vacations

can't really take that with you if you up and move

World Famous W
May 25, 2007

i will never root for disney. most ill give is a "let them fight"

Hieronymous Alloy posted:

It also won't have anything like the same kind of climate in, oh, ten to fifteen years

There's a decent argument that DW may have to relocate *anyway* fairly soon. Might as well move up to South Carolina and get the climate that Florida had back when DW was built.
hmm, true true

World Famous W
May 25, 2007

you actually don't have to give it to giant evil corporations

World Famous W
May 25, 2007

if you're skilled labor of some sort for the bomb making factory, you kinda of suck no matter how good a parent you are

World Famous W
May 25, 2007


Name Change posted:

Come on, that can't be real.
it ain't as far as i can tell. on phone so too much of a pain in the rear end to upload pic, but a quick search showed it as a blank red cover with the giant title. very plain looking

edit: yeah, that one up above

World Famous W
May 25, 2007

attacking people with their appearance makes you look like an rear end in a top hat

whether it's a useful tactic or not, you still look like an rear end in a top hat

World Famous W
May 25, 2007


VideoGameVet posted:

Decorum will end up giving us another 4 years (or more) of Trump. Not to mention a twisted version of Gilead.
did you miss the last sentence? i have no real opinion on its usefulness, hell it could be argued that donalds acting like an rear end in a top hat helped him win back then. my only point is attacking someone with their appearance makes you look like an rear end in a top hat

World Famous W
May 25, 2007


Eric Cantonese posted:

Florida's on the verge of collapse?
depending on the time scale, everything is on the verge of collapse

World Famous W
May 25, 2007

just so y'know, imgur is not showing up at all now for a number of people so you might want to find a new host

World Famous W
May 25, 2007

sorry to hear it for her and the democrats have way to many mummies in seats of power and should be mocked for it

World Famous W
May 25, 2007

loving hell don't defend bosses getting nude before their subordinates

World Famous W
May 25, 2007


Archonex posted:

2. Reade’s friend admitted to lying to a reporter to fit Reade’s narrative. McGann spoke with one Reade friend, who told her last year that Biden had harassed Reade but had definitely not sexually assaulted her:

Last year, Reade encouraged me to speak with a friend of hers who counseled her through her time in Biden’s office in 1992 and 1993. The friend was clear about what had happened, and what hadn’t.

“On the scale of other things we heard, and I feel ashamed, but it wasn’t that bad. [Biden] never tried to kiss her directly. He never went for one of those touches. It was one of those, ‘sorry you took it that way.’ I know that is very hard to explain,” the friend told me. She went on: “What was creepy was that it was always in front of people.”

After Reade changed her allegation, McGann circled back to the friend, who explained that she had said something the friend knew to be false because Reade “wanted to leave a layer there”:

I spoke with Reade’s friend again this week. She said that Reade had told her about the alleged assault the week it happened in 1993. I asked the friend why, then, did she volunteer so explicitly that Biden “never tried to kiss her” or touch her inappropriately. “It just organically rolled out that way,” the friend said. “[Reade] and I had many conversations a year ago about what her degree of comfort was. She wanted to leave a layer there, and I did not want to betray that. It just wasn’t my place.”

Omitting a relevant detail to protect your friend is one thing. Adding false detail is another.

PBS NewsHour’s report turns up several more problems.
im getting worked up, so ill just address 2 there. It seems to be saying her friend didnt stop believing her or that Reade changed what Reade told her, but that she only admitted to the reporter what Reade was at the moment comfortable revealing. Not really

Archonex posted:

, and her friends later admitted that they were pressured by Reade to lie on her behalf corroborating her claims that Biden was handsy with her in public so Reade could set up a "layered" story she could unveil later on after Reade changed the nature of her allegations.

World Famous W
May 25, 2007


Archonex posted:

But there is just so much poo poo with this person that you really should be demanding more evidence before taking her word at face value.
from the very same politico article you posted


A former neighbor, however, told Business Insider that Reade spoke of the assault in the mid-1990s. A work colleague from around the same time told the publication that Reade complained to her of sexual harassment in Biden’s office. A document filed by Reade’s ex-husband in 1996 also states that Reade had complained of harassment.

From the Vox article the nymag article pulled from


When we spoke a year ago, Reade told me the only named sources she could give me were her deceased mother and the friend I spoke to. A recently uncovered tape of her mom on Larry King Live appears to corroborate Reade’s claim that she was struggling in Biden’s office in 1993, but does not include an assault allegation.

World Famous W
May 25, 2007


Archonex posted:

Yeah, there's way too many people being lovely trolls or bad faith arguers to continue this discussion. Still trying to process Fister's nonsense about how she only lied about one thing when in reality it was so much more than that.
I've posted in nothing but good faith and think calling those posts rape apologia is fair

World Famous W
May 25, 2007


TheDisreputableDog posted:

It’s impossible to internally reconcile the zero tolerance culture when it comes to which games you play, where you shop, or what industry you work for with “I voted for a rapist”.
are you really comparing the moral calculus of pursrchasing a recreational something made by a company headed by a creep to if you'll support a creep to be a political leader of some sort?

World Famous W
May 25, 2007


Kalit posted:

Dang, I didn't realize a new thread had been created in SAD about that transphobic post earlier today and had already been resolved/moved within a handful of hours. Maybe I should give that new(-ish) subforum some credit for its efficiency!
check the last page of small question and topics

World Famous W
May 25, 2007

anecdote, but my brother and his husband hate being called queer and prefer gay, both are in the millennial age group

World Famous W
May 25, 2007

i don't know if it's still in schoolyard or whatnot since im pushing forty, but i remember in my childhood a "game" called 'smear the *****' (it very much a slur in this case) which was just an excuse to kick the poo poo out of anyone suspected. my brother grew up in that same environment so it probably has something to do with it for him

World Famous W
May 25, 2007


aw frig aw dang it posted:

shocked to read that chronic D&D posters got stuffed in a garbage can & called names
going to give you a swirlie

World Famous W
May 25, 2007

the secret was to bully the bullies before the bullies bullied you

World Famous W
May 25, 2007

there was also just general talk about the raising of trumpand in turn the raising of his s9ns

World Famous W
May 25, 2007

the ruling class all deserve to be shoved in lockers and given wedgies

World Famous W
May 25, 2007

i would love to go back to landlines so im not at beck and call to my employers/whoever 24/7

don't say screen it, they know you have that phone on you. you stare at it all day when around them

World Famous W
May 25, 2007

so when we getting the next electoralism containment thread?

If everyone else is getting to tote out their tired arguments again and again then 'don't vote for rapists'


World Famous W
May 25, 2007


Mellow Seas posted:

Personally I could've guessed your opinion of the piece without you sharing it but thank you for sharing anyway. :tipshat:.
glasses houses, stones, etc

weve all been posting together for years at this point, most of us are dug into our beliefs and politics, so no poo poo we can safely assume how constant posters will respond

World Famous W
May 25, 2007

wow, it's a schooner

World Famous W
May 25, 2007


Edgar Allen Ho posted:

gently caress, that sounds nice

happy almost fourth
buy some fireworks and blow up the sky everyone

World Famous W
May 25, 2007

all i know is more and more homeless are on the corners and the food bank has near doubled the people coming through over the last five years

if the economy is recovering, me and my neighbors ain't feeling it. this doesn't mean that the recovery is a lie, but it's hard to care when you're still broke and getting broker

World Famous W
May 25, 2007

what's a raise?


World Famous W
May 25, 2007


Mellow Seas posted:

Pretty sure it was a satire of the right wing reaction; I remember it being posted in the Political Cartoons thread. The author of that comic is a Marine but not a chud.

Really I think any military member would be incredibly honored to hold the loving President’s umbrella, even if they didn’t vote for him.
yep, the guy making it was a marine making fun of the people complaining at the time

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