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This Is the Zodiac
Feb 4, 2003

Mellow Seas posted:

Yeah I dunno, the influence of evangelism was absolutely dominant in left-of-center rhetoric all through the 00s (Jesus Camp documentary, etc). I think people have largely reached a conclusion that evangelical Christianity is something that comes from rear end in a top hat conservatism, rather the other way around. If you wiped out every Falwell and Joel Osteen and every political activist, fire-and-brimstone reverend, all those devout, pious folks would just start listening to Joe Rogan or Jorp or some other secular right winger. They'll come up with whatever reason to be cruel they have to; Christianity is just a convenient reason.
Trump was one of the least-religious US presidents of modern times. He openly admitted to not knowing much about the Bible and before being elected he was never religious in his public life, in stark contrast to George W. Bush and even Obama. It's just that he was extremely adept at code-switching to speak the language of evangelicals and bring them into his flock of rear end in a top hat conservatives. Haven't you heard people, primarily old white people, who call Trump "a great president, but not presidential"? That's what they're talking about.


This Is the Zodiac
Feb 4, 2003

Judgy Fucker posted:

Of course the Satan statue didn't go up because the SCOTUS ruled the Ten Commandments monument unconstitutional, but Texas is a big state and I bet you could find some Satanists willing to make up some Satanic literature to be distributed and displayed in school classrooms across the state free of charge.
Don't worry, this already exists and is ready to go!

This Is the Zodiac
Feb 4, 2003


Putting any kind of public pressure on Ms. Feinstein has been criticized by the former House speaker Nancy Pelosi and others as sexist. “I’ve never seen them go after a man who was sick in the Senate in that way,” Ms. Pelosi said last month.
This, of course, is bullshit. Republicans called on John McCain to resign when his brain cancer kept him from voting. The Boston Globe published an editorial just like this one calling on Ted Kennedy to resign for the same reason.

This Is the Zodiac
Feb 4, 2003

James Garfield posted:

I think it's correct that there's a gender element to the calls for Feinstein to resign, but that isn't relevant to whether or not Feinstein should resign.
There are probably people who want her to resign for gender-based reasons, but there are also a lot of people who want her to resign for reasons entirely unrelated to gender, and it's not fair to lump the latter in with the former.

This Is the Zodiac
Feb 4, 2003

Leon Trotsky 2012 posted:

The federal government is continuing its process of auditing Covid aid and PPP loan fraud. The AP has taken some of the preliminary audit and prosecution data to give an initial picture of the fraud.
I'm glad this is happening, not because I care about the government recovering that money, but because it will stop me from hearing about people getting tens of thousands of dollars of effectively free money by being dishonest, and bitterly snarling "Why didn't I think of that?"

This Is the Zodiac
Feb 4, 2003


"The warrior" GWB, who dodged the Vietnam war via his daddy's connections and couldn't even finish out his fake rear end service in the Air national guard, being paid to be a joyriding pilot.

"The appeaser" Kerry, who served in one of the most dangerous jobs in the military, received multiple purple hearts, silver Star for valor and a bronze star for meritorious service.

This Is the Zodiac
Feb 4, 2003

yronic heroism posted:

The thing is, without repealing the first amendment, most of these chud attempts will either backfire and get a bunch of chud friendly content removed, or go nowhere constitutionally because they’re not content neutral. Hell of a grift for chud school board candidates, though.
No "chud friendly content" is going to be removed, because they've discovered they don't have to actually remove books, just make teachers and administrators too afraid of having them in the classroom. Witness this Georgia "Teacher of the Year" getting fired for reading to children.

This Is the Zodiac
Feb 4, 2003

That's how my dad died, an atheist vegan rode by on a bike and he just had a stroke right there.

This Is the Zodiac
Feb 4, 2003

Civilized Fishbot posted:

Citation needed. Maybe this is the case for a few weirdos, but people with political power generally grew up rich and had the standard rich kid college experience, which in my experience means plenty of weed or coke or both. It's not really even a secret - Trump and Biden are weirdo teetotallers but Obama, Bush, and Clinton all admitted to smoking weed or using coke when they were young.
Clinton "didn't inhale" :rolleyes:

The first time I remember ever seeing the issue seriously brought up was during one of the 2004 Democratic primary debates. It was town hall style and one guy asked the candidates whether or not they had smoked weed. IIRC everyone said yes except Al Sharpton and Dennis Kucinich.

This Is the Zodiac fucked around with this message at 18:58 on Sep 1, 2023

This Is the Zodiac
Feb 4, 2003

Angry_Ed posted:

A Republican taking maternity leave is like a vegetarian having a steak dinner.
Rules for thee but none for etc. etc.

This Is the Zodiac
Feb 4, 2003

"He once spoke to a white supremacist meeting and compared himself to David Duke, but what has he done for me lately?"

This Is the Zodiac
Feb 4, 2003

If you can look at those school shooting photos without saying "death to America" you have a stronger constitution than I do.



This Is the Zodiac
Feb 4, 2003

This Is the Zodiac posted:

If you can look at those school shooting photos without saying "death to America" you have a stronger constitution than I do.

I got dinged for "lack of linguistic precision" and caused a multi-page derail because goons are morons constantly falling for poo poo, so I think I owe the thread the explanation that "death to America" in this context means "a country that allows this to happen and does nothing to stop it is a country that deserves to be violently destroyed," with the implied corollary that the ideal outcome is "no longer being a country that deserves that".


This Is the Zodiac fucked around with this message at 18:27 on Nov 19, 2023

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