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Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011

Dave called it

Thank god. Really needed some good news today.


Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011

If nothing else this is a good sign for Dems in general. They basically haven't stopped overperforming in most elections since Trump rose to power and it's reassuring to see that still happening, considering how much everything sucks right now.

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011


Gatts posted:

Don’t countries always spy on each other anyway? Even if allies?

Yes, everyone spies on everyone. But everyone pretends that they aren't spying on everyone, and everyone pretends that they don't know that everyone is spying on everyone, but know that everyone is spying on everyone. Everyone knows!

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011

Don't think that this was posted yet. Missouri is going outside of its own legislature to ban trans care for everyone, including adults. Yet another reminder that it was never actually about the kids or sports or any other bullshit excuse of theirs.

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011


TheDisreputableDog posted:

But certainly aborting female fetuses because you want a boy would be wrong?

Exercising bodily autonomy is never wrong. Getting an abortion for any reason isn't wrong. It doesn't matter if the fetus is a magically hyperintelligent fetus that can already solve quantum physics problems.

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011


Oh my god the clip is great :lol:

loving owned

Maybe stop complaining because you suck at volleyball you loving loser

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011


Jaxyon posted:

This reasoning has also been used against transgender boxers, as if getting hit in the face isn't already likely to cause an injury.

I say "boxer[s]" but honestly I don't think there's more than a few.

There is actually at least one AFAB trans boxer named Patricio Manuel. He has been struggling to get people to fight him because other male boxers are cowards that don't want to risk losing to a trans man. There is a really good ESPN article about him.

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011


WebDO posted:

Who in Utah do you imagine is smart enough to know what a VPN is but isn't smart enough to move out of that poo poo hole state?

Ah yes, because not having the resources to uproot your life and move elsewhere means you must be stupid

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011

Florida keeps getting worse. Just openly going after all trans people, including adults.

How long until more red states start passing identical bills?

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011

I'd also like to point out that in addition to everything else, this "boycott" involved chuds literally calling in bomb threats to multiple Anheuser-Busch brewing factories, so yeah I'm not terribly shocked that they tried to cool things down by walking it back

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011


I AM GRANDO posted:

You know, what even is the point of cable news at a time when breaking news shows up on people’s phones and 30% of the footage on tv news is taken from phone recordings of things people were there for?

It's for old people who don't feel like spending much time figuring out how fancy new smartphones work.

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011


haveblue posted:

Depends on how well Biden can sell GOP demands as unreasonable. He did manage to gently caress them on cutting SS/medicare

No one is going to care about any of these arguments from either side. Literally none of the talk matters. All that matters is whether or not the economy is fine around election time and who can turn out their voters in the correct areas.

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011


Orthanc6 posted:

I mean a chunk of the Republican party, including their former President and likely future Presidential candidate literally tried to overthrow the existing US Government, so them not caring at all for the well-being of the nation seems a feature, not a bug.

This is a daily reminder to not allow Trump to return to that office under any circumstances, US democracy will not survive it.

Even if Biden wins next year, a Republican is probably going to be president again sometime this decade just because of how US voters tend to switch parties every few terms for Reasons

What will we do when that happens? Hope that the GOP became less extreme by that time?

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011

Nebraska just broke their own session rules (detailed earlier in this tweet thread) to pass a bill that combines an abortion ban and a trans care ban for youth.

They just aren't stopping. This Nazi poo poo is getting passed over and over. What the gently caress do you even do when they hate women and trans people so much that they just won't let it go and will break their own rules to pass this poo poo?

For a bit of good news though, Missouri surprisingly seems to have caved and canceled their adult care ban for trans people:

I'm just so loving tired though because poo poo feels so utterly hopeless

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011


gourdcaptain posted:

I also imagine it's a great way for Republicans to further cut off LGBTA+ kids from any kind of social support online, as well as making everyone paranoid about the loss of anonymity for stuff that will get you persecuted under their government.

This bill is loving awful and this is exactly the type of poo poo that is going to happen if it gets signed into law. It's really embarrassing that any Dems are supporting it.

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011

Don't forget Laurel Hubbard, the Olympic weightlifter from New Zealand who not only didn't get a medal, she didn't even complete a lift. Like, she literally came in last.

This did not satisfy the transphobes, who proceeded to accuse her of throwing on purpose in order to increase acceptance of trans people in sports.

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011


Fork of Unknown Origins posted:

In the survey that prompted this discussion do you think most of the respondents know this? I would be curious to see the results of a survey that asked something like “Do you support allowing trans-women to compete in women’s sports, provided that they have gone through HRT and their hormone levels are the same as cis-women?” I think you’d see some shift there.

That's the problem with trying to get the general public to support trans people, this poo poo is very nuanced and you have to take a lot of time explaining it to the average person for them to get it. And because this country is so loving dumb, if you're explaining, that means you're losing. It's no wonder the chuds can just go like TRANS SPORT PERSON NO FAIR MUSCLES BONES and get most people on their side.

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011

I think that the way you beat anti-trans stuff is to sidestep the sports arguments and just attack how loving creepy and weird the chuds are on every other trans issue. They're constantly talking about policing the clothes people wear, the bathrooms they use, and sounding especially creepy when talking about the mutilation of children's genitals and how kids seeing a pride flag = grooming.

Normal people do not like hearing about that poo poo, and rightfully so. It's loving creepy. Sports are literally the only trans issue that they're making inroads with normal people on. So dodge the sports arguments.

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011


GlyphGryph posted:

How would dodging the argument help? That means they get exposed to it constantly but in a way that twists everything to make it sound worse without any pushback at all.

If its the only argument a person cares about and its driving their view on trans issues, dodging it is the absolute last thing it seems like you'd want to do.

I do not think that there's currently a way to win the sports argument, and the other poo poo that's happening to trans people is far worse and more unpopular. I feel like the best thing to do is redirect attention to everything else, because that's where chuds lose. Maybe I'm just dumb but I don't see a better way right now.

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011


Oh go straight to hell you loving Nazi creep

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011


Killer robot posted:

Except it's often literally the opposite with a large swath of the population reporting that their own financial circumstances are stable/improving while expressing deep malaise about "the economy." That's a big part of the weirdness of the current situation.

Perhaps they simultaneously recognize that while they might be fine at the moment, many people out there are not, and they could quickly join those people if they had a sudden medical emergency, got laid off unexpectedly, stuff like that? Because that's basically how I'm feeling.

edit: idk how the word field got in there

Queering Wheel fucked around with this message at 22:12 on Jun 14, 2023

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011

At this point I'm pretty sure that even Kamala Harris would beat him in a presidential election. He is such an awkward, hateful little sociopathic worm.

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011

I applied for a passport in early May, but I don't actually need to travel right now so I'm not really worried about the wait. Just getting one in case the 2024 election goes badly and I need to loving run away to not get genocided. Fun!

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011


Mellow Seas posted:

lmao, I remember that column. Let's revisit it, for laffs.

Well, he was right about the prices dropping 90%.

As a habitual cannabis user I don't even think he's wrong, necessarily, about the effects. I would be a different and perhaps "more effective" person if I didn't smoke. But I'm doing fine and it's my life, gently caress you, David Brooks.

But that's besides the point. To use broad generalizations about weed making you lazy, based on his own experience of being a dumbass, and then to equate said laziness with "immorality," and then to argue that for that reason, people should continue to get locked up for something you did as a teenager, yeah, it sucks really bad.

I don't disagree with any of his feelings about weed. I gave it up myself earlier this year for similar reasons and have no regrets. But I fully support legalization in all 50 states because I believe that personal freedom and not imprisoning people over a plant outweigh any of the negative societal impacts of legalization. It's frustrating that conservatives can't seem to bridge that gap for whatever reason.

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011


Anno posted:

AP and other outlets calling it for "No" in Ohio. I was cautiously optimistic for purely anecdotal reasons going in to today, but I'll sleep better for a bit at least with it official.

November is going to be fuuuuun. Abortion rights AND recreational weed enshrined into our state constitution? Yes please.

Now if only the state Dem party could get its poo poo together...

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011

Beliefs inform your actions, whether you realize it or not, and those actions can have a negative impact on yourself and those around you. Even belief in something seemingly harmless, like astrology or Bigfoot or whatever, isn't okay. It's a bad thing to believe in something that you have zero evidence to support, and such behavior should always be discouraged. If you're willing to believe in something silly with no evidence supporting it, it's not too much of a stretch to get you to believe in things that are more dangerous, like Qanon.

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011


HonorableTB posted:

Would you apply this to the idea of belief in extraterrestrial life?

Yes, I apply it to everything. That's just how I think. Since you bring up the topic of extraterrestrial life, my answer depends on what you're specifically asking about. Like, are you just talking about the belief that it exists somewhere out there? Because while we don't yet have direct evidence that extraterrestrial life exists, we can at least say that it probably does considering that we know the universe is incomprehensibly huge and old, and we know that life has emerged at least once on a planet. It seems to be very unlikely that in all that space and time, it's only happened once.

If you're talking about the much more unlikely belief that extraterrestrials have come to Earth in UFOs, that's going to require a lot more evidence. We currently have no evidence that alien spacecraft have come here other than unreliable eyewitness accounts, so no, I'm not convinced that that's happened. And based on our current scientific knowledge, it seems to be extremely difficult for life to even escape its solar system, let alone get to another solar system within a reasonable timeframe for living beings, or at least any living being that comes from Earth. FTL currently doesn't seem to be possible, and if it really isn't, we're most likely never going to meet aliens simply because solar systems are so ridiculously far away from each other.

As a side note, while I think people who believe in alien UFOs are being ridiculous, at least they aren't claiming anything supernatural, which is even more ridiculous. At least UFOs are based on hypothetical technology that we haven't 100% ruled out yet.

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011


Mellow Seas posted:

Bruh, there’s probably at least 7 or 8 dimensions we can’t even perceive with our brains.

Probably? How do you know that? Unless I missed something, we currently have zero evidence to suggest that there's anything more than three physical dimensions/one time dimension.

Mellow Seas posted:

Of course, we do have the ability to think critically and deduce what wild theories are more or less likely. And we shouldn’t believe things without evidence. But, to channel Rumsfeld, there are things that are true that we have no evidence of.

This is true, but until you actually have evidence that something is true, you still shouldn't believe it, even if it turns out to be true later. If my friend ends up winning a billion dollars in the lottery, then comes and tells me about it, I'm not going to believe them until they show me the winning ticket, even though it was true that they won the lottery before I saw proof of it.

Queering Wheel fucked around with this message at 22:42 on Aug 14, 2023

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011

Trump is a lock for the nomination because he's loving hilarious and everyone else in the primary is a complete dweeb. I'm guessing that a lot of the MAGA cult doesn't even really believe the stolen election BS and other related stuff, they just brush it aside/go with it because he's charismatic and he pisses off the people that they don't like.

I really feel like politics is a lot simpler than some people think. People overthink this poo poo a lot.

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011

They should turn dead malls into giant skate parks. Imagine a half pipe going down the entire long central corridor of a decently sized mall.

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011


Okay then prove it you rear end in a top hat.

gently caress. I'm so loving tired of religious people that want to force this poo poo onto everyone.

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011


Old Kentucky Shark posted:

It is adjusted for, but the more you have to manually adjust poll numbers to align sample sizes with actual population weights, the more their margin of errors increases. There is no amount of statistical magic that you can work to overcome the fact that nobody answers their loving phone anymore.

All polls on all subjects are just inherently less accurate now than they were ten to twenty years.

So if that's true, do we have any other reliable way to tell how popular a politician or position on an issue really is, or how an election will probably go? Do we just go off of things like vibes?

Given how the last midterms went way better for Dems than expected, what if the entire narrative of Biden's unpopularity is just complete BS because all the polls are just hosed?

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011

I feel like Biden's age is ultimately a non-issue for Dems. They'll complain about it but come home and vote for Biden in the end, because what are you gonna do about it, vote Trump?

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011

At this point Elon would probably be making more money from Twitter if he had just left everything alone and not driven users/advertisers away by letting Nazi poo poo propagate across the platform. I guess he somehow hates trans people so much that the price tag was worth it.

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011

It feels like the best option is for Dems to save McCarthy in exchange for some real nice guarantees and not give the Fascist Caucus a win, but who knows if McCarthy will agree to said guarantees or make good on them later

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011


selec posted:

It does feel like we’re going to have our own American debate over leaving refugees to drown in the Mediterranean but before too long here “drowning in the Mediterranean” will look like being shot from turrets along the border, hell maybe within a decade. Climate refugees aren’t going to just slow down or go away. What’s the longterm Dem strategy? Just hope everybody sees “build the wall” as quaint liberalism in a few years?

The current Dem strategy is to hope that the electorate continues to not care about immigration issues all that much, or at least not much compared to other issues.

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011


Xalidur posted:

Despite the House GOP circus and Trump being generally evil, a bunch of GE polling just came out that was either tied or with Trump ahead. I simply cannot comprehend the absolute madness, depravity, stupidity, or all three, that it would take to choose that outcome in 2024. And it's a coin flip that we might get it.

I might need to stop doomscrolling, it's taking the fun out of the Speaker antics.

I'd be more scared of polling like this if it was happening next year after all the primaries are done and the Biden vs. Trump race is in full swing. People aren't really paying close attention to 2024 right now. Most of these recent polls have tons of undecideds and voters who would prefer neither of them.

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011


XboxPants posted:

This wave of transphobia is having real consequences. People aren't just losing the right to dye their hair blue, children are being butchered. If these shooters were with Hamas instead of "Proud Patriots", and killing our citizens, in our borders, the government would be spending millions of dollars to fight it.

The average trans person does not give a flying gently caress about blue hair compared to, you know, the right for trans people to get the medications and healthcare they need, or the right to simply exist in public spaces without being defined as porn, or being able to use the loving bathroom without being arrested, or what will happen if Biden loses, or

Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011

I kind of have to vote for Democrats, because if Biden loses, the GOP is going to use the full power of the executive branch to do everything they can to kill LGBTQ+ people and other minorities. What's happening to Palestine sucks but I have to put my own safety first. hth


Queering Wheel
Jun 18, 2011


Mid-Life Crisis posted:

You want to help a trans person? Do so at a personal level. A local level.

Cool, so will someone break me out of prison after I get sent there for using the bathroom? Or for, god forbid, simply walking out my front door dressed how I want? Is someone going to smuggle hormone pills to me so that I don't die due to my body's inability to produce hormones after surgery? How the gently caress will trans people be protected from the Trump regime at a "personal/local level?"

Someone already linked this, but I'll link it again. They want to loving kill us and they have a plan to do it, right here:

I'm voting Biden because I don't want to be killed or forced to run from my own country. I don't loving care if someone says I support genocide. I'm voting to stop a second one here.

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